Tattooed teacher has sex with student. Teacher blames boy

Isn't this guy on Obama's short list for new Sec. of Education?
This kid is stupid, he's got to be a Mormon.

He's 16, was getting high with her, banged her in a church parking lot and she's a cougar.

WTF would make him give this up?
You libs who say that men and women are equal, would you joke if a male teacher had sec with 16 year old girl?

I'm a Republican and I wish I was that lucky when in school. Sorry, but there is a difference if the sexes were reversed. Why you ask? My answer - because it just is.

I have to agree.
Every 16 year old boy wants to get his end away and there is no likely harm to be had, excluding STDs.
However, girls can get lumpy tummies.

Like it or not, the two sexes are different and, regardless of how much socialists want equality, it isn't real, just a liberal wet dream.
This kid is stupid, he's got to be a Mormon.

He's 16, was getting high with her, banged her in a church parking lot and she's a cougar.

WTF would make him give this up?

Greener grass and a cheque from a newspaper for his story?
You libs who say that men and women are equal, would you joke if a male teacher had sec with 16 year old girl?

I'm a Republican and I wish I was that lucky when in school. Sorry, but there is a difference if the sexes were reversed. Why you ask? My answer - because it just is.

It's completely normal for a 16 year old student to WANT to get in a teachers pants, especially hot teachers.

But, BUT, it's NOT normal, or appropriate for an adult teacher to fuck her students.

Sadly, this is true.
My god, I wanted to fuck my French teacher.
DAMN!!! Again....where were these teachers when I was sixteen!!!
And she's HOT!!!! What kind of dumb ass kid gives up this chick by talking?

Look as a man, I understand the attraction to a pretty teacher. However, the double standards in the reactions to these teacher-student sex scandals is disappointing to say the least.

I believe in equality. Equality in the sense that the law applies equally to everyone no matter what. A teacher is in a position of power and to take advantage of a student is reprehensible and illegal. If a tattooed male teacher had sex with a female student, we as a society would want life imprisonment. However, when it's the other way around, men tend to react "where were these teachers when i was in school?" or berate the male victim. Why do we do that? It makes no sense.

Statutory rape is statutory rape. A child under 18 can not consent. That female teacher should be punished legally for her actions.

Boys and girls are different as much as you people hate to admit it.

Sorry but speaking a a male who had an encounter with an older woman (27) when I was a minor(17) , this kid has not been harmed in the least.
DAMN!!! Again....where were these teachers when I was sixteen!!!
And she's HOT!!!! What kind of dumb ass kid gives up this chick by talking?

Look as a man, I understand the attraction to a pretty teacher. However, the double standards in the reactions to these teacher-student sex scandals is disappointing to say the least.

I believe in equality. Equality in the sense that the law applies equally to everyone no matter what. A teacher is in a position of power and to take advantage of a student is reprehensible and illegal. If a tattooed male teacher had sex with a female student, we as a society would want life imprisonment. However, when it's the other way around, men tend to react "where were these teachers when i was in school?" or berate the male victim. Why do we do that? It makes no sense.

Statutory rape is statutory rape. A child under 18 can not consent. That female teacher should be punished legally for her actions.

Boys and girls are different as much as you people hate to admit it.

Sorry but speaking a a male who had an encounter with an older woman (27) when I was a minor(17) , this kid has not been harmed in the least.

I was 16, the woman who took my virginity, 35. (legal in the UK)
Was that rape, no way, it was education?
Over a little time, she taught me what a woman wants in the bedroom and that made me a better lover for future partners.
If I'd started out with a girl my own age, I would just have fucked her, but totally failed to learn how to please a woman.
There were no losers in my first encounter.
To me, teachers are supposed to set an example for their students. Well if that woman can't take responsibility for her choice of action, she has zero room to expect anyone else to.

God bless you always!!!

The kid wanted to have sex with her, he got his own way, and now he's complaining?

The kid loved every moment and probably bragged to his mates about it.
You almost gotta laugh. It's clear that today's teachers are just cogs in the union based education system and they don't have to know shit besides the book they use in the classroom. I guess they haven't been taught about the criminal justice system in the sub-standard education system that magically turned stupid burger flippers into teachers but they are still guilty of statutory rape if they have intercourse with an underage student.

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