Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

I agree, the Dem claims make no sense.

No, you make no sense. Because you are trying to use a Russian Active Measure to conflate what Russia did with someone hacking into a voting machine and messing around with the vote count. That's not what we're talking about, and you know that. So you're playing obtuse, why? The answer is obvious; you're either a Russian yourself, or you know this shit happened but just don't want to admit it because you're insecure.

So now misinformation was the cause of Hillary's defeat?

Misinformation is one of many Russian Active Measures employed by the GOP. And it certainly did have an impact on the ignoramuses who voted for Trump (See: Pizzagate)

I don't understand why Dems, for 100 years, said Russia was fucking awesome, and in the last 12 months decided they were a threat.

No one ever said that. In fact, Obama took a hard line with Russia and placed crippling economic sanctions on them. Sanctions Conservatives opposed and lobbied against. You're the ones who were fawning all over Putin the last couple years. The reason is clear; Russian Active Measures convinced you to act against your own best interests by spreading lies and misinformation about Trump and the GOP's political opponents. They've been doing this since at least 2014, according to the investigations so far. So that begs the question; are all of the people on the message boards posting the garbage you post actual Americans? We can't be sure anymore. Which is why everything they do should be placed on indefinite hold until we can determine how deep Russia's influence in the GOP actually runs.

Obviously.....which is why they hold the House, Senate and White House.

Well, they hold the House because of gerrymandering. The current occupant of the White House lost the popular vote by nearly 2.5-3 million. Senate Democrats received 20,000,000 more votes in 2016 than Senate Republicans. As I said, Conservatives have to rewrite and bend the rules in order to maintain power. But it's not going to last. Despite controlling all three branches of government you couldn't even repeal Obamacare. Why? Because Conservatives don't know anything about health care and it shows.

Nearly 4 months before Trump became the nominee.

What does that have to do with anything? By March 22nd, the only Republican left with any delegates was Ted Cruz. And he was far behind with no path to victory. AND Trump used Russian Active Measures against claiming his father killed Kennedy.
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actually spending that is greater than the revenue collected is what causes deficits

tax cuts don't cost anything
Again we are going to tell them if we launch a barrage of missiles were they are operating so they don't think it's aimed at them, what do you think they don't have radar? It takes a split second thought before the push the button an launch there ICBMs at us..

Think about what you are saying. Think about what was achieved through these strikes. There is no braoder Syria strategy Trump has. So why would he launch 59 missiles at an air base in Syria, but give Putin the heads up knowing Putin would just tell Assad the attack was coming? The answer is because the Russia stuff was boiling at home, things were not looking good, so Trump and Putin hatched a plan to make it look like there's this tension between them to throw off the heat on their pre-existing relationship.

Wag the Dog 101
I agree, the Dem claims make no sense.

No, you make no sense. Because you are trying to use a Russian Active Measure to conflate what Russia did with someone hacking into a voting machine and messing around with the vote count. That's not what we're talking about, and you know that. So you're playing obtuse, why? The answer is obvious; you're either a Russian yourself, or you know this shit happened but just don't want to admit it because you're insecure.

So now misinformation was the cause of Hillary's defeat?

Misinformation is one of many Russian Active Measures employed by the GOP. And it certainly did have an impact on the ignoramuses who voted for Trump (See: Pizzagate)

I don't understand why Dems, for 100 years, said Russia was fucking awesome, and in the last 12 months decided they were a threat.

No one ever said that. In fact, Obama took a hard line with Russia and placed crippling economic sanctions on them. Sanctions Conservatives opposed and lobbied against. You're the ones who were fawning all over Putin the last couple years. The reason is clear; Russian Active Measures convinced you to act against your own best interests by spreading lies and misinformation about Trump and the GOP's political opponents. They've been doing this since at least 2014, according to the investigations so far. So that begs the question; are all of the people on the message boards posting the garbage you post actual Americans? We can't be sure anymore. Which is why everything they do should be placed on indefinite hold until we can determine how deep Russia's influence in the GOP actually runs.

Obviously.....which is why they hold the House, Senate and White House.

Well, they hold the House because of gerrymandering. The current occupant of the White House lost the popular vote by nearly 2.5-3 million. Senate Democrats received 20,000,000 more votes in 2016 than Senate Republicans. As I said, Conservatives have to rewrite and bend the rules in order to maintain power. But it's not going to last. Despite controlling all three branches of government you couldn't even repeal Obamacare. Why? Because Conservatives don't know anything about health care and it shows.

Nearly 4 months before Trump became the nominee.

What does that have to do with anything? By March 22nd, the only Republican left with any delegates was Ted Cruz. And he was far behind with no path to victory.

Because you are trying to use a Russian Active Measure to conflate what Russia did with someone hacking into a voting machine and messing around with the vote count.

That's what Dems do.

Misinformation is one of many Russian Active Measures employed by the GOP.

If all it takes is misinformation, why couldn't the MSM drag that old, corrupt drunk across the finish line?

Well, they hold the House because of gerrymandering.

That only works when you control all/most of your state government.

Senate Democrats received 20,000,000 more votes in 2016 than Senate Republicans

How many Senate votes did the Republicans get in California?

In fact, Obama took a hard line with Russia and placed crippling economic sanctions on them.

But Obama said they weren't a threat....promised to be more flexible....was Obama a moron?

What does that have to do with anything?

Trump people told Russia to hack the DNC before Trump or Hillary were even the nominee?
And if they were just going to use misinformation and didn't uncover any actual damaging info, why'd they need to hack anything in the first place?

Which is why everything they do should be placed on indefinite hold until we can determine how deep Russia's influence in the GOP actually runs.

LOL! Sure thing Sparky.
actually spending that is greater than the revenue collected is what causes deficits
tax cuts don't cost anything

So why would spending be greater? Because revenues are lower. Which is what happens every time taxes are cut. Hence, tax cuts cost money.
actually spending that is greater than the revenue collected is what causes deficits
tax cuts don't cost anything

So why would spending be greater? Because revenues are lower. Which is what happens every time taxes are cut. Hence, tax cuts cost money.

a so do crippling liberal programs. Considering that this is America we should cut taxes and programs and make debt illegal.
That's what Dems do.

No, it's not what they do. It's what the KGB did. And the guy who runs Russia right now was a KGB officer.

If all it takes is misinformation, why couldn't the MSM drag that old, corrupt drunk across the finish line?

You answered your own question. Of course, dirty tricks are not new to American politics. Jefferson called Adams a hermaphrodite and Adams said Jefferson died during the 1800 election. The difference between then and now is that now, one party in this country has been co-opted by a hostile foreign power and is acting on its behalf.

That only works when you control all/most of your state government.

And then that state government gerrymanders districts to give themselves an electoral advantage by marginalizing, diluting, or disenfranchising the vote. I don't deny Conservatives did a great job of flipping state houses in 2010. But since then, they've had to rig the maps to give them an advantage because they correctly identify the shifting demographics. Several attempts have been nixed by judges, but the practice still exists.

How many Senate votes did the Republicans get in California?

None. Now why is that? Senate races in California are not by district, so you can't gerrymander. The reason no GOP got a vote in CA's elections is because Californians know Republicans suck and have done nothing for them. That's why the voters there threw them out of the State House. BTW - CA has an independent commission that draws Congressional districts. This was voted on and approved by California voters in a ballot initiate in 2010. Even with the independent commission, Democrats still win tons of seats in California, proving the GOP's problems in that state have nothing to do with how the lines are drawn and everything to do with the nature of their policies.

But Obama said they weren't a threat....promised to be more flexible....was Obama a moron?

Nooooo....that isn't quite what Obama said. While Russia is not a threat in the sense they will send armies over here and occupy this country, they are a threat in the sense that a few trolls can use the internet to launch hacks of any kind on American institutions. In fact, I just heard the other day on NPR that one of those hackers breached the NSA. Cybersecurity and Global Warning are the biggest threats we face. Russia has much to do with both.

Trump people told Russia to hack the DNC before Trump or Hillary were even the nominee? And if they were just going to use misinformation and didn't uncover any actual damaging info, why'd they need to hack anything in the first place?

Whether or not Russia was told to do it, or they came to the decision together matters little. The Russians had been cultivating Trump as an asset for several years. Well, they didn't know what they were going to find when they hacked the secure servers of the DNC. And what they did leak wasn't a revelation in the sense that it told us things we didn't already know; that the DNC was in the tank for Hillary. It didn't take a Russian hack to know that. Bernie was saying it the minute he declared his candidacy.
a so do crippling liberal programs. Considering that this is America we should cut taxes and programs and make debt illegal.

You sure about that? Because there was a surplus in 2000 even with all those "crippling liberal programs". The surplus magically vanished in the year immediately after the tax cuts were passed. What creates deficits are revenue reductions, unaccountable wars of occupation (War on Turr), and unfunded entitlement expansions (Medicare Part-D)
actually spending that is greater than the revenue collected is what causes deficits
tax cuts don't cost anything

So why would spending be greater? Because revenues are lower. Which is what happens every time taxes are cut. Hence, tax cuts cost money.

no they don't.

it's spending that causes deficits not revenue

tell me does your income cause you to go into debt or does your spending cause you to go into debt?
That's what Dems do.

No, it's not what they do. It's what the KGB did. And the guy who runs Russia right now was a KGB officer.

If all it takes is misinformation, why couldn't the MSM drag that old, corrupt drunk across the finish line?

You answered your own question. Of course, dirty tricks are not new to American politics. Jefferson called Adams a hermaphrodite and Adams said Jefferson died during the 1800 election. The difference between then and now is that now, one party in this country has been co-opted by a hostile foreign power and is acting on its behalf.

That only works when you control all/most of your state government.

And then that state government gerrymanders districts to give themselves an electoral advantage by marginalizing, diluting, or disenfranchising the vote. I don't deny Conservatives did a great job of flipping state houses in 2010. But since then, they've had to rig the maps to give them an advantage because they correctly identify the shifting demographics. Several attempts have been nixed by judges, but the practice still exists.

How many Senate votes did the Republicans get in California?

None. Now why is that? Senate races in California are not by district, so you can't gerrymander. The reason no GOP got a vote in CA's elections is because Californians know Republicans suck and have done nothing for them. That's why the voters there threw them out of the State House. BTW - CA has an independent commission that draws Congressional districts. This was voted on and approved by California voters in a ballot initiate in 2010. Even with the independent commission, Democrats still win tons of seats in California, proving the GOP's problems in that state have nothing to do with how the lines are drawn and everything to do with the nature of their policies.

But Obama said they weren't a threat....promised to be more flexible....was Obama a moron?

Nooooo....that isn't quite what Obama said. While Russia is not a threat in the sense they will send armies over here and occupy this country, they are a threat in the sense that a few trolls can use the internet to launch hacks of any kind on American institutions. In fact, I just heard the other day on NPR that one of those hackers breached the NSA. Cybersecurity and Global Warning are the biggest threats we face. Russia has much to do with both.

Trump people told Russia to hack the DNC before Trump or Hillary were even the nominee? And if they were just going to use misinformation and didn't uncover any actual damaging info, why'd they need to hack anything in the first place?

Whether or not Russia was told to do it, or they came to the decision together matters little. The Russians had been cultivating Trump as an asset for several years. Well, they didn't know what they were going to find when they hacked the secure servers of the DNC. And what they did leak wasn't a revelation in the sense that it told us things we didn't already know; that the DNC was in the tank for Hillary. It didn't take a Russian hack to know that. Bernie was saying it the minute he declared his candidacy.

And the guy who runs Russia right now
was a KGB officer.

Yeah, Putin sucks. Why did Obama promise to be more flexible? Stupidity?

one party in this country has been co-opted by a hostile foreign power


And then that state government gerrymanders districts to give themselves an electoral advantage by marginalizing, diluting, or disenfranchising the vote.

Yup. Took them a while, but they learned from the Dems. Finally. And don't forget the VRA.

None. Now why is that?

Because they changed their primary system.

Whether or not Russia was told to do it, or they came to the decision together matters little.

Unless you're claiming collusion. And you are.

the DNC was in the tank for Hillary. It didn't take a Russian hack to know that. Bernie was saying it the minute he declared his candidacy

So there was no actual impact on the election. That's why your pathetic whining is so funny.
no they don't.

Yes, they do. It's math. The promise of the tax cuts is that they will generate so much revenue, there would be no need for cuts. So if you're now saying we do need spending cuts, then that means the tax cuts do not generate revenue from the assumed economic activity, thus undermining the central premise of the economic ideology.

tell me does your income cause you to go into debt or does your spending cause you to go into debt?

I have never asked any boss, nor has any employee ever asked me to voluntarily reduce my salary in order to increase my consumer spending. Because, math. What is accomplished by cutting revenues? Nothing other than manufacturing deficits in order to use them as an excuse to cut spending Conservatives lack the courage to pass through legislation. So they backdoor it by manufacturing deficits, then posture about the deficits they created. It's exactly what happened in Kansas.
are liberals who refuse to make them illegal as Republicans have tried to do 30 times.

Making deficits illegal is stupid and here's why; you cannot predict unforeseen events and emergencies that will require spending. Such as a natural disaster or a recession. If you have a BBA, then you are pegged to that projected balance and when revenues do not reach the levels they need to be in order to achieve balance, the governing body has to scramble to make up the revenue somehow. They do that by doing things like shutting down public schools early for the year, raising user fees (car registration fees, tolls, tuition), or raiding the welfare block grant to fill the deficit gap. None of which benefits the middle and lower class.
no they don't.

Yes, they do. It's math. The promise of the tax cuts is that they will generate so much revenue, there would be no need for cuts. So if you're now saying we do need spending cuts, then that means the tax cuts do not generate revenue from the assumed economic activity, thus undermining the central premise of the economic ideology.

tell me does your income cause you to go into debt or does your spending cause you to go into debt?

I have never asked any boss, nor has any employee ever asked me to voluntarily reduce my salary in order to increase my consumer spending. Because, math. What is accomplished by cutting revenues? Nothing other than manufacturing deficits in order to use them as an excuse to cut spending Conservatives lack the courage to pass through legislation. So they backdoor it by manufacturing deficits, then posture about the deficits they created. It's exactly what happened in Kansas.

No what happened in Kansas is expected and the extreme, New York State has done similar with manufacturing.. The entire problem no company or people want to move there.

no they don't.

Yes, they do. It's math. The promise of the tax cuts is that they will generate so much revenue, there would be no need for cuts. So if you're now saying we do need spending cuts, then that means the tax cuts do not generate revenue from the assumed economic activity, thus undermining the central premise of the economic ideology.

tell me does your income cause you to go into debt or does your spending cause you to go into debt?

I have never asked any boss, nor has any employee ever asked me to voluntarily reduce my salary in order to increase my consumer spending. Because, math. What is accomplished by cutting revenues? Nothing other than manufacturing deficits in order to use them as an excuse to cut spending Conservatives lack the courage to pass through legislation. So they backdoor it by manufacturing deficits, then posture about the deficits they created. It's exactly what happened in Kansas.

No what happened in Kansas is expected and the extreme, New York State has done similar with manufacturing.. The entire problem no company or people want to move there.


Yea why is that you point to Kansas yet New York State doing the same thing massive tax cuts to bussines.. Heck they even run commercials down here in the south

no they don't.

Yes, they do. It's math. The promise of the tax cuts is that they will generate so much revenue, there would be no need for cuts. So if you're now saying we do need spending cuts, then that means the tax cuts do not generate revenue from the assumed economic activity, thus undermining the central premise of the economic ideology.

tell me does your income cause you to go into debt or does your spending cause you to go into debt?

I have never asked any boss, nor has any employee ever asked me to voluntarily reduce my salary in order to increase my consumer spending. Because, math. What is accomplished by cutting revenues? Nothing other than manufacturing deficits in order to use them as an excuse to cut spending Conservatives lack the courage to pass through legislation. So they backdoor it by manufacturing deficits, then posture about the deficits they created. It's exactly what happened in Kansas.

I never claimed tax cuts generate revenue

but tax cuts do not cause deficits

spending more than the revenue collected causes deficits
no they don't.

Yes, they do. It's math. The promise of the tax cuts is that they will generate so much revenue, there would be no need for cuts. So if you're now saying we do need spending cuts, then that means the tax cuts do not generate revenue from the assumed economic activity, thus undermining the central premise of the economic ideology.

tell me does your income cause you to go into debt or does your spending cause you to go into debt?

I have never asked any boss, nor has any employee ever asked me to voluntarily reduce my salary in order to increase my consumer spending. Because, math. What is accomplished by cutting revenues? Nothing other than manufacturing deficits in order to use them as an excuse to cut spending Conservatives lack the courage to pass through legislation. So they backdoor it by manufacturing deficits, then posture about the deficits they created. It's exactly what happened in Kansas.

No what happened in Kansas is expected and the extreme, New York State has done similar with manufacturing.. The entire problem no company or people want to move there.


Yea why is that you point to Kansas yet New York State doing the same thing massive tax cuts to bussines.. Heck they even run commercials down here in the south


no they don't.

Yes, they do. It's math. The promise of the tax cuts is that they will generate so much revenue, there would be no need for cuts. So if you're now saying we do need spending cuts, then that means the tax cuts do not generate revenue from the assumed economic activity, thus undermining the central premise of the economic ideology.

tell me does your income cause you to go into debt or does your spending cause you to go into debt?

I have never asked any boss, nor has any employee ever asked me to voluntarily reduce my salary in order to increase my consumer spending. Because, math. What is accomplished by cutting revenues? Nothing other than manufacturing deficits in order to use them as an excuse to cut spending Conservatives lack the courage to pass through legislation. So they backdoor it by manufacturing deficits, then posture about the deficits they created. It's exactly what happened in Kansas.

I never claimed tax cuts generate revenue

but tax cuts do not cause deficits

spending more than the revenue collected causes deficits

I do even the liberals in New York State knows tax cuts generate revenue

Yeah, Putin sucks. Why did Obama promise to be more flexible? Stupidity?

What flexibility did he promise? And didn't he say that to Putin before Putin invaded Ukraine? That hot mic from Obama was in 2012. Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014. So Obama made a promise but that was probably with the understanding Putin wouldn't, you know, invade and annex Eastern Ukraine. And until they prove otherwise, the GOP is tied to Putin and Russia.

Yup. Took them a while, but they learned from the Dems. Finally. And don't forget the VRA.

So the defense is..."they did it too! waaaah!" Childish and SAD! BTW - California now has an independent commission that does the redistricting so as to avoid partisan gerrymandering. So if you guys are going to let liberals do the leading when it comes to the progression of fair redistricting, you can't really rely on that childish argument of monkey see, monkey do.

Because they changed their primary system.

Yes, they did a jungle primary. Which means anyone can vote for any candidate. Even with that, Conservatives still couldn't muster enough votes to get into a runoff with the Democrats. Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez were #1 & 2 in the jungle primary. Both are Democrats.

Unless you're claiming collusion. And you are.

It doesn't matter who had the idea, if they came to it together or not. But the point is that they were working together.

So there was no actual impact on the election. That's why your pathetic whining is so funny.

Wait - how do you figure that? There was certainly an effect on the election because the information from the DNC hack was disseminated via Russian Active Measures. Just like you're doing here, trying to conflate the DNC hack with Hillary's e-mail server. The two have nothing to do with one another.

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