Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

Since Democrats killed a all 30 balance budget amendments since Jeffersons first. If newts balanced budget amendment had passed the debt today would be zero dollars rather than $20 trillion. Do you understand now ?

Can you please explain to me why it was OK for Conservatives to triple and double the debt, but Obama growing it by 80% is bad?
They know that

I'm just gonna stop you there. Conservatives do not know anything. That's why they had to go to your guys in Russia...they cannot win elections on the merits of their ideas and policies. So they have to work with hostile foreign agents, sacrificing the integrity of our electoral process, in order to "win" in the short-term.
As the founding principle of our country. Do you understand?

First of all, not our country. My country. You are just a Russian troll using Active Measures to subvert confidence in our democracy. Secondly, no, tax cuts are not a "founding principle" of this country. They may be a founding principle of the GOP, but that's only because Conservatives can't do math very well.
So if freedom from big liberal government is not the founding principle of our country what is?
Since Democrats killed a all 30 balance budget amendments since Jeffersons first. If newts balanced budget amendment had passed the debt today would be zero dollars rather than $20 trillion. Do you understand now ?

Can you please explain to me why it was OK for Conservatives to triple and double the debt, but Obama growing it by 80% is bad?

Conservatives have proposed 30 balance budget amendments to make that illegal in America Liberals have killed every one of them. Now do you understand. You don't fool anybody by pretending because you have a conservative president with no majorities that you get conservative principles in government. The ring the bell
So if freedom from big liberal government is not the founding principle of our country what is?

Again, not our country. My country. You are a Russian operative employing Active Measures in order to subvert and undermine the confidence in our democracy so you can help Putin gain hegemony in the old Eastern Bloc as he tries to cobble together the former USSR that he spent his entire life serving, happily.
They add to the deficit and the debt at the time the money is spent.

Yes, but the thing is that Bush wasn't counting them, and was using accounting tricks to hide their cost. Not unlike what Scott Walker did in Wisconsin. Yes, the money was certainly spent, whether it was accounted for is another story and issue.

He may have starting adding the spending to the initial budget (assuming he actually submitted one) or stopped submitting supplementary spending bills for the wars. No actual accounting change occurred.

Did you bother to click the link? It shows quite plainly that Obama abolished four accounting tricks that Bush used to hide the true cost of his silly, dumb wars.

That spending was paid for, exactly as all other spending was paid for. Some with tax receipts and some with borrowing.

It may have been paid, but it was not accounted.

Of course they were.

No, they weren't. That's the point.

Like so much of Obama's posturing.

Posturing on what? You're the ones who posture on the debt and deficit. Where was all this debt concern when Bush erased a surplus in 2001 and produced four record deficits that doubled the debt in 8 years when we could have paid it off in 9 if we had done nothing. Conservatives couldn't even do nothing right. Sad!

It's true, thanks to Obama.

No, it's because you clowns had no plan for the occupation of Iraq. Instead, you dissolved the Iraqi Army, chased the ba'athists out in favor of the Iranian-backed Shi'ites, then spent the next 5-6 years arming and training the New Iraqi Army to the tune of $30B, only to see that army drop the weapons we gave them and run away at the sight of ISIS flags. Match that with the Syrian Civil War (caused by mass migrations to the cities as a result of a drought - caused by global warming), and ISIS found the perfect place to establish itself. None of that would have happened if we hadn't invaded Iraq.

Yes, the money was certainly spent, whether it was
accounted for is another story and issue.

If Bush asked for a $60 billion supplement, people saw and accounted for $60 billion.
Right out in the open. The Treasury sold Treasury securities to fund the spending.
Right out in the open. At fiscal year end, that added spending was counted in the total deficit.
Right out in the open. That new deficit was added to the debt. Right out in the open

Did you bother to click the link? It shows quite plainly that Obama abolished four accounting tricks

Whether the spending was in the original budget or a supplementary bill, the end result did not change.
You're giving Obama credit for a change that changed nothing.

It may have been paid, but it was not accounted.

If you're under the impression it was some sort of black budget spending, you're wrong.
It wasn't counted in the original budget, because the spending was passed later. It was counted when spent.
Just like all the instances when Obama had supplementary spending.

Posturing on what?

"Look at me, I ended Bush's hidden spending"...umm...the spending wasn't hidden, thanks anyway...

when we could have paid it off in 9 if we had done

Are you assuming the Internet Bubble would have continued for 9 more years if Bush hadn't cut taxes?
That's dumber than the usual liberal idiocy.

No, it's because you clowns had no plan for the occupation of Iraq.

How'd Obama's plan for pulling out work? Oh, right...ISIS.
Great job! Glad he made the world love us again.
Again, not our country. My country.

For third time: "if freedom from big liberal government is not the founding principle of our country what is"???

Do you know why you are afraid to answer a simple question? Ever find a conservative afraid to answer a simple question??? What does that teach you??
That's why they had to go to your guys in Russia...they cannot win elections on the merits of their ideas and policies. So they have to work with hostile foreign agents,.

that was liberal total BS 2 weeks ago, now that Trump/Putin relations are at a very low point nobody is saying that. What planet have you been on for 2 weeks???
We spent trillions in Iraq [and Vietnam] for nothing. Thanks to that folloy, we have ISIS.

we spent money for nothing in Vietnam and Iraq because liberals pulled out too soon in both case and thus sacrificed the gains we had made,and, in the case of Iraq, created ISIS. Barry learned the lesson and did not pull out of Afghanistan.
So you don't have any evidence that tax cuts hurt wage growth?

So here's another one for take a look at the red line that represents real median weekly earnings for full-time workers and you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.


Take a economics or history course will ya and quit embarrassing yourself

Compare your chart with this one...

take a look at the red line that represents real median weekly earnings for full-time workers and you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.

is that because liberal liberal unions, taxes, and regulations off shored our jobs starting in about 1980?
Back in 1776 the tax rate on the US citizen was around 3% and the people rose up and went to war with the punishing government., they revolted because of a tax on tea, not income. 1776 is also 240+ years ago, and the problems of the 18th century are not the same problems we face in the 21st century. You wouldn't treat cancer with leeches, would you? So why would you apply 18th-century thinking to 21st-century problems? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Every time the liberals start campaigning they HOWL how Social Security is going bankrupt and the evil R's want to take it away, yet you never hear from the Libtards, that WELFARE is going bankrupt, because working people pay into the SS system, expecting something back when they retire, those that sit on their liberal sorry asses, expect something but never contribute into it.

First, liberals do not howl that SS is going bankrupt, Conservatives do. And it's not "going bankrupt". SS can still pay full benefits out until 2030, which is 13 years away. Hardly an immediate problem. Secondly, if you are going to make the argument that SS is going bankrupt and needs to be fixed, the simple solution is to just remove the cap on taxable SS income, that way everyone pays the same % of their income into SS. Right now, the cap is around $120K/yr. That covers up to about 90% of all workers. Once you surpass $120K in income, none of it is taxed for SS. That doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? By just removing the cap on taxable SS income, you extend SS's solvency by decades. As far as welfare goes, the biggest welfare queens are red state legislatures who take the welfare block grant (reformed by Conservatives in the 90's) and apply as much as they can of that block grant to the deficits caused by their taxation policies. All red states do that, but some are worse than others. Kansas, for example, cut taxes, saw its deficits and debt spike, saw its credit downgraded at least twice, cut education spending, raided the Highway Fund, and raided as much of the Welfare block grant that was legally allowed, and still couldn't balance its budget. It's not welfare that's bankrupt, it's red states who use the welfare to paper over the deficits caused by their tax policies who are the ones "bankrupt" here. The Conservative proposal that didn't even get a vote in the House would have changed Medicaid to a block grant as well, which means red staters would use that block grant not for health care, but to paper over the holes in their budgets created by their poor taxation and economic policies.
Not once did you say, cut the budgets of bloated government agencies. Why don't you start there? Why does the government always have to raise taxes? If you got rid of 33 million illegal aliens living in this country that right there would be a good start. How many public schools have over 90 percent children of illegal immigrants? Never lower the taxes, just increase the size of government. By the way, Obama added 10 TRILLION DOLLARS unpatriotically. He did that even with raising taxes on the rich. Why is that? Dumbass.

No he didn't and your earlier assertion that libs say SocSec is going broke is incorrect. I didn't bother reading much more because you post nonsense.

OP, you've posted facts. There is no place for facts in the discussion of taxes.

RWNJs believe cutting taxes, any taxes, all taxes, their taxes, yadda yadda taxes is the answer even though they do not, apparently, know what the question is.

For example, trump says he's slashing taxes for his 1% cronies. That's a given because, as we all know, that's why he's prez - to enrich the 1% and mostly himself.

He has also said he's gonna cut taxes for the rest of us.

And he has said he's going to spend trillions on a bunch of different things.

Where is that money going to come from?

He said Mexico is paying for "the wall" which is TrumpSpeak for raising taxes on the working class but what about the rest?

RWNJs - Where is that money going to come from?

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So by the OP's logic, a 100% tax rate is the only way to achieve freedom!

Equality? Yeah! Everybody dependent on what government feels they need. Screw what they might want.

I missed that.

Went back, read it again and see nothing at all like that.

HenryBHough - Where do YOU believe the money will come from for all of drumpf 's er, uh, plans?

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take a look at the red line that represents real median weekly earnings for full-time workers and you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.

is that because liberal liberal unions, taxes, and regulations off shored our jobs starting in about 1980?

Duh Donuld is a liberal????

You don't have the balls to look at the spread sheet in my sig but if you do, you could learn a thing or two.


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take a look at the red line that represents real median weekly earnings for full-time workers and you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.

is that because liberal liberal unions, taxes, and regulations off shored our jobs starting in about 1980?

Duh Donuld is a liberal????

You don't have the balls to look at the spread sheet in my sig but if you do, you could learn a thing or two.


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I don't have sigs on but I finally found the story about your claim that Trump wants to give tax breaks to company's and small bussines..

take a look at the red line that represents real median weekly earnings for full-time workers and you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.

is that because liberal liberal unions, taxes, and regulations off shored our jobs starting in about 1980?

Duh Donuld is a liberal????

You don't have the balls to look at the spread sheet in my sig but if you do, you could learn a thing or two.


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I don't have sigs on but I finally found the story about your claim that Trump wants to give tax breaks to company's and small bussines..


so you agree that liberal unions, taxes, and regulations off shored our jobs starting in about 1980 and that caused our wages to stagnate?
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Tax Cuts do a lot of things; increase deficits, explode debts, hurt wage growth...but in concert with unlimited campaign contributions, they actually steal our democracy. The average politician spends about 80% of their time raising money. And from whom are they generally raising the most money? From wealthy donors. And what benefits wealthy donors? Tax cuts. Here are some handy charts showing the extent of the theft of wealth and democracy by the 1% and their Conservative and Neo-Liberal enablers. Since the Reagan tax cuts, working people’s share of the benefits from increased productivity took a sudden turn down:


This resulted in intense concentration of wealth at the top:


And forced working people to spend down savings to get by:


Which forced working people to go into debt: (total household debt as percentage of GDP)


None of which has helped economic growth much: (12-quarter rolling average nominal GDP growth.):


So the conclusion? Trump and the Conservatives' "tax reform" is just more of the same we've heard from them since 1980, and is just a thinly veiled attempt to redistribute wealth from the middle and bottom to the top.

/---- Wrong you progressive piece of shyt. Letting people keep more of their own money causes no harm. Stealing their money and redistributing to others to get their votes harms everyone except the politicians.

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