Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

If you don't like the concept of freedom why not move to Cuba rather than subvert America???

It's not me who doesn't like freedom, it's the folks who partnered with an ex-KGB agent who hates western democracy and wants to re-establish the Soviet Union, in order to subvert our elections because they can't win on the merits of their ideas. So they have to put the fix in because they're intellectually bankrupt. Why else would Conservatives be head-over-heels for Russia today if not for that sole reason?
It has nothing to do with courage

It has everything to do with courage. You guys lack the balls to actually propose legislation that abolishes the social safety net, because you know it's an electoral loser. So you backdoor your agenda by manufacturing deficits which are then used as an excuse to cut the spending you couldn't legislate away because you lack the courage to do so. Conservatives do these things because they are intellectually bankrupt and have teeny, tiny little mousey balls. That's why no Obamacare replacement plan despite 7 years of Conservatives screeching about repeal.
merica is based on the philosophy of freedom this is why the Democrats spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb and why they elected Obama to give

The tax cuts were originally sold as an economic windfall in the form of increased consumer spending and revenues. That was, of course, a load of horsecrap. 37 years and several goalpost moves later, the economic argument in favor of such dumb policy has all but vanished and in its place is this zombie philosophical argument intended to avoid reality and facts in favor of emotion and hysterics.

Also, that argument is disproved by the data we saw from the Bush Tax Cuts. "Letting people keep more of what they earn" from 2001-2009 resulted in the worst economic growth in 80 years, a net loss of 460,000 private sector jobs, and the skyrocketing of household debt. So you said that it's a good thing to "let people keep what they earned", even though the economics of that philosophy completely contradict you.

So you are sacrificing intellectual honesty for hysterical philosophy. For you, Freedom = debt. That's the result of the "freedom" you support.
merica is based on the philosophy of freedom this is why the Democrats spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb and why they elected Obama to give

The tax cuts were originally sold as an economic windfall in the form of increased consumer spending and revenues. That was, of course, a load of horsecrap. 37 years and several goalpost moves later, the economic argument in favor of such dumb policy has all but vanished and in its place is this zombie philosophical argument intended to avoid reality and facts in favor of emotion and hysterics.

Also, that argument is disproved by the data we saw from the Bush Tax Cuts. "Letting people keep more of what they earn" from 2001-2009 resulted in the worst economic growth in 80 years, a net loss of 460,000 private sector jobs, and the skyrocketing of household debt. So you said that it's a good thing to "let people keep what they earned", even though the economics of that philosophy completely contradict you.

So you are sacrificing intellectual honesty for hysterical philosophy. For you, Freedom = debt. That's the result of the "freedom" you support.
merica is based on the philosophy of freedom this is why the Democrats spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb and why they elected Obama to give

The tax cuts were originally sold as an economic windfall in the form of increased consumer spending and revenues. That was, of course, a load of horsecrap. 37 years and several goalpost moves later, the economic argument in favor of such dumb policy has all but vanished and in its place is this zombie philosophical argument intended to avoid reality and facts in favor of emotion and hysterics.

Also, that argument is disproved by the data we saw from the Bush Tax Cuts. "Letting people keep more of what they earn" from 2001-2009 resulted in the worst economic growth in 80 years, a net loss of 460,000 private sector jobs, and the skyrocketing of household debt. So you said that it's a good thing to "let people keep what they earned", even though the economics of that philosophy completely contradict you.

So you are sacrificing intellectual honesty for hysterical philosophy. For you, Freedom = debt. That's the result of the "freedom" you support.
wrong of course Republicans have tried to make debt illlegal for 200 years. Do you understand
[QUOTE="The Derp, post: 17026377, member: 6272]Letting people keep more of what they earn" from 2001-2009 resulted in the worst economic growth in 80 years, [/QUOTE]

So the more money a soviet government monopoly takes from people at gunpoint the more the economy will grow? Do you see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
wrong of course Republicans have tried to make debt illlegal for 200 years. Do you understand

Well, they did a shit job of that since Reagan tripled the debt, Bush the elder grew it 50% in four years, and Bush the dumber doubled it in 8. Add to that Conservatives trying to erase a surplus in 1998 (thankfully, Clinton vetoed that assault on our budget), and keeping the War on Turr off the books and who the hell are you talking about??
As the founding principle of our country. Do you understand?

First of all, not our country. My country. You are just a Russian troll using Active Measures to subvert confidence in our democracy. Secondly, no, tax cuts are not a "founding principle" of this country. They may be a founding principle of the GOP, but that's only because Conservatives can't do math very well.
So the more money a soviet government monopoly takes from people at gunpoint the more the economy will grow? Do you see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Hold on a second, back up. You claimed that "letting people keep more of what they earn" was a good thing. All the economic evidence over the last 37 years contradicts that claim. So you're bullshitting me right now, aren't you?
BTw - thanks Russian trolls for making it so easy to pick apart your agenda. Hopefully once these investigations are done, we can finally rid ourselves of the Russian-backed GOP and Conservative movement.
wrong of course Republicans have tried to make debt illlegal for 200 years. Do you understand

Well, they did a shit job of that since Reagan tripled the debt, Bush the elder grew it 50% in four years, and Bush the dumber doubled it in 8. Add to that Conservatives trying to erase a surplus in 1998 (thankfully, Clinton vetoed that assault on our budget), and keeping the War on Turr off the books and who the hell are you talking about??

and keeping the War on Turr off the books

Supplementary spending bills don't hide spending, don't hide debt and aren't "off the books". DURR.
Supplementary spending bills don't hide spending, don't hide debt and aren't "off the books". DURR.

Yes, they certainly were. And are you now admitting that there was a ton of war spending?

Yes, they certainly were.

No they weren't. They clearly add to the deficit. That deficit is clearly seen in the debt.
The votes are public and so is the spending.

And are you now admitting that there was a ton of war spending?

Have I ever denied that? Where? When?
[ they weren't. They clearly add to the deficit. That deficit is clearly seen in the debt. The votes are public and so is the spending.

Yes, they add to the deficit now. That's because Obama started actually counting it. Bush didn't. Supplemental budgets for the wars were passed, but not paid for, nor were they counted in the yearly overall budgets. But it matters very little. We spent trillions in Iraq for nothing. Thanks to that folloy, we have ISIS.
[ they weren't. They clearly add to the deficit. That deficit is clearly seen in the debt. The votes are public and so is the spending.

Yes, they add to the deficit now. That's because Obama started actually counting it. Bush didn't. Supplemental budgets for the wars were passed, but not paid for, nor were they counted in the yearly overall budgets. But it matters very little. We spent trillions in Iraq for nothing. Thanks to that folloy, we have ISIS.

Yes, they add to the deficit now.

They add to the deficit and the debt at the time the money is spent.

That's because Obama started actually counting it.

He may have starting adding the spending to the initial budget (assuming he actually submitted one) or stopped submitting supplementary spending bills for the wars. No actual accounting change occurred.

Supplemental budgets for the wars were passed, but not paid for,

That spending was paid for, exactly as all other spending was paid for. Some with tax receipts and some with borrowing.

nor were they counted in the yearly overall budgets.

Of course they were.

But it matters very little.

Like so much of Obama's posturing.

We spent trillions in Iraq for nothing. Thanks to that folloy, we have ISIS.

It's true, thanks to Obama.
wrong of course Republicans have tried to make debt illlegal for 200 years. Do you understand

Well, they did a shit job of that since ??

Since Democrats killed a all 30 balance budget amendments since Jeffersons first. If newts balanced budget amendment had passed the debt today would be zero dollars rather than $20 trillion. Do you understand now ?
They add to the deficit and the debt at the time the money is spent.

Yes, but the thing is that Bush wasn't counting them, and was using accounting tricks to hide their cost. Not unlike what Scott Walker did in Wisconsin. Yes, the money was certainly spent, whether it was accounted for is another story and issue.

He may have starting adding the spending to the initial budget (assuming he actually submitted one) or stopped submitting supplementary spending bills for the wars. No actual accounting change occurred.

Did you bother to click the link? It shows quite plainly that Obama abolished four accounting tricks that Bush used to hide the true cost of his silly, dumb wars.

That spending was paid for, exactly as all other spending was paid for. Some with tax receipts and some with borrowing.

It may have been paid, but it was not accounted.

Of course they were.

No, they weren't. That's the point.

Like so much of Obama's posturing.

Posturing on what? You're the ones who posture on the debt and deficit. Where was all this debt concern when Bush erased a surplus in 2001 and produced four record deficits that doubled the debt in 8 years when we could have paid it off in 9 if we had done nothing. Conservatives couldn't even do nothing right. Sad!

It's true, thanks to Obama.

No, it's because you clowns had no plan for the occupation of Iraq. Instead, you dissolved the Iraqi Army, chased the ba'athists out in favor of the Iranian-backed Shi'ites, then spent the next 5-6 years arming and training the New Iraqi Army to the tune of $30B, only to see that army drop the weapons we gave them and run away at the sight of ISIS flags. Match that with the Syrian Civil War (caused by mass migrations to the cities as a result of a drought - caused by global warming), and ISIS found the perfect place to establish itself. None of that would have happened if we hadn't invaded Iraq.
No replacement for Obamacare by capitalism because the consensus in the country is not large enough. Do you understand?

No replacement because Conservatives don't know anything about health care.
They know that if we switch to capitalism prices would be reduced about 80% and savings could be used to pay off the entire national debt in six years.
For your information capitalism would involve published prices, people shopping with their own money, and suppliers competing on the basis of price and quality.

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