Tax dollars to protect Hunter....

ABC News reported on Monday that the Secret Service detail protecting the president’s son has, for over a year, been shelling out the five-figure rent for the Malibu mansion near the $20,000 per month mansion where Biden has been residing

Like I said if this were Don Jr the media would be all over this....and Pelosi would be screeching impeach him.....
Thank are a stand up lib....
That's not liberal, just good old fashion fiscal conservatism. That's $360,000 dollar a year! That is completely outrageous!:mad: It would be better to arrest him, bring him up on charges and put him under federal protection in Epstein's old cell. We could save a fortune and his freedom is not worth what is being spent.
That's not liberal, just good old fashion fiscal conservatism. That's $360,000 dollar a year! That is completely outrageous!:mad: It would be better to arrest him, bring him up on charges and put him under federal protection in Epstein's old cell. We could save a fortune and his freedom is not worth what is being spent.
Hunter gifts his father and brother...they may not have reported that money to the IRS...maybe we should call for Joe to release his taxes...and if that's true Joe and his brother should go to prison....I bet they won't but they should....
Hunter gifts his father and brother...they may not have reported that money to the IRS...maybe we should call for Joe to release his taxes...and if that's true Joe and his brother should go to prison....I bet they won't but they should....
If you guys ever get the link dead to rights, I'll support it.
Seriously though, $360,000 a year for housing, another $270,000 from this time next year to the end of Joe's term for a total of $630,000 in housing alone, plus manpower, plus equipment and communications, travel etc, etc, etc. The dude ain't worth it. I have seen the pictures with the little girl hookers in foreign countries and pictures smoking crack or heroin or whatever the heck that was. This is the guy that was dating the widow of his own dead brother, fathered another child out of wedlock with some chick from Arkansas and then tried to weasel out of child support, before the court caught up with him, a major sleaze in anybody's book, whether the rest of the allegations of you guys are proven or not. You are quite right to post this thread, as it is a totally ridiculously outrageous waste of taxpayer dollars.

GOP lawmakers blast Hunter Biden Secret Service detail's $30k monthly rent for mansion​

Hunter is super rich and can afford his own mansion....if this were Don Jr the media would be going nuts....where is the outrage libs?....

I am good with changing the law so that the SS no longer has to protect the family members of the POTUS.

GOP lawmakers blast Hunter Biden Secret Service detail's $30k monthly rent for mansion​

Hunter is super rich and can afford his own mansion....if this were Don Jr the media would be going nuts....where is the outrage libs?....
Seems less like a Biden scandal and more like the status quo.

Joe will probably extend it for Hunter for a while after he is out of office, too. That's the new norm.
Seems less like a Biden scandal and more like the status quo.

Joe will probably extend it for Hunter for a while after he is out of office, too. That's the new norm.
Biden should be impeached for this and Hunter should go to prison and be made to pay back taxes and and I would big of a pedestal do you want to place these elected bums on?...and I'm talking about both sides of the isle....
I am good with changing the law so that the SS no longer has to protect the family members of the POTUS.
If there are death threats made we must protect the family...but the only people who would want Hinter dead are the dirty souls that fear he will screw up and break their golden his dad or Obama....
If there are death threats made we must protect the family...but the only people who would want Hinter dead are the dirty souls that fear he will screw up and break their golden his dad or Obama....

Then quit your bitching, either we protect them or we do not

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