Tax dollars to protect Hunter....

GOP lawmakers blast Hunter Biden Secret Service detail's $30k monthly rent for mansion​

Hunter is super rich and can afford his own mansion....if this were Don Jr the media would be going nuts....where is the outrage libs?....
That is way beyond the pale. They can sleep in a motor home for all I care.
Boy the libtards sure jumped to Trump TDS fast on this thread....must mean they know Hunter and Joe (the big guy) are dirty as hell....
Enjoy these days Hunter Biden...because if your daddy doesn't pardon your meth addicted ass you are going to prison....

GOP lawmakers blast Hunter Biden Secret Service detail's $30k monthly rent for mansion​

Hunter is super rich and can afford his own mansion....if this were Don Jr the media would be going nuts....where is the outrage libs?....

If the Secret Service can protect Cocaine Trump Jr and Little Blondie, then they can protect Hunter.
Well, it's either that, or pointing out your hypocrisy is just so much fun.
No one has shown that I'm being a hypocrite by pointing this can say it but that doesn't make it true dotard....
Read the story you all don't sound so foolish....

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