
You asked me a question. I answered it. Not roped into a thing. Sorry to disappoint you. :eusa_whistle:

So what's his position then? Is Romney proposing raising or lowering the taxes for the poor and middle class?

Don't be afraid to answer, we both know you have no clue what you're talking about at this point, just accept it.

In true fashion just like 99% of your idiot buddies, you take off when you realize that you've been exposed to be clueless. Congrats! Don't feel special though, you're no different than all the rest. Join the pack sheep.

First of all smart-ass, I'm at a place where I can't respond on cue just because you would like me to.

Second, I commented on your avatar, we went back and forth and that was that.

Third, You asked me if I knew what something meant and I explained what I knew it to mean. To which you agreed.

Lastly, I never said I was right or you were wrong. I'll go with you even being right until I have time to prove or see otherwise.

I don't run away from shits like you. But I will say this for now. If I have to pay more under a Romney Presidency then I'll gladly do it because I prefer his vision for the future better than a Socialist/Marxist POS.

We see what Obama has given us and it isn't much and only an idiot like you would believe for one second that if Obama is reelected, your taxes would stay the same or go down.

Life under Obama is already getting more expensive than many can afford. He has no vision or plan. It isn't merely the tax rate that empties people's pockets. If I have to enumerate them then you're the idiot not me.

Now I gave you my opinion and if you don't like it too fucking bad, libshit.

Now STFU and run along.
So what's his position then? Is Romney proposing raising or lowering the taxes for the poor and middle class?

Don't be afraid to answer, we both know you have no clue what you're talking about at this point, just accept it.

In true fashion just like 99% of your idiot buddies, you take off when you realize that you've been exposed to be clueless. Congrats! Don't feel special though, you're no different than all the rest. Join the pack sheep.

First of all smart-ass, I'm at a place where I can't respond on cue just because you would like me to.

Second, I commented on your avatar, we went back and forth and that was that.

Third, You asked me if I knew what something meant and I explained what I knew it to mean. To which you agreed.

Lastly, I never said I was right or you were wrong. I'll go with you even being right until I have time to prove or see otherwise.

I don't run away from shits like you. But I will say this for now. If I have to pay more under a Romney Presidency then I'll gladly do it because I prefer his vision for the future better than a Socialist/Marxist POS.

We see what Obama has given us and it isn't much and only an idiot like you would believe for one second that if Obama is reelected, your taxes would stay the same or go down.

Life under Obama is already getting more expensive than many can afford. He has no vision or plan. It isn't merely the tax rate that empties people's pockets. If I have to enumerate them then you're the idiot not me.

Now I gave you my opinion and if you don't like it too fucking bad, libshit.

Now STFU and run along.

At least you admit that you don't care whether or not Romney will actually do any good for the middle class, as long as he's in office you'll bend over for whatever happens.
In his tax policy. What do you think broaden and flatten the tax base means?

Yes.. even a raise from 0 to 0.01 is a raise... and we have WRONGLY had a higher and higher number of people NOT IN THE TAX BASE....

You and those like you make it out to be so horrible that people pay an equal % share.. to raise to something from the nothing they pay now.. what is indeed horrible is the fact that it got like this to begin with

Ok, and how does any of this contradict what was said that Romney wants to lower the rates for the rich while increasing them for the poor and middle class. All you're doing is justifying why his position is best. Fine. But you're agreeing that is indeed his position. Thanks.

you act as if a flattened rate system will LOWER taxes on the rich... I think he wants to keep the 'rich taxes' where they are. Unfortunately not going for a flat tax system...

But raising on those who do not pay, oh yeah, I am all for that. there is ZERO reason that anyone making any sort of income should be paying ZERO in federal income taxes...

And you will continue to scream that it is raising taxes on the 'poor'. When in actuality they should have never been off the tax dole anyway. It is getting them back into being taxpayers. A typical left move. For example if someone is currently paying zero and they suddenly have to pay say $1000 in federal income taxes, you will scream it is an exponential increase. Anything above zero is not acceptable to you as you pander to them and grit your teeth that those paying that person's share for services need to pay MORE. Fuck that noise. It is time that EVERY income earner have a stake in the game. Nobody riding for free
In true fashion just like 99% of your idiot buddies, you take off when you realize that you've been exposed to be clueless. Congrats! Don't feel special though, you're no different than all the rest. Join the pack sheep.

First of all smart-ass, I'm at a place where I can't respond on cue just because you would like me to.

Second, I commented on your avatar, we went back and forth and that was that.

Third, You asked me if I knew what something meant and I explained what I knew it to mean. To which you agreed.

Lastly, I never said I was right or you were wrong. I'll go with you even being right until I have time to prove or see otherwise.

I don't run away from shits like you. But I will say this for now. If I have to pay more under a Romney Presidency then I'll gladly do it because I prefer his vision for the future better than a Socialist/Marxist POS.

We see what Obama has given us and it isn't much and only an idiot like you would believe for one second that if Obama is reelected, your taxes would stay the same or go down.

Life under Obama is already getting more expensive than many can afford. He has no vision or plan. It isn't merely the tax rate that empties people's pockets. If I have to enumerate them then you're the idiot not me.

Now I gave you my opinion and if you don't like it too fucking bad, libshit.

Now STFU and run along.

At least you admit that you don't care whether or not Romney will actually do any good for the middle class, as long as he's in office you'll bend over for whatever happens.

Brilliant deduction asshole considering why I said what I did. I love morons like you who cherry pick what fits their snide comments. And I left out that if Obama has his way, the Bush tax cuts would expire raising the middle classes' tax.
Yeah and you're damned right I want EVERYONE to pay their share, not just the rich. P.S. Don't put words in my mouth and translate what I said into what you want to hear. Capish? Or are you going to spin that word into another meaning as well?
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We already know that Mitt wants a lower rate of taxes for himself and all his buddies. Of course he'll lower the rate for everyone just a little, but the big boys will see the biggest benefit as usual.

And the big boys will pay the largest portion of the taxes as usual.

Hope your not including Mitt in that group.

From CCR's Fortunate Son:
"Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes, "

What is the only issue for which Mr. Romney has not flip-flopped? He stands firm on not releasing his tax returns. Why so firm on this issue?

Mr. Romney is running for President of the United States.
This is a position of Trust.
Ronald Reagan said, "Trust but Verify."
Mr. Romney has said, "Trust me," re his tax returns.
It is not unreasonable for voters to want to "Verify.

It is not just liberals who want to see Romney's tax returns.
It is 63% of American voters who do.

The longer Mr. Romney delays, the more suspicious it appears.

Obama released 8 years of tax returns
GW Bush 10 years
Clinton 12 years
GHW Bush 14 years
George Romney 12 years.

What is the problem, Mr. Romney? Release your tax returns.
And the big boys will pay the largest portion of the taxes as usual.

Hope your not including Mitt in that group.

From CCR's Fortunate Son:
"Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes, "

What is the only issue for which Mr. Romney has not flip-flopped? He stands firm on not releasing his tax returns. Why so firm on this issue?

Mr. Romney is running for President of the United States.
This is a position of Trust.
Ronald Reagan said, "Trust but Verify."
Mr. Romney has said, "Trust me," re his tax returns.
It is not unreasonable for voters to want to "Verify.

It is not just liberals who want to see Romney's tax returns.
It is 63% of American voters who do.

The longer Mr. Romney delays, the more suspicious it appears.

Obama released 8 years of tax returns
GW Bush 10 years
Clinton 12 years
GHW Bush 14 years
George Romney 12 years.

What is the problem, Mr. Romney? Release your tax returns.

I don't feel he has to but I almost wish he would just to shut everyone the fuck up. But I also agree that if he does, no matter what story they tell, the libturdshits will never be satisfied and try to make the whole election about it.

Nothing like wearing blinders when heading for the polls to vote for Obama. Just pretend the last 4 years never happened.

First and only post and look where you agenda there I suppose. Good grief! What's Obama paying to shill on a message board?
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Yes.. even a raise from 0 to 0.01 is a raise... and we have WRONGLY had a higher and higher number of people NOT IN THE TAX BASE....

You and those like you make it out to be so horrible that people pay an equal % share.. to raise to something from the nothing they pay now.. what is indeed horrible is the fact that it got like this to begin with

Ok, and how does any of this contradict what was said that Romney wants to lower the rates for the rich while increasing them for the poor and middle class. All you're doing is justifying why his position is best. Fine. But you're agreeing that is indeed his position. Thanks.

you act as if a flattened rate system will LOWER taxes on the rich... I think he wants to keep the 'rich taxes' where they are. Unfortunately not going for a flat tax system...

But raising on those who do not pay, oh yeah, I am all for that. there is ZERO reason that anyone making any sort of income should be paying ZERO in federal income taxes...

And you will continue to scream that it is raising taxes on the 'poor'. When in actuality they should have never been off the tax dole anyway. It is getting them back into being taxpayers. A typical left move. For example if someone is currently paying zero and they suddenly have to pay say $1000 in federal income taxes, you will scream it is an exponential increase. Anything above zero is not acceptable to you as you pander to them and grit your teeth that those paying that person's share for services need to pay MORE. Fuck that noise. It is time that EVERY income earner have a stake in the game. Nobody riding for free

And you keep supporting what I said. All the justification in the world for WHY doesn't matter. I didn't state anything about the merit of the proposal, just what the proposal was, and you continue to agree that Romney would increase taxes on the poor and middle class. Thanks.
First of all smart-ass, I'm at a place where I can't respond on cue just because you would like me to.

Second, I commented on your avatar, we went back and forth and that was that.

Third, You asked me if I knew what something meant and I explained what I knew it to mean. To which you agreed.

Lastly, I never said I was right or you were wrong. I'll go with you even being right until I have time to prove or see otherwise.

I don't run away from shits like you. But I will say this for now. If I have to pay more under a Romney Presidency then I'll gladly do it because I prefer his vision for the future better than a Socialist/Marxist POS.

We see what Obama has given us and it isn't much and only an idiot like you would believe for one second that if Obama is reelected, your taxes would stay the same or go down.

Life under Obama is already getting more expensive than many can afford. He has no vision or plan. It isn't merely the tax rate that empties people's pockets. If I have to enumerate them then you're the idiot not me.

Now I gave you my opinion and if you don't like it too fucking bad, libshit.

Now STFU and run along.

At least you admit that you don't care whether or not Romney will actually do any good for the middle class, as long as he's in office you'll bend over for whatever happens.

Brilliant deduction asshole considering why I said what I did. I love morons like you who cherry pick what fits their snide comments. And I left out that if Obama has his way, the Bush tax cuts would expire raising the middle classes' tax.
Yeah and you're damned right I want EVERYONE to pay their share, not just the rich. P.S. Don't put words in my mouth and translate what I said into what you want to hear. Capish? Or are you going to spin that word into another meaning as well?

Don't be so angry that I'm merely agreeing with you that Romney will raise taxes for the poor and middle class. We agree. I know the thought of agreeing with a dumb liberal is mind blowing, but we do in fact agree. Romney will raise taxes for the poor and middle class.

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