Taxpayers are going to foot the bill, now, or later

This is your fringe conspiracy theory to support if you so choose, it is not based upon any compelling evidence that I am aware of. Nor is this relevant to the OP topic of this thread. I will be happy to discuss and interact with comments relevant to this thread's topic, if you wish to start a thread to discuss your perceived political conspiracy theories and pseudoscience beliefs, that is your right, but, I have no interest in such bizarre alternate reality excursions/fantasies.

dear, you said "increasing levels of atmospheric energy". Do you admit it is a lie????????????????

I demonstrated scientific support for my statement, I am not a liberal, and nothing you have asserted, much less presented compelling evidence of, contradicts or negates my supported statement.

please show scientific support for more or worse storms. Thanks
[Nonsense snipped]

Sadly, the herd mentality is deeply evolved in our hearts I'm afraid, and always has been.

Don't mean to rock your world! Sorry

Yes, Edmund, it is sad; still, thank you for admitting on behalf of all nutballs everywhere that "Sadly, the herd mentality is deeply evolved in our hearts, and always has been." Rational America thanks you for your courage admitting the truth.

Many of us are sad that somehow the gene pool went awry and produced legions of lemming-people willing to believe that tripling the national debt in peacetime (Reagan) is conservative, and that invading sovereign nations based on lies and half-truths is American (Bush League).

Your admission on behalf of nutballs everywhere rocks the rational world in a good way.
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tripling the national debt in peacetime (Reagan) is conservative,
to end cold war in favor of capitalism, prevent nuclear anniliation, and free 2 billion people is wonderful conservative debt

and that invading sovereign nations based on lies and half-truths is American (Bush League).
Did you want to make love to Sadam and Hitler??

See why we say slow?

This is on global warming, why not stick to it or admit as usual you know nothing.
dear, you said "increasing levels of atmospheric energy". Do you admit it is a lie????????????????

I demonstrated scientific support for my statement, I am not a liberal, and nothing you have asserted, much less presented compelling evidence of, contradicts or negates my supported statement.

please show scientific support for more or worse storms. Thanks

In a Warming World, the Storms May Be Fewer But Stronger : Feature Articles

[ame=""]New Study Shows Storms Are Getting Stronger [/ame]

2012 AMS Information Statement on Climate Change

(more available upon request)
I demonstrated scientific support for my statement, I am not a liberal, and nothing you have asserted, much less presented compelling evidence of, contradicts or negates my supported statement.

please show scientific support for more or worse storms. Thanks

In a Warming World, the Storms May Be Fewer But Stronger : Feature Articles

[ame=""]New Study Shows Storms Are Getting Stronger [/ame]

2012 AMS Information Statement on Climate Change

(more available upon request)

when you look at actual data the trend is down not up despite being on the upward slope of the famous hockey stick!! What does that tell you?

Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) | Weather Underground

Oh, the Met office, Nasa, Noaa say there is a 10-20 year cooling trend and all disagree on reason as if to show they have no idea whats going on. One says its from the sun, another from ocean currents, and another from aerosols . What does that tell you.
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The pay-outs due to the effects of AGW are driving Insurance companies out of the natural disaster insurance coverage business, it simply is no longer possible to meet the margins that they have long demanded for such coverage. This doesn't mean that they won't try to make-up those lost revenues in other areas, but I'm certainly not going to argue against greater regulatory scrutiny for the insurance industry in order to make sure that reasonable customer protections and fair treatment standards are adhered to.

There are no effects from AGW. That claim is pure horseshit. If anything, hurricanes and tornadoes are milder and less frequent than they have been in the past. The only difference is that now we have a bunch of Chicken Littles running around shouting "the sky is falling!" every time we have a bit of bad weather. Also, the value of property in harm's way is several orders of magnitude larger because of population increases, migration into places like Florida that has hurricanes, and the increased value of property.
The pay-outs due to the effects of AGW are driving Insurance companies out of the natural disaster insurance coverage business, it simply is no longer possible to meet the margins that they have long demanded for such coverage. This doesn't mean that they won't try to make-up those lost revenues in other areas, but I'm certainly not going to argue against greater regulatory scrutiny for the insurance industry in order to make sure that reasonable customer protections and fair treatment standards are adhered to.

There are no effects from AGW. That claim is pure horseshit. If anything, hurricanes and tornadoes are milder and less frequent than they have been in the past. The only difference is that now we have a bunch of Chicken Littles running around shouting "the sky is falling!" every time we have a bit of bad weather. Also, the value of property in harm's way is several orders of magnitude larger because of population increases, migration into places like Florida that has hurricanes, and the increased value of property.

Neither mainstream science, nor the business evaluations of those industries most impacted by climate change agree with your unsupported politically inspired and distorted beliefs, thus, they are largely irrelevant to this discussion.
The pay-outs due to the effects of AGW are driving Insurance companies out of the natural disaster insurance coverage business, it simply is no longer possible to meet the margins that they have long demanded for such coverage. This doesn't mean that they won't try to make-up those lost revenues in other areas, but I'm certainly not going to argue against greater regulatory scrutiny for the insurance industry in order to make sure that reasonable customer protections and fair treatment standards are adhered to.

There are no effects from AGW. That claim is pure horseshit. If anything, hurricanes and tornadoes are milder and less frequent than they have been in the past. The only difference is that now we have a bunch of Chicken Littles running around shouting "the sky is falling!" every time we have a bit of bad weather. Also, the value of property in harm's way is several orders of magnitude larger because of population increases, migration into places like Florida that has hurricanes, and the increased value of property.

Neither mainstream science, nor the business evaluations of those industries most impacted by climate change agree with your unsupported politically inspired and distorted beliefs, thus, they are largely irrelevant to this discussion.

"mainstream science" is a euphemism meaning "political hacks on the government payroll." ANnyone using terms like "mainstream science" simply reveal that they are political hacks themselves who know nothing about science. claims do not become facts because "mainstream science" says they are true.

Your claim that insurance companies are being driven out of the business is also utterly specious. Insurance has always been about risk. Predicting the future is not for sissies.
There are no effects from AGW. That claim is pure horseshit. If anything, hurricanes and tornadoes are milder and less frequent than they have been in the past. The only difference is that now we have a bunch of Chicken Littles running around shouting "the sky is falling!" every time we have a bit of bad weather. Also, the value of property in harm's way is several orders of magnitude larger because of population increases, migration into places like Florida that has hurricanes, and the increased value of property.

Neither mainstream science, nor the business evaluations of those industries most impacted by climate change agree with your unsupported politically inspired and distorted beliefs, thus, they are largely irrelevant to this discussion.

"mainstream science" is a euphemism meaning "political hacks on the government payroll." ANnyone using terms like "mainstream science" simply reveal that they are political hacks themselves who know nothing about science. claims do not become facts because "mainstream science" says they are true.

Your claim that insurance companies are being driven out of the business is also utterly specious. Insurance has always been about risk. Predicting the future is not for sissies.

These are your fringe conspiracy theory beliefs to support, they are inaccurate and irrelevant to this thread's topic of discussion.
There are no effects from AGW.

especially since the Met Center, NOAA, and NASA, agree we are in a 10-20 year cooling period, especially since ACE ( accumulated cyclone energy) is down, not up) and especially since warmer temperatures are better for human life than colder temperatures.

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