Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

This is how you use your celebrity. She's going to end up getting hundreds of thousands of new, young voters registered by election day. I wonder who those legions of young voters will vote for, the guy who's trying to eliminate student debt or the guy who is going around bragging that he ended Roe v Wade? 🤔

Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

An Instagram post from Taylor Swift prompted a record 35,252 new voters to register Tuesday, according to Vote.org.

The “Only the Young” singer participated in Tuesday’s National Voter Registration Day by urging her fans to make sure they were eligible to cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

“I’ve heard you raise your voices, and I know how powerful they are,” Swift wrote, along with sharing a link to the nonprofit voter registration platform. “Make sure you’re ready to use them in our elections this year!”

Later that day, Vote.org communications director Nick Morrow reported just how much of an impact Swift had.

“Fun fact: After @taylorswift13 posted on Instagram today directing her followers to register to vote on @votedotorg, our site was averaging 13,000 users every 30 minutes. 13!” he wrote on social media. “Let’s just say her reputation for being a mastermind is very well-earned!”

the guy who's trying to eliminate student debt or the guy who is going around bragging that he ended Roe v Wade?

Well, that should tell you all you need to know right there. College debt elimination nor federal abortion laws are constitutional, and the democrats will support whoever is in favor of both.
Yep, that is what the average Democrat believes. Shocking really. It is pretty sad that many have devolved into such low-brows.

But then, no one can be too surprised: while I see most conservatives criticize them on their IDEAS and ACTIONS, 99% of the time, Demtards attack the right on our BRAINS or EDUCATION (as if they were any judge of that). Apparently they really cannot tear apart our ideas, actions nor results so invariable fall back on weak ad hominem attacks against the MESSENGER.

Typical communist mentality.
Unless they're REALLY stupid...they should have figured out by then that Biden has always known that he doesn't have the Constitutional authority to eliminate student debt! He just tells the naive that he's going to and they think he's wonderful. Goes to show you what idiots our colleges are turning out these days!
No, but if he gets majorities in Congress in 2024 he will be able to eliminate student debt.
But then, no one can be too surprised: while I see most conservatives criticize them on their IDEAS and ACTIONS, 99% of the time, Demtards attack the right on our BRAINS or EDUCATION (as if they were any judge of that). Apparently they really cannot tear apart our ideas, actions nor results so invariable fall back on weak ad hominem attacks against the MESSENGER.

Typical communist mentality.
Perhaps if you guys didn't have such crazy ideas you would be thought of as something other than mental midgets.

The 2020 election wasn't stolen.
Alabama is not on the East Coast.
1/6 was an attempted insurrection.
Covid wasn't going to disappear like a miracle
And no....the local pharmacist is not qualified to be in the Senate just because she or he is "regular folk".

Just a sampling why you're thought of as mental door mats.
If it results in Democrats getting elected instead of Republicans, it will be a good election.

So, in other words, like a good little Marxist, you think THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS.

That isn't democracy, that is LAWLESSNESS. So right off, now we know you do not support law nor democracy.

Now just think if Trump and the republicans believed and acted the exact same way?

YOU WOULD BE SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER calling it a dictatorial takeover!

So by your standards, you just justified the J6 insurrection!

YOUR WORDS: Win by whatever means necessary.

Shades of Election 2020, huh?

So by your standard, if Trump wins, if we round up all democrats, shoot them in the back of the head and dump them in the ocean, you'd be OK with that.

Good to know.
No, but if he gets majorities in Congress in 2024 he will be able to eliminate student debt.
You're another one of the morons, Synth! Let me explain this to you! We can't afford to cancel student loans. We're already running so deep in the red it's reached the tipping point. Joe Biden has never INTENDED to forgive student debt! He's always promised he'd do that just to get the votes of the truly clueless.

States and Cities are about to be overwhelmed with illegals that Joe Biden has let into the country. Mayors and Governors are already wailing for Federal monies to keep them solvent and President Potato Head isn't taking their calls! It's a problem that's literally getting worse by the day and this Administration isn't doing jack shit to address it. They literally don't care. So tell me, Synth...when States and Cities are cutting services drastically because they need the money to pay for the housing, feeding, schooling and healthcare of millions of illegals...how pissed off do you think the average tax payer is going to be?

This was ALL caused by you on the left! You deliberately threw the border wide open and let over 7,000,000 illegals into the country. You did it because you thought all those people beholden to you for entitlements would keep you in power for decades. You didn't even think about who was going to pick up the tab of taking care of all those people. Now those chicken's are coming home to roost and far left Mayors and Governors have gone into panic mode.
Perhaps if you guys didn't have such crazy ideas you would be thought of as something other than mental midgets.

The 2020 election wasn't stolen.
Alabama is not on the East Coast.
1/6 was an attempted insurrection.
Covid wasn't going to disappear like a miracle
And no....the local pharmacist is not qualified to be in the Senate just because she or he is "regular folk".

Just a sampling why you're thought of as mental door mats.
If the American people had been told the truth about Biden family corruption, Joe Biden would not have won that election. The election was "stolen" because Biden lies were allowed to go unchallenged. The main stream media saddled the country with this pathetic excuse for a President and we're all paying the price for that now!
If the American people had been told the truth about Biden family corruption, Joe Biden would not have won that election. The election was "stolen" because Biden lies were allowed to go unchallenged. The main stream media saddled the country with this pathetic excuse for a President and we're all paying the price for that now!
Someone had their sour grapes this morning!
This is how you use your celebrity. She's going to end up getting hundreds of thousands of new, young voters registered by election day. I wonder who those legions of young voters will vote for, the guy who's trying to eliminate student debt or the guy who is going around bragging that he ended Roe v Wade? 🤔

Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

An Instagram post from Taylor Swift prompted a record 35,252 new voters to register Tuesday, according to Vote.org.

The “Only the Young” singer participated in Tuesday’s National Voter Registration Day by urging her fans to make sure they were eligible to cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

“I’ve heard you raise your voices, and I know how powerful they are,” Swift wrote, along with sharing a link to the nonprofit voter registration platform. “Make sure you’re ready to use them in our elections this year!”

Later that day, Vote.org communications director Nick Morrow reported just how much of an impact Swift had.

“Fun fact: After @taylorswift13 posted on Instagram today directing her followers to register to vote on @votedotorg, our site was averaging 13,000 users every 30 minutes. 13!” he wrote on social media. “Let’s just say her reputation for being a mastermind is very well-earned!”
lol. That's probably just one of many tactics in electoral games. It's called GOTV efforts.

Get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts: Campaigns prioritize efforts to ensure their supporters actually vote, employing strategies like absentee ballot drives, voter registration initiatives, and voter education.

Politicians across the globe are normally so good at using celebrities! lol. 😃😃😃
I’m sure she claims the address that requires her to pay the least amount of taxes avoiding her fair share
You mean like Trump, and every other millionaire? Trump still has a residence at Trump Tower, but "lives" in Florida in order to pay the least amount of taxes, avoiding his fair share.

I don't know what your username used to be here, but I'm betting he was a huge shitstain, too.

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