Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

Taylor Swift burns more carbons than Gore.

Don't forget it takes about 80 diesel burning trucks to move her show from city to city.

National Treasure my ass.
Wasteful polluter is more accurate.
You mean like Trump, and every other millionaire? Trump still has a residence at Trump Tower, but "lives" in Florida in order to pay the least amount of taxes, avoiding his fair share.

I don't know what your username used to be here, but I'm betting he was a huge shitstain, too.
Who is arguing Taylor Shitty is any better than Trump? But we are a country founded by a bunch of folks trying to avoid paying their taxes. There isn’t much more of an All American tradition than avoiding taxes
Which jobs currently held by Americans are going to be taken by illegals?
Illegals are going to directly compete with poorer Americans for lower skill jobs. Go to a Home Depot or Lowes and watch what goes on in the parking lots most days, Synth. You've got undocumented workers looking to get cash jobs with builders, lawn care companies, etc. They're willing to work cheaper and they're not paying taxes on their wages. Who's jobs do you think that takes away from?
Now with all those Swifties involved, all they have to do is get the voting age lowered to 13 and the Democrats are in business.
This is how you use your celebrity. She's going to end up getting hundreds of thousands of new, young voters registered by election day. I wonder who those legions of young voters will vote for, the guy who's trying to eliminate student debt or the guy who is going around bragging that he ended Roe v Wade? 🤔

Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

An Instagram post from Taylor Swift prompted a record 35,252 new voters to register Tuesday, according to Vote.org.

The “Only the Young” singer participated in Tuesday’s National Voter Registration Day by urging her fans to make sure they were eligible to cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

“I’ve heard you raise your voices, and I know how powerful they are,” Swift wrote, along with sharing a link to the nonprofit voter registration platform. “Make sure you’re ready to use them in our elections this year!”

Later that day, Vote.org communications director Nick Morrow reported just how much of an impact Swift had.

“Fun fact: After @taylorswift13 posted on Instagram today directing her followers to register to vote on @votedotorg, our site was averaging 13,000 users every 30 minutes. 13!” he wrote on social media. “Let’s just say her reputation for being a mastermind is very well-earned!”

People are sheep.
Strange how liberals get the giggles from Taylor's chronic waste of fossil fuels, but damn any regular American for driving an SUV.

Oh well, we all know that self awareness is definitely not a part of their vocabulary.
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No, but if he gets majorities in Congress in 2024 he will be able to eliminate student debt.
There is no actual elimination of debt.
Only the tranfer of responsibility for that debt to taxpayers.
Fuck that.
Pay your own obligations, freeloaders.
She said something and it broke a record. The RWingers wish they could come up with something that's positive.
Maybe Kid Rock could do something to energise young consecatives ?

Right wingers hate people voting. And democratic norms in general. Why vote when you can have an insurrection ?
Strange how liberals get the giggles from Taylor's chronic waste of fossil fuels, but damn any regular American for driving an SUV.

Oh well, we all know that self awareness is definitely not a part of their vocabulary.

Actually that’s a good point. You have to wonder, when a show as big as Taylor swift goes in world tour, how many 18 wheelers, busses and planes it takes to haul all that equipment around the country and around the world. How much carbon emission are being pumped into the atmosphere from all those diesel and jet engines.

If these people are worried about “green” perhaps they need to find a way to do their world tours with zero emissions…or just not go on tours until that becomes a possibility…
Actually that’s a good point. You have to wonder, when a show as big as Taylor swift goes in world tour, how many 18 wheelers, busses and planes it takes to haul all that equipment around the country and around the world. How much carbon emission are being pumped into the atmosphere from all those diesel and jet engines.

If these people are worried about “green” perhaps they need to find a way to do their world tours with zero emissions…or just not go on tours until that becomes a possibility…
The tour is so large, Fuller noted, that Swift hires a fleet of around 90 trucks that exclusively haul equipment for the shows and cost as much as $500,000 each week. Specialized truckload carriers that only haul for concerts are not uncommon with many giving dedicated capacity for the duration of a tour.Aug 3, 2023
The tour is so large, Fuller noted, that Swift hires a fleet of around 90 trucks that exclusively haul equipment for the shows and cost as much as $500,000 each week. Specialized truckload carriers that only haul for concerts are not uncommon with many giving dedicated capacity for the duration of a tour.Aug 3, 2023

Ok, math time…correct me where I’m wrong…

So, let’s just do a US based tour…

Let’s say the go coast to coast with stops at places between. Let’s say they do 5000 miles on a U.S. tour.

An 18 wheeler gets about 7 mpg on average

You say..90 trucks?


5000/7= 714 gallons used per truck on that tour

714X90= 64,260 gallons of diesel fuel used on a U.S. based tour.

1 gallon of diesel fuel emits about 22 pounds of co2 when burned.

22X64260= 1,413,720 pound of co2 emitted

An average vehicle emits about 10,000 pounds of co2 per year, so, the Taylor swift tour emits as much co2 as 141 vehicles will emit in a years time.

And that’s just counting the trucks. There’s probably 2 or 3 tour busses that travel with them, not to mention the tens of thousands of fans who have to drive to the concerts, some of them hundreds of miles.

Now that’s just a US based tour….imagine the fuel burned when doing a world tour!
Ok, math time…correct me where I’m wrong…

So, let’s just do a US based tour…

Let’s say the go coast to coast with stops at places between. Let’s say they do 5000 miles on a U.S. tour.

An 18 wheeler gets about 7 mpg on average

You say..90 trucks?


5000/7= 714 gallons used per truck on that tour

714X90= 64,260 gallons of diesel fuel used on a U.S. based tour.

1 gallon of diesel fuel emits about 22 pounds of co2 when burned.

22X64260= 1,413,720 pound of co2 emitted

An average vehicle emits about 10,000 pounds of co2 per year, so, the Taylor swift tour emits as much co2 as 141 vehicles will emit in a years time.

And that’s just counting the trucks. There’s probably 2 or 3 tour busses that travel with them, not to mention the tens of thousands of fans who have to drive to the concerts, some of them hundreds of miles.

Now that’s just a US based tour….imagine the fuel burned when doing a world tour!
Republicans hate Capitalism.

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