Tazer = Deadly Weapon under Georgia Law

You are wrong. The Titanic was poorly designed. The rudder was too small and the riveted hull was not done well. Making the Titanic go so fast in waters that could have icebergs was irresponsible and so was not having binoculars for the lookouts.

All ships were riveted at that point in history. The other things you mentioned- going to fast and not having lookouts... that was on the captain...

President Trump did what was best for all Americans. There is no comparison here.

Well, no, doing what was best was to impose the kind of social distancing and testing measures other countries implemented early on. Trump didn't want to do that. It might spook the markets. He called it a hoax. He told people we had it under control when we didn't. if you want to use the Titanic analogy, he saw the Iceberg, aimed the ship right for it and put on full speed.
I saw the Democrats trying to say that President Trump was overreacting by stopping people from coming to the US from China. Now they say that he did not do enough to protect Americans. You can't have it both ways.
Its time to get rid of the Tazer and introduce the Star Trek Phaser. Set on kill...it leaves no evidence.
I saw the Democrats trying to say that President Trump was overreacting by stopping people from coming to the US from China.

He did overreact. The disease got in here anyway and because he didnt' do what other countries did, we now have the most cases and the most dead.
It got here from Europe. He didn’t ban travel there
Your guess is as good as mine. You think Trump is the root of all the issues in the US. I disagree.

He's the President. As a much wiser man said, "The Buck Stops Here."

Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

When does he start taking responsibility?
If you were the President and not he do you think none of the above happens? Pandemic is global. Recession is due to the pandemic. Riots are due to lax policies in Democrat led cities. Next.
If you were the President and not he do you think none of the above happens? Pandemic is global. Recession is due to the pandemic. Riots are due to lax policies in Democrat led cities. Next.

If I were president, I would have listened to the doctors.
I would have taken economic steps to help working folks and not the big corporations.
I would have insisted on real police reform before it ever got to riots.
If you were the President and not he do you think none of the above happens? Pandemic is global. Recession is due to the pandemic. Riots are due to lax policies in Democrat led cities. Next.

If I were president, I would have listened to the doctors.
I would have taken economic steps to help working folks and not the big corporations.
I would have insisted on real police reform before it ever got to riots.
Would you have stopped the pandemic? No? Would you have stopped riots in Democrat controlled cities? No. Would you have stopped the recession due to the virus? No.

We see what happens in cities where Democrats are in charge. They burn. Or they secede. Guess all those people are traitors too like the Confederacy.
Would you have stopped the pandemic? No? Would you have stopped riots in Democrat controlled cities? No. Would you have stopped the recession due to the virus? No.

Actualy, all of those things have been made worse by Trump's ineptitude. People in other countries DID take the actions needed and aren't having the problems.

Again, the Buck Stops with Trump. You guys were happy to give him credit when things were going well, now that they are going to shit, he owns it. You own it. Enjoy.
Would you have stopped the pandemic? No? Would you have stopped riots in Democrat controlled cities? No. Would you have stopped the recession due to the virus? No.

Actualy, all of those things have been made worse by Trump's ineptitude. People in other countries DID take the actions needed and aren't having the problems.

Again, the Buck Stops with Trump. You guys were happy to give him credit when things were going well, now that they are going to shit, he owns it. You own it. Enjoy.
You changed your narrative. So now Trump should have lessened the impact but you said his block of travel from China was stupid. You just hate Trump. You’re illogical. I apologize that your HR business is suffering.
You changed your narrative. So now Trump should have lessened the impact but you said his block of travel from China was stupid.

Yes, it was stupid. It was stupid because it allowed Americans who were infected to return. Funny thing about viruses, they aren't racist, they don't care who carries them.

I apologize that your HR business is suffering.

Everyone's business is suffering because of Trump's Gross incompetence. Fortunately, I KNEW THIS WAS COMING, so I prepared for it. I spent the last three years getting ready for Trump's inevitable wrecking of the economy. Thankfully, it happened this year so we can vote the shitbag out and give him his proper blame.
You changed your narrative. So now Trump should have lessened the impact but you said his block of travel from China was stupid.

Yes, it was stupid. It was stupid because it allowed Americans who were infected to return. Funny thing about viruses, they aren't racist, they don't care who carries them.

I apologize that your HR business is suffering.

Everyone's business is suffering because of Trump's Gross incompetence. Fortunately, I KNEW THIS WAS COMING, so I prepared for it. I spent the last three years getting ready for Trump's inevitable wrecking of the economy. Thankfully, it happened this year so we can vote the shitbag out and give him his proper blame.
You’re just trolling now. Your verbiage is illogical. You’re a crazy man. This was a Chinese Virus and it is a global pandemic. The fact that I need to explain that to a 60 yr old man is laughable. My 10 and 12 year old kids understand it but you cannot.
You’re just trolling now. Your verbiage is illogical. You’re a crazy man. This was a Chinese Virus and it is a global pandemic. The fact that I need to explain that to a 60 yr old man is laughable. My 10 and 12 year old kids understand it but you cannot.

Only a child would accept that Trump's inability to deal with this problem is excusable.

Here's the thing about viruses, I learned the first day in Biological Warfare Training when I was in the Army.

There's no such thing as a patriotic germ.

There are no "Chinese" or "American" viruses. There are just viruses.

The rest of the globe took this situation seriously, and contained the virus.

We didn't, which is why we have more deaths than any other country.
You’re just trolling now. Your verbiage is illogical. You’re a crazy man. This was a Chinese Virus and it is a global pandemic. The fact that I need to explain that to a 60 yr old man is laughable. My 10 and 12 year old kids understand it but you cannot.

Only a child would accept that Trump's inability to deal with this problem is excusable.

Here's the thing about viruses, I learned the first day in Biological Warfare Training when I was in the Army.

There's no such thing as a patriotic germ.

There are no "Chinese" or "American" viruses. There are just viruses.

The rest of the globe took this situation seriously, and contained the virus.

We didn't, which is why we have more deaths than any other country.
It is a Global Pandemic started in China. Only difference between us is that you brag and constantly change your background from the military. Odd. If we were ever in person we would compare what our service was like and you would see how wrong you are.
I saw the Democrats trying to say that President Trump was overreacting by stopping people from coming to the US from China. Now they say that he did not do enough to protect Americans. You can't have it both ways.

Sure you can.

The travel ban was ineffective because it was based on racism and not science.

The solutions that OTHER countries implemented - comprehensive testing, social distancing, wearing masks, working from home - are what contained the disease in those countries.

Trump resisted any attempts to do those things for as long as he could. He still is. He called it a hoax.
It is a Global Pandemic started in China. Only difference between us is that you brag and constantly change your background from the military. Odd. If we were ever in person we would compare what our service was like and you would see how wrong you are.

I was in the army for 11 years (Reserve and Active) and got out at the rank of E-6. What do you have.
It is a Global Pandemic started in China. Only difference between us is that you brag and constantly change your background from the military. Odd. If we were ever in person we would compare what our service was like and you would see how wrong you are.

I was in the army for 11 years (Reserve and Active) and got out at the rank of E-6. What do you have.
I do not share my experiences on a Messageboard because that part is very personal and pretty tough to deal with sometimes.

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