Tazer = Deadly Weapon under Georgia Law

Training is part of it.

So is getting rid of the bad apples.

I don't think any amount of training was going to fix guys like Rolfe or Chauvin.
training won't help...you can train for years and have high IQ people--they STILL fk up and make HUMAN errors

..these are dynamic situations--they are not making cheese sandwiches

....EXPERTS in their fields that are super smart kill HUNDREDS because of human error--pilots
..France's BEST pilot killed the MOST people EVER in a plane crash, because he was in a hurry/etc:
over a parking violation.
Driving a 3000lb weapon under the influence is no damn parking violation you disgusting pig. It was clear he drove into that drive thru drunk.
If the cops didn't interfere with the idiots night, he could very well have "parked" his car head on into another family denying a martyr for morons such as yourself.
The fool died of his own selfishness, stupidity and failure to man up and simply face the consequences of his clearly dangerous actions like 99% of arrestees for DUI do.
Fuck him.
Training is part of it.

So is getting rid of the bad apples.

I don't think any amount of training was going to fix guys like Rolfe or Chauvin.
You will find the bad apples because you also impose mandatory annual psych evaluations. Training would be mental and physical. People knew Chauvin was a psycho and if Rolfe and his partner were better at h2h combat then their drunk suspect would not have overpowered them.
training won't help...you can train for years and have high IQ people--they STILL fk up and make HUMAN errors

..these are dynamic situations--they are not making cheese sandwiches

....EXPERTS in their fields that are super smart kill HUNDREDS because of human error--pilots
..France's BEST pilot killed the MOST people EVER in a plane crash, because he was in a hurry/etc:
You’re wrong. 100% wrong. Cops suck at hand to hand combat. Need 2 yrs of BJJ and then continuous updates. Rolfe would not have had to draw his weapon if he could have held the suspect down
....EXPERTS in their fields that are super smart kill HUNDREDS because of human error--pilots
..France's BEST pilot killed the MOST people EVER in a plane crash, because he was in a hurry/etc:

You have to go back 43 years to find a case of egregious pilot error, you are kind of proving out point.

These police murders happen every day. Not once every forty years.

You will find the bad apples because you also impose mandatory annual psych evaluations. Training would be mental and physical. People knew Chauvin was a psycho and if Rolfe and his partner were better at h2h combat then their drunk suspect would not have overpowered them.

I don't disagree with that, psych evals would probably help. The problem is, a lot of cops probably need psychological help.

Hey, remember when it was revealed in the middle of the OJ Trial that Mark Fuhrman (Also known to his fellows as Mark Fuhrer-man or Fuhrman the German, because he liked to collect Nazi memorabilia) tried to get a disability payment because he 'hated black people" after so many years on the job.

Well, they gave him a psych evaluation and determined he was malingering, but amazingly HE STILL KEPT HIS JOB!
You have to go back 43 years to find a case of egregious pilot error, you are kind of proving out point.

These police murders happen every day. Not once every forty years.

I don't disagree with that, psych evals would probably help. The problem is, a lot of cops probably need psychological help.

Hey, remember when it was revealed in the middle of the OJ Trial that Mark Fuhrman (Also known to his fellows as Mark Fuhrer-man or Fuhrman the German, because he liked to collect Nazi memorabilia) tried to get a disability payment because he 'hated black people" after so many years on the job.

Well, they gave him a psych evaluation and determined he was malingering, but amazingly HE STILL KEPT HIS JOB!
Hire a 3rd party organization to do psych evals. Have them documented and readily available to the superiors, including the Mayor. I dont recall the OJ details. I was just a kid back then.
Again, you are going to open up to a shrink if you think you can lose your job? I wouldn't.
You may not "lose your job" but be pushed to a different role. Say from being on the street to more background checks, details, fraud crimes, etc.
You have to go back 43 years to find a case of egregious pilot error, you are kind of proving out point.

These police murders happen every day. Not once every forty years.

I don't disagree with that, psych evals would probably help. The problem is, a lot of cops probably need psychological help.

Hey, remember when it was revealed in the middle of the OJ Trial that Mark Fuhrman (Also known to his fellows as Mark Fuhrer-man or Fuhrman the German, because he liked to collect Nazi memorabilia) tried to get a disability payment because he 'hated black people" after so many years on the job.

Well, they gave him a psych evaluation and determined he was malingering, but amazingly HE STILL KEPT HIS JOB!
every day!!!hahahahhahahahahahah
..I have lot's of WW2 memorabilia that has nazi emblems--it's WW2 memorabilia--HUGE difference
..and I've proven many times for many reasons how blacks and the left are just like nazis
Wait. He could have hurt himself running away so that means it was okay to shoot him in the back twice?

Do you even think these things out when you say them?
hahhahahahaha...YES--if he would have hurt himself, you idiots would complain....
..NO MATTER what whites/cops/etc do, you people make yourselves look like idiots and complain----
Before the pandemic, the economy of the country was so much better during the Trump presidency than under Obama, especially in the area of unemployment of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women which were at historic lows.

Before it hit the iceberg, the Titanic was making wonderful time.

It was making much better time than other ocean liners had up to that point.

The ironic thing is, Trump's incompetence didn't effect the country because the "Deep State" he whines about is pretty good at it's job. But no matter how good the crew is, or how well the ship is designed, if your crazy captain crashes you into an iceberg... you're kind of fucked.

Before the pandemic, the economy of the country was so much better during the Trump presidency than under Obama, especially in the area of unemployment of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women which were at historic lows.

Before it hit the iceberg, the Titanic was making wonderful time.

It was making much better time than other ocean liners had up to that point.

The ironic thing is, Trump's incompetence didn't effect the country because the "Deep State" he whines about is pretty good at it's job. But no matter how good the crew is, or how well the ship is designed, if your crazy captain crashes you into an iceberg... you're kind of fucked.

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You are wrong. The Titanic was poorly designed. The rudder was too small and the riveted hull was not done well. Making the Titanic go so fast in waters that could have icebergs was irresponsible and so was not having binoculars for the lookouts.

President Trump did what was best for all Americans. There is no comparison here.
You are wrong. The Titanic was poorly designed. The rudder was too small and the riveted hull was not done well. Making the Titanic go so fast in waters that could have icebergs was irresponsible and so was not having binoculars for the lookouts.

All ships were riveted at that point in history. The other things you mentioned- going to fast and not having lookouts... that was on the captain...

President Trump did what was best for all Americans. There is no comparison here.

Well, no, doing what was best was to impose the kind of social distancing and testing measures other countries implemented early on. Trump didn't want to do that. It might spook the markets. He called it a hoax. He told people we had it under control when we didn't. if you want to use the Titanic analogy, he saw the Iceberg, aimed the ship right for it and put on full speed.

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