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TCB-Jewish Style.

Oh, and sealie - Do please stop assuming you 'know' what anyone else knows or thinks.

After all, how many times have I asked you to call me 'Marg' if you're going to use my name - and you still can't get it? Unless, of course, you do it just to be perverse?
This has been a most amusing thread.......

lol...it is. i very deliberately make a few very mild anti-semitic remarks over a two day period (i couldn't keep it up for the week i had planned) and jews just freak out, especially sayit.

i think the worst was calling a poster a "a jewboy"...a poster who regularly maligned the irish as "stupid, drunk pattys" and directed numerous vile and vulgar ethnic attacks at me personally.

That's a typical lie from you, Naziboy, as it was me you slammed as "jewboy" and you clearly are the only freaked out poster here (if we don't count PattyCatty). You like to claim that you only have these little "jewboy" episodes in response to my bigotry but never seem to post anything by me that qualifies while I never have a prob finding and posting yours:

"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"
You are delusional, Princess. This isn't about how everyone treats Jews but rather about the blatant bigotry of your boyfriend and your need to defend it. I suspect you are really defending your own bigotry and just hiding behind Seal. :D

Quote also by Sayit
I will try to make this simple enough even you may understand. My silence does not denote approval anymore than yours would. The diff here is that I ignore much of the blather here, while you actively defend it.

Bigotry is bigotry, and when people ignore it they are bigots.

Not true. This is an anonymous public message board. You have the right to pick and choose your battles just as I do. Whatever you claim anyone else said - and even assuming those comments actually exist, none of them are mine - speaks only about the sentiments of the poster, just as Seal's do. It's your active (yet incredibly lame) defense of Seal's bigotry which marks you, Princess. :D
Wow, thanks SAYIT for drawing my attention to this thread. What a hypocritical POS Seal is. Getting on my case for ignoring hateful comments rather than feed into them and he goes on to spill his hateful crap all over the board.

A complete and total loser. And hiding behind the no rep shit makes him a coward.

Check out my signature. Ignoring is sometimes the best way to handle someone who it trying to get someone riled up on purpose. You deny them the pleasure of seeing you get riled up. Then, another saying pick your battles applies. I always pick my battles.

Looking at this asshole making cracks at others and getting all holier than thou attitudes and then going on to make hateful comments and acting exactly the same is pretty f'ing low.

Seal=POS, Hypocrite, Jerk, lowlife.
This has been a most amusing thread.......

lol...it is. i very deliberately make a few very mild anti-semitic remarks over a two day period (i couldn't keep it up for the week i had planned) and jews just freak out, especially sayit.

i think the worst was calling a poster a "a jewboy"...a poster who regularly maligned the irish as "stupid, drunk pattys" and directed numerous vile and vulgar ethnic attacks at me personally.

i mean, the gentile posters endure ten times worse and on a daily basis far more of the same kind of agggro i threw out to the jewish posters; and i are not even talking about the posters who are arab, palestinians, or muslims, who are maliciously maligned on a daily basis that far exceeds some innocuous comments on my part. hell, irose and roudy make more ethnic slurs and display more bigotry in one post than all the "anti-semitic" comments made in a month on this board by all the pro-palestinian posters.

sort of went as planned as nn object lesson also in the sense that it flew right over the ewish posters head. they were offended, sure, and they should have been, but they never could actually translate that into the understanding and empathy that that is exactly what we go through repeatedly every single day.

but here is the funniest one, in my opinion. the israelis moved the bar. they insisted that palestinians recognise israel's right to exist in order for negotiations to occur. the palestinians, and the whole arab league in fact, does exactly that. all of a sudden, the game changes that people have to rercognise israels right to exist as a jEWISH state. so i sort of do that in a couple of thread titles...this one is an example...by acknowledging the acts of israelis as "jewish style" and let the freakout begin.

lolol...too funny, maggie.

If you think sinking to the same low as those you despise is the way to fight back then you are a delusional child.

You are no better than that you fight against.

In a way, you are worse.

Don't ever lecture anyone else on behavior again you child.

Oh he hit me first-BS.

You suck.
Oh, and sealie - Do please stop assuming you 'know' what anyone else knows or thinks.

After all, how many times have I asked you to call me 'Marg' if you're going to use my name - and you still can't get it? Unless, of course, you do it just to be perverse?

well, marg, i did stop calling you "maggie" but you kept right on calling me "sealie"...so i get it. perhaps you are the one who doesn't.
Please link to the post where you told me you didn't like that, thanks : ))

I must've missed it. Of course I didn't miss the coy way you addressed me as 'marq' - but then I was trying to be patient with you.....
Wow, thanks SAYIT for drawing my attention to this thread. What a hypocritical POS Seal is. Getting on my case for ignoring hateful comments rather than feed into them and he goes on to spill his hateful crap all over the board.

A complete and total loser. And hiding behind the no rep shit makes him a coward.

Check out my signature. Ignoring is sometimes the best way to handle someone who it trying to get someone riled up on purpose. You deny them the pleasure of seeing you get riled up. Then, another saying pick your battles applies. I always pick my battles.

Looking at this asshole making cracks at others and getting all holier than thou attitudes and then going on to make hateful comments and acting exactly the same is pretty f'ing low.

Seal=POS, Hypocrite, Jerk, lowlife.

I find the best treatment for slugs like Seal is the sweaty hockey glove to the face. That is, throw his own words back in his face and watch him dance like Snoopy. He does make a fine punching bag and invariable proves my point here ... scratch the surface of most of the so-called "pro-Pals" and you'll find a rabid anti-Semitic twit just beneath the surface. Hate and lying are second nature to them. :D
And that thread for those links has been deleted so the demand to produce the links is really not relevant. A thread has to get pretty bad to be deleted.
And that thread for those links has been deleted so the demand to produce the links is really not relevant. A thread has to get pretty bad to be deleted.

I may be wrong about this but I believe the OP - in this case Seal himself who started the thread just so he could whine about "filthy jew pockets" - can request his thread be dropped but that would be too low even for a bigoted jackass like Seal, right? :D
Wow, thanks SAYIT for drawing my attention to this thread. What a hypocritical POS Seal is. Getting on my case for ignoring hateful comments rather than feed into them and he goes on to spill his hateful crap all over the board.

A complete and total loser. And hiding behind the no rep shit makes him a coward.

Check out my signature. Ignoring is sometimes the best way to handle someone who it trying to get someone riled up on purpose. You deny them the pleasure of seeing you get riled up. Then, another saying pick your battles applies. I always pick my battles.

Looking at this asshole making cracks at others and getting all holier than thou attitudes and then going on to make hateful comments and acting exactly the same is pretty f'ing low.

Seal=POS, Hypocrite, Jerk, lowlife.

i think you are understandably, although not justifiably, angry. i think, because of this anger, you are making statements that are inconsistent with your nature and that are completely out of character.

rather than escalate at this time, i will simply make no comment.
Deleted Threads:

i have seen threads deleted recently, not because of anything that the original poster said, but instead because other people entirely disrupt a thread and egregiously violate rules, to include making extraordinarily crude and vulgar comments. i am sure these posters have suffered penalty for such posts.

i wish the admin/mod who has the authority to delete these posts would focus on the objectionable posts rather than the whole thread, but i understand their frustration and the difficulty of doing so. it does allow individuals, however, to use this technique to eliminate threads that they dislike.

i have asked to have one thread that i had started to be deleted (not in this forum). it had one response, i realised i was wrong and i asked an admin to delete it and i made appropriate apologies.

if i make a mistake on a thread that i post, or think i have done something out of line, i have never been reluctant to admit my fault. people make mistakes. i do. i am not afraid to admit mine.

regarding some alleged "anti-semitic" comments i had made, i will not apologise for those. they were taken out of context for one, and were deliberate and with a specific purpose, which i have already explained, for another. everyday i see people like sayit, roudy, MJB, iRose, marg...almost every jewish/zionist poster make bigoted attacks against the irish, italians, catholics, and other gentiles, and particularly arabs, muslims, and palestinians. i object to this. i imagine how indofred, sunni man, Jos, BIK, etc feel. i see other jews and zionists, who decry bigotry or perceived bigotry, ignore comments by their fellows. i see them paint political comment as "anti-semitism.

if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

if you want peace, work for justice.
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Wow, thanks SAYIT for drawing my attention to this thread. What a hypocritical POS Seal is. Getting on my case for ignoring hateful comments rather than feed into them and he goes on to spill his hateful crap all over the board.

A complete and total loser. And hiding behind the no rep shit makes him a coward.

Check out my signature. Ignoring is sometimes the best way to handle someone who it trying to get someone riled up on purpose. You deny them the pleasure of seeing you get riled up. Then, another saying pick your battles applies. I always pick my battles.

Looking at this asshole making cracks at others and getting all holier than thou attitudes and then going on to make hateful comments and acting exactly the same is pretty f'ing low.

Seal=POS, Hypocrite, Jerk, lowlife.

i think you are understandably, although not justifiably, angry. i think, because of this anger, you are making statements that are inconsistent with your nature and that are completely out of character.

rather than escalate at this time, i will simply make no comment.

Good, then see the comment I made to you in this thread where you brought my name up again-page 12 I believe it is. It says everything I need to say to you and then some. After this, as long as you keep my name out of your posts, I'll say nothing further to you.

Wow, thanks SAYIT for drawing my attention to this thread. What a hypocritical POS Seal is. Getting on my case for ignoring hateful comments rather than feed into them and he goes on to spill his hateful crap all over the board.

A complete and total loser. And hiding behind the no rep shit makes him a coward.

Check out my signature. Ignoring is sometimes the best way to handle someone who it trying to get someone riled up on purpose. You deny them the pleasure of seeing you get riled up. Then, another saying pick your battles applies. I always pick my battles.

Looking at this asshole making cracks at others and getting all holier than thou attitudes and then going on to make hateful comments and acting exactly the same is pretty f'ing low.

Seal=POS, Hypocrite, Jerk, lowlife.

i think you are understandably, although not justifiably, angry. i think, because of this anger, you are making statements that are inconsistent with your nature and that are completely out of character.

rather than escalate at this time, i will simply make no comment.

Good, then see the comment I made to you in this thread where you brought my name up again-page 12 I believe it is. It says everything I need to say to you and then some. After this, as long as you keep my name out of your posts, I'll say nothing further to you.

you have lied to me before about things.

you should fit in well with your new friends. you share many similar "qualities". you and sayit's BFF, roudy, should get along famously. marg is also his great friend. in the meantime, however, you can enjoy the quaint, anecdotal, philosophival ramblings of iRosie.

i see no need for you to spread this to other forums, other than that you are a petty, little, lying bitch and a vindictive, backbiting guttersnipe. i think we can address your issues here.

i did find it odd you calling me a coward for opting out of the rep system so shortly after thanking AquaAthena, who also opted out. do you think she is a coward as well? perhaps you confuse cowardice with one's lack of a need to conform to arbitrary standards of praise and rejection from complete strangers. also, for one who had been saying many times prior to this how meaningless this rep system is, you seem now to be putting a lot of store in it.
OK, seal - you claim I have made horrid comments about people's ethnicity. I'd like to see those oh-so-awful posts.

Yanno, seal, each and every single time you use 'Jew' instead of 'Israeli' - like in the title of this thread! - you invalidate any fuss you make over poking at anyone else's ethnicity. Most especially your own.

As far as 'moral high ground' goes: seal is standing in the Marianas Trench.
OK, seal - you claim I have made horrid comments about people's ethnicity. I'd like to see those oh-so-awful posts.

Yanno, seal, each and every single time you use 'Jew' instead of 'Israeli' - like in the title of this thread! - you invalidate any fuss you make over poking at anyone else's ethnicity. Most especially your own.

As far as 'moral high ground' goes: seal is standing in the Marianas Trench.

you seem to be unable to understand that i am trying to accomodate israel's and zionist's insistance that israel has a right to exist as a JEWISH state, a shift from the earlier position that they merely had a right to exist. prior to that time, and up until ust recently, i did make a very clear distinction.

also, the individuals in question were israelis as well as jews.

i don't think you can really have it both ways.

here is a link where you said absolutely horrible things about black people. it so infuriated me, i went back through it and reported half a dozen of your posts.

Oh, really, seal? What 'absolutely horrible' things could I have possibly said on a thread which doesn't exist any more?
Oh, really, seal? What 'absolutely horrible' things could I have possibly said on a thread which doesn't exist any more?

Marge I remember ---you said that I (irosie) am NOT young, tall, gorgeous,
and right handed. how COULD YOU?????

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