Tea Partier: Obama was smoking dope and hand picked by the communists to be president

Most people have smoked pot....

I don't see the big deal ;)

Yanno....................I recognize the same truth. Most people HAVE smoked pot.

And I really don't see the big deal.

Personal opinion? More damage has been done by synthetic substitutes like K2 than from what has been done by "natural" pot.

Besides........................plant grown (or natural) cannabis has been proven to have definite medical benefits.

Synthetic (aka K2 or it's affiliates) has been proven to be harmful.

Want to know a good reason to legalize pot? Because it would stop the drug pushers who sell the synthetic crap.

Not only that, it would cut down on crime. Generally stoners don't want to rape, kill, or abuse people while they're high.
Tea Partier: Obama was smoking dope and hand picked by the communists to be president

We must stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican party that talks like adults. It’s time for us to articulate our plans and visions for America in real terms. We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. We’ve had enough of that.

We must stop insulting the intelligence of voters. We need to trust the smarts of the American people. We have to stop dumbing down our ideas and stop reducing everything to mindless slogans and tag lines for 30-second ads.
- stop being the stupid party

- party that talks like adults

- damaged the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments

- stop insulting the intelligence of voters

- stop dumbing down our ideas

- stop reducing everything to mindless slogans and tag lines

Despite losing the last 2 presidential elections, conservatives still haven't learned from their mistakes!

ah yes, the ONE TRICK PONY strikes again...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
And the Raw story strikes again....A TEA PARTIER HUH? does this person have a NAME or we are just suppose to take rawidiot word for it?

you people will swallow any STORY put out about the tea party...

and Obama was groomed, he did smoke dope and he did associate with communist...so what chaps your asses about that?

you would know that if you took the TIME to vet him...

you can only have pity for sites like raw story and the op...
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Here we go again with more far right wing insanity,..

President Barack Obama is little more than a dope-smoking stooge of secret communists, according to one tea party activist.

“Remember, Obama has been running for president his whole life,” World Net Daily contributor Jerome Corsi said at a conservative event in Oregon earlier this month.

“He was picked by the far left, by Alexrod,” he continued. “He was picked by the communists to be the next guy.”

“You know, he was mostly smoking dope his whole life and he didn’t need to read anything except out of a teleprompter.”

Tea party speaker: Obama ?mostly smoking dope? before he was ?picked by communists? to be president | The Raw Story
Jerome Corsi has been known to be an idiot for a long time. Not much new here.
And the Raw story strikes again....A TEA PARTIER HUH? does this person have a NAME or we are just suppose to take rawidiot word for it?

you people will swallow any STORY put out about the tea party...

and Obama was groomed, he did smoke dope and he did associate with communist...so what chaps your asses about that?

you would know that if you took the TIME to vet him...

you can only have pity for sites like raw story and the op...

Quick question............................if Obama was a "dope smoking communist" who was hand picked by the communist party, then why does Putin (who is a Russian communist) hate him so much?

And by the way......................how many of the posters on here have never tried smoking pot while they were in their late teens to mid 20's?

I'm guessing not many.

I never did.

obama was riding around in his choom wagon smoking dope when he was a young teen and graduated to cocaine when he got into college. He's quite proud of it too. He wrote extensively about his drug use in his autobiographies. He never quit either. He's has the classic presentation of a coke freak now.

The communists in Russia have already learned that communism doesn't work. In 2009 Putin specifically warned obama that socialism doesn't work.
Archived Blog: Putin warns US to eschew socialism
He never quit either. He's has the classic presentation of a coke freak now.

I sure you have rock solid proof that the president is a "coke freak" I'd hate to think you are nothing but another radical right wing nutcase making crap up, then believing it as the truth...
Here we go again with more far right wing insanity,..

President Barack Obama is little more than a dope-smoking stooge of secret communists, according to one tea party activist.

“Remember, Obama has been running for president his whole life,” World Net Daily contributor Jerome Corsi said at a conservative event in Oregon earlier this month.

“He was picked by the far left, by Alexrod,” he continued. “He was picked by the communists to be the next guy.”

“You know, he was mostly smoking dope his whole life and he didn’t need to read anything except out of a teleprompter.”

Tea party speaker: Obama ?mostly smoking dope? before he was ?picked by communists? to be president | The Raw Story
While it's true the hypocritical pretender smoked his share of marijuana the idea that he is inclined to anything close to communist ideology is absurd. Obama is an undercover plutocrat. He supports and serves the Wall Street elite who are the antithesis of communism.
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Here we go again with more far right wing insanity,..

President Barack Obama is little more than a dope-smoking stooge of secret communists, according to one tea party activist.

“Remember, Obama has been running for president his whole life,” World Net Daily contributor Jerome Corsi said at a conservative event in Oregon earlier this month.

“He was picked by the far left, by Alexrod,” he continued. “He was picked by the communists to be the next guy.”

“You know, he was mostly smoking dope his whole life and he didn’t need to read anything except out of a teleprompter.”

Tea party speaker: Obama ?mostly smoking dope? before he was ?picked by communists? to be president | The Raw Story
While it's true the hypocritical pretender smoked his share of marijuana the idea that he is inclined to anything close to communist ideology is absurd. Obama is an undercover plutocrat. He supports and serves the Wall Street elite who are the antithesis of communism.

No, obama is a marxist collectivist. everything belongs to everyone and the govt will divide it up as they see fit.

Obama caters to some corporate interests but only for political gain. He would like to nationalize all businesses.
Quick question............................if Obama was a "dope smoking communist" who was hand picked by the communist party, then why does Putin (who is a Russian communist) hate him so much?

And by the way......................how many of the posters on here have never tried smoking pot while they were in their late teens to mid 20's?

I'm guessing not many.

I have never smoked dope nor have I ever used any illegal drugs. Of course, I'm a conservative.:eusa_angel:

Obama is a lying, communistic, muslim loving, non-transparent, likely illegal, faggot POS! In spite of that, gullible, idiotic numbskulls have voted him in twice, but that doesn't impress me!:mad:
Here we go again with more far right wing insanity,..

President Barack Obama is little more than a dope-smoking stooge of secret communists, according to one tea party activist.

“Remember, Obama has been running for president his whole life,” World Net Daily contributor Jerome Corsi said at a conservative event in Oregon earlier this month.

“He was picked by the far left, by Alexrod,” he continued. “He was picked by the communists to be the next guy.”

“You know, he was mostly smoking dope his whole life and he didn’t need to read anything except out of a teleprompter.”

Tea party speaker: Obama ?mostly smoking dope? before he was ?picked by communists? to be president | The Raw Story
While it's true the hypocritical pretender smoked his share of marijuana the idea that he is inclined to anything close to communist ideology is absurd. Obama is an undercover plutocrat. He supports and serves the Wall Street elite who are the antithesis of communism.
First you have to understand that communist leaders and communist followers are 2 completely different animals.

The communist follower hates capitalism and wants to see it destroyed because they don't know how to prosper on their own (like the welfare recipients who support Obama).

The communist leader knows that capitalism must exist in order to finance communism (you can't redistribute wealth if there is no wealth). They're like vampires who keep the victim alive to feed off of them.

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