Tea Partiers have a better grasp of science...how embarassing!

Tell us about the difference between "rape" and "rape rape".

There is none except for the extra rape. Why do you ask?

So why did Whoopie, imply that rape was ok but rape rape is wrong?
Has it something to do with the legitimacy of the rape?
Like it's ok for a liberal to forcibly sodomize a 13 year old girl ( Roman Polanski) but if it's not a liberal then it's "RAPE RAPE", is that your liberal reasoning?

You'd have to ask Whoopie. i do not believe any rape is legit. Why are you so confused about that?
There is none except for the extra rape. Why do you ask?

So why did Whoopie, imply that rape was ok but rape rape is wrong?
Has it something to do with the legitimacy of the rape?
Like it's ok for a liberal to forcibly sodomize a 13 year old girl ( Roman Polanski) but if it's not a liberal then it's "RAPE RAPE", is that your liberal reasoning?

You'd have to ask Whoopie. i do not believe any rape is legit. Why are you so confused about that?
You are both liberals, so you believe exactly what she says.
You can't disagree with another black liberal, that would make you an Uncle Tom.

Your rules Re Uncle Tom.

Unless you agree with her completely.....
So are you a rape supporter or an Uncle Tom?
I saw you claim Todd Aiken was tea party.
You still refuse to address the liberal view of child rape not being rape rape as presented by one of your own.
What is legitimate rape to a liberal?

Todd Aiken is backed by the tea-party. Why would you back someone dumber than you and support his views?

Who said child rape was not rape and why do you assume I would consider someone like that my own?

I dont know what a Liberal would think about legitimate rape, but I'm pretty sure most if not all would never believe in such a concept like the Tea party does.

Sarah Palin tried to find someone to run against him, but you think he was backed by the Tea Party. No wonder you think Mamooth is a conservative.
Already nailed you on your Akin lie, some people never learn.

The Tea Bag Brotherhood keeps telling us they have no leader, but now YOU say Celebutard Palin in the leader who decides just who is and isn't a Bagger. Either you are a liar or the Baggers are liars, but you both can't be telling the truth.

For a refresher:

Tea Party-backed Rep. Akin wins Missouri GOP Senate primary to take on McCaskill | Fox News

Tea Party-backed Rep. Akin wins Missouri GOP Senate primary to take on McCaskill

Score another win for the Tea Party.

Missouri Rep. Todd Akin broke out of a three-way GOP primary fight Tuesday and won the nomination to take on Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill in the fall. Akin had played up his Tea Party credentials, in an unusual primary race in which all three candidates claimed conservative, outsider appeal.

The results send yet another Tea Party-backed candidate into the general election, with the McCaskill face-off considered one of the most closely watched Senate races of the year.
So why did Whoopie, imply that rape was ok but rape rape is wrong?
Has it something to do with the legitimacy of the rape?
Like it's ok for a liberal to forcibly sodomize a 13 year old girl ( Roman Polanski) but if it's not a liberal then it's "RAPE RAPE", is that your liberal reasoning?

You'd have to ask Whoopie. i do not believe any rape is legit. Why are you so confused about that?
You are both liberals, so you believe exactly what she says.
You can't disagree with another black liberal, that would make you an Uncle Tom.

Your rules Re Uncle Tom.

Unless you agree with her completely.....
So are you a rape supporter or an Uncle Tom?

Who told you i believe what she believes?
I don't quite know what to say to that. I just want to make sure that I am clear on your stance. Are you saying that if a woman is forcibly raped she will not get pregnant?
Given that rape is given as a reason for seeking an abortion in around 1% of all abortions, I'd say the evidence shows that to be true.

Does the fact that many women dont even report rapes make you consider they would also be reluctant to give that as a reason for having an abortion? At least a little bit?
Certainly. The link discusses the issues with rape-related statistics. It's under the section titled "Issues with rape-related statistics".
You'd have to ask Whoopie. i do not believe any rape is legit. Why are you so confused about that?
You are both liberals, so you believe exactly what she says.
You can't disagree with another black liberal, that would make you an Uncle Tom.

Your rules Re Uncle Tom.

Unless you agree with her completely.....
So are you a rape supporter or an Uncle Tom?

Who told you i believe what she believes?

She is a liberal, you are a liberal.
She is a famous black, if you deny her then you are an Uncle Tom.
Which is it?
An apologist for rape or an Uncle Tom ?
Given that rape is given as a reason for seeking an abortion in around 1% of all abortions, I'd say the evidence shows that to be true.

Does the fact that many women dont even report rapes make you consider they would also be reluctant to give that as a reason for having an abortion? At least a little bit?
Certainly. The link discusses the issues with rape-related statistics. It's under the section titled "Issues with rape-related statistics".

So how do they know its 1% then? Educated guess?
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You are both liberals, so you believe exactly what she says.
You can't disagree with another black liberal, that would make you an Uncle Tom.

Your rules Re Uncle Tom.

Unless you agree with her completely.....
So are you a rape supporter or an Uncle Tom?

Who told you i believe what she believes?

She is a liberal, you are a liberal.
She is a famous black, if you deny her then you are an Uncle Tom.
Which is it?
An apologist for rape or an Uncle Tom ?
But I'm not a liberal. Who told you that?
I guess you got me on that one. :lol: You better check you boy Vox though.
I don't have any boys. I'm responsible ONLY for what I say; others are each responsible ONLY for what they say.

I know progressives are great believers in the concept of collective punishment, but really, that's just intellectually lazy.

You just agreed with him about the rape thing Dave. Please tell me you were kidding?
I brought up a point that hadn't been discussed or considered with this issue.

Further: Ever know a couple trying to have a baby for years? No medical reason for the inability, but they just can't catch pregnant. Calendars, taking temperatures, scheduling sex...and it doesn't work. Lots of stress.

So they decide to adopt. They find the perfect child, and welcome the new addition to the family. Everybody's happy.

BAM!! They get pregnant.

What's different? The stress of trying to get pregnant is gone.

There's another point that hasn't been discussed or considered.

Do you believe stress has no impact of the chances of pregnancy? I'd like to see you make that case.
Kahan wrote that not only did the findings surprise him, they embarrassed him.
“I’ve got to confess, though, I found this result surprising. As I pushed the button to run the analysis on my computer, I fully expected I’d be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension,” Kahan wrote.
“But then again, I don’t know a single person who identifies with the tea party,” he continued. “All my impressions come from watching cable tv — & I don’t watch Fox News very often — and reading the ‘paper’ (New York Times daily, plus a variety of politics-focused Internet sites like Huffington Post and POLITICO). I’m a little embarrassed, but mainly, I’m just glad that I no longer hold this particular mistaken view.”

Read more: Eureka! Tea partiers know science - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com


They also have a firmer grasp of what our Constitution represents, but that's for another shocking study down the road.....

Most TP are working professionals that have to pay taxes.

Only liberals require a study to find out they, as a group, are dumber than they people they think are dumb.

Wonder if it dawned on him that he's been lied to the whole time? Probably not, being liberal, free thought isn't common.
Who told you i believe what she believes?

She is a liberal, you are a liberal.
She is a famous black, if you deny her then you are an Uncle Tom.
Which is it?
An apologist for rape or an Uncle Tom ?
But I'm not a liberal. Who told you that?

Your blind support for all liberal policies.
Your arguments defending the monstrosity called Obama care.
Your arguments for cutting the military, your desire to appease our enemies.
What you say basically.
You are a far left fanatical liberal totalitarian of the Obamacult.
So are you a rape apologist or an Uncle Tom?
No it didn't! It made absolutely no comparison between Libs and the Tea Bag Brotherhood. Your false claim only proves the ignorance of the Right!

It compared Baggers to NON-Baggers, not Libs. The NON-Baggers included the smarter Libs and the dumber CON$ dragging down the Libs score. IOW, it was a comparison between Baggers and Libs with NON-Bagger CON$.

You could REASON this from the study if you had any simple arithmetic skills. Each chart has the breakdown of the sample's participants in the upper right corner. In the Libs/CON$ chart there were 1168 Libs and 1148 CON$ for a total of 2,316. In the Bagger chart there were 430 Baggers and 1886 NON-Baggers for a total of 2,316.

A comparison between Baggers and Libs would have had 430 Baggers and 1168 Libs for a total of 1,598. Since no such study was done then only a stupid fool would claim the study said Baggers were better versed in science than Libs!!!!!


Wow, some people sure do bitterly cling to their bigotry when it's shown to be wrong, don't they?

Ed, your little hissy fit refutes nothing.
It shows that the Right lack basic comprehension skills even after the facts are laid out for them. The law "study" compared Libs to CON$ and Baggers to NON-Baggers but NOT Baggers to Libs, so any claim of a comparison of Baggers to Libs from the "study" comes from an inability to read, comprehend and analyze!
So, how's that whole hissy-fit thing working out for you?
Trust that I realize both sides carefully craft bad images of each other. However, the Tea Party has had some real humdingers you have to admit. My personal favorite:

15 Mind-Numbingly Dumb Things TEApublicans Have Said Lately | Americans Against the Tea Party

Todd Aiken is not a tea party republican.
See how fast the Tea Bag Brotherhood abandons their losers!

BTW, your bullshit was already debunked earlier in this thread when another fool made the same false claim! Further proof the Right is incapable of learning even when exposed to the facts!

To refresh your memory:

Tea Party-backed Rep. Akin wins Missouri GOP Senate primary to take on McCaskill | Fox News

Tea Party-backed Rep. Akin wins Missouri GOP Senate primary to take on McCaskill

Score another win for the Tea Party.

Missouri Rep. Todd Akin broke out of a three-way GOP primary fight Tuesday and won the nomination to take on Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill in the fall. Akin had played up his Tea Party credentials, in an unusual primary race in which all three candidates claimed conservative, outsider appeal.

The results send yet another Tea Party-backed candidate into the general election, with the McCaskill face-off considered one of the most closely watched Senate races of the year.
I thought Faux Snooz lies all the time.
Does the fact that many women dont even report rapes make you consider they would also be reluctant to give that as a reason for having an abortion? At least a little bit?
Certainly. The link discusses the issues with rape-related statistics. It's under the section titled "Issues with rape-related statistics".

So how do they know its 1% then? Educated guess?

I'm rather tired of spoon-feeding people. Click the link.
I don't have any boys. I'm responsible ONLY for what I say; others are each responsible ONLY for what they say.

I know progressives are great believers in the concept of collective punishment, but really, that's just intellectually lazy.

You just agreed with him about the rape thing Dave. Please tell me you were kidding?
I brought up a point that hadn't been discussed or considered with this issue.

Further: Ever know a couple trying to have a baby for years? No medical reason for the inability, but they just can't catch pregnant. Calendars, taking temperatures, scheduling sex...and it doesn't work. Lots of stress.

So they decide to adopt. They find the perfect child, and welcome the new addition to the family. Everybody's happy.

BAM!! They get pregnant.

What's different? The stress of trying to get pregnant is gone.

There's another point that hasn't been discussed or considered.

Do you believe stress has no impact of the chances of pregnancy? I'd like to see you make that case.

No I get what you are saying but I think those are 2 different kinds of stress. Without researching I'm going to guess that stress from being raped and stress from trying to conceive will net you 2 different results to the body. With rape I bet you get a lot more adrenaline which dissipates quickly. BRB.

Just had to verify that sperm can live up to 3 days. If you are trying to get pregnant the stress levels will stay up during the time you are hoping to conceive because you are anxious. I know that a lot of rape victims are sedated by medical personnel so that would reduce stress enough for them to get pregnant even if stress was 100% effective in preventing pregnancy in all cases. Then you factor in a women that has a strong personality and coping mechanism or even the fact they may have been drugged during the rape. All it takes is for the sperm to get to the egg which may already be there waiting or come later when the woman is calmed down and no longer in the freeze, flight, of fight mode. its all timing. All stress can do is keep you from ovulating the way I understand it.
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She is a liberal, you are a liberal.
She is a famous black, if you deny her then you are an Uncle Tom.
Which is it?
An apologist for rape or an Uncle Tom ?
But I'm not a liberal. Who told you that?

Your blind support for all liberal policies.
Your arguments defending the monstrosity called Obama care.
Your arguments for cutting the military, your desire to appease our enemies.
What you say basically.
You are a far left fanatical liberal totalitarian of the Obamacult.
So are you a rape apologist or an Uncle Tom?

WOW.. So if you are liberal, you are liberal about all issues. If you are conservative, you are conservative about all issues? These "labels" do nothing but stall a conversation/discussion.

You sir are British. LOL
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She is a liberal, you are a liberal.
She is a famous black, if you deny her then you are an Uncle Tom.
Which is it?
An apologist for rape or an Uncle Tom ?
But I'm not a liberal. Who told you that?

Your blind support for all liberal policies.
Your arguments defending the monstrosity called Obama care.
Your arguments for cutting the military, your desire to appease our enemies.
What you say basically.
You are a far left fanatical liberal totalitarian of the Obamacult.
So are you a rape apologist or an Uncle Tom?

But I dont support all liberal policies. Who told you that I did?
Todd Aiken is not a tea party republican.
See how fast the Tea Bag Brotherhood abandons their losers!

BTW, your bullshit was already debunked earlier in this thread when another fool made the same false claim! Further proof the Right is incapable of learning even when exposed to the facts!

To refresh your memory:

Tea Party-backed Rep. Akin wins Missouri GOP Senate primary to take on McCaskill | Fox News

Tea Party-backed Rep. Akin wins Missouri GOP Senate primary to take on McCaskill

Score another win for the Tea Party.

Missouri Rep. Todd Akin broke out of a three-way GOP primary fight Tuesday and won the nomination to take on Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill in the fall. Akin had played up his Tea Party credentials, in an unusual primary race in which all three candidates claimed conservative, outsider appeal.

The results send yet another Tea Party-backed candidate into the general election, with the McCaskill face-off considered one of the most closely watched Senate races of the year.

Show me the Tea party statements supporting any social issue?
It's a single issue grass roots organization, you fucking retard.
Taxed Enough Already.
Consider your retarded self de bunked.
When I get the Right cursing me I know they believe deep down in their own hearts that I am right!

Akin was an original member of the Tea Bag Brotherhood caucus


Touting tea party backing, Akin's endorsed by Bachmann and King

WASHINGTON – The struggle for tea party-related support among Missouri’s Republican Senate contenders continued Thursday as U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, R-Wildwood, announced the endorsement of former presidential hopeful and congressional Tea Party Caucus founder Michele Bachmann.

Akin’s corralling of U.S. Reps. Bachmann, R-Minn., and Steve King, R-Iowa – staunch conservatives who, along with Akin, were among the caucus’ founding members in 2010 – follows last month’s dispute over the significance of the Tea Party Express’ endorsement of GOP Senate contender and former state Treasurer Sarah Steelman.

Upset with that decision by the nation’s biggest tea party political action committee, 18 Missouri-based tea party groups issued a statement in March disavowing the endorsement, saying the California-based Tea Party Express does “not speak for Missouri tea party organizations when stating they have identified a 'true Tea Party candidate in Missouri.'” Two other tea party-aligned groups – the Missouri Conservative Coalition and the Gateway Grassroots Initiative – later issued similar statements.

The Gateway Grassroots Initiative, which includes activists who broke away from the St. Louis Tea Party, said in a statement that the Tea Party Express' support for Steelman “was done without consulting or reaching out to local groups to gauge whether or not their endorsement was a wise one.”
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