Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Obviously those who made the hateful statements are not representative of all members of the TPM, or of others on the right in general.

But this is representative of the hate and ignorance that finds refuge among the ranks of conservatives, where most racists identify as conservative and republican, and where most racists are attracted to conservative dogma.

It's incumbent upon conservatives, therefore, to examine their dogma to determine why it attracts racists and bigots, and to fix what is so clearly a problem.

What's particularly disturbing about this incident is that there are those with such unwarranted hatred for the president that they're actually willing to make such a public display of their hatred and ignorance absent any shame or embarrassment.
It is not just that one would say it but that so many would join in to agree
I was JUST reading this and how funny a supposed "tea party" group shows up and starts wailing racist comments at that loser party of Obama. Believe what you want folks. Doesn't matter. They should of yelled: burn the fucking place down I guess and all would of been AOK

Liberal group plots to catch GOP state pols being racist and sexist

The Florida old Capitol Building, in Tallahassee, Florida. (iStock Photo)
The leader of a group hoping to improve liberals' fortunes at the state level revealed on Friday plans to start tracking conservative state legislators based on the assumption that "someone’s going to say something about black people" or women.
The comments came at the first ever conference of the State Innovation Exchange (SiX), the Left’s attempt to counter conservative policy successes that have followed Republican victories at the state level.
“We’re working with David Brock and Media Matters and American Bridge who have trackers that we can send out to monitor the debate on some bills that you all might be running," Nick Rathod, executive director of SiX, said. "I think in many legislatures my understanding is that a lot of legislatures stream their floor debates but don’t necessarily transcribe it or capture it in any kind of way. And so we want to start capturing them on that. I think we know, someone’s going to say something about black people. Someone’s going to say something about women. Someone is going to say something.”

all of it here:
Liberal group plots to catch GOP state pols being racist and sexist WashingtonExaminer.com
Yeah...yelling burn this place down would have been much more appropriate.

You mean "Burn this BITCH down," or "burn this mother fucker down."

I recall a whole army of libturds in this forum defending that kind of talk, even though it's actually criminal.
If it gets a racist kiled, I support whatever they want to say. Regreftully, none of the looters were killed in Ferguson and regretfully none of the teaper protesters were killed in this event or at the Bundy ranch. I really wish the teaper hate faction, the black hate faction, and LEO would get in a war...it would be like giving America the greatest enema ever!
Your mask fell off. Thanks for showing the real you.
If you don't like he subject, there are plenty others to choose from. Acting like a spoiled child because you don't like this one is certainly expected from teabaggers though.
Oh, shut the fuck up, you filthy leftist trash.

I'm always impressed by the intellectual qual
a comment from the article I posted : Catch up people this so called protest smells of the DIRTY POLITICS OF THE LEFT/PROGRESSIVES.

Democratic Party Opposition Research Organization:State Innovation Exchange
Tools and resources for our “laboratories of democracy.” Elected officials and staff across the country are writing legislation that will shape our future. At SiX, we provide trusted, expert resources to inform and enhance that work.More - leadership [Nick Rathod] and advisory board
Advisory Board
Aniello Alioto, ProgressNow
Pete Altman, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Ady Barkan, Center for Popular Democracy (CPD)
Jeremy Bird, 270 Strategies
Ellen Bravo, Family Values @ Work (FV@W)
Christine Chen, Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
Ron Collins, Communication Workers of America (CWA)
Cathy Duvall, Sierra Club
Richard Eidlin, American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)
Stephen Geer, Everytown for Gun Safety
Arkadi Gerney, Center for American Progress (CAP)
Andrew Gillum, Young Elected Officials Network (YEO Network)
Ben Goldfarb, Wellstone Action
Sondra Goldschein, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Adam Green, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Sarita Gupta, Jobs With Justice (JWJ)
Michael Huttner, The Huttner Group
Saru Jayaraman, Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United
Margarida Jorge, Women’s Equality Center (WEC)
Jeremy Kalin, Eutectics Consulting LLC
Cietta Kiandoli, State Voices
Zachary Norris, Ella Baker Center
Zinelle October, American Constitution Society (ACS)
Jodeen Olguin-Tayler, Demos
Deepak Pateriya, Center for Community Change (CCC)
Kal Penn, Actor and Former Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
Michelle Ringette, American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Peggy Shorey, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Melanie Sloan, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Greg Speed, America Votes
Mitch Stewart, 270 Strategies
Stephanie Taylor, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Robyn Thomas, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV)
Jason Waskey, Environmental Consultant and Former OFA State Director
Jenn Watts, New Organizing Institute (NOI)
Buffy Wicks, Priorities USA Action
Ben Wikler, MoveOn.org
Karundi Williams, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Brad Woodhouse, American Bridge 21st Century (AB21)

Liberal group plots to catch GOP state pols being racist and sexist WashingtonExaminer.com

So the right never does opposition research?
In a way perhaps..or you could say he has opened up discussion on a taboo subject. Not everyone is as immature and idiotic as the usual racist suspects on this forum

What's taboo about a teabagger throwing every talking point Hannity gave them in an effort to avoid a particular subject? That always happens.

Do you support this crap?


Again, not relevant to this thread

we know you're not. thanks for admitting it
You're not the boss of what relevant on this board.

OK I give up. Hijack away.
Oh, shut the fuck up, you filthy leftist trash.

I'm always impressed by the intellectual qual
a comment from the article I posted : Catch up people this so called protest smells of the DIRTY POLITICS OF THE LEFT/PROGRESSIVES.

Democratic Party Opposition Research Organization:State Innovation Exchange
Tools and resources for our “laboratories of democracy.” Elected officials and staff across the country are writing legislation that will shape our future. At SiX, we provide trusted, expert resources to inform and enhance that work.More - leadership [Nick Rathod] and advisory board
Advisory Board
Aniello Alioto, ProgressNow
Pete Altman, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Ady Barkan, Center for Popular Democracy (CPD)
Jeremy Bird, 270 Strategies
Ellen Bravo, Family Values @ Work (FV@W)
Christine Chen, Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
Ron Collins, Communication Workers of America (CWA)
Cathy Duvall, Sierra Club
Richard Eidlin, American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)
Stephen Geer, Everytown for Gun Safety
Arkadi Gerney, Center for American Progress (CAP)
Andrew Gillum, Young Elected Officials Network (YEO Network)
Ben Goldfarb, Wellstone Action
Sondra Goldschein, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Adam Green, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Sarita Gupta, Jobs With Justice (JWJ)
Michael Huttner, The Huttner Group
Saru Jayaraman, Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United
Margarida Jorge, Women’s Equality Center (WEC)
Jeremy Kalin, Eutectics Consulting LLC
Cietta Kiandoli, State Voices
Zachary Norris, Ella Baker Center
Zinelle October, American Constitution Society (ACS)
Jodeen Olguin-Tayler, Demos
Deepak Pateriya, Center for Community Change (CCC)
Kal Penn, Actor and Former Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
Michelle Ringette, American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Peggy Shorey, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Melanie Sloan, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Greg Speed, America Votes
Mitch Stewart, 270 Strategies
Stephanie Taylor, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Robyn Thomas, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV)
Jason Waskey, Environmental Consultant and Former OFA State Director
Jenn Watts, New Organizing Institute (NOI)
Buffy Wicks, Priorities USA Action
Ben Wikler, MoveOn.org
Karundi Williams, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Brad Woodhouse, American Bridge 21st Century (AB21)

Liberal group plots to catch GOP state pols being racist and sexist WashingtonExaminer.com

So the right never does opposition research?

ah that's what you call it. Going around looking for anyone who says something racist or sexist so we can get threads LIKE THIS which is probably plants from the Progressive/Democrat party. But you all don't care about doing ANY RESEARCH to see if it's ture or NOT. do you? you just run with it.You and the op are tools for the Democrat party. you must be proud

After watching fox and listening to right wing fruitcakes like Cruz, Bachman, and Perry, It's hard to believe you would be concerned about whether something might be true.
Oh you poor baby. How intolerant of free speech. If I buy you a candy bar will you stop whining?

Well make up your diseased mind. When the right does it, it's free speech, but the left is nefarious? What a dweebe.
Oh, fuck off, you weak sycophant.
This reminds me of that couple that killed people that went to the Bundy ranch you guys claimed were tea partiers until you learned they were really occupiers.

I've been to tea party protests. People of all races stood hand in hand for the principles of limited government
Obviously those who made the hateful statements are not representative of all members of the TPM, or of others on the right in general.

But this is representative of the hate and ignorance that finds refuge among the ranks of conservatives, where most racists identify as conservative and republican, and where most racists are attracted to conservative dogma.

It's incumbent upon conservatives, therefore, to examine their dogma to determine why it attracts racists and bigots, and to fix what is so clearly a problem.

What's particularly disturbing about this incident is that there are those with such unwarranted hatred for the president that they're actually willing to make such a public display of their hatred and ignorance absent any shame or embarrassment.
As opposed to liberal racism where in they think they are the only ones that can show blacks how to live as serfs to the Government, with laws that enslave all people to government.
If you don't like he subject, there are plenty others to choose from. Acting like a spoiled child because you don't like this one is certainly expected from teabaggers though.
Oh, shut the fuck up, you filthy leftist trash.

I'm always impressed by the intellectual qual
a comment from the article I posted : Catch up people this so called protest smells of the DIRTY POLITICS OF THE LEFT/PROGRESSIVES.

Democratic Party Opposition Research Organization:State Innovation Exchange
Tools and resources for our “laboratories of democracy.” Elected officials and staff across the country are writing legislation that will shape our future. At SiX, we provide trusted, expert resources to inform and enhance that work.More - leadership [Nick Rathod] and advisory board
Advisory Board
Aniello Alioto, ProgressNow
Pete Altman, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Ady Barkan, Center for Popular Democracy (CPD)
Jeremy Bird, 270 Strategies
Ellen Bravo, Family Values @ Work (FV@W)
Christine Chen, Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
Ron Collins, Communication Workers of America (CWA)
Cathy Duvall, Sierra Club
Richard Eidlin, American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)
Stephen Geer, Everytown for Gun Safety
Arkadi Gerney, Center for American Progress (CAP)
Andrew Gillum, Young Elected Officials Network (YEO Network)
Ben Goldfarb, Wellstone Action
Sondra Goldschein, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Adam Green, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Sarita Gupta, Jobs With Justice (JWJ)
Michael Huttner, The Huttner Group
Saru Jayaraman, Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United
Margarida Jorge, Women’s Equality Center (WEC)
Jeremy Kalin, Eutectics Consulting LLC
Cietta Kiandoli, State Voices
Zachary Norris, Ella Baker Center
Zinelle October, American Constitution Society (ACS)
Jodeen Olguin-Tayler, Demos
Deepak Pateriya, Center for Community Change (CCC)
Kal Penn, Actor and Former Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
Michelle Ringette, American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Peggy Shorey, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Melanie Sloan, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Greg Speed, America Votes
Mitch Stewart, 270 Strategies
Stephanie Taylor, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Robyn Thomas, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV)
Jason Waskey, Environmental Consultant and Former OFA State Director
Jenn Watts, New Organizing Institute (NOI)
Buffy Wicks, Priorities USA Action
Ben Wikler, MoveOn.org
Karundi Williams, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Brad Woodhouse, American Bridge 21st Century (AB21)

Liberal group plots to catch GOP state pols being racist and sexist WashingtonExaminer.com

So the right never does opposition research?
In a way perhaps..or you could say he has opened up discussion on a taboo subject. Not everyone is as immature and idiotic as the usual racist suspects on this forum

What's taboo about a teabagger throwing every talking point Hannity gave them in an effort to avoid a particular subject? That always happens.

Do you support this crap?

Don't really care what someone does in protest. It is their right, no? Why do you think it is alright for whites to protest and not blacks? Do you think blacks don't deserve Constitutional rights?
You don't get it. How many businesses were looted and burned by Teapers?
But how does that justify hate speech by the teaper? YOU DON'T get it. Your argument is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It is a deflection to avoid the topic of hate in the tea party. Do you want to be represented by hate or by sound fiscal policies? Wait, you are a racist, so you encourage the teaper hate faction, pussy.

Again, start a thread about the NFL so I can talk about the NBA or MLB.
Oh, shut the fuck up, you filthy leftist trash.

I'm always impressed by the intellectual qual
a comment from the article I posted : Catch up people this so called protest smells of the DIRTY POLITICS OF THE LEFT/PROGRESSIVES.

Democratic Party Opposition Research Organization:State Innovation Exchange
Tools and resources for our “laboratories of democracy.” Elected officials and staff across the country are writing legislation that will shape our future. At SiX, we provide trusted, expert resources to inform and enhance that work.More - leadership [Nick Rathod] and advisory board
Advisory Board
Aniello Alioto, ProgressNow
Pete Altman, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Ady Barkan, Center for Popular Democracy (CPD)
Jeremy Bird, 270 Strategies
Ellen Bravo, Family Values @ Work (FV@W)
Christine Chen, Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
Ron Collins, Communication Workers of America (CWA)
Cathy Duvall, Sierra Club
Richard Eidlin, American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)
Stephen Geer, Everytown for Gun Safety
Arkadi Gerney, Center for American Progress (CAP)
Andrew Gillum, Young Elected Officials Network (YEO Network)
Ben Goldfarb, Wellstone Action
Sondra Goldschein, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Adam Green, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Sarita Gupta, Jobs With Justice (JWJ)
Michael Huttner, The Huttner Group
Saru Jayaraman, Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United
Margarida Jorge, Women’s Equality Center (WEC)
Jeremy Kalin, Eutectics Consulting LLC
Cietta Kiandoli, State Voices
Zachary Norris, Ella Baker Center
Zinelle October, American Constitution Society (ACS)
Jodeen Olguin-Tayler, Demos
Deepak Pateriya, Center for Community Change (CCC)
Kal Penn, Actor and Former Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
Michelle Ringette, American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Peggy Shorey, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Melanie Sloan, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Greg Speed, America Votes
Mitch Stewart, 270 Strategies
Stephanie Taylor, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Robyn Thomas, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV)
Jason Waskey, Environmental Consultant and Former OFA State Director
Jenn Watts, New Organizing Institute (NOI)
Buffy Wicks, Priorities USA Action
Ben Wikler, MoveOn.org
Karundi Williams, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Brad Woodhouse, American Bridge 21st Century (AB21)

Liberal group plots to catch GOP state pols being racist and sexist WashingtonExaminer.com

So the right never does opposition research?
In a way perhaps..or you could say he has opened up discussion on a taboo subject. Not everyone is as immature and idiotic as the usual racist suspects on this forum

What's taboo about a teabagger throwing every talking point Hannity gave them in an effort to avoid a particular subject? That always happens.

Do you support this crap?


Again, not relevant to this thread

we know you're not. thanks for admitting it
You're not the boss of what relevant on this board.

OK I give up. Hijack away.
Poor baby. If you can't compete then find a new hobby. I hear Al Sharpton is hiring.
View attachment 34959
Obviously those who made the hateful statements are not representative of all members of the TPM, or of others on the right in general.

But this is representative of the hate and ignorance that finds refuge among the ranks of conservatives, where most racists identify as conservative and republican, and where most racists are attracted to conservative dogma.

It's incumbent upon conservatives, therefore, to examine their dogma to determine why it attracts racists and bigots, and to fix what is so clearly a problem.

What's particularly disturbing about this incident is that there are those with such unwarranted hatred for the president that they're actually willing to make such a public display of their hatred and ignorance absent any shame or embarrassment.
The problem is that teapers don't condemn this behavior...they support it and use it as an opportunity to spew more hate and racism...or sophomoric arguments like the fag above me.
Actually they have the right to make an ass of themselves. Just like most liberals did when Bush was president.

Libturds are the world's biggest hypocrites:





Have you checked out my SOrry Everybody link in my sig?
Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Tea partiers shouted obscene, racist chants on Wednesday while gathered outside of the White House to protest President Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Right Wing Watch reported that among the shouts, captured on video by one of the activists, protestors could be heard calling for the hanging of Obama.

"Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!" one protester could be heard saying in the video.

"Plenty of trees in the front yard," another said. "Wouldn't be the first one hung on one of them trees."

"We've got rope," said another.

"Don't snap his neck, you pull him up watch him choke to death," someone else said.

The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

Obviously they are left wing plants having nothing to do with the TEAparty.
Oh, shut the fuck up, you filthy leftist trash.

I'm always impressed by the intellectual qual
a comment from the article I posted : Catch up people this so called protest smells of the DIRTY POLITICS OF THE LEFT/PROGRESSIVES.

Democratic Party Opposition Research Organization:State Innovation Exchange
Tools and resources for our “laboratories of democracy.” Elected officials and staff across the country are writing legislation that will shape our future. At SiX, we provide trusted, expert resources to inform and enhance that work.More - leadership [Nick Rathod] and advisory board
Advisory Board
Aniello Alioto, ProgressNow
Pete Altman, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Ady Barkan, Center for Popular Democracy (CPD)
Jeremy Bird, 270 Strategies
Ellen Bravo, Family Values @ Work (FV@W)
Christine Chen, Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
Ron Collins, Communication Workers of America (CWA)
Cathy Duvall, Sierra Club
Richard Eidlin, American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)
Stephen Geer, Everytown for Gun Safety
Arkadi Gerney, Center for American Progress (CAP)
Andrew Gillum, Young Elected Officials Network (YEO Network)
Ben Goldfarb, Wellstone Action
Sondra Goldschein, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Adam Green, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Sarita Gupta, Jobs With Justice (JWJ)
Michael Huttner, The Huttner Group
Saru Jayaraman, Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United
Margarida Jorge, Women’s Equality Center (WEC)
Jeremy Kalin, Eutectics Consulting LLC
Cietta Kiandoli, State Voices
Zachary Norris, Ella Baker Center
Zinelle October, American Constitution Society (ACS)
Jodeen Olguin-Tayler, Demos
Deepak Pateriya, Center for Community Change (CCC)
Kal Penn, Actor and Former Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
Michelle Ringette, American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Peggy Shorey, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Melanie Sloan, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Greg Speed, America Votes
Mitch Stewart, 270 Strategies
Stephanie Taylor, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Robyn Thomas, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV)
Jason Waskey, Environmental Consultant and Former OFA State Director
Jenn Watts, New Organizing Institute (NOI)
Buffy Wicks, Priorities USA Action
Ben Wikler, MoveOn.org
Karundi Williams, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Brad Woodhouse, American Bridge 21st Century (AB21)

Liberal group plots to catch GOP state pols being racist and sexist WashingtonExaminer.com

So the right never does opposition research?
In a way perhaps..or you could say he has opened up discussion on a taboo subject. Not everyone is as immature and idiotic as the usual racist suspects on this forum

What's taboo about a teabagger throwing every talking point Hannity gave them in an effort to avoid a particular subject? That always happens.

Do you support this crap?

Don't really care what someone does in protest. It is their right, no? Why do you think it is alright for whites to protest and not blacks? Do you think blacks don't deserve Constitutional rights?
You don't get it. How many businesses were looted and burned by Teapers?
But how does that justify hate speech by the teaper? YOU DON'T get it. Your argument is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It is a deflection to avoid the topic of hate in the tea party. Do you want to be represented by hate or by sound fiscal policies? Wait, you are a racist, so you encourage the teaper hate faction, pussy.

Again, start a thread about the NFL so I can talk about the NBA or MLB.
Is "Burn this bitch down" hate speech?
This reminds me of that couple that killed people that went to the Bundy ranch you guys claimed were tea partiers until you learned they were really occupiers.

I've been to tea party protests. People of all races stood hand in hand for the principles of limited government
They were teapers....just because teapers rejected them after they went on their killing spree doesn't change that fact. Can I claim Ferguson looters aren't black just because I don't approve of their behavior?
I'm always impressed by the intellectual qual
So the right never does opposition research?
What's taboo about a teabagger throwing every talking point Hannity gave them in an effort to avoid a particular subject? That always happens.

Do you support this crap?

Don't really care what someone does in protest. It is their right, no? Why do you think it is alright for whites to protest and not blacks? Do you think blacks don't deserve Constitutional rights?
You don't get it. How many businesses were looted and burned by Teapers?
But how does that justify hate speech by the teaper? YOU DON'T get it. Your argument is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It is a deflection to avoid the topic of hate in the tea party. Do you want to be represented by hate or by sound fiscal policies? Wait, you are a racist, so you encourage the teaper hate faction, pussy.

Again, start a thread about the NFL so I can talk about the NBA or MLB.
Is "Burn this bitch down" hate speech?
You should read the thread where I clearly said it was. Then again, you are a racist pussy and can't see past your own nose.
View attachment 34959
Obviously those who made the hateful statements are not representative of all members of the TPM, or of others on the right in general.

But this is representative of the hate and ignorance that finds refuge among the ranks of conservatives, where most racists identify as conservative and republican, and where most racists are attracted to conservative dogma.

It's incumbent upon conservatives, therefore, to examine their dogma to determine why it attracts racists and bigots, and to fix what is so clearly a problem.

What's particularly disturbing about this incident is that there are those with such unwarranted hatred for the president that they're actually willing to make such a public display of their hatred and ignorance absent any shame or embarrassment.
The problem is that teapers don't condemn this behavior...they support it and use it as an opportunity to spew more hate and racism...or sophomoric arguments like the fag above me.
Actually they have the right to make an ass of themselves. Just like most liberals did when Bush was president.

Libturds are the world's biggest hypocrites:





I find those photos to be repulsive

Do you find those statements about our president to be repulsive?
Oh, shut the fuck up, you filthy leftist trash.

I'm always impressed by the intellectual qual
a comment from the article I posted : Catch up people this so called protest smells of the DIRTY POLITICS OF THE LEFT/PROGRESSIVES.

Democratic Party Opposition Research Organization:State Innovation Exchange
Tools and resources for our “laboratories of democracy.” Elected officials and staff across the country are writing legislation that will shape our future. At SiX, we provide trusted, expert resources to inform and enhance that work.More - leadership [Nick Rathod] and advisory board
Advisory Board
Aniello Alioto, ProgressNow
Pete Altman, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Ady Barkan, Center for Popular Democracy (CPD)
Jeremy Bird, 270 Strategies
Ellen Bravo, Family Values @ Work (FV@W)
Christine Chen, Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
Ron Collins, Communication Workers of America (CWA)
Cathy Duvall, Sierra Club
Richard Eidlin, American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)
Stephen Geer, Everytown for Gun Safety
Arkadi Gerney, Center for American Progress (CAP)
Andrew Gillum, Young Elected Officials Network (YEO Network)
Ben Goldfarb, Wellstone Action
Sondra Goldschein, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Adam Green, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Sarita Gupta, Jobs With Justice (JWJ)
Michael Huttner, The Huttner Group
Saru Jayaraman, Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United
Margarida Jorge, Women’s Equality Center (WEC)
Jeremy Kalin, Eutectics Consulting LLC
Cietta Kiandoli, State Voices
Zachary Norris, Ella Baker Center
Zinelle October, American Constitution Society (ACS)
Jodeen Olguin-Tayler, Demos
Deepak Pateriya, Center for Community Change (CCC)
Kal Penn, Actor and Former Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
Michelle Ringette, American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Peggy Shorey, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Melanie Sloan, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Greg Speed, America Votes
Mitch Stewart, 270 Strategies
Stephanie Taylor, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Robyn Thomas, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV)
Jason Waskey, Environmental Consultant and Former OFA State Director
Jenn Watts, New Organizing Institute (NOI)
Buffy Wicks, Priorities USA Action
Ben Wikler, MoveOn.org
Karundi Williams, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Brad Woodhouse, American Bridge 21st Century (AB21)

Liberal group plots to catch GOP state pols being racist and sexist WashingtonExaminer.com

So the right never does opposition research?
In a way perhaps..or you could say he has opened up discussion on a taboo subject. Not everyone is as immature and idiotic as the usual racist suspects on this forum

What's taboo about a teabagger throwing every talking point Hannity gave them in an effort to avoid a particular subject? That always happens.

Do you support this crap?

Don't really care what someone does in protest. It is their right, no? Why do you think it is alright for whites to protest and not blacks? Do you think blacks don't deserve Constitutional rights?
You don't get it. How many businesses were looted and burned by Teapers?
But how does that justify hate speech by the teaper? YOU DON'T get it. Your argument is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It is a deflection to avoid the topic of hate in the tea party. Do you want to be represented by hate or by sound fiscal policies? Wait, you are a racist, so you encourage the teaper hate faction, pussy.

Again, start a thread about the NFL so I can talk about the NBA or MLB.

So you're admitting that libturds are a gang of haters because they engaged in speech that was far worse?

Again, no racist speech has been quoted, so what do you keep going back to the "racist" meme?

Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Tea partiers shouted obscene, racist chants on Wednesday while gathered outside of the White House to protest President Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Right Wing Watch reported that among the shouts, captured on video by one of the activists, protestors could be heard calling for the hanging of Obama.

"Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!" one protester could be heard saying in the video.

"Plenty of trees in the front yard," another said. "Wouldn't be the first one hung on one of them trees."

"We've got rope," said another.

"Don't snap his neck, you pull him up watch him choke to death," someone else said.

The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

Obviously they are left wing plants having nothing to do with the TEAparty.

You have proof? HOw about condemning hate first, then playing the victim card second.
I'm always impressed by the intellectual qual
So the right never does opposition research?
What's taboo about a teabagger throwing every talking point Hannity gave them in an effort to avoid a particular subject? That always happens.

Do you support this crap?

Don't really care what someone does in protest. It is their right, no? Why do you think it is alright for whites to protest and not blacks? Do you think blacks don't deserve Constitutional rights?
You don't get it. How many businesses were looted and burned by Teapers?
But how does that justify hate speech by the teaper? YOU DON'T get it. Your argument is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It is a deflection to avoid the topic of hate in the tea party. Do you want to be represented by hate or by sound fiscal policies? Wait, you are a racist, so you encourage the teaper hate faction, pussy.

Again, start a thread about the NFL so I can talk about the NBA or MLB.

So you're admitting that libturds are a gang of haters because they engaged in speech that was far worse?

Again, no racist speech has been quoted, so what do you keep going back to the "racist" meme?
Hate exists on both sides. The game the racist tea party faction plays to point their stinky little fingers at racisist lefties is nothing more than a smoke screen to disguise their own hate.
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Obviously those who made the hateful statements are not representative of all members of the TPM, or of others on the right in general.

But this is representative of the hate and ignorance that finds refuge among the ranks of conservatives, where most racists identify as conservative and republican, and where most racists are attracted to conservative dogma.

It's incumbent upon conservatives, therefore, to examine their dogma to determine why it attracts racists and bigots, and to fix what is so clearly a problem.

What's particularly disturbing about this incident is that there are those with such unwarranted hatred for the president that they're actually willing to make such a public display of their hatred and ignorance absent any shame or embarrassment.
The problem is that teapers don't condemn this behavior...they support it and use it as an opportunity to spew more hate and racism...or sophomoric arguments like the fag above me.
Actually they have the right to make an ass of themselves. Just like most liberals did when Bush was president.

Libturds are the world's biggest hypocrites:





I find those photos to be repulsive

Do you find those statements about our president to be repulsive?

I think they are over the top. I don't want anyone to kill Obama.
I posted this earlier. and this came from one their ELECTED Representatives. And all of a SUDDEN there was a PROTEST outside the white
house, PFEEESH

this is the kind of UGLY people you libs support from your PARTY
and just excuse how they TREAT Black people in this country who doesn't see things like they do. this is DISGUSTING. Ben Carson hasn't even declared to run for anything yet

House Dem: These ignorant Ben Carson supporters certainly do remind me of a lynch mob
posted at 4:01 pm on December 12, 2014 by Guy Benson

I’m a few days late to this story, but wanted to highlight it anyway, for two reasons. First, it represents just the latest example of theuniquely shrill and vitriolic abusethe Left heaps upon conservatives of color and their supporters:

Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia sayssupporters of former surgeon and potential Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson are ignorant people who “have been whipped into a frenzy, like a lynch mob.”

The congressman, who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, was speaking on The Michael Smerconish Show on Friday when he made the comments.

Breaking News 300 Former Obama Staffers Urge Faux Squaw Elizabeth Warren To Run For President Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So you're admitting that libturds are a gang of haters because they engaged in speech that was far worse?

Again, no racist speech has been quoted, so what do you keep going back to the "racist" meme?

Libtards don't have much left in their bags of tricks except drumming up racism.

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