Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

But how does that justify hate speech by the teaper? YOU DON'T get it. Your argument is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It is a deflection to avoid the topic of hate in the tea party. Do you want to be represented by hate or by sound fiscal policies? Wait, you are a racist, so you encourage the teaper hate faction, pussy.

Again, start a thread about the NFL so I can talk about the NBA or MLB.

So you're admitting that libturds are a gang of haters because they engaged in speech that was far worse?

Again, no racist speech has been quoted, so what do you keep going back to the "racist" meme?
Hate exists on both sides. The game the racist tea party faction plays to point their stinky little fingers at racisist lefties is nothing more than a smoke screen to disguise their own hate.

Why don't you work on cleaning out your own house first before you start pointing fingers at others? You're just trying to excuse your appaling hypocrisy.
My house...Why am I responsible for all blacks? Are you responsible for all whites...or are you just a racist hypocrite?

Why do you think all TEA Partiers are responsible for the remarks of a few hotheads - if they even are TEA Partiers, that is?
Why don't you condemn it when they spew their hate?
So you're admitting that libturds are a gang of haters because they engaged in speech that was far worse?

Again, no racist speech has been quoted, so what do you keep going back to the "racist" meme?
Hate exists on both sides. The game the racist tea party faction plays to point their stinky little fingers at racisist lefties is nothing more than a smoke screen to disguise their own hate.

Why don't you work on cleaning out your own house first before you start pointing fingers at others? You're just trying to excuse your appaling hypocrisy.
My house...Why am I responsible for all blacks? Are you responsible for all whites...or are you just a racist hypocrite?
White lives matter.
Who said they don't. What have you done to help the trailer trash white people who are killing each other over meth/?
Oh my god.
But how does that justify hate speech by the teaper? YOU DON'T get it. Your argument is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It is a deflection to avoid the topic of hate in the tea party. Do you want to be represented by hate or by sound fiscal policies? Wait, you are a racist, so you encourage the teaper hate faction, pussy.

Again, start a thread about the NFL so I can talk about the NBA or MLB.
Is "Burn this bitch down" hate speech?
You should read the thread where I clearly said it was. Then again, you are a racist pussy and can't see past your own nose.
So says the Sharpton tool.
Typical illiterate teaper racist. I condemned Al and his race hustling. Or are you just a racist liar?
Then why do you do what you condemn? Are you an idiot?
Wow, you really are a stupid hypocrite. Then again, you are a racist pussy, so it is explainable.
Lib/dems are such tools/sheep. they were voted OUT OF POWER for this kind of stuff BUT:

right on CUE here they come, the Tea party the Tea party the Tea party

I hope the majority has caught on still...this thread has become a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

see ya all
Why be a bigot at all? Be like the tea party and stand for equality for a change
:lmao: The teapers do not stand for equality and change...but wait..I thought the tea paety was about fiscal responsibility...I guess that is just a myth as all they ever do is discuss social isses When was the last time you heard a teaper talk about fiscal responsibility.
Is "Burn this bitch down" hate speech?
You should read the thread where I clearly said it was. Then again, you are a racist pussy and can't see past your own nose.
So says the Sharpton tool.
Typical illiterate teaper racist. I condemned Al and his race hustling. Or are you just a racist liar?
Then why do you do what you condemn? Are you an idiot?
Wow, you really are a stupid hypocrite. Then again, you are a racist pussy, so it is explainable.
You're very ill.
Why be a bigot at all? Be like the tea party and stand for equality for a change
:lmao: The teapers do not stand for equality and change...but wait..I thought the tea paety was about fiscal responsibility...I guess that is just a myth as all they ever do is discuss social isses When was the last time you heard a teaper talk about fiscal responsibility.
Oh my god. Bye.
Why be a bigot at all? Be like the tea party and stand for equality for a change
:lmao: The teapers do not stand for equality and change...but wait..I thought the tea paety was about fiscal responsibility...I guess that is just a myth as all they ever do is discuss social isses When was the last time you heard a teaper talk about fiscal responsibility.
Oh my god. Bye.
Teaper discussion of fiscal responsibility..."THOSE NIGG3ERS RIOTED IN FERGUSON", "OBAMA IS A KENYAN, LET'S HANG HIM"!
Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Tea partiers shouted obscene, racist chants on Wednesday while gathered outside of the White House to protest President Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Right Wing Watch reported that among the shouts, captured on video by one of the activists, protestors could be heard calling for the hanging of Obama.

"Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!" one protester could be heard saying in the video.

"Plenty of trees in the front yard," another said. "Wouldn't be the first one hung on one of them trees."

"We've got rope," said another.

"Don't snap his neck, you pull him up watch him choke to death," someone else said.

The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

So did they hang the Brown Clown? Story didn't say.

To get out ahead of the inevitable poll... I hereby vote for obama to be hung, er huh... lynched, if ya prefer.

(After the obligatory trial and conviction by a jury of his peers, of course...)
Is "Burn this bitch down" hate speech?
You should read the thread where I clearly said it was. Then again, you are a racist pussy and can't see past your own nose.
So says the Sharpton tool.
Typical illiterate teaper racist. I condemned Al and his race hustling. Or are you just a racist liar?
Then why do you do what you condemn? Are you an idiot?
Wow, you really are a stupid hypocrite. Then again, you are a racist pussy, so it is explainable.

you guys are making totally persuasive arguments herr
You should read the thread where I clearly said it was. Then again, you are a racist pussy and can't see past your own nose.
So says the Sharpton tool.
Typical illiterate teaper racist. I condemned Al and his race hustling. Or are you just a racist liar?
Then why do you do what you condemn? Are you an idiot?
Wow, you really are a stupid hypocrite. Then again, you are a racist pussy, so it is explainable.

you guys are making totally persuasive arguments herr

You can almost feel them crapping their pants though the computer. jeeeze
So says the Sharpton tool.
Typical illiterate teaper racist. I condemned Al and his race hustling. Or are you just a racist liar?
Then why do you do what you condemn? Are you an idiot?
Wow, you really are a stupid hypocrite. Then again, you are a racist pussy, so it is explainable.

you guys are making totally persuasive arguments herr

You can almost feel them crapping their pants though the computer. jeeeze
Crpping in my pants? LOL..I encourage the teapers to start their hate war...see my previous post...America needs an enema!
Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Tea partiers shouted obscene, racist chants on Wednesday while gathered outside of the White House to protest President Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Right Wing Watch reported that among the shouts, captured on video by one of the activists, protestors could be heard calling for the hanging of Obama.

"Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!" one protester could be heard saying in the video.

"Plenty of trees in the front yard," another said. "Wouldn't be the first one hung on one of them trees."

"We've got rope," said another.

"Don't snap his neck, you pull him up watch him choke to death," someone else said.

The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

In other news hollywood elite and democrat supporters, show just how racist they are when not in front of a camera.
Thanks for sharing Sony CEO and obama supporter.
Tea Party backed candidates won huge in the last mid terms. 80 won.

Force to be reckoned with. You left wing whackos and Jake better wrap your brains around it.
Tea Party backed candidates won huge in the last mid terms. 80 won.

Force to be reckoned with. You left wing whackos and Jake better wrap your brains around it.
Stop it you know none of them have a brain.
Tea Party backed candidates won huge in the last mid terms. 80 won.

Force to be reckoned with. You left wing whackos and Jake better wrap your brains around it.
Yet they still re-elected Boehner as Speaker. And please note...it was a midterm-lameduck election...the opposition party always wins. I am not saying it isn't a good thing, I am saying the election was far from a mandate
I love the new bullshit. Born white is born racist.

Funnier than all get out. A complete lie. But will become the truth when anyone on the light side of dark starts to get pissed off because they are tired of eating so called victims bullshit.

I know I'm about to turn big time up here. This is going to be the year of "I Dole No More".
what's scary is we see the lib/left/dems can still be led by the nose and be so easily, DUPED

and they vote...damn we are in deep doo doo

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