Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Don't forget the play about killing Bush, the movie about killing Bush.....the book about killing Bush.....
The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Obama is acting unilaterally, against the law, against the will of the Congress and the Nation. So what's this got to do with racism?
Name the law.

You won't, because you can't.
Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Tea partiers shouted obscene, racist chants on Wednesday while gathered outside of the White House to protest President Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Right Wing Watch reported that among the shouts, captured on video by one of the activists, protestors could be heard calling for the hanging of Obama.

"Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!" one protester could be heard saying in the video.

"Plenty of trees in the front yard," another said. "Wouldn't be the first one hung on one of them trees."

"We've got rope," said another.

"Don't snap his neck, you pull him up watch him choke to death," someone else said.

The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

In other news hollywood elite and democrat supporters, show just how racist they are when not in front of a camera.
Thanks for sharing Sony CEO and obama supporter.

Yeah, they suck as bad as the teabaggers.
Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Tea partiers shouted obscene, racist chants on Wednesday while gathered outside of the White House to protest President Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Right Wing Watch reported that among the shouts, captured on video by one of the activists, protestors could be heard calling for the hanging of Obama.

"Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!" one protester could be heard saying in the video.

"Plenty of trees in the front yard," another said. "Wouldn't be the first one hung on one of them trees."

"We've got rope," said another.

"Don't snap his neck, you pull him up watch him choke to death," someone else said.

The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

In other news hollywood elite and democrat supporters, show just how racist they are when not in front of a camera.
Thanks for sharing Sony CEO and obama supporter.

Yeah, they suck as bad as the teabaggers.

LOL. You still angry about the election?
The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Obama is acting unilaterally, against the law, against the will of the Congress and the Nation. So what's this got to do with racism?
Name the law.

You won't, because you can't.
The law that provides for the issuance of immigrant visas.
The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Obama is acting unilaterally, against the law, against the will of the Congress and the Nation. So what's this got to do with racism?
Name the law.

You won't, because you can't.
The law that provides for the issuance of immigrant visas.
Be more specific, so I can look it up. What is the name of the law? How has Obama broken it?
Obviously those who made the hateful statements are not representative of all members of the TPM, or of others on the right in general.

But this is representative of the hate and ignorance that finds refuge among the ranks of conservatives, where most racists identify as conservative and republican, and where most racists are attracted to conservative dogma.

It's incumbent upon conservatives, therefore, to examine their dogma to determine why it attracts racists and bigots, and to fix what is so clearly a problem.

What's particularly disturbing about this incident is that there are those with such unwarranted hatred for the president that they're actually willing to make such a public display of their hatred and ignorance absent any shame or embarrassment.

Strange stuff coming from a guy who supports a party that has enslaved millions of minorities in generational poverty for decades.
I don't why anyone pays attention to someone who acts like a child and goes around calling people vulgar names. then list about people being burned in trailers.

that's just one hateful little person
Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Tea partiers shouted obscene, racist chants on Wednesday while gathered outside of the White House to protest President Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Right Wing Watch reported that among the shouts, captured on video by one of the activists, protestors could be heard calling for the hanging of Obama.

"Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!" one protester could be heard saying in the video.

"Plenty of trees in the front yard," another said. "Wouldn't be the first one hung on one of them trees."

"We've got rope," said another.

"Don't snap his neck, you pull him up watch him choke to death," someone else said.

The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

None of those shouts are racist. Obama is a Kenyan American. That's simply a fact.

They aren't calling him a "Kenyan American". They are calling him a Kenyan. Big difference.
The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Obama is acting unilaterally, against the law, against the will of the Congress and the Nation. So what's this got to do with racism?
Name the law.

You won't, because you can't.
The law that provides for the issuance of immigrant visas.
Be more specific, so I can look it up. What is the name of the law? How has Obama broken it?

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
All this kerfuffle over lefty moles screaming obscenities that they then claim were screamed by tea partiers.
Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Tea partiers shouted obscene, racist chants on Wednesday while gathered outside of the White House to protest President Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Right Wing Watch reported that among the shouts, captured on video by one of the activists, protestors could be heard calling for the hanging of Obama.

"Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!" one protester could be heard saying in the video.

"Plenty of trees in the front yard," another said. "Wouldn't be the first one hung on one of them trees."

"We've got rope," said another.

"Don't snap his neck, you pull him up watch him choke to death," someone else said.

The rally was meant to show support for a group of sheriffs who were supposed to meet on the Hill later Wednesday in an effort to voice opposition to the immigration actions, according to the Right Wing Watch. The rally was reportedly only attended by about two dozen people, the site reported.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

None of those shouts are racist. Obama is a Kenyan American. That's simply a fact.

They aren't calling him a "Kenyan American". They are calling him a Kenyan. Big difference.

And that's what he is. Everything about the man is illegitimate.
I hate saying it, but I think I have to agree with the teaper conspiracy theorists who say liberals are dressing as teapers to give the already racist movement more of a racist name. I tried searching for any mention of a teaper rally in DC on 12/10...I couldn't find one. Surely these teapers advertised their efforts...I mean they pushed the American Spring for months to get a few dozen people to show up. (Let's Roll Steph :lmao:)

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