Tea Party Conservatives/GOP Favor Insurance Companies over People

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Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
Tea Party Conservatives/GOP Favor Insurance Companies over People

They use the Language framed by Luntz.

"A compelling story, even if factually inaccurate, can be more emotionally compelling than a dry recitation of the truth," Mr Luntz notes in the memo
Memo exposes Bush's new green strategy | Environment | The Guardian


Luntz's healthcare memo presents "poll-based" advice on how to spin a healthcare solution which favors existing stakeholders like insurance while keeping the government out of healthcare. Luntz highlights "words that work" and "words that don't work".

Acronym Required: Public Health Archives

So please, if you're a Tea Party type, a Conservative or a GOP hack, stop pretending you are not favoring existing stakeholders in the health care debate. Your own wordsmith has issued a handbook on how to frame things to favor Insurance companies. You use his language in your arguments.
Tea Party Conservatives/GOP Favor Insurance Companies over People

They use the Language framed by Luntz.

"A compelling story, even if factually inaccurate, can be more emotionally compelling than a dry recitation of the truth," Mr Luntz notes in the memo
Memo exposes Bush's new green strategy | Environment | The Guardian


Luntz's healthcare memo presents "poll-based" advice on how to spin a healthcare solution which favors existing stakeholders like insurance while keeping the government out of healthcare. Luntz highlights "words that work" and "words that don't work".

Acronym Required: Public Health Archives

So please, if you're a Tea Party type, a Conservative or a GOP hack, stop pretending you are not favoring existing stakeholders in the health care debate. Your own wordsmith has issued a handbook on how to frame things to favor Insurance companies. You use his language in your arguments.

Do you need to look any farther than empty vessels like MrClose? You'd have a better chance of teaching a dog to drive.

Here is a great interview Bill Moyers did with a former Vice President of corporate communications at CIGNA, one of the United States' largest health insurance companies.

He discusses Luntz's memo

Bill Moyers Journal . Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients | PBS
The OBAMA HC plan could not serve the private insurance companies any better than it already does.

It FORCES people to buy private HC coverage from private HC companies.

The tea party people are idiots if they cannot understand that.
America needs to follow the lead of Switzerland.

Couchepin is the current president of Switzerland. He also heads the Federal Department of Home Affairs, where he oversees the implementation of LAMal, a law passed in 1994 requiring all citizens to buy health insurance -- with the state paying for the poor. In return, the new law guarantees a comprehensive package of medical care for all.

At the time the law was passed, Switzerland's health care system resembled America's: Medical insurance was voluntary and generally linked to employment. Losing your job meant you could lose coverage -- and many did.

This is an edited transcript of an interview conducted Oct. 30, 2007

Question: One of the things really striking for Americans is that under LAMal, you now say the insurance companies can't make a profit on basic coverage. What's the thinking there?

Question: ... When you said to the insurance companies, "No more profit on the basic health plan," what did they say?

FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: pascal couchepin | PBS
Last edited:
The OBAMA HC plan could not serve the private insurance companies any better than it already does.

It FORCES people to buy private HC coverage from private HC companies.

The tea party people are idiots if they cannot understand that.

America needs to follow the lead of Switzerland.

Couchepin is the current president of Switzerland. He also heads the Federal Department of Home Affairs, where he oversees the implementation of LAMal, a law passed in 1994 requiring all citizens to buy health insurance -- with the state paying for the poor. In return, the new law guarantees a comprehensive package of medical care for all.

At the time the law was passed, Switzerland's health care system resembled America's: Medical insurance was voluntary and generally linked to employment. Losing your job meant you could lose coverage -- and many did.

This is an edited transcript of an interview conducted Oct. 30, 2007

Question: One of the things really striking for Americans is that under LAMal, you now say the insurance companies can't make a profit on basic coverage. What's the thinking there?

Question: ... When you said to the insurance companies, "No more profit on the basic health plan," what did they say?

FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: pascal couchepin | PBS

How about you just move to Switzerland if its so great.

Gotta love it when people compare the US to a country with a total population less then New York City and think we'd be able to pull off the same thing. As if Switzerland has millions of illegals and unemployed like we do which the rest would have to pay for in order to get everyone "free health care".
The OBAMA HC plan could not serve the private insurance companies any better than it already does.

It FORCES people to buy private HC coverage from private HC companies.

The tea party people are idiots if they cannot understand that.

America needs to follow the lead of Switzerland.

Couchepin is the current president of Switzerland. He also heads the Federal Department of Home Affairs, where he oversees the implementation of LAMal, a law passed in 1994 requiring all citizens to buy health insurance -- with the state paying for the poor. In return, the new law guarantees a comprehensive package of medical care for all.

At the time the law was passed, Switzerland's health care system resembled America's: Medical insurance was voluntary and generally linked to employment. Losing your job meant you could lose coverage -- and many did.

This is an edited transcript of an interview conducted Oct. 30, 2007

Question: One of the things really striking for Americans is that under LAMal, you now say the insurance companies can't make a profit on basic coverage. What's the thinking there?

Question: ... When you said to the insurance companies, "No more profit on the basic health plan," what did they say?

FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: pascal couchepin | PBS

How about you just move to Switzerland if its so great.

Gotta love it when people compare the US to a country with a total population less then New York City and think we'd be able to pull off the same thing. As if Switzerland has millions of illegals and unemployed like we do which the rest would have to pay for in order to get everyone "free health care".

The problem with people like you, is I never compared the two countries. You imagine things.

Problem number 2, you definitely replied to a post with links you never read. Only your idiocy outshines your ignorance.
Like 0bamacare didn't give the insurance companies a captured market. How about the rationing of care that will occur? That is going to be real people friendly. The Democrats own this one totally. Any failure of the plan is all theirs.
Like 0bamacare didn't give the insurance companies a captured market. How about the rationing of care that will occur? That is going to be real people friendly. The Democrats own this one totally. Any failure of the plan is all theirs.

Yes they do. The end is near! :lol:

How about

America needs to follow the lead of Switzerland.

Couchepin is the current president of Switzerland. He also heads the Federal Department of Home Affairs, where he oversees the implementation of LAMal, a law passed in 1994 requiring all citizens to buy health insurance -- with the state paying for the poor. In return, the new law guarantees a comprehensive package of medical care for all.

At the time the law was passed, Switzerland's health care system resembled America's: Medical insurance was voluntary and generally linked to employment. Losing your job meant you could lose coverage -- and many did.

This is an edited transcript of an interview conducted Oct. 30, 2007

Question: One of the things really striking for Americans is that under LAMal, you now say the insurance companies can't make a profit on basic coverage. What's the thinking there?

Question: ... When you said to the insurance companies, "No more profit on the basic health plan," what did they say?

FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: pascal couchepin | PBS
Like 0bamacare didn't give the insurance companies a captured market. How about the rationing of care that will occur? That is going to be real people friendly. The Democrats own this one totally. Any failure of the plan is all theirs.

Yes they do. The end is near! :lol:

How about

America needs to follow the lead of Switzerland.

Couchepin is the current president of Switzerland. He also heads the Federal Department of Home Affairs, where he oversees the implementation of LAMal, a law passed in 1994 requiring all citizens to buy health insurance -- with the state paying for the poor. In return, the new law guarantees a comprehensive package of medical care for all.

At the time the law was passed, Switzerland's health care system resembled America's: Medical insurance was voluntary and generally linked to employment. Losing your job meant you could lose coverage -- and many did.

This is an edited transcript of an interview conducted Oct. 30, 2007

Question: One of the things really striking for Americans is that under LAMal, you now say the insurance companies can't make a profit on basic coverage. What's the thinking there?

Question: ... When you said to the insurance companies, "No more profit on the basic health plan," what did they say?

FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: pascal couchepin | PBS

thumb sucking asswipe.
Like 0bamacare didn't give the insurance companies a captured market. How about the rationing of care that will occur? That is going to be real people friendly. The Democrats own this one totally. Any failure of the plan is all theirs.

Yes they do. The end is near! :lol:

How about

America needs to follow the lead of Switzerland.

Couchepin is the current president of Switzerland. He also heads the Federal Department of Home Affairs, where he oversees the implementation of LAMal, a law passed in 1994 requiring all citizens to buy health insurance -- with the state paying for the poor. In return, the new law guarantees a comprehensive package of medical care for all.

At the time the law was passed, Switzerland's health care system resembled America's: Medical insurance was voluntary and generally linked to employment. Losing your job meant you could lose coverage -- and many did.

This is an edited transcript of an interview conducted Oct. 30, 2007

Question: One of the things really striking for Americans is that under LAMal, you now say the insurance companies can't make a profit on basic coverage. What's the thinking there?

Question: ... When you said to the insurance companies, "No more profit on the basic health plan," what did they say?

FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: pascal couchepin | PBS

thumb sucking asswipe.

You are a cruel adversary Willow:eek:

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