Tea Party Email Depicts Karl Rove as a Nazi!


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
39° 44 mins 21 secs N, 104° 59 mins 5 secs W
Keep in mind that BOTH Karl Rove and Tea Party members are Republicans.

Two points:

1. If the Tea Party is going to depict someone as a Nazi when that person is a member of the same political party as they are, to what lengths will they go to discredit Democrats?

2. Perhaps the schism within the ranks of the Republican Party will will eventually tear the GOP apart after all.

A tea party group portrayed leading Republican strategist Karl Rove as a Nazi in an email it sent Tuesday -- and later had to apologize for it, blaming a contractor.

The Tea Party Patriots, a well-established group within the right-wing movement, sent out the message featuring a Photoshopped image of Karl Rove in a Nazi uniform, Politico reported. The email's subject read: "Wipe the Smirk Off Karl Rove’s Face."

Karl Rove Nazi Image Featured In Tea Party Patriots Email (UPDATE)

When in doubt, evoke the Nazis. Always makes for mature, thoughtful, intelligent conversation. Too funny.

I dunno, I just doubt the party will break up. But in addition to marginalizing the crazies, though, they'll also need to learn to stop airing their dirty laundry. It's a little embarrassing to watch, y'know?


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