Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses ‘Not To Hire A Single Person’ To Hurt Obama

Mitch McConnell said it a mere two months into Obama's Presidency. Their number 1 job is the make Obama a one-term President. Doesn't matter who or what get's hurt in the process. That's their job and main goal. All else be DAMNED!

Got a link to a quote?
BTW half the people in this country actually it's about 60% wish Obama to be a one term president.
This is shocking to you?

GOP leader's top goal: Make Obama 1-term president - politics - Decision 2010 - msnbc.com

From what I read in your article Mitch McConnell is tired of a President who throws a "it's MY way or the highway" tantrum, who demonizes Republicans if they don't want to the pass the same "failed" stimulus plan that was promised to deliver the same exact results. Obama has not shown he is interested in cutting spending at all, but expanding it.

"Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. More than 90 percent of these jobs will be in the private sector -- jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges; constructing wind turbines and solar panels; laying broadband and expanding mass transit.

Because of this plan, there are teachers who can now keep their jobs and educate our kids. Health care professionals can continue caring for our sick. There are 57 police officers who are still on the streets of Minneapolis tonight because this plan prevented the layoffs their department was about to make."
-- President Obama - FEB 24, 2009 on the $787 Billion stimulus
(sounds VERY familiar to that American Jobs Act Obama's pushing now. Same plan different title, and using a Jobs Tour as Obama's new "salesman pitch" to see who he can sucker into another LEMON)

Mitch McConnell before the Heritage Foundation:
"Tuesday was indeed a referendum not a choice. It was a report card on the administration and anyone who supported its agenda plain and simple, it doesn't take a room full of political scientists to figure that out. Americans voted for change in the last two elections because of two long and difficult wars and because they hoped a changing of the guard would stabilize the economy and get America moving again. And then the people they elected set about dismantling the free market, handing out political favors at taxpayers expense expanding government, and creating a more precarious future for our children. In other words, Democratic leaders used the crisis of the moment (the Gulf oil spill) to advance an agenda Americans didn't ask for and couldn't afford. And then they ignored and dismissed anyone who dared to speak out against them. . . ."

We have seen this already through nothing more than Obama's pushed "ideological agendas": like Solyndra $535 million, Nevada Geothermal $98.5 million, Raser Technologies $32.9 million, US Geothermal $97 million all wasted taxpayer dollars, and now theres reports of yet another Obama supported GREEN JOB corporation gone sour.

" . . . We can HOPE the President will start listening to the electorate from tuesdays election, but we can't plan on that. And it would be foolish to expect that the Republicans would be able to completely reverse the damage Democrats have done.
-- Senator Mitch McConnell

Over Obama's first two years Democrats have brought an INCREASE in unemployment from 7.6% to now struggling to maintain it at 9.1%, a FAILED Stimulus Bill, and an increase in the National Debt from $10.6 Trillion to $14.9 Trillion (President George W. Bush spent 5 Trillion in 8 years!)
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How can government ever function effectively for the people if the sole goal of the party not in power is to totally gridlock and undermine the party in power at the expense of the people? Yes, both parties do it, but the Republicans have taken it to a new level - a dangerous level. They have practically made voting irrelevant.

How can anyone take you seriously when you link to crap that's already been pointed out to be bullshit.

Does no one ever check their 'facts' before they post? If y'all did, you'd save yourselves from looking like fools.
How can government ever function effectively for the people if the sole goal of the party not in power is to totally gridlock and undermine the party in power at the expense of the people? Yes, both parties do it, but the Republicans have taken it to a new level - a dangerous level. They have practically made voting irrelevant.

How can anyone take you seriously when you link to crap that's already been pointed out to be bullshit.

Does no one ever check their 'facts' before they post? If y'all did, you'd save yourselves from looking like fools.

I assume you mean pointed out by bullshitters to be bullshit.
How can government ever function effectively for the people if the sole goal of the party not in power is to totally gridlock and undermine the party in power at the expense of the people? Yes, both parties do it, but the Republicans have taken it to a new level - a dangerous level. They have practically made voting irrelevant.

How can anyone take you seriously when you link to crap that's already been pointed out to be bullshit.

Does no one ever check their 'facts' before they post? If y'all did, you'd save yourselves from looking like fools.

I assume you mean pointed out by bullshitters to be bullshit.

No, sweetie. I mean pointed out by those of us with a brain to come from a source that is nothing more than a solitary blogger... from her own damned blog... not from any official TEA Party source. Repeating bullshit as fact does not make it fact... it remains bullshit - and makes those who repeat it look very stupid. But please do carry on making yourself look stupid. It saves the rest of us the effort.

How can anyone take you seriously when you link to crap that's already been pointed out to be bullshit.

Does no one ever check their 'facts' before they post? If y'all did, you'd save yourselves from looking like fools.

I assume you mean pointed out by bullshitters to be bullshit.

No, sweetie. I mean pointed out by those of us with a brain to come from a source that is nothing more than a solitary blogger... from her own damned blog... not from any official TEA Party source. Repeating bullshit as fact does not make it fact... it remains bullshit - and makes those who repeat it look very stupid. But please do carry on making yourself look stupid. It saves the rest of us the effort.


I haven't heard Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips make any comments about it yet. Have you...?
How can government ever function effectively for the people if the sole goal of the party not in power is to totally gridlock and undermine the party in power at the expense of the people? Yes, both parties do it, but the Republicans have taken it to a new level - a dangerous level. They have practically made voting irrelevant.

You are so full of shit. Too damn bad if the Republicans AREN'T bowing down at the feet of the Obama and his Comrades in arms. If they want to put forward shit legislation, then the Republicans WERE elected this past November in a HISTORIC MIDTERM election that gave them the house is DOING their job, BY STOPPING IT.

poor babies whining cause that poor Obama just can't CONTINUE throwing crap on us at will.

and you've made this board a cesspool with your incessant posting from site that is NOTHING but one outrageous claim after another... called thinkprogress.
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I still haven't heard Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips condemn or renounce these statements.
some entertainment while you wait.:eusa_whistle:

I assume you mean pointed out by bullshitters to be bullshit.

No, sweetie. I mean pointed out by those of us with a brain to come from a source that is nothing more than a solitary blogger... from her own damned blog... not from any official TEA Party source. Repeating bullshit as fact does not make it fact... it remains bullshit - and makes those who repeat it look very stupid. But please do carry on making yourself look stupid. It saves the rest of us the effort.


I haven't heard Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips make any comments about it yet. Have you...?

Why would he? Who's got the time to comment on every idiotic claim made by folks like yourself?
No, sweetie. I mean pointed out by those of us with a brain to come from a source that is nothing more than a solitary blogger... from her own damned blog... not from any official TEA Party source. Repeating bullshit as fact does not make it fact... it remains bullshit - and makes those who repeat it look very stupid. But please do carry on making yourself look stupid. It saves the rest of us the effort.


I haven't heard Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips make any comments about it yet. Have you...?

Why would he? Who's got the time to comment on every idiotic claim made by folks like yourself?

Lefties DEMAND and believe they should receive.
Lol at the stupidity of the left. The people jusy make shit up out of thin air.

How can government ever function effectively for the people if the sole goal of the party not in power is to totally gridlock and undermine the party in power at the expense of the people? Yes, both parties do it, but the Republicans have taken it to a new level - a dangerous level. They have practically made voting irrelevant.
the shift toward a more conservative country started the minute after the far left wing agenda of the elected reps and senators of 2006 was revealed.
The proof of that is in the 2010 election. The Democrats lost the majority in the House and lost their super majority in the Senate. This trend will continue in 2012. The point being, the GOP members both the House and Senate know why and for what purpose they were elected.

That is to STOP the Left Wing Obama agenda.
If that is too much for you to swallow, here is a piece of info....Tell your fellow democrat supporters that far left wing politics and policies are unacceptable to the people of this nation.
The only way the GOP can stop your side form ramming unpopular and unwanted policy down the throats of Americans is to use the rules to their advantage.
Don't be so quick to wish for change of the rules. Because very shortly, your side will be in the minority in BOTH house of Congress.
Be careful what you wish for.
CaféAuLait;4299829 said:
Mitch McConnell said it a mere two months into Obama's Presidency. Their number 1 job is the make Obama a one-term President. Doesn't matter who or what get's hurt in the process. That's their job and main goal. All else be DAMNED!

Given he never said all else be damned, isn't this the goal of the opposite party to the sitting president? Assure that their party wins the next election?
no, it's not their job and my taxes should not be paying him a dime for that agenda of his....

his job is to represent all the citizens of the united states, specifically the citizens within his state regardless of party affiliation, and within the realm of the Constitution....
CaféAuLait;4299829 said:
Mitch McConnell said it a mere two months into Obama's Presidency. Their number 1 job is the make Obama a one-term President. Doesn't matter who or what get's hurt in the process. That's their job and main goal. All else be DAMNED!

Given he never said all else be damned, isn't this the goal of the opposite party to the sitting president? Assure that their party wins the next election?
no, it's not their job and my taxes should not be paying him a dime for that agenda of his....

his job is to represent all the citizens of the united states, specifically the citizens within his state regardless of party affiliation, and within the realm of the Constitution....
Apparently you have little understanding of the inner workings of the Legislative Branch.

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