Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses ‘Not To Hire A Single Person’ To Hurt Obama

CaféAuLait;4299829 said:
Mitch McConnell said it a mere two months into Obama's Presidency. Their number 1 job is the make Obama a one-term President. Doesn't matter who or what get's hurt in the process. That's their job and main goal. All else be DAMNED!

Given he never said all else be damned, isn't this the goal of the opposite party to the sitting president? Assure that their party wins the next election?

Yes, but not to the point of deliberately sabotaging the economy.

“A big percentage of the Republicans that were elected this time came here to do zero, and that’s what they’ve done,” he said. Those lawmakers, he said, have obstructed other people who are trying to get things done.

LaHood has strong Republican credentials. He was a GOP congressman from Illinois for 14 years until he retired in 2008. Before that, he was a top aide to House Republican leader Bob Michel of Illinois.

When I was elected in ‘94 we had a very reform-minded class, 82 new people, but they came here to do something, to solve problems,” he said. “Almost always in the past when people have run for Congress, they ran for Congress on the opportunity to help solve the problems of America.”

Daily Chronicle | LaHood criticizes fellow Republicans for misaligned priorities
How can government ever function effectively for the people if the sole goal of the party not in power is to totally gridlock and undermine the party in power at the expense of the people? Yes, both parties do it, but the Republicans have taken it to a new level - a dangerous level. They have practically made voting irrelevant.

As you said, both parties are doing it. Until we get a third (or more) party with enough elected officials to make a difference, or a non-partisan way of electing our officials, all we will continue to see are these silly tit-for-tat games. Which is sad because they are killing what our forefathers wanted the government to be.

Yes, I said both parties do it - but you missed the point. Republicans have taken it waaay beyond the realm of loyal opposition to a dangerous new level.
How can government ever function effectively for the people if the sole goal of the party not in power is to totally gridlock and undermine the party in power at the expense of the people? Yes, both parties do it, but the Republicans have taken it to a new level - a dangerous level. They have practically made voting irrelevant.

As you said, both parties are doing it. Until we get a third (or more) party with enough elected officials to make a difference, or a non-partisan way of electing our officials, all we will continue to see are these silly tit-for-tat games. Which is sad because they are killing what our forefathers wanted the government to be.

Yes, I said both parties do it - but you missed the point. Republicans have taken it waaay beyond the realm of loyal opposition to a dangerous new level.

And the Democrats have done the same thing. Like having a film made about the assassination of a sitting President.
As you said, both parties are doing it. Until we get a third (or more) party with enough elected officials to make a difference, or a non-partisan way of electing our officials, all we will continue to see are these silly tit-for-tat games. Which is sad because they are killing what our forefathers wanted the government to be.

Yes, I said both parties do it - but you missed the point. Republicans have taken it waaay beyond the realm of loyal opposition to a dangerous new level.

And the Democrats have done the same thing. Like having a film made about the assassination of a sitting President.

You're comparing apples and oranges. Elected officials did not make that film. It was a movie. Plus, I hear Bush liked it. Name one time in American history when the Democrat Party ever made statements like urging small businesses not to hire a single person to hurt a Republican president.
See, this is how we get so many dupe threads: members using thread titles that don't give the first clue as to what the thread is about. I know that I do a quick perusal of the forum I am about to create a thread in, and still end up duping other threads.

It just makes more work for the Mods, which interferes with them giving me positive rep. Stop it, people!
See, this is how we get so many dupe threads: members using thread titles that don't give the first clue as to what the thread is about. I know that I do a quick perusal of the forum I am about to create a thread in, and still end up duping other threads.

It just makes more work for the Mods, which interferes with them giving me positive rep. Stop it, people!

And all I had to do to find it was use the search function and type in "Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses Not To Hire A Single Person"

Took all of 20 seconds.
By Marie Diamond

Congressional Republicans have acted shocked and offended at Democrats’ suggestions that they are intentionally sabotaging the economy to try to win back the White House in 2012. Republicans have refused to pass President Obama’s jobs plan — which experts estimate will create at least 1.9 million jobs — and proposed an alternative plan that Moody’s says “will likely push the economy back into recession.”

Now influential Tea Party leaders are throwing caution to the wind and openly lobbying business owners to stop hiring in order to hurt Obama politically. This week, Right Wing Watch picked up on a message Tea Party Nation sent to their members from conservative activist Melissa Brookstone.

In a rambling letter titled “Call For A Strike of American Small Businesses Against The Movement for Global Socialism,” Brookstone urges businesses “not hire a single person” to protest “this new dictator”:
More: Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses 'Not To Hire A Single Person' To Hurt Obama | ThinkProgress
You must think we are as dumb as you look.
Thinkprogress, a far left wing radical blog puts out some unsubstantiated nonsense and you like all other lefty moonbats eat it up like it was ice cream. Have you not a single independent thought in your head?
I like how it says "picked up on a message". As though think progress had some sophisticated listening device on a remote mountain top and that device was manned by code breakers....Holy shit! The desperation of the political left has gone so extreme, it's free entertainment.
Next thing we know think progress will release a story that says some thing like, "people who wear gray suits with blue ties are actually part of a racist anti Obama hate group funded by the Tea Party".....
You people have been smoking too much mother nature.

You are one dumb motherfucker.

Tea Partier Asks Small Businesses to Stop Hiring People

Tea Party Group Says Small Businesses Should Stop Hiring to Hurt Obama - International Business Times

Tea Party tells small business to stop hiring to defeat Obama - Philadelphia Progressive | Examiner.com

Or you can go to their site and read it yourself. if you are fucking smart enough to find their site. I doubt it.
CaféAuLait;4299829 said:
Mitch McConnell said it a mere two months into Obama's Presidency. Their number 1 job is the make Obama a one-term President. Doesn't matter who or what get's hurt in the process. That's their job and main goal. All else be DAMNED!

Given he never said all else be damned, isn't this the goal of the opposite party to the sitting president? Assure that their party wins the next election?
By deliberately hurting Americans? By using out of work Americans as pawns in petty politics?

Christ, the Tea Party Nation letter even starts out by referencing Ayn Rand.
As you said, both parties are doing it. Until we get a third (or more) party with enough elected officials to make a difference, or a non-partisan way of electing our officials, all we will continue to see are these silly tit-for-tat games. Which is sad because they are killing what our forefathers wanted the government to be.

Yes, I said both parties do it - but you missed the point. Republicans have taken it waaay beyond the realm of loyal opposition to a dangerous new level.

And the Democrats have done the same thing. Like having a film made about the assassination of a sitting President.
Yes, I said both parties do it - but you missed the point. Republicans have taken it waaay beyond the realm of loyal opposition to a dangerous new level.

And the Democrats have done the same thing. Like having a film made about the assassination of a sitting President.

You're comparing apples and oranges. Elected officials did not make that film. It was a movie. Plus, I hear Bush liked it. Name one time in American history when the Democrat Party ever made statements like urging small businesses not to hire a single person to hurt a Republican president.

Look, we can go back and forth all night, or for the rest of the year for that matter, coming up with "The Republicans did this" or "The Democrats did that", but it won't address the underlying problem that both parties are willing to do anything to hold onto as much power as they can for their own personal gains.

Only when we can break the back of their control of power can we start to move towards a government for the people, and not for the politicians and the monied few.
See, this is how we get so many dupe threads: members using thread titles that don't give the first clue as to what the thread is about. I know that I do a quick perusal of the forum I am about to create a thread in, and still end up duping other threads.

It just makes more work for the Mods, which interferes with them giving me positive rep. Stop it, people!

And all I had to do to find it was use the search function and type in "Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses Not To Hire A Single Person"

Took all of 20 seconds.
That's nice.

Why should I do that again?
See, this is how we get so many dupe threads: members using thread titles that don't give the first clue as to what the thread is about. I know that I do a quick perusal of the forum I am about to create a thread in, and still end up duping other threads.

It just makes more work for the Mods, which interferes with them giving me positive rep. Stop it, people!

And all I had to do to find it was use the search function and type in "Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses Not To Hire A Single Person"

Took all of 20 seconds.
That's nice.

Why should I do that again?

Ummm, maybe to save the owner of this board a little bit of money in hosting costs. :dunno:

It may not seem like much, but every little bit of bandwidth costs something to host. A penny here, a penny there, and in time it adds up to real money.
And all I had to do to find it was use the search function and type in "Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses Not To Hire A Single Person"

Took all of 20 seconds.
That's nice.

Why should I do that again?

Ummm, maybe to save the owner of this board a little bit of money in hosting costs. :dunno:

It may not seem like much, but every little bit of bandwidth costs something to host. A penny here, a penny there, and in time it adds up to real money.
Then do your part, and title threads appropriately.
That's nice.

Why should I do that again?

Ummm, maybe to save the owner of this board a little bit of money in hosting costs. :dunno:

It may not seem like much, but every little bit of bandwidth costs something to host. A penny here, a penny there, and in time it adds up to real money.
Then do your part, and title threads appropriately.

When I start a thread, I do use an appropriate title. It was Rinata who didn't use a proper subject.
Ummm, maybe to save the owner of this board a little bit of money in hosting costs. :dunno:

It may not seem like much, but every little bit of bandwidth costs something to host. A penny here, a penny there, and in time it adds up to real money.
Then do your part, and title threads appropriately.

When I start a thread, I do use an appropriate title. It was Rinata who didn't use a proper subject.
How wonderful for you.
Then do your part, and title threads appropriately.

When I start a thread, I do use an appropriate title. It was Rinata who didn't use a proper subject.
How wonderful for you.

Yes, it is wonderful of me. You see, unlike you apparently, I give a shit about the people who give their money, time and effort to host a board I can be a member of. Without them, there would only be trash sites like Hannity to post on.

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