Tea Party is the biggest threat to the GOP

if the dems had any sense they'd all vote for a libertarian candidate and oust all the old republicans that have been living in congress for two decades, then oust the crazy ass libertarians next election

the right wing politicians are fighting each other and getting pretty busy at it.

United they stand, divided they fall.

One thing is for damned sure, you leftists will be shown the door in November.
That is far from the truth. GOP participation was encouraged throughout the process. Obama even asked what could be added so they would support the bill. They replied to a man, tear it up and start over

Same offer stands...Obamacare is here to stay
What can Republicans offer to make it better?

Republicans have voted over 50 times to repeal Obamacare. How many votes have they had to improve it?

Want to make it better....

Get rid of it.
Ok let's do that

10 million people now do not have insurance. Healthcare exchanges are closed. People with prexisting conditions now must shop the open market

What do Republicans do next?

listen carefully, read this slowly


no, they weren't denied medical care before the ACA, now insurance companies pick up the bills less deductibles, NOT taxpayers paying for county hospital services ... apparently idiots like you prefer the latter.
Millions of Americans were denied health maintenance, routine screenings and checkups they couldn't afford because they had no health insurance, screenings and checkups mostly not available at the ER. Indeed, it was when relatively minor health issues would become serious because of no access to health maintenance that low income Americans were compelled to go to the ER, where that treatment was more expensive as a result and the cost was shouldered by the hospitals and passed on to patients.

It was a bad, broken, costly, and wasteful 'system,' an untenable 'system' most on the right ignorantly seek to return to.
The biggest issue with Obamacare from Republicans is that it has Obamas name on it and THEY put it there
It isn't the Democrats, it's the Tea Party. GOP's been co-opted by stupid people.
It is not just the Tea Party, but the rightwing media that keeps Republicans in check and punishes those who dare to compromise with the left

So tell me something bed wetter...

Who's the maverick in the democrook party?

Who's that distinguished non-partisan democrook who's praised in the media for bucking Whory Reid and reaching across the isle to defend the unborn, protect the 1st and 2nd Amendment, lower taxes, roll back obozocare, reduce regulation or secure the border? Who is that heroic democrook veteran that is verbally abused by the spokesmen of liberalism?

THERE AREN'T ANY, because you statist sociopaths wouldn't allow them to exist let alone compromise with us. You don't want compromise, you want to win, period. Even when we did "compromise", you assholes immediately came back after the half you "gave up" in order to reach the compromise.

Well I say FUCK COMPROMISE. The bottom line is the libtard democrooks ARE WRONG. "Compromising" with them only ensures we're never more than half right. We've given away far too much of our wealth and freedoms to support the chains of dependency and statism. It's time we rolled back liberal bullshit, no compromise, just reverse it.
Even when you post in blue, I realize you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about

No matter what you post, I always know it's insipid drivel

The fact that you can't even bullshit about democrooks refusing to compromise notwithstanding.

That is far from the truth. GOP participation was encouraged throughout the process. Obama even asked what could be added so they would support the bill. They replied to a man, tear it up and start over

Same offer stands...Obamacare is here to stay
What can Republicans offer to make it better?

Republicans have voted over 50 times to repeal Obamacare. How many votes have they had to improve it?

Want to make it better....

Get rid of it.
Ok let's do that

10 million people now do not have insurance. Healthcare exchanges are closed. People with prexisting conditions now must shop the open market

What do Republicans do next?

listen carefully, read this slowly


no, they weren't denied medical care before the ACA, now insurance companies pick up the bills less deductibles, NOT taxpayers paying for county hospital services ... apparently idiots like you prefer the latter.
Millions of Americans were denied health maintenance, routine screenings and checkups they couldn't afford because they had no health insurance, screenings and checkups mostly not available at the ER. Indeed, it was when relatively minor health issues would become serious because of no access to health maintenance that low income Americans were compelled to go to the ER, where that treatment was more expensive as a result and the cost was shouldered by the hospitals and passed on to patients.

It was a bad, broken, costly, and wasteful 'system,' an untenable 'system' most on the right ignorantly seek to return to.


Okay, 83% does seem extremely high.

So rightwinger ... What do you think would be a more accurate and acceptable percentage of fellow Americans who will have an increase in their premiums due to the ACA legislation ... Hint, the answer is not 0%?

How do you equate "affordable care" with increased cost and required coverage for conditions that do not apply to the person covered?
Okay, 83% does seem extremely high.

So rightwinger ... What do you think would be a more accurate and acceptable percentage of fellow Americans who will have an increase in their premiums due to the ACA legislation ... Hint, the answer is not 0%?

How do you equate "affordable care" with increased cost and required coverage for conditions that do not apply to the person covered?

I don't know what rock you have been living under but healthcare costs have been escallating for decades

What Obamacare provides is an opportunity to pool the insured into health exchanges and obtain a more competitive rate. Nobody is forced to join an exchange. If you can get a better rate elsewhere, you are free to take it
Having lost the battle, conservatives are now harping at the edges and griping about those young Americans who now must pay for health insurance. They are the sacrificial lambs of the legislation. But the advantage is you will not be young forever and will reach an age where you actually benefit
Okay, 83% does seem extremely high.

So rightwinger ... What do you think would be a more accurate and acceptable percentage of fellow Americans who will have an increase in their premiums due to the ACA legislation ... Hint, the answer is not 0%?

How do you equate "affordable care" with increased cost and required coverage for conditions that do not apply to the person covered?

higher premiums, higher deductibles, less coverage, coverage people don't want or need, fewer doctors, limits on treatment options.

its amazing that these fricken libs cannot see what this terrible legislation is doing to this country.
Okay, 83% does seem extremely high.

So rightwinger ... What do you think would be a more accurate and acceptable percentage of fellow Americans who will have an increase in their premiums due to the ACA legislation ... Hint, the answer is not 0%?

How do you equate "affordable care" with increased cost and required coverage for conditions that do not apply to the person covered?

I don't know what rock you have been living under but healthcare costs have been escallating for decades

What Obamacare provides is an opportunity to pool the insured into health exchanges and obtain a more competitive rate. Nobody is forced to join an exchange. If you can get a better rate elsewhere, you are free to take it
Having lost the battle, conservatives are now harping at the edges and griping about those young Americans who now must pay for health insurance. They are the sacrificial lambs of the legislation. But the advantage is you will not be young forever and will reach an age where you actually benefit

total bullshit. Yes, the poor get it free----------------the poor always got medical care free. thats nothing new. Those who pay always pay for those who do not.

obamacare is destroying small businesses and keeping large businesses from expanding and hiring.

Plus, there was no healthcare crisis that required the govt taking over the entire medical system.
Okay, 83% does seem extremely high.

So rightwinger ... What do you think would be a more accurate and acceptable percentage of fellow Americans who will have an increase in their premiums due to the ACA legislation ... Hint, the answer is not 0%?

How do you equate "affordable care" with increased cost and required coverage for conditions that do not apply to the person covered?

I don't know what rock you have been living under but healthcare costs have been escallating for decades

What Obamacare provides is an opportunity to pool the insured into health exchanges and obtain a more competitive rate. Nobody is forced to join an exchange. If you can get a better rate elsewhere, you are free to take it
Having lost the battle, conservatives are now harping at the edges and griping about those young Americans who now must pay for health insurance. They are the sacrificial lambs of the legislation. But the advantage is you will not be young forever and will reach an age where you actually benefit

total bullshit. Yes, the poor get it free----------------the poor always got medical care free. thats nothing new. Those who pay always pay for those who do not.

obamacare is destroying small businesses and keeping large businesses from expanding and hiring.

Plus, there was no healthcare crisis that required the govt taking over the entire medical system.

If done correctly, Obamacare would have saved business by relieving them of the burden of insuring their workers. Imagine that? Just pay them and let someone else worry about their health. But that would involve the dreaded government becoming the insurer of the people and we know Big Insurance with the assistance of Republicans would not allow that
Premium increases resulting from and directly associated with the ACA legislation are not a result of rising healthcare costs.

You failed to answer how paying for coverage you do not need saves you money.

So rightwinger ... If you cannot answer either question ... Just say so. Continuing to spout the same irrelavent bullshit that doesn't address the questions asked indicates you may be the one under a rock.

Premium increases resulting from and directly associated with the ACA legislation are not a result of rising healthcare costs.

You failed to answer how paying for coverage you do not need saves you money.

So rightwinger ... If you cannot answer either question ... Just say so. Continuing to spout the same irrelavent bullshit that doesn't address the questions asked indicates you may be the one under a rock.


What coverage do you not need? For most people, you do not "need" 90 percent of it

Do you understand what insurance is? You belong to a pool of other insured some will take more out of the pool than others
I would rather be the person who gets nothing from that pool
Watching far right wing reactionaries trying to figure why they can't socialize the risk and pocket the profit at the expense of the citizenry as whole becomes quite distasteful.
the truth is that we are probably stuck with the POS law called ACA. So get ready to stand in line america. Get ready to wait 6 months or a year for treatment, get ready to die waiting for an appointment. Because that is what obama and the libs have given us.

Not really
We can always work to make it better. Why won't Republicans do that?

they have already tried. In case you forgot, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to a vote during the ACA congressional process, the dems wrote and passed the bill without anyone knowing what it contained, not one republican voted for it. The dems own it.

since it was passed, the house has passed several bills to amend it, but they are sitting on Reid's desk. Obama refuses to discuss any revisions to it.

Why isn't it being improved???? is that your question? because obama and the dems refuse to discuss or vote on any improvements.

That is far from the truth. GOP participation was encouraged throughout the process. Obama even asked what could be added so they would support the bill. They replied to a man, tear it up and start over

Same offer stands...Obamacare is here to stay
What can Republicans offer to make it better?

Republicans have voted over 50 times to repeal Obamacare. How many votes have they had to improve it?

Want to make it better....

Get rid of it.
Ok let's do that

10 million people now do not have insurance. Healthcare exchanges are closed. People with prexisting conditions now must shop the open market

What do Republicans do next?

1. Get rid of insurance commissioners
2. Allow the sale of insurance on the open market
3. Pass legislation that says if an insurance company cancels anyone...they pay back all the premiums with interest.

Watching far right wing reactionaries trying to figure why they can't socialize the risk and pocket the profit at the expense of the citizenry as whole becomes quite distasteful.

I suppose one nice perk you enjoy being a moron is that you are to stupid to know you are a moron.
Redfish said:

“Let the free market handle it.”

We tried that, and the 'free market' failed miserably – the consequence of that failure was millions of Americans with no access to affordable healthcare.

This is one of many problems with the authoritarian right: their blind, slavish adherence to failed fiscal and political dogma, where instead an objective, pragmatic approach predicated on the facts is best, blending the best of the public and private sectors based on what's proven to work.

There never was a free market in health insurance.

Even a 5th grader knows that.
they have already tried. In case you forgot, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to a vote during the ACA congressional process, the dems wrote and passed the bill without anyone knowing what it contained, not one republican voted for it. The dems own it.

since it was passed, the house has passed several bills to amend it, but they are sitting on Reid's desk. Obama refuses to discuss any revisions to it.

Why isn't it being improved???? is that your question? because obama and the dems refuse to discuss or vote on any improvements.

That is far from the truth. GOP participation was encouraged throughout the process. Obama even asked what could be added so they would support the bill. They replied to a man, tear it up and start over

Same offer stands...Obamacare is here to stay
What can Republicans offer to make it better?

Republicans have voted over 50 times to repeal Obamacare. How many votes have they had to improve it?

Want to make it better....

Get rid of it.
Ok let's do that

10 million people now do not have insurance. Healthcare exchanges are closed. People with prexisting conditions now must shop the open market

What do Republicans do next?


It is not the government's responsibility to make sure you have your adult diapers and hire someone to change them for you.
That's it?

Tell 10 million people to go fuck themselves?

No...just you.

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