Tea Party is the biggest threat to the GOP

You bet.

Obamacare is going down the tubes and you can stand on the deck playing your dick while it goes under.
They gave that to blacks ?

Keep telling yourself that. Republicans have been predicting the demise of Obamacare for five years
What is evident is that it is here to stay and it works. It has provided coverage to ten million Americans and it is growing
You're right. The ACA has become part of the insurance business, and you can't just go back, as idiots might think.

The Republicans won't campaign against it because of the 7+ million people who will be motivated to vote against someone who will take it away

I welcome any attempt by Republicans to make Obamacare better

But they insist on destroying it first with some vague promise they will someday come up with something better

How do you make a POS better.

And let's not forget he damaged a perfectly good system so he could have he legacy of being the worst president in history.

If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.
Keep telling yourself that. Republicans have been predicting the demise of Obamacare for five years
What is evident is that it is here to stay and it works. It has provided coverage to ten million Americans and it is growing
You're right. The ACA has become part of the insurance business, and you can't just go back, as idiots might think.

The Republicans won't campaign against it because of the 7+ million people who will be motivated to vote against someone who will take it away

I welcome any attempt by Republicans to make Obamacare better

But they insist on destroying it first with some vague promise they will someday come up with something better

How do you make a POS better.

And let's not forget he damaged a perfectly good system so he could have he legacy of being the worst president in history.

If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations
You're right. The ACA has become part of the insurance business, and you can't just go back, as idiots might think.

The Republicans won't campaign against it because of the 7+ million people who will be motivated to vote against someone who will take it away

I welcome any attempt by Republicans to make Obamacare better

But they insist on destroying it first with some vague promise they will someday come up with something better

How do you make a POS better.

And let's not forget he damaged a perfectly good system so he could have he legacy of being the worst president in history.

If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations

Only in your wet dreams.

But you keep dreaming.

It won't be as good as it is now.

I know people (part of that 10 million you claim are being helped and would vote to keep it) who were forced onto it when their plans were cancelled (and you can spare me the junk plan bulls**t) who have no intention of voting to keep it.

It is unpopular for good reason and it is getting more unpopular.

Most of the uninsured were there by choice. Healthmyths clearly demonstrated that in a thread you morons wouldn't touch.

Our system left 5 to 10 million who wanted insurance and could not get it. That needed to be fixed. Obamacare leaves roughly the same.

Great job. You can be proud of something that was a bigger loser than the Titanic.
I welcome any attempt by Republicans to make Obamacare better

But they insist on destroying it first with some vague promise they will someday come up with something better

How do you make a POS better.

And let's not forget he damaged a perfectly good system so he could have he legacy of being the worst president in history.

If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations

Only in your wet dreams.

But you keep dreaming.

It won't be as good as it is now.

I know people (part of that 10 million you claim are being helped and would vote to keep it) who were forced onto it when their plans were cancelled (and you can spare me the junk plan bulls**t) who have no intention of voting to keep it.

It is unpopular for good reason and it is getting more unpopular.

Most of the uninsured were there by choice. Healthmyths clearly demonstrated that in a thread you morons wouldn't touch.

Our system left 5 to 10 million who wanted insurance and could not get it. That needed to be fixed. Obamacare leaves roughly the same.

Great job. You can be proud of something that was a bigger loser than the Titanic.

Why don't Republicans run on cancelling peoples insurance then? Everyone on Obamacare has an option of getting a policy from the private sector, very few do

Better yet, why don't Republicans let us in on their grand plan of replacing Obamacare?
Nice sentiment. But totally bullshit

You bet.

Obamacare is going down the tubes and you can stand on the deck playing your dick while it goes under.
The founders were wise enough to allow each generation to decide what they wanted their government to do
They gave them a framework of government, basic rights and a vote

The rest is history

They gave that to blacks ?

Keep telling yourself that. Republicans have been predicting the demise of Obamacare for five years
What is evident is that it is here to stay and it works. It has provided coverage to ten million Americans and it is growing
You're right. The ACA has become part of the insurance business, and you can't just go back, as idiots might think.

The Republicans won't campaign against it because of the 7+ million people who will be motivated to vote against someone who will take it away

I welcome any attempt by Republicans to make Obamacare better

But they insist on destroying it first with some vague promise they will someday come up with something better

How do you make a POS better.

And let's not forget he damaged a perfectly good system so he could have he legacy of being the worst president in history.
That's quite mad.

I work in the medical insurance business, and it was nowhere near a perfectly good system from the standpoint of patients, and absolutely nothing to people who couldn't get past underwriters to even get coverage.

The ACA has metastisized itself to the insurance business, and to remove it rashly would be just like removing both lungs if someone had lung cancer.

You want socialized medicine?.....just repeal Obamacare out of hand, like Republicans are telling voters they will do.
Everyone benefits from our constitutional freedoms, everyone does not benefit from government overreach.

Nice sentiment. But totally bullshit

You bet.

Obamacare is going down the tubes and you can stand on the deck playing your dick while it goes under.
Tell that to blacks.

You are a moron.

They set up a system of government that allowed us to care for each other.

Nowhere did they ever say they had to "care" for us.
The founders were wise enough to allow each generation to decide what they wanted their government to do
They gave them a framework of government, basic rights and a vote

The rest is history

They gave that to blacks ?

Keep telling yourself that. Republicans have been predicting the demise of Obamacare for five years
What is evident is that it is here to stay and it works. It has provided coverage to ten million Americans and it is growing
You're right. The ACA has become part of the insurance business, and you can't just go back, as idiots might think.

The Republicans won't campaign against it because of the 7+ million people who will be motivated to vote against someone who will take it away

I welcome any attempt by Republicans to make Obamacare better

But they insist on destroying it first with some vague promise they will someday come up with something better

what you are missing is that obamacare was a fix for a problem that did not exist. No one was denied medical care before ACA, no one. Those who paid for insurance covered those who did not, exactly the same as the ACA plan, except that ACA requires a new huge expensive inefficient government beaurocracy.

There was no healthcare crisis in the USA that required a government takeover of the entire medical system.

A couple things needed fixing and they could have been fixed with a one page bill: require insurance companies to take people with pre-existing conditions, and eliminate the lifetime maximum payment clause from insurance policies.
You bet.

Obamacare is going down the tubes and you can stand on the deck playing your dick while it goes under.
They gave that to blacks ?

Keep telling yourself that. Republicans have been predicting the demise of Obamacare for five years
What is evident is that it is here to stay and it works. It has provided coverage to ten million Americans and it is growing
You're right. The ACA has become part of the insurance business, and you can't just go back, as idiots might think.

The Republicans won't campaign against it because of the 7+ million people who will be motivated to vote against someone who will take it away

I welcome any attempt by Republicans to make Obamacare better

But they insist on destroying it first with some vague promise they will someday come up with something better

How do you make a POS better.

And let's not forget he damaged a perfectly good system so he could have he legacy of being the worst president in history.

If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

not true, no one was denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE, even those here illegally.

as to how good govt healthcare is-----------------can you say VA?
You're right. The ACA has become part of the insurance business, and you can't just go back, as idiots might think.

The Republicans won't campaign against it because of the 7+ million people who will be motivated to vote against someone who will take it away

I welcome any attempt by Republicans to make Obamacare better

But they insist on destroying it first with some vague promise they will someday come up with something better

How do you make a POS better.

And let's not forget he damaged a perfectly good system so he could have he legacy of being the worst president in history.

If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations

that is simply not true.
How do you make a POS better.

And let's not forget he damaged a perfectly good system so he could have he legacy of being the worst president in history.

If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations

Only in your wet dreams.

But you keep dreaming.

It won't be as good as it is now.

I know people (part of that 10 million you claim are being helped and would vote to keep it) who were forced onto it when their plans were cancelled (and you can spare me the junk plan bulls**t) who have no intention of voting to keep it.

It is unpopular for good reason and it is getting more unpopular.

Most of the uninsured were there by choice. Healthmyths clearly demonstrated that in a thread you morons wouldn't touch.

Our system left 5 to 10 million who wanted insurance and could not get it. That needed to be fixed. Obamacare leaves roughly the same.

Great job. You can be proud of something that was a bigger loser than the Titanic.

Why don't Republicans run on cancelling peoples insurance then? Everyone on Obamacare has an option of getting a policy from the private sector, very few do

Better yet, why don't Republicans let us in on their grand plan of replacing Obamacare?

the truth is that we are probably stuck with the POS law called ACA. So get ready to stand in line america. Get ready to wait 6 months or a year for treatment, get ready to die waiting for an appointment. Because that is what obama and the libs have given us.

Six (6) different delivery/payment systems:
  1. Group
  2. Individual/ACA
  3. Medicare
  4. Medicaid
  5. VA
  6. Indigent
Ridiculous. Absurd.


and your solution is------------------------------------------------------?

Okay, I've got a few minutes. My solution would be based on the following:
  • A healthier populous is good economics
  • Consistent preventive, diagnostic and drug regimens save significant health care money in the mid term and long term
  • We need to get health benefit costs off the back of American employers
  • Competition must remain in the health care industry for cost controls and innovation
  • Reimbursements to providers must stay high enough
  • The GOP's idea of HSA's is simply unworkable due to the fact that so many would not be able to afford both premiums & HSA contributions
  • The Dem's idea of single payer would remove competition & incentives from the equation
So we...
  • Base the new plan on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis
  • Have the foundation Medicare part cover all preventive, diagnostic and drug coverage, plus basic medical services
  • Allow the Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage private companies to compete for massive new business
  • Allow these companies to compete for contracts with providers to keep reimbursement amounts and time efficiencies high
  • Publish outcome statistics of all providers as an incentive for them to keep quality high and costs down
  • Take the financial monkey off the backs of American employers
  • Provide temporary financial assistance for low income people
  • Create a huge new cottage industry for covered neighborhood preventive/diagnostic clinics (already sprouting)
  • Create a healthier populous, lowering health care costs
  • Tackle tort reform with the costs of preventive medicine in the main focus
  • Piss off both major parties, which is always a huge plus
No one provides more independent, specific, original ideas for solutions than ol' Mac.

(pat, pat)

Last edited:

Six (6) different delivery/payment systems:
  1. Group
  2. Individual/ACA
  3. Medicare
  4. Medicaid
  5. VA
  6. Indigent
Ridiculous. Absurd.


and your solution is------------------------------------------------------?

Okay, I've got a few minutes. My solution would be based on the following:
  • A healthier populous is good economics
  • Consistent preventive, diagnostic and drug regimens save significant health care money in the mid term and long term
  • We need to get health benefit costs off the back of American employers
  • Competition must remain in the health care industry for cost controls and innovation
  • Reimbursements to providers must stay high enough
  • The GOP's idea of HSA's is simply unworkable due to the fact that so many would not be able to afford both premiums & HSA contributions
  • The Dem's idea of single payer would remove competition & incentives from the equation
So we...
  • Base the new plan on the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage chassis
  • Have the foundation cover all preventive, diagnostic and drug coverage, plus basic medical services
  • Allow the Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage private companies to compete for massive new business
  • Allow these companies to compete for contracts with providers to keep reimbursement amounts and time efficiencies high
  • Publish outcome statistics of all providers as an incentive for them to keep quality high and costs down
  • Take the financial monkey off the backs of American employers
  • Provide temporary financial assistance for low income people
  • Create a huge new cottage industry for covered neighborhood preventive/diagnostic clinics (already sprouting)
  • Create a healthier populous, lowering health care costs
  • Tackle tort reform with the costs of preventive medicine in the main focus
  • Piss off both major parties, which is always a huge plus
No one provides more independent, specific, original ideas for solutions than ol' Mac.

(pat, pat)


I like it. tell your representatives and senators to get it moving.
If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations

Only in your wet dreams.

But you keep dreaming.

It won't be as good as it is now.

I know people (part of that 10 million you claim are being helped and would vote to keep it) who were forced onto it when their plans were cancelled (and you can spare me the junk plan bulls**t) who have no intention of voting to keep it.

It is unpopular for good reason and it is getting more unpopular.

Most of the uninsured were there by choice. Healthmyths clearly demonstrated that in a thread you morons wouldn't touch.

Our system left 5 to 10 million who wanted insurance and could not get it. That needed to be fixed. Obamacare leaves roughly the same.

Great job. You can be proud of something that was a bigger loser than the Titanic.

Why don't Republicans run on cancelling peoples insurance then? Everyone on Obamacare has an option of getting a policy from the private sector, very few do

Better yet, why don't Republicans let us in on their grand plan of replacing Obamacare?

the truth is that we are probably stuck with the POS law called ACA. So get ready to stand in line america. Get ready to wait 6 months or a year for treatment, get ready to die waiting for an appointment. Because that is what obama and the libs have given us.

Not really
We can always work to make it better. Why won't Republicans do that?
I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations

Only in your wet dreams.

But you keep dreaming.

It won't be as good as it is now.

I know people (part of that 10 million you claim are being helped and would vote to keep it) who were forced onto it when their plans were cancelled (and you can spare me the junk plan bulls**t) who have no intention of voting to keep it.

It is unpopular for good reason and it is getting more unpopular.

Most of the uninsured were there by choice. Healthmyths clearly demonstrated that in a thread you morons wouldn't touch.

Our system left 5 to 10 million who wanted insurance and could not get it. That needed to be fixed. Obamacare leaves roughly the same.

Great job. You can be proud of something that was a bigger loser than the Titanic.

Why don't Republicans run on cancelling peoples insurance then? Everyone on Obamacare has an option of getting a policy from the private sector, very few do

Better yet, why don't Republicans let us in on their grand plan of replacing Obamacare?

the truth is that we are probably stuck with the POS law called ACA. So get ready to stand in line america. Get ready to wait 6 months or a year for treatment, get ready to die waiting for an appointment. Because that is what obama and the libs have given us.

Not really
We can always work to make it better. Why won't Republicans do that?

they have already tried. In case you forgot, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to a vote during the ACA congressional process, the dems wrote and passed the bill without anyone knowing what it contained, not one republican voted for it. The dems own it.

since it was passed, the house has passed several bills to amend it, but they are sitting on Reid's desk. Obama refuses to discuss any revisions to it.

Why isn't it being improved???? is that your question? because obama and the dems refuse to discuss or vote on any improvements.
Since the arguement has obviously shifted to the ACA ... Passed strictly along party lines and signed into legislation by Democrats ... Then it implies the OP's idea the Tea Party is the biggest threat to the GOP is bullshit.

Failing Progressive Liberal programs established into legislation by Democrats in order to keep the poor in poverty and destroy successful business ... Is and always has been the greatest threat to the GOP and America.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations

Only in your wet dreams.

But you keep dreaming.

It won't be as good as it is now.

I know people (part of that 10 million you claim are being helped and would vote to keep it) who were forced onto it when their plans were cancelled (and you can spare me the junk plan bulls**t) who have no intention of voting to keep it.

It is unpopular for good reason and it is getting more unpopular.

Most of the uninsured were there by choice. Healthmyths clearly demonstrated that in a thread you morons wouldn't touch.

Our system left 5 to 10 million who wanted insurance and could not get it. That needed to be fixed. Obamacare leaves roughly the same.

Great job. You can be proud of something that was a bigger loser than the Titanic.

Why don't Republicans run on cancelling peoples insurance then? Everyone on Obamacare has an option of getting a policy from the private sector, very few do

Better yet, why don't Republicans let us in on their grand plan of replacing Obamacare?

the truth is that we are probably stuck with the POS law called ACA. So get ready to stand in line america. Get ready to wait 6 months or a year for treatment, get ready to die waiting for an appointment. Because that is what obama and the libs have given us.

Not really
We can always work to make it better. Why won't Republicans do that?

they have already tried. In case you forgot, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to a vote during the ACA congressional process, the dems wrote and passed the bill without anyone knowing what it contained, not one republican voted for it. The dems own it.

since it was passed, the house has passed several bills to amend it, but they are sitting on Reid's desk. Obama refuses to discuss any revisions to it.

Why isn't it being improved???? is that your question? because obama and the dems refuse to discuss or vote on any improvements.

That is far from the truth. GOP participation was encouraged throughout the process. Obama even asked what could be added so they would support the bill. They replied to a man, tear it up and start over

Same offer stands...Obamacare is here to stay
What can Republicans offer to make it better?

Republicans have voted over 50 times to repeal Obamacare. How many votes have they had to improve it?
If Obamacare is a POS, why haven't Republicans been able to come up with a proposal that is better? It has been five years and yet Republicans keep coming back with ......We'll let you know

The truth is that there is an element in the Republican Party that does not want any form of Government supported healthcare. That portion of the GOP will fight to block ANY healthcare proposal being floated by the GOP

And no, it was not a "perfectly good system". It was a system that ignored millions of Americans who were unlucky enough not to have a job that provided healthcare. That is what Republicans want us to return to.....Screw you healthcare

I welcome you to present anything that shows it wasn't the best health care system in the world.

Of course, at that point you'd need to produce metrics...something you asswipes never are willing to do....and then stick to them when they are used to shove your arguments down your throats.

There is nothing better. Government run health care is a POS in the U.S. compared to what we had. There is no alternative except to get rid of it and the let the better system continue to operate.

The only improvement to that system would be to get the regulators out of it.

It is the greatest healthcare network in the world. For those who can afford it

It is far from the best healthcare system in the world because it intentionally left out millions of citizens with pre-existing conditions or who did not have access to employer healthcare. By any measure of overall health of its citizens, the US lags behind other industrialized nations

Only in your wet dreams.

But you keep dreaming.

It won't be as good as it is now.

I know people (part of that 10 million you claim are being helped and would vote to keep it) who were forced onto it when their plans were cancelled (and you can spare me the junk plan bulls**t) who have no intention of voting to keep it.

It is unpopular for good reason and it is getting more unpopular.

Most of the uninsured were there by choice. Healthmyths clearly demonstrated that in a thread you morons wouldn't touch.

Our system left 5 to 10 million who wanted insurance and could not get it. That needed to be fixed. Obamacare leaves roughly the same.

Great job. You can be proud of something that was a bigger loser than the Titanic.

Why don't Republicans run on cancelling peoples insurance then? Everyone on Obamacare has an option of getting a policy from the private sector, very few do

Better yet, why don't Republicans let us in on their grand plan of replacing Obamacare?

the truth is that we are probably stuck with the POS law called ACA. So get ready to stand in line america. Get ready to wait 6 months or a year for treatment, get ready to die waiting for an appointment. Because that is what obama and the libs have given us.

Most people I talk to from these countries who provide health care....talk about a two tier system.

That is what Obama is creating.

You want good health care...you'll pay for it. Those one these plans are going to find resources scarce.
Only in your wet dreams.

But you keep dreaming.

It won't be as good as it is now.

I know people (part of that 10 million you claim are being helped and would vote to keep it) who were forced onto it when their plans were cancelled (and you can spare me the junk plan bulls**t) who have no intention of voting to keep it.

It is unpopular for good reason and it is getting more unpopular.

Most of the uninsured were there by choice. Healthmyths clearly demonstrated that in a thread you morons wouldn't touch.

Our system left 5 to 10 million who wanted insurance and could not get it. That needed to be fixed. Obamacare leaves roughly the same.

Great job. You can be proud of something that was a bigger loser than the Titanic.

Why don't Republicans run on cancelling peoples insurance then? Everyone on Obamacare has an option of getting a policy from the private sector, very few do

Better yet, why don't Republicans let us in on their grand plan of replacing Obamacare?

the truth is that we are probably stuck with the POS law called ACA. So get ready to stand in line america. Get ready to wait 6 months or a year for treatment, get ready to die waiting for an appointment. Because that is what obama and the libs have given us.

Not really
We can always work to make it better. Why won't Republicans do that?

they have already tried. In case you forgot, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to a vote during the ACA congressional process, the dems wrote and passed the bill without anyone knowing what it contained, not one republican voted for it. The dems own it.

since it was passed, the house has passed several bills to amend it, but they are sitting on Reid's desk. Obama refuses to discuss any revisions to it.

Why isn't it being improved???? is that your question? because obama and the dems refuse to discuss or vote on any improvements.

That is far from the truth. GOP participation was encouraged throughout the process. Obama even asked what could be added so they would support the bill. They replied to a man, tear it up and start over

Same offer stands...Obamacare is here to stay
What can Republicans offer to make it better?

Republicans have voted over 50 times to repeal Obamacare. How many votes have they had to improve it?

Want to make it better....

Get rid of it.
Why don't Republicans run on cancelling peoples insurance then? Everyone on Obamacare has an option of getting a policy from the private sector, very few do

Better yet, why don't Republicans let us in on their grand plan of replacing Obamacare?

the truth is that we are probably stuck with the POS law called ACA. So get ready to stand in line america. Get ready to wait 6 months or a year for treatment, get ready to die waiting for an appointment. Because that is what obama and the libs have given us.

Not really
We can always work to make it better. Why won't Republicans do that?

they have already tried. In case you forgot, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to a vote during the ACA congressional process, the dems wrote and passed the bill without anyone knowing what it contained, not one republican voted for it. The dems own it.

since it was passed, the house has passed several bills to amend it, but they are sitting on Reid's desk. Obama refuses to discuss any revisions to it.

Why isn't it being improved???? is that your question? because obama and the dems refuse to discuss or vote on any improvements.

That is far from the truth. GOP participation was encouraged throughout the process. Obama even asked what could be added so they would support the bill. They replied to a man, tear it up and start over

Same offer stands...Obamacare is here to stay
What can Republicans offer to make it better?

Republicans have voted over 50 times to repeal Obamacare. How many votes have they had to improve it?

Want to make it better....

Get rid of it.
Ok let's do that

10 million people now do not have insurance. Healthcare exchanges are closed. People with prexisting conditions now must shop the open market

What do Republicans do next?

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