Tea Party is the biggest threat to the GOP

We've already seen the proof that TPM fiscal policy is reckless, irresponsible, and an unmitigated failure:

'GOV. SAM BROWNBACK of Kansas says he has come to regret characterizing his policy agenda as a “real live experiment” that would test the efficacy of deep tax cuts to spur jobs and economic growth. In fact, Mr. Brownback’s choice of words was apt. Few if any governors have undertaken such an extreme trial-by-revenue-deprivation in a state so clearly lacking the economic means to withstand it.

Now, as the damaging social and budgetary impacts of his slash-and-burn fiscal measures have become apparent, Mr. Brownback, a conservative Republican seeking reelection this fall in a state where every statewide elected official is also a Republican, is in the disorienting position of trailing his Democratic challenger in the polls.

Mr. Brownback’s Kansas trial is rapidly becoming a cautionary tale for conservative governors elsewhere who have blithely peddled the theology of tax cuts as a painless panacea for sluggish growth. Most key indicators suggest that job creation and economic growth in Kansas are lagging those of its neighbors.'

Sam Brownback s failed experiment puts state on path to penury - The Washington Post

Now Americans are faced with the specter of failed, irresponsible conservative/TPM fiscal policy being foisted on the rest of the Nation.
Name one modern day liberal agenda they would have supported?

Obamacare is exactly the kind of legislation they didnt want.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

American ideals
Death Panels
No choice of doctors, hospitals, or plans
Higher taxes and higher insurance rates.
If you wanted an example of a program that eliminated life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you couldn't find a better one than Obamacare.
You think Colonial America had healthcare choices?

Our founders could not have envisioned a healthcare network that could save your life. If they did, they would want all citizens to have access to it

You've got them on record as saying that...I hope.

Obamacare is exactly the kind of legislation they didnt want.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

American ideals
Death Panels
No choice of doctors, hospitals, or plans
Higher taxes and higher insurance rates.
If you wanted an example of a program that eliminated life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you couldn't find a better one than Obamacare.
You think Colonial America had healthcare choices?

Our founders could not have envisioned a healthcare network that could save your life. If they did, they would want all citizens to have access to it

You've got them on record as saying that...I hope.

There was no healthcare network in 1780. There were also no interstate highways, airports, space stations, Internet or television. It is ridiculous to wonder if they would have supported them
It is also ridiculous to block federal support because the founders didn't include it in the Constitution
You keep spreading this lie Name one of the founders that would support the liberal agenda of today?

Benedict Arnold?
Was he a founding father? Don't recall seeing his signature only any documents that were the foundations of our Constitution

Yes, then turned traitor and collaborator.
You are a fucking idiot, he signed no documents not even the declaration of Independence
A Tea Party that claims to be for fiscal responsibility and yet, spends a lot of time hating on gays and minorities.
I don't get it. What's the connection? And what hate are you talking about?
It's like we need a decoder ring to understand.

The modern day lefty is a borderline retard... their thought processes are virtually non-existent. It's quite amusing, especially when they then proclaim themselves to be the smartest people in the room.

wrong on all 3

obama shut down the govt, no party or congress has the power to do that
no one has said we should default, just balance the budget and begin to pay off the debt--how radical!
no compromise with failed socialism is the right thing to do. on that topic, where has obama offered to compromise?

Teatard revisionist history does not change the facts. Teatards forced the shutdown. TeaTards celirated the shutdown. Teatards fought to keep the shutdown from ending

nope, you are the revisionist. obama shut down the government. obama put barracades around national monuments. the minority of tea party members of congress had no power to shut down anything.

obama shut it down because he refused to consider any compromise on the budget. obama shut it down the way Hitler shut down debate in pre-WW2 Germany. BTW, Hitler also had a policy of taking guns from ordinary citizens-----------sound familiar?
Really?....the Hitler card........wow.......

the similarities are real. I am not saying that obama is hitler, only that there are similarities.
There are similarities between Hitler and you.

You both have two eyes. You both have serious anger at liberals. You both call the other guys revisionists. I could go on.

I am not POTUS, Obama is.

Obamacare is exactly the kind of legislation they didnt want.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

American ideals
Death Panels
No choice of doctors, hospitals, or plans
Higher taxes and higher insurance rates.
If you wanted an example of a program that eliminated life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you couldn't find a better one than Obamacare.
You think Colonial America had healthcare choices?

Our founders could not have envisioned a healthcare network that could save your life. If they did, they would want all citizens to have access to it

You've got them on record as saying that...I hope.

There was no healthcare network in 1780. There were also no interstate highways, airports, space stations, Internet or television. It is ridiculous to wonder if they would have supported them
It is also ridiculous to block federal support because the founders didn't include it in the Constitution

flash----------------the government is not your momma. YOU are responsible to taking care of yourself, not the taxpayers.
Our founding fathers would have been repulsed by the Teatards
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.

The founders had no money. We were deeply in debt

They had no choice but to be fiscallyconservative

The FF didn't want a big Fed Govt. They wanted the States to have the power.

They were conservative because thats the way folks were back then. They didn't expect anyone to give them money or take care of them. They took care of themselves.

Hell. They'd turn over in their graves if they could see the Fed Govt of today and the people with their hands out for other peoples money. Doubt they would like what they see at all.

The Founding Fathers were the biggest liberals of their day. All men are created equal and all that. The conservatives supported the crown
They were unable to have a strong federal government. Communications and transportation took weeks. Delegating down to the states was the only option at the time. It wasn't so much they dod not want.....but couldn't do

Our founding Fathers would be very proud of our society. It offers more freedom than their society did

your grasp of american history is very slim. your attempt to equate 1776 with 2014 is a total failure. The concepts and beliefs of the founders are the basis of what is called conservative today.

minority rule is what they left in europe and what you liberals want in the USA today.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

American ideals
Death Panels
No choice of doctors, hospitals, or plans
Higher taxes and higher insurance rates.
If you wanted an example of a program that eliminated life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you couldn't find a better one than Obamacare.
You think Colonial America had healthcare choices?

Our founders could not have envisioned a healthcare network that could save your life. If they did, they would want all citizens to have access to it

You've got them on record as saying that...I hope.

There was no healthcare network in 1780. There were also no interstate highways, airports, space stations, Internet or television. It is ridiculous to wonder if they would have supported them
It is also ridiculous to block federal support because the founders didn't include it in the Constitution

flash----------------the government is not your momma. YOU are responsible to taking care of yourself, not the taxpayers.
Governments responsibility is to help those who need helping

It is part of being an American
Death Panels
No choice of doctors, hospitals, or plans
Higher taxes and higher insurance rates.
If you wanted an example of a program that eliminated life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you couldn't find a better one than Obamacare.
You think Colonial America had healthcare choices?

Our founders could not have envisioned a healthcare network that could save your life. If they did, they would want all citizens to have access to it

You've got them on record as saying that...I hope.

There was no healthcare network in 1780. There were also no interstate highways, airports, space stations, Internet or television. It is ridiculous to wonder if they would have supported them
It is also ridiculous to block federal support because the founders didn't include it in the Constitution

flash----------------the government is not your momma. YOU are responsible to taking care of yourself, not the taxpayers.
Governments responsibility is to help those who need helping

It is part of being an American

very true, thats exactly want conservatives believe----------------those that NEED helping. Not everyone.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.

The founders had no money. We were deeply in debt

They had no choice but to be fiscallyconservative

The FF didn't want a big Fed Govt. They wanted the States to have the power.

They were conservative because thats the way folks were back then. They didn't expect anyone to give them money or take care of them. They took care of themselves.

Hell. They'd turn over in their graves if they could see the Fed Govt of today and the people with their hands out for other peoples money. Doubt they would like what they see at all.

The Founding Fathers were the biggest liberals of their day. All men are created equal and all that. The conservatives supported the crown
They were unable to have a strong federal government. Communications and transportation took weeks. Delegating down to the states was the only option at the time. It wasn't so much they dod not want.....but couldn't do

Our founding Fathers would be very proud of our society. It offers more freedom than their society did

your grasp of american history is very slim. your attempt to equate 1776 with 2014 is a total failure. The concepts and beliefs of the founders are the basis of what is called conservative today.

minority rule is what they left in europe and what you liberals want in the USA today.
No, actually today's conservatives are ideologically similar to conservatives of 1776. We used to tar and feather conservatives back then
What we call the good ole days
You think Colonial America had healthcare choices?

Our founders could not have envisioned a healthcare network that could save your life. If they did, they would want all citizens to have access to it

You've got them on record as saying that...I hope.

There was no healthcare network in 1780. There were also no interstate highways, airports, space stations, Internet or television. It is ridiculous to wonder if they would have supported them
It is also ridiculous to block federal support because the founders didn't include it in the Constitution

flash----------------the government is not your momma. YOU are responsible to taking care of yourself, not the taxpayers.
Governments responsibility is to help those who need helping

It is part of being an American

very true, thats exactly want conservatives believe----------------those that NEED helping. Not everyone.
Very true. Not everyone receives direct help. But EVERYONE benefits from the Government
You've got them on record as saying that...I hope.

There was no healthcare network in 1780. There were also no interstate highways, airports, space stations, Internet or television. It is ridiculous to wonder if they would have supported them
It is also ridiculous to block federal support because the founders didn't include it in the Constitution

flash----------------the government is not your momma. YOU are responsible to taking care of yourself, not the taxpayers.
Governments responsibility is to help those who need helping

It is part of being an American

very true, thats exactly want conservatives believe----------------those that NEED helping. Not everyone.
Very true. Not everyone receives direct help. But EVERYONE benefits from the Government

Everyone benefits from our constitutional freedoms, everyone does not benefit from government overreach.
conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.

The founders had no money. We were deeply in debt

They had no choice but to be fiscallyconservative

The FF didn't want a big Fed Govt. They wanted the States to have the power.

They were conservative because thats the way folks were back then. They didn't expect anyone to give them money or take care of them. They took care of themselves.

Hell. They'd turn over in their graves if they could see the Fed Govt of today and the people with their hands out for other peoples money. Doubt they would like what they see at all.

The Founding Fathers were the biggest liberals of their day. All men are created equal and all that. The conservatives supported the crown
They were unable to have a strong federal government. Communications and transportation took weeks. Delegating down to the states was the only option at the time. It wasn't so much they dod not want.....but couldn't do

Our founding Fathers would be very proud of our society. It offers more freedom than their society did

your grasp of american history is very slim. your attempt to equate 1776 with 2014 is a total failure. The concepts and beliefs of the founders are the basis of what is called conservative today.

minority rule is what they left in europe and what you liberals want in the USA today.
No, actually today's conservatives are ideologically similar to conservatives of 1776. We used to tar and feather conservatives back then
What we call the good ole days

come on Jake, stop the shit. you aren't as stupid as you appear.

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