Tea Party Kicks Republican Ass in N.H.


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Aug 27, 2010
Looks like the Tea Party will be having its way in New Hampshire, and that will bode badly for Republicans in Congress, as socialism takes a new step forward. Reality starting to set in for the cons yet?? LOL!!

DERRY, N.H. — A rancorous fight to lead the New Hampshire Republican Party through next year’s presidential race ended Saturday with an upset victory by a conservative activist backed by members of the Tea Party and other grassroots groups.

Jack Kimball, a relative newcomer to party politics who ran for governor last year as a fiscal and social conservative, beat Juliana Bergeron, who leads the Cheshire County Republicans and was backed by former Gov. John Sununu, the outgoing state party chairman.

The race was closely watched as a sign of how much influence Tea Party groups will exert here in the lead-up to New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary, tentatively scheduled for Feb. 14, 2012.

Mr. Sununu said Ms. Bergeron was a proven leader and fundraiser who could unite all of the party’s factions. In a strongly worded speech before the vote, Mr. Sununu said he was worried about divisions within the party and warned that its leaders must not alienate more moderate members and independents, who make up about 40 percent of the state’s voters.

Looks like the Tea Party will be having its way in New Hampshire, and that will bode badly for Republicans in Congress, as socialism takes a new step forward. Reality starting to set in for the cons yet?? LOL!!
Just like it they took it on the chin in the midterms right? Please continue to ignore reality, it's better for our side when you do.

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