Tea Party Leader Under Ethics Investigation

I never gt too excited by these investigations until the facts come out.

Usually the so called violations are technicalities.

Why not just wait before we DECIDE that anyone is guilty or innocent?
If she continues to violate ethics like this, she'll be concidered a Democrat.
And unlike others? She made a promise to limit her term. All statesmen do.

Her popularity within her district has been on the decline for about two years. She used to kick ass in her district every election but the last election she barely won after carrying a big double digit lead for most of the election. If the vote would have been a week later she probably would have lost the election, that's how quick her huge lead evaporated.
She decided not to run because she probably would have been defeated in 2014. Also, Bachmann had already begun her campaign drive for 2014, raising campaign funds. She previously had no intention of not running for another term.
The above post was clearly developed by loyal partisan thinking.
If she continues to violate ethics like this, she'll be concidered a Democrat.
And unlike others? She made a promise to limit her term. All statesmen do.

Her popularity within her district has been on the decline for about two years. She used to kick ass in her district every election but the last election she barely won after carrying a big double digit lead for most of the election. If the vote would have been a week later she probably would have lost the election, that's how quick her huge lead evaporated.
She decided not to run because she probably would have been defeated in 2014. Also, Bachmann had already begun her campaign drive for 2014, raising campaign funds. She previously had no intention of not running for another term.
The above post was clearly developed by loyal partisan thinking.

Partisan? Really? And what party would that be? Care to answer?
You see how the left lies right to your face or as in this with their dishonest titles..

the Tea Party doesn't have A LEADER...

They aren't sheep like you in the Democrat party who needs and expects their elected politicians ( your masters) in the government to lead and be the leader in your life where they make all your lifes decisions for you...
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You see how the left lies right to your face or as in this with their dishonest titles..

the Tea Party doesn't have A LEADER...

They aren't sheep like you in the Democrat party who needs and expects their elected masters in the government to lead your life for you and make it so it's FAIR
Correct the TEA Party are average people tired of Government intrusion into our lives and the loss of Liberty.
You see how the left lies right to your face or as in this with their dishonest titles..

the Tea Party doesn't have A LEADER...

They aren't sheep like you in the Democrat party who needs and expects their elected masters in the government to lead your life for you and make it so it's FAIR
Correct the TEA Party are average people tired of Government intrusion into our lives and the loss of Liberty.

correct, and because of that they are to be HATED by the left and Democrats, and called terrorist, extremist , RACIST..one thing is true of what I said, Democrats voters are sheep who follows their masters...Pelosi set up the walkthrough of the Tea Party protesting then cried all kinds of thing happened to them, spit on, called foul names, etc etc and yet a reward was offered for a video OF THAT PROOF....none was presented...HUMMMM wonder why?????and so what do their sheep base reguritate, the Tea Party is racist, they spit on people, they yell let people die, blaa blaaa blaa...I guess that saves them having to think for themselves...that is sad in my book
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It's almost a given these days if Obama gives a speech complaining about something, you can bet he's doing it to someone else already.

Right now his biggest push is "Phony Scandals".
You see how the left lies right to your face or as in this with their dishonest titles..

the Tea Party doesn't have A LEADER...

They aren't sheep like you in the Democrat party who needs and expects their elected masters in the government to lead your life for you and make it so it's FAIR
Correct the TEA Party are average people tired of Government intrusion into our lives and the loss of Liberty.

correct, and because of that they are to be HATED by the left and Democrats, and called terrorist, extremist , RACIST..one thing is true of what I said, Democrats voters are sheep who follows their masters...Pelosi set up the walkthrough of the Tea Party protesting then cried all kinds of thing happened to them, spit on, called foul names, etc etc and yet a reward was offered for a video OF THAT PROOF....none was presented...HUMMMM wonder why?????and so what do their sheep base reguritate, the Tea Party is racist, they spit on people, they yell let people die, blaa blaaa blaa...I guess that saves them having to think for themselves...that is sad in my book
Indeed. We are standing in their progressive ways to destroy this Republic, the Constitution.

They ARE correct in one regard...we ARE obstructionists. I wear that as a badge of honor.
Correct the TEA Party are average people tired of Government intrusion into our lives and the loss of Liberty.

correct, and because of that they are to be HATED by the left and Democrats, and called terrorist, extremist , RACIST..one thing is true of what I said, Democrats voters are sheep who follows their masters...Pelosi set up the walkthrough of the Tea Party protesting then cried all kinds of thing happened to them, spit on, called foul names, etc etc and yet a reward was offered for a video OF THAT PROOF....none was presented...HUMMMM wonder why?????and so what do their sheep base reguritate, the Tea Party is racist, they spit on people, they yell let people die, blaa blaaa blaa...I guess that saves them having to think for themselves...that is sad in my book
Indeed. We are standing in their progressive ways to destroy this Republic, the Constitution.

They ARE correct in one regard...we ARE obstructionists. I wear that as a badge of honor.

You damn right we stopping this egomaniac from his IDIOT VISIONS of Transforming our country...I was think why would he want to Transform a country, it's because he hate's our country, thinks we are UNFAIR so he has to correct that, thinks we are greedy, bible thumping bitter gun clingers who are afraid to see others for what they are.. I wanted him to choke on that hateful spew...but boy the whiners about OBSTRUCTION waa waa you won't let that Obama who was sent down from the heavens to do whatever the fuck he wants, if it hurt or is BAD for our country SO BE IT...He is our MESSIAH and he WON WON WON WON WON
correct, and because of that they are to be HATED by the left and Democrats, and called terrorist, extremist , RACIST..one thing is true of what I said, Democrats voters are sheep who follows their masters...Pelosi set up the walkthrough of the Tea Party protesting then cried all kinds of thing happened to them, spit on, called foul names, etc etc and yet a reward was offered for a video OF THAT PROOF....none was presented...HUMMMM wonder why?????and so what do their sheep base reguritate, the Tea Party is racist, they spit on people, they yell let people die, blaa blaaa blaa...I guess that saves them having to think for themselves...that is sad in my book
Indeed. We are standing in their progressive ways to destroy this Republic, the Constitution.

They ARE correct in one regard...we ARE obstructionists. I wear that as a badge of honor.

You damn right we stopping this egomaniac from his IDIOT VISIONS of Transforming our country...I was think why would he want to Transform a country, it's because he hate's our country, thinks we are UNFAIR so he has to correct that, thinks we are greedy, bible thumping bitter gun clingers who are afraid to see others for what they are.. I wanted him to choke on that hateful spew...but boy the whiners about OBSTRUCTION waa waa you won't let that Obama who was sent down from the heavens to do whatever the fuck he wants, if it hurt or is BAD for our country SO BE IT...He is our MESSIAH and he WON WON WON WON WON
Indeed. Some wish to be enslaved by those that they think care for liberty as much as they do.
Indeed. We are standing in their progressive ways to destroy this Republic, the Constitution.

They ARE correct in one regard...we ARE obstructionists. I wear that as a badge of honor.

You damn right we stopping this egomaniac from his IDIOT VISIONS of Transforming our country...I was think why would he want to Transform a country, it's because he hate's our country, thinks we are UNFAIR so he has to correct that, thinks we are greedy, bible thumping bitter gun clingers who are afraid to see others for what they are.. I wanted him to choke on that hateful spew...but boy the whiners about OBSTRUCTION waa waa you won't let that Obama who was sent down from the heavens to do whatever the fuck he wants, if it hurt or is BAD for our country SO BE IT...He is our MESSIAH and he WON WON WON WON WON
Indeed. Some wish to be enslaved by those that they think care for liberty as much as they do.

well I think this country and liberty and freedoms are doomed, take the youngsters who voted for Obama, fainted and creamed their jeans when they saw him, hale him as if he was a god or something... Obama duped them with how we all needed to be FORCED to buy ObamaCare or be FINED if they don't by that lovely agency the IRS...with their vote to re-elect him they made themselves SLAVES to the government...Before this that age bracket rarely bought insurance because generally they are still HEALTHY...THAT is what scared the hell out of me seeing all this...I don't see thing improving if that is all it takes to enslave people, Lies and the hidden truths by talking around them with bullshit..
Lol, yeah sick the people investgation obama's scandles on her. Then she wouldn't have anything to worry about.

Write in comprehensive language so we can understand what you mean, please.

Sorry i took care of it, now do you agree?

You are probably a far right reactionary; many have problems communicating outside of the hive.

You mean 'sic', and I get it now. You may be right, but we won't know until the investigation is done.

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