Tea Party Member To KKK: Get the hell away from us, we dont want you here!!!


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
You heard it here on the USMB first.

Thats right KKK....We heard you expressing a like for the Tea Partiers and the Tea Partiers want to let you know you are not welcome at our events and we do not want you as part of our movement.

We understand you have a first ammendment right to free expression but we do not share in your values. Please refrain from associating with us and please refrain from using our events to express your viewpoints.

Thank you for respecting our Wishes


PLYMCO_PILGRIM and everyone else who thanks this post

EDIT: I read the NAACP resolution and I am not bothered by it at all. I feel that some of it is off base but the part where they call on tea partiers to denounce any racially themed signage and where they ask the tea party to publicly state they dont support racial hate groups is a great suggestion...and i'm going to do as they ask.
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Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together...

Hate Groups and Nativist Extremists Crashing ‘Tea Parties’

Some people and organizations with more than a tax reform agenda are hoping to exploit the tax protesters’ anger and win them over to their causes. At the white supremacist website, Stormfront, for example, people have posted comments urging their fellow racists to attend tea parties and try to recruit new members to their cause.

“Don’t go there [Tea Parties] with flags and uniforms, and don’t try to preach the truth,” advised one Stormfront writer. “Go in civil, meet people with whom we might do things later, and try to get into the organising [sic] circles.” Another writer said in response that white supremacists shouldn’t “fail to push to envelope” but cautioned them to “dress inconspicuously.”

Meanwhile, the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is urging its members to attend tea parties. The CCC is the successor to the White Citizens Councils that opposed desegregation in the South in the 1950s and 1960s. It is a white supremacist group that opposes non-white immigration and affirmative action, while supporting the display of the Confederate battle flag.

The nativist movement also has a presence at the tea parties. William Gheen, the founder of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, or ALIPAC, E-mailed “allied leaders” urging them to join a coalition of his and other anti-immigration groups in attending tea parties. “The vast majority of attendees to these events are with us on immigration enforcement,” he wrote. Among the other groups that Gheen identified as being in the coalition are the San Diego Minutemen, the hate group Save Our State, and Voice of the People USA.
You heard it here on the USMB first.

Thats right KKK....We heard you expressing a like for the Tea Partiers and the Tea Partiers want to let you know you are not welcome at our events and we do not want you as part of our movement.

We understand you have a first ammendment right to free expression but we do not share in your values. Please refrain from associating with us and please refrain from using our events to express your viewpoints.

Thank you for respecting our Wishes



Why, both the ideologies are so close. Of course they would like to join...

Oh and when the NAACP said to do this they are called racists..
Pilgrim, why do you think the Tea Party is attracting these idiots?

Same reason the Blank Panthers are surfacing again. They feel the tension is an opportunity to grow their size and power and unless people tell them we dont like your mindset they will continue to try.
You heard it here on the USMB first.

Thats right KKK....We heard you expressing a like for the Tea Partiers and the Tea Partiers want to let you know you are not welcome at our events and we do not want you as part of our movement.

We understand you have a first ammendment right to free expression but we do not share in your values. Please refrain from associating with us and please refrain from using our events to express your viewpoints.

Thank you for respecting our Wishes



Why, both the ideologies are so close. Of course they would like to join...

Oh and when the NAACP said to do this they are called racists..

Someone is doing what the NAACP suggests and you attempt to attack it, bravo for being a hypocrite.
You heard it here on the USMB first.

Thats right KKK....We heard you expressing a like for the Tea Partiers and the Tea Partiers want to let you know you are not welcome at our events and we do not want you as part of our movement.

We understand you have a first ammendment right to free expression but we do not share in your values. Please refrain from associating with us and please refrain from using our events to express your viewpoints.

Thank you for respecting our Wishes



Why, both the ideologies are so close. Of course they would like to join...

Oh and when the NAACP said to do this they are called racists..

Someone is doing what the NAACP suggests and you attempt to attack it, bravo for being a hypocrite.
thats zona in a nutshell
Pilgrim, why do you think the Tea Party is attracting these idiots?

Same reason the Blank Panthers are surfacing again. They feel the tension is an opportunity to grow their size and power and unless people tell them we dont like your mindset they will continue to try.

Hmmmmm, sounds like a "Race War" may be a-brewing, eh?
well, what do you think will be the results of Obama losing in 2012?
the very same America that elected him in 2008 will be called racist when he loses
Pilgrim, why do you think the Tea Party is attracting these idiots?

Same reason the Blank Panthers are surfacing again. They feel the tension is an opportunity to grow their size and power and unless people tell them we dont like your mindset they will continue to try.

The Black Panthers are not surfacing again, they've just been mentioned in the news is all. They are neither organized nor influential. Protected, yes, but not organized or influential.
Same reason the Blank Panthers are surfacing again. They feel the tension is an opportunity to grow their size and power and unless people tell them we dont like your mindset they will continue to try.

Hmmmmm, sounds like a "Race War" may be a-brewing, eh?
well, what do you think will be the results of Obama losing in 2012?
the very same America that elected him in 2008 will be called racist when he loses

I have to save this and throw it in your face in 2012. I cant wait! :clap2:
Pilgrim, why do you think the Tea Party is attracting these idiots?

Same reason the Blank Panthers are surfacing again. They feel the tension is an opportunity to grow their size and power and unless people tell them we dont like your mindset they will continue to try.

The Black Panthers are not surfacing again, they've just been mentioned in the news is all. They are neither organized nor influential. Protected, yes, but not organized or influential.

The New black panter party is made up of 3 people. 3......

Congratualations fox.
Pilgrim, why do you think the Tea Party is attracting these idiots?

Same reason the Blank Panthers are surfacing again. They feel the tension is an opportunity to grow their size and power and unless people tell them we dont like your mindset they will continue to try.

Hmmmmm, sounds like a "Race War" may be a-brewing, eh?

If the black panther types and the white supremist types have their way....but the majority of americans, the VAST majority, don't want that so I dont see it happening.
I would like to add one more comment

I read the NAACP resolution and I am not bothered by it at all. I feel that some of it is off base but the part where they call on tea partiers to denounce any racially themed signage and where they ask the tea party to publicly state they dont support racial hate groups is a great suggestion...and i'm going to do as they ask.
I cant help note just how polite and adult they were with the KKK and how fucking RUDE they were to the NAACP.

Kinda tells alot about the party.
Same reason the Blank Panthers are surfacing again. They feel the tension is an opportunity to grow their size and power and unless people tell them we dont like your mindset they will continue to try.

Hmmmmm, sounds like a "Race War" may be a-brewing, eh?
well, what do you think will be the results of Obama losing in 2012?
the very same America that elected him in 2008 will be called racist when he loses
wtf? We must reelect Obama or the blacks will riot???


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