Tea Party Movement Is A Trojan Horse To The Republican Party!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Republicans are happy with the energy the "Tea Party Movement" has brought to their party. But it is a fatal cancer this movement brings to the Republican party. This movement is not in sync with mainstream America. It may not be evident in the first six to twelve months of the next Congress but soon thereafter it will ordinary Americans expect certain government performance in many areas which depends on Federal government spending which will require the federal government to raise revenue, for instance, Transportation spending, health care, etc.. Tea Party movement politicians don't support the necessary federal government revenue raising so there will be a big head to head conflict one day and Tea Party candidates and their host the Republican Party will lose big when this time comes. The best thing the Republican party can do from this moment forward into the indefinate future to counter the Tea Party movement threat is open up their primaries to independent voters, that is allow independent registered voters to vote in Republican primaries to counter the the extreme right wing Tea Pary voters registered as Republicans in the Republican party; of course, if in an individual state the Democrat party pursues mischief and registers its supporters as independents to sabotoge the Republican primary than the Republican party can refrain from pursuing this course. It is ashame about what the Tea Party movement has brought to America because a lot of the rank-in-file in this movement are good people and their low taxes, restrained government spending, small government principles are good principles but they have to be implemented in context and it is going to take a long-time to fix America and get these principles in the right balance with respect to the responsiblities the federal and local governments have with the American people!.

The leadership of America has to do something about this Glenn Beck phenomenon! His involvement, the August 28 Washington D.C. rally (etc.), in the public spot light is bad for America. To begin with Mr. Beck should not even host a news show, it is abusrd and reprehensible that his show is on a news channel. If you listen to his show it is like a non-denominational ministry program, it is like watching a Dr. Wayne Dwyer motivational program to live a better life. Mr. Beck is a fine person but he crosses the line when he gets into politics. America has serious problems, America doesn't today offer the promise it can and should to many many Americans, America needs good wholesome (leaders that don't talk about God but serve him) leaders to lead America to the fully great country it should be!
They whipped these voters up with religious and moral superiority talk starting with Reagan.

These voters will drag them into the abyss because they now can not win without them or with them.
LOL, the Tea party is not in sync with MAINSTREAM America..It IS MAINSTREAM America idiot...So you're saying that Majority of Mainstream Americans don't support your all's Progressives Democrat and Rino Republicans ideas of Socialism? well you'd be right on that one, as you can see by the Obama's and his comrades in Arms approval ratings and the voting out of office of some established Rinos ALREADY.
So, if the Rino Republicans are afraid of the Tea Party, they friggen should be.

And SUMTHING has to DONE ABOUT GLEN BECK? well what do you suggest, they hang him.

good grief...:cuckoo:
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LOL, the Tea party is not in sync with MAINSTREAM America..It IS MAINSTREAM America idiot...So you're are saying that Majority of Mainstream Americans don't support your all's Progressives Democrat and Rino Republicans ideas of Socialism? well you'd be right on that one, as you can see by the Obama's and his comrades in Arms approval ratings and the voting out of office of some established Rinos ALREADY.
So, if the Rino Republicans are afraid of the Tea Party, they friggen should be.

And SUMTHING has to DONE ABOUT GLEN BECK? well what do you suggest, they hang him.

good grief...:cuckoo:

America is just angry that Obama hasn't fixed Republican fuck ups fast enough.
LOL, the Tea party is not in sync with MAINSTREAM America..It IS MAINSTREAM America idiot...So you're are saying that Majority of Mainstream Americans don't support your all's Progressives Democrat and Rino Republicans ideas of Socialism? well you'd be right on that one, as you can see by the Obama's and his comrades in Arms approval ratings and the voting out of office of some established Rinos ALREADY.
So, if the Rino Republicans are afraid of the Tea Party, they friggen should be.

And SUMTHING has to DONE ABOUT GLEN BECK? well what do you suggest, they hang him.

good grief...:cuckoo:

America is just angry that Obama hasn't fixed Republican fuck ups fast enough.

LOL, I if you lefties want to hang onto that one, no problem...:lol::eusa_whistle:
Tea Party Movement Is A Trojan Horse To The Republican Party!

I'd say it's more of a radical element of the GOP, than a trojan horse.

It isn't like the TP is attempting to fool people that its some kind of democratic movement, after all.

Tea Party Movement Is A Trojan Horse To The Republican Party!

I'd say it's more of a radical element of the GOP, than a trojan horse.

It isn't like the TP is attempting to fool people that its some kind of democratic movement, after all.

yeah man, The American people calling for a smaller less corrupted, less intrusive Guberment and less taxes SURLY MUST make them RADICALS.:lol:
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OMG my dear. so you link to a poll done at some LEFTY website.
good friggen GRIEF.:lol::lol:
It's a Gallup poll, but Gallup also says that Americans give GOP edge on most election issues (terrorism, immigration, federal spending, the economy, the situation in Afghanistan, jobs, corruption in government), if we're going to play the poll game. I find that game boring, though.

ok, my mistake cause I won't go to the Thinkprogess website. fraid my computer will get cooties if I do.

You're just shitty cuz only 6% of scientists are Republican. And you know it's true cuz rdrool said so.

I was a fan of and contributed to the Tea Parties back in 07-08 when they were Ron Paul movements but when they went mainstream, they lost their luster for me being so tied in with the GOP and the "voices" of the past like Hannity but I can't help but to be amused by all of the crap flying in from the left, are they really causing you guys this much fear?
OMG my dear. so you link to a poll done at some LEFTY website.
good friggen GRIEF.:lol::lol:
It's a Gallup poll, but Gallup also says that Americans give GOP edge on most election issues (terrorism, immigration, federal spending, the economy, the situation in Afghanistan, jobs, corruption in government), if we're going to play the poll game. I find that game boring, though.

You're just shitty cuz only 6% of scientists are Republican. And you know it's true cuz rdrool said so.


Rdean, RDEAN???? Where the hell are you when we need you?

You're just shitty cuz only 6% of scientists are Republican. And you know it's true cuz rdrool said so.


Rdean, RDEAN???? Where the hell are you when we need you?

:eusa_shhh: it might show up.:lol:
So you're saying that Majority of Mainstream Americans don't support your all's Progressives Democrat and Rino Republicans ideas of Socialism?

Even Tea Partiers support the more "socialist" aspects of federal policy. From the NYT poll of Tea Partiers:

Overall, do you think the benefits from government programs such as Social Security and Medicare are worth the costs of those programs for taxpayers, or are they not worth the costs?

Worth it/Not worth it/DK

Some of the Tea Party candidates even start to sound like Al Gore circa 2000 when they start talking about "socialist" programs:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZBkHSnE1B4]Sharron Angle[/ame]

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