Tea Party Officials Sneak Into Courthouse After Polls Close And Gets Locked In

There has been too much fumbling here. Really makes me wonder if they haven't been infiltrated. Whatever it is, if proven to be nefarious, throw the book at them.
There is no law that I'm aware of that says people cannot enter a courthouse at 2 am, if the door is unlocked.

Have you never gone anywhere at 2 am? I have.

I've been in a bank at 2 am.

I've been in a legal office at 2 am.

I've been in a courthouse at all times of the day and night, in a variety of capacities.

Don't worry about it. This is outside your realm of understanding, apparently. The guy didn't do anything illegal, so it's also outside the realm of your control.

You are a liar. You have never been in a bank unescorted by bank employees at 2 am.

I didn't say I was unescorted. Or that I wasn't the employee.
There is no law that I'm aware of that says people cannot enter a courthouse at 2 am, if the door is unlocked.

Have you never gone anywhere at 2 am? I have.

I've been in a bank at 2 am.

I've been in a legal office at 2 am.

I've been in a courthouse at all times of the day and night, in a variety of capacities.

Don't worry about it. This is outside your realm of understanding, apparently. The guy didn't do anything illegal, so it's also outside the realm of your control.

You are a liar. You have never been in a bank unescorted by bank employees at 2 am.

I didn't say I was unescorted. Or that I wasn't the employee.

You implied that your situation mirrored these burglars in Mississippi.

Were they escorted by Court House officials? No.

You remain a liar.
You are a liar. You have never been in a bank unescorted by bank employees at 2 am.

I didn't say I was unescorted. Or that I wasn't the employee.

You implied that your situation mirrored these burglars in Mississippi.

Were they escorted by Court House officials? No.

You remain a liar.

Poor syn, you wouldn't know a lie from the truth if it slapped you upside the head.

PS...you're lying when you call these guys "burglars"...and you're lying when you claim to know what they were doing there.
You don't think they'd be charged with criminal trespass if they had indeed trespassed?

Unless there was a restraining order, or they were caught somewhere from which they are otherwise legally prohibited from, there's no trespass. The door was open, it's a public building. That's not trespassing. They didn't steal anything..it's not burglary. They didn't break down the door, there was no alarm, and they have been conducting business in the courthouse.

Give it a break, it's a non-story.

I'm not surprised though that you don't see the difference from legally entering a building, and unlawfully entering the building with intent to commit a crime. You people can't conceive of people who aren't eternally bent on doings something criminal.
The teaparty can excuse anything because they are serving a greater good. It's also called the ends justify the means, and any question is turned into a personal attack on them justifying a personal response. Ideological zealots share this trait. This is merely an example.

They go to a closed courthouse that houses ballots in a county known to go 2-1 Cochran. They walk around the building looking for a way in. They find a door that was either propped open or malfunctioning. They go in, knowing the building is closed to the public. Stupidly, they close the door behind, locking themselves in. What were they up to? Did the plan to steal paper ballot with Cochran votes? We had our first voter ID election, and if you didn't have an ID, you could fill out a paper affidavit, which is a form on a 5X6 card. Did they want some blank affadavits? Who knows. But to suspect them of skullduggery is a personal attack. (and btw the large white woman is crazy, I know her)

Then the next day, former Gov Barbour says people are crazy to vote for McDaniel because he doesn't think the govt has any role in education, and Miss schools would not function w/o federal aid. McDaniel's campaign response "Barbour puts his personal well being above the country's."

They speak in code, and you cannot reason with them.
You don't think they'd be charged with criminal trespass if they had indeed trespassed?

Unless there was a restraining order, or they were caught somewhere from which they are otherwise legally prohibited from, there's no trespass. The door was open, it's a public building. That's not trespassing. They didn't steal anything..it's not burglary. They didn't break down the door, there was no alarm, and they have been conducting business in the courthouse.

Give it a break, it's a non-story.

I'm not surprised though that you don't see the difference from legally entering a building, and unlawfully entering the building with intent to commit a crime. You people can't conceive of people who aren't eternally bent on doings something criminal.

Of course people are allowed in closed courthouses. They didn't break in, though, so they weren't charged.
The teaparty can excuse anything because they are serving a greater good. It's also called the ends justify the means, and any question is turned into a personal attack on them justifying a personal response. Ideological zealots share this trait. This is merely an example.

They go to a closed courthouse that houses ballots in a county known to go 2-1 Cochran. They walk around the building looking for a way in. They find a door that was either propped open or malfunctioning. They go in, knowing the building is closed to the public. Stupidly, they close the door behind, locking themselves in. What were they up to? Did the plan to steal paper ballot with Cochran votes? We had our first voter ID election, and if you didn't have an ID, you could fill out a paper affidavit, which is a form on a 5X6 card. Did they want some blank affadavits? Who knows. But to suspect them of skullduggery is a personal attack. (and btw the large white woman is crazy, I know her)

Then the next day, former Gov Barbour says people are crazy to vote for McDaniel because he doesn't think the govt has any role in education, and Miss schools would not function w/o federal aid. McDaniel's campaign response "Barbour puts his personal well being above the country's."

They speak in code, and you cannot reason with them.

You so don't understand.

They don't believe anything is okay in serving the higher good. They REALLY don't believe it. And I can't see that this instance is an example of that anyway, since nobody actually DID anything.
Why don't you just answer the question instead of ducking and weaving like a pussy?

OK, are you ready for the answer, here it comes, ready?

According to the sheriff, nothing illegal. There are you satisfied now?
No. You run from the question like a pussy.

What ever asshole, it's the only official answer available, you don't like it so you prefer speculation, speculate away, I an't playing that game, I'll leave it to idiots like you.
What you meant to say is "Synthia is a liar and a pussy". No burglars, no trespass, no criminal behavior, no charges.. Nada.

And yeah, I have been in a bank @ 2 am, lol. No trespass, no crime, all on film I'm sure.
And in fact his hysterical reaction to the idea that people come and go out of their offices at odd hours with some regularity tells me that Synthia probably has experience with being in trouble for engaging in such activities WITHOUT proper authorization.
And in fact his hysterical reaction to the idea that people come and go out of their offices at odd hours with some regularity tells me that Synthia probably has experience with being in trouble for engaging in such activities WITHOUT proper authorization.

none of those people worked there.
The rest of us aren't criminals, Synthia. We live our lives at all hours, and just because we're out at night doesn't mean we're doing smash and grabs, or breaking and entering.

Those are apparently YOUR friends.
And in fact his hysterical reaction to the idea that people come and go out of their offices at odd hours with some regularity tells me that Synthia probably has experience with being in trouble for engaging in such activities WITHOUT proper authorization.

none of those people worked there.

Doesn't matter. No crime. I didn't work at the bank either. And my presence STILL wasn't a crime.
And in fact his hysterical reaction to the idea that people come and go out of their offices at odd hours with some regularity tells me that Synthia probably has experience with being in trouble for engaging in such activities WITHOUT proper authorization.

none of those people worked there.

Doesn't matter. No crime. I didn't work at the bank either. And my presence STILL wasn't a crime.

who were you there with?

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