Tea Party Officials Sneak Into Courthouse After Polls Close And Gets Locked In

These Mississippi tea party folks - you got to hand it to them.

They aren't afraid of jumping into the same boat as Nixon and his "rat fu..ers"
They went into an employees entrance. Are they employees? Were they called in to clean the floors at 2 a.m. or something?

Sorry, but there is no legitimate reason for creeping around a courthouse at 2 a.m. after an election.

Not only that, they were so retarded they found an open door and then managed to lock themselves in! :lol:

Put some tape on the door latch, man. That's how the pros did it at the Watergate hotel. Geez, some people just don't know their history.
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Maybe somebody left their keys in there during the day, maybe they were picking something up.

Who knows, who cares. They went in through an unlocked door, no crime was committed.

Ok, lemme get this straight ... first it's a nursing home to take video of an ailing elderly woman

Now it's breaking into a courthouse at 2 a.m. ....

You can't make this stuff up

Yet you do, breaking into a court house is against the law, the sheriff said no laws were broken. Got any more imaginary shit you want to throw into the mix.
No, he said they weren't charged with anything.

Obviously they were trespassing, but the Sheriff decided not to charge them. Trespassing is still a crime, whether you are charged or not.

Read the link or the big blue letters I posted at the top of page 2, the sheriff said no laws were broken, period. There I said it like your dear leader would with the period at the end, maybe you can understand it in propaganda speak.
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If these guys were Democrats, we can be certain the number of topics about it here would be up to 16 by now. ;)
I don't think you CAN trespass at a courthouse.

It's a public building.

It was unlocked.

They went in to get something and couldn't get out without help.

Who cares?
I see stupid non-news threads like this as an indication the Tea Party is succeeding...and in fact, the article itself points to that.
Republican coup? A tea party-backed candidate is headed for a runoff with six-term Republican Sen. Thad Cochran after yesterday’s primary in Mississippi. Unofficial returns from 99 percent of the state’s precincts showed challenger Chris McDaniel with slightly under 50 percent of the vote in a three-way race and Cochran slightly under 49 percent. The Mississippi contest easily overshadowed races in seven other states, several of which sent GOP establishment-backed candidates into fall campaigns in Senate races Republicans have targeted in their drive to gain six seats and a majority. "

No wonder they're crapping their panties.

WORLD | Midday roundup: Tea party gets an edge in Mississippi primary | Lynde Langdon | June 4, 2014
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Yeah because Mississippi law enforcement has such a sterling reputation when it comes to investigating people they happen to drink beer with ....

Needs to go to the grand jury

The quote from the sheriff is pretty telling. Unless he was with them, he has NO IDEA whether any crime was committed.
I don't think you CAN trespass at a courthouse.

It's a public building.

It was unlocked.

They went in to get something and couldn't get out without help.

Who cares?

Really!? How does a door become unlocked from the outside, yet is locked when you want to exit?
You think that this story is bad...hang on because... and you wont fuckin believe me when I tell ya..."our president released 5 terrorist killers for an Army deserter." I know...I know...told ya you wouldn't believe me.
I see stupid non-news threads like this as an indication the Tea Party is succeeding...and in fact, the article itself points to that.

Succeeding at what? This is a news worthy event, just as much as awards at a school...
You think that this story is bad...hang on because... and you wont fuckin believe me when I tell ya..."our president released 5 terrorist killers for an Army deserter." I know...I know...told ya you wouldn't believe me.

When was the soldier convicted of desertion?
the best story might be that they were there to observe the counting, but since that had been done for hours, and the courthouse was locked up, it seems odd that they would be there for that.

also, it seems odd that they wouldn't have someone there from the beginning.
Wow! Really...an obscure break-in over in Georgia? If you think that's something, guess what...our president released 5 TERRORIST MURDERS for a deserter.

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