Tea Party Officials Sneak Into Courthouse After Polls Close And Gets Locked In

A campaign staffer for one of the candidates. Entering a darkened, closed courthouse at 2 a.m. on election day.

Even the densest of you should see that's a problem.
Wow! Really...an obscure break-in over in Georgia? If you think that's something, guess what...our president released 5 TERRORIST MURDERS for a deserter.

So this embarrassment chaps you ass soooooo bad that you are gonna try to divert this thread away from your shame. (as if you can't find a thread on the prisoner swap, huh?)

Knowing this incident causes you that level of shame is absolutely PRICELESS!!!
Coordinating with a superpac (illegal)
exploiting a helpless elderly woman (illegal)
Breaking and entering (or at least illegal entry - we'll find out later)

Sounds like a tea partier to me ......
No crime was committed, no charges have been filed.

Get over it. You will survive.
Wow! Really...an obscure break-in over in Georgia? If you think that's something, guess what...our president released 5 TERRORIST MURDERS for a deserter.

So this embarrassment chaps you ass soooooo bad that you are gonna try to divert this thread away from your shame. (as if you can't find a thread on the prisoner swap, huh?)

Knowing this incident causes you that level of shame is absolutely PRICELESS!!!

In light of how the president just pissed on the grave of every veteran in U.S. history...this is a non-rate story.
You fools apparently have no familiarity (outside of arraignments, divorce and custody hearings) with small town courthouses.

I've been in more than one courthouse after hours. People work there, people have keys, people are able to go in and out at all hours, and it isn't that unusual.

My sister used to work in her office all night long..in a courthouse that also housed a jail, and I have been in there with her.

I have been let in side doors by judge's assistants when I have been running errands or am bringing them things.

You really have an un-realistic view of the nature of courthouses and the people who work in and around them. Expand your horizons...
You fools apparently have no familiarity (outside of arraignments, divorce and custody hearings) with small town courthouses.

I've been in more than one courthouse after hours. People work there, people have keys, people are able to go in and out at all hours, and it isn't that unusual.

My sister used to work in her office all night long..in a courthouse that also housed a jail, and I have been in there with her.

I have been let in side doors by judge's assistants when I have been running errands or am bringing them things.

You really have an un-realistic view of the nature of courthouses and the people who work in and around them. Expand your horizons...

2 am?
No crime was committed, no charges have been filed.

Get over it. You will survive.

so why did they go in?

If it's not illegal, I don't care. You shouldn't either, but that isn't the nature of progressives, who feel all movement must be monitored and pre-approved.

nothing about this strikes you as odd? are you really going to play that kind of dumb?

also, they lied about how they got in. that doesn't strike you as wanting to hide something?
There is no law that I'm aware of that says people cannot enter a courthouse at 2 am, if the door is unlocked.

Have you never gone anywhere at 2 am? I have.

I've been in a bank at 2 am.

I've been in a legal office at 2 am.

I've been in a courthouse at all times of the day and night, in a variety of capacities.

Don't worry about it. This is outside your realm of understanding, apparently. The guy didn't do anything illegal, so it's also outside the realm of your control.
If these guys were Democrats, we can be certain the number of topics about it here would be up to 16 by now. ;)

wrong, it would still be, who cares yawn
it's not that frikken IMPORTANT in the big scheme of life

good grief
I've also been in the newsroom at 2 am.

And various and assorted state buildings.

The ones that have rules excluding people during certain hours of the day and night install alarms.

There was no alarm on this courthouse so presumably, it's pretty common for people to come and go at odd hours. It's the same as any other office building in that respect.
Maybe somebody left their keys in there during the day, maybe they were picking something up.

Who knows, who cares. They went in through an unlocked door, no crime was committed.


Not wingnuts, that's for sure!

"What difference does it make?" :lol:
They gave a reason, you just won't accept the facts, what do you not understand about "NO LAWS WERE BROKEN"? Go back to surfing your porn, you evidently will get much more out of it.

i get it, the sheriff says no laws were broken. i believe him.

but what were their intentions. they lied about how they got in, so what were they planning on doing? or are we to believe they accidentally entered the closed courthouse at 2am while on a stoll together?

They were planning to break the law until they got locked in :lol:
How the fuck does some one get "LOCKED IN"???????????
Ever heard of a fire exit door? It is not legal for any door on any government office to be able to be locked from the outside without a safety lever on the interior side of the door. Such moronic claims from the pussy-LIBs is an every day occurrence.
For fuck sake they don't even MAKE doors that can be locked from the outside without a safety lever on the door's interior.
Wow! Really...an obscure break-in over in Georgia? If you think that's something, guess what...our president released 5 TERRORIST MURDERS for a deserter.

^^^ Doesn't know his al Qaeda from his Taliban! :lol:
There is no law that I'm aware of that says people cannot enter a courthouse at 2 am, if the door is unlocked.

Have you never gone anywhere at 2 am? I have.

I've been in a bank at 2 am.

I've been in a legal office at 2 am.

I've been in a courthouse at all times of the day and night, in a variety of capacities.

Don't worry about it. This is outside your realm of understanding, apparently. The guy didn't do anything illegal, so it's also outside the realm of your control.

You are a liar. You have never been in a bank unescorted by bank employees at 2 am.

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