Tea Party plot in Wisconsin?

Let's see. We have seen TeaPartySamurai melt down here.

We have seen TeaPartySamurai melt down on the thread where she welshed on a bet.

She melted down several times and was banned (twice!) from Hannitty.

She has no integrity.

Yeah, she won't make it here.
No chuckles, liberals call you a moron because you haven't a clue as to what's going on. You keep trying to substitute your absurd opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact....which just doesn't cut it.

I've previously addressed to other idiots like you on this about Acorn and provided information to what voter suppression via voter caging is all about. READ it, and stop braying like an ass, my intellectually stymied neocon samauri.
Gee, that was clever.
I've seen one post form you and I already have your number.
You feel overhwlemed by the reality of a huge democrat loss in November(or not) or a major inferiority complex. You sense some kind of superior intellect here but are frsutrated because there are people who actually have the unmitigated gall to disagree with you. Based on that you must as a card carrying member of the American Left, hurl insults. This with the notion that inulting others makes you feel a sense of superiority to others.

Actually, I've quite a few posts and a couple of threads on these boards. What's interesting is that throughout your little diatribe you say NOTHING about the topic of this thread or the information reported on by the source link. Instead, you just join in on the personal attack mode of an idiot poster of whom I've dismissed.

This seems to be a consistent pattern with the neocon driven GOP punditry and it's defenders/supporters.....whenever they cannot deal with facts that don't support their agenda or beliefs, they just try to slander the messenger.

The chronology of the post shows WHO initiated the insults and condescending attitude....for you to claim otherwise makes you out to be a liar, plain and simple.
Pity you don't seem to understand that. Carry on.
Darling girl, you said that Rush was a god of ratings yet can't prove it.

Darling girl, you are the name caller yet get defensive when you are served your own service.

Darling girl, you have supported the OP from the get go.

Wipe off your cosmetics, TeaPartySamurai, for you will be stood in the window next to the lighted door as the Halloween ornament.

Don't think you can be the shittenpuppy without getting your nose rubbed in it, dear.

Brace yourself. This is going to hurt! :lol::lol::lol:


TALKERS magazine Blog Archive The Top Talk Radio Audiences (Updated 9/10)

A 2.75% against Rush's 15%! Bwahahaaa!

Oh better watch out there Rush old buddy. Ed Shultz is catching up with you!

I can't wait to see how poor delusional Jake or Tachi, spin this one!

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TeaPartySamurai understands perfectly. She smears. She lies. She gets her ass kicked. She is the kick ball for those who have something real to say. She knows her role.
TeaPartySamurai understands perfectly. She smears. She lies. She gets her ass kicked. She is the kick ball for those who have something real to say. She knows her role.

This is getting my ass kicked! I should have known the delusional little nimrod would pretend it didn't happen! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Rush's 15.00 vs. Ed Shultz's 2.75. Bwahahaaaa! :lol::lol:

<snip: nothing important>

Arbitron? Arbitron?? Heh heh. Go do your due diligence, shitten puppy. Accepting those inflated fauxcon neo-con numbers would be like accepting fauxnews or, for that matter, TeaPartySamurai: your word. Dear girl, you have already destroyed that on this board. :lol:
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<snip: nothing important>

Arbitron? Arbitron?? Heh heh. Go do your due diligence, shitten puppy. Accepting those inflated fauxcon neo-con numbers would be like accepting fauxnews or, for that matter, TeaPartySamurai: your word. Dear girl, you have already destroyed that on this board. :lol:


Oh get this! Those ratings can't be right. They are eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil "neocon" ratings or something like that.

In other words, if it contradicts Jakes delusional world, it can't be true. LOL

And I notice neither one of your guys will even TRY to discuss the op!

<snip: nothing important>

Arbitron? Arbitron?? Heh heh. Go do your due diligence, shitten puppy. Accepting those inflated fauxcon neo-con numbers would be like accepting fauxnews or, for that matter, TeaPartySamurai: your word. Dear girl, you have already destroyed that on this board. :lol:
<snip, nothing important>

Arbitron is not objective or fair or balanced. It is a fauxcon organization dedicated to propaganda. The fact that you welsh on bets, tell lies, melt down, and kicked out off boards reflect far more the unreliability of information you post. The OP? You p'wnd yourself on that long ago, shittenpuppy.
As I said, this case in Wisconsin has YET to be proven....but the circumstancial evidence is compelling because of the recent GOP history of shennanigans regarding our voting process. Here's a prime example:

Web-Extended Interview: David Iglesias

Interview: David Iglesias . NOW | PBS
Arbitron? Arbitron?? Heh heh. Go do your due diligence, shitten puppy. Accepting those inflated fauxcon neo-con numbers would be like accepting fauxnews or, for that matter, TeaPartySamurai: your word. Dear girl, you have already destroyed that on this board. :lol:
<snip, nothing important>

Arbitron is not objective or fair or balanced. It is a fauxcon organization dedicated to propaganda. The fact that you welsh on bets, tell lies, melt down, and kicked out off boards reflect far more the unreliability of information you post. The OP? You p'wnd yourself on that long ago, shittenpuppy.

I think we see who's lying!

You haven't produced a shred of evidence to back up anything you have said in this forum.

I have at least produced evidence. Where is yours to prove it wrong?

As I said, this case in Wisconsin has YET to be proven....but the circumstancial evidence is compelling because of the recent GOP history of shennanigans regarding our voting process. Here's a prime example:

Web-Extended Interview: David Iglesias

Interview: David Iglesias . NOW | PBS

You mean like these "shenanigans?????"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly[/ame]

I can give you RAW FEED of voter intimidation THAT THE OBAMA ADMIN DOJ REFUSES TO PROSECUTE!

All you can bring up are liberal butt kissers for George Soros et al, who will claim GOP "voter intimidation" without a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, beside their own baseless assertions.

Ed Schultz kicks Rush's ass today in content and approach, and his ratings are growing exponentially.

Your sidekick was arguing Rush is awesome. Not he is not, not in context, not when he pulls one million from more than 300 million, while the Father pulled twenty to thirty million from 140 million.

Rush is a big frog in a very small pond.
Ed Schultz....Who the ef is Ed Schultz..
I did a little research.....Keep in mind that Rush Limbaugh is on over 600 stations in every major market in all 50 states as well as Canada. Rush is also on the Armed Services Radio Network...
Ed Schultz appears on.......58 stations. Most of which are small low powered stations some powerd by as little as 1000 watt transmitters. Basically a 1kW transmitter can boradcast a daytime signal about 2-3 miles from the tower.

NIce try Jakey.
Ed Schultz better start selling some ads or start buying time himself...Cuz, nobodoy listens and advertisers aren't buying.
Oh Schultz is on in NYC.....He's on a station that does not cover the NY Metro area. According to radio-lacator.com, WWRL 1600 AM has a signal pattern that hits Brooklyn,Queens and nearby communities on Long Island.
Here check this out.. It affrims your claim that Ed Schultz's ratings are increasing exponentially....http://www.ihatethemedia.com/radio-ratings-liberal-talk-radio-dying

Let's a take a look at the stations in NYC that handle each respective host and compare, shall we?
Ok....WWRL AM 1600 carries Ed Schultz....That station's all show ratings for all audinces is 0.3..or about 100,000 listeners per day.. A day in radio cosnsists of 6am to 12 midnight.
A radio audience is considered to be inclusive of all persons 12 and older.
Now Rush Limbaugh's show which is heard on WABC-AM pulled a 3.8 rating or about 1.3 million listeners..
Now Shcultz has been on the air long enough to the extent that if major stations in major markets thought his show worthy to pick up, these station managements clamoring for revenue would pick up a show as popular as you believe, would they not?
So how do you explain the fact that Schultz is on in Three major markets( LA, NYC and Chi) all on low power stations and the remainder of his affilates are low to medium power stations with little audience penetration?....Just asking because of your boastful claim that Ed Schultz mania seems to be sweeping the nation.
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As I said, this case in Wisconsin has YET to be proven....but the circumstancial evidence is compelling because of the recent GOP history of shennanigans regarding our voting process. Here's a prime example:

Web-Extended Interview: David Iglesias

Interview: David Iglesias . NOW | PBS

You mean like these "shenanigans?????"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly[/ame]

I can give you RAW FEED of voter intimidation THAT THE OBAMA ADMIN DOJ REFUSES TO PROSECUTE!

All you can bring up are liberal butt kissers for George Soros et al, who will claim GOP "voter intimidation" without a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, beside their own baseless assertions.


These skulls full of mush liberals would deny the existence of blue skies if it would further their agenda.

It comes as no surprise jake and other lefties on here tab Arbitron as some kind of right wing funded company out to destroy liberal talk radio....
Liberal talk radio destroys itself because no one wants to listen. No listeners. No ratings. No ratings. No Ads. No ads= cancelled programs.
The liberal message is one of misery. Liberals are guilt ridden self hating people who believe in equality of outcome. Liberals must hold themselves out to be victims. Liberal do not believe in freedom. They do not believe in the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances and becoem the best they can be without of course the assistance of government. Liberals believe in statism and collectivism.
They believe that people are unable to survive on their own and therefore MUST look to government for all solutions and answers to their problems.
TeaPartyShittenPuppy wants me to refute an offer of proof from a propaganda tank? The figures are out there for anyone to check. She lies continually here, in other threads, and got booted from Hannitty (twice), and keeps pwning herself. She simply is incapable of being honest.
As I said, this case in Wisconsin has YET to be proven....but the circumstancial evidence is compelling because of the recent GOP history of shennanigans regarding our voting process. Here's a prime example:

Web-Extended Interview: David Iglesias

Interview: David Iglesias . NOW | PBS

You mean like these "shenanigans?????"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly[/ame]

I can give you RAW FEED of voter intimidation THAT THE OBAMA ADMIN DOJ REFUSES TO PROSECUTE!

All you can bring up are liberal butt kissers for George Soros et al, who will claim GOP "voter intimidation" without a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, beside their own baseless assertions.


These skulls full of mush liberals would deny the existence of blue skies if it would further their agenda.

It comes as no surprise jake and other lefties on here tab Arbitron as some kind of right wing funded company out to destroy liberal talk radio....
Liberal talk radio destroys itself because no one wants to listen. No listeners. No ratings. No ratings. No Ads. No ads= cancelled programs.
The liberal message is one of misery. Liberals are guilt ridden self hating people who believe in equality of outcome. Liberals must hold themselves out to be victims. Liberal do not believe in freedom. They do not believe in the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances and becoem the best they can be without of course the assistance of government. Liberals believe in statism and collectivism.
They believe that people are unable to survive on their own and therefore MUST look to government for all solutions and answers to their problems.

Even though the libs sent out the Black Panthers to intimidate voters, there was security and cameras. I would love to see these punks try to stop someone from voting.
TeaPartyShittenPuppy wants me to refute an offer of proof from a propaganda tank? The figures are out there for anyone to check. She lies continually here, in other threads, and got booted from Hannitty (twice), and keeps pwning herself. She simply is incapable of being honest.

No, I want you prove one thing YOU have said.

Prove Arbitron is some eeeeeeeeeeevil arm of the neocons.

Prove Rush Limbagh only has a 1% share and Ed Shultz is catching up.

Just prove ANYTHING you have claimed.

I won't hold my breath you will do so.

Your constant screeching with no back up, just adds to your "credibility."

That's crap...No one can keep a registered voter from voting.

You're job gets threatened, the police threaten you and/or your family. Roadblocks can be set up arouond your voting precint to slow down access to the polling place.

Please link all these incidents up...Or you just blowing smoke out your ass? :cuckoo:

He's blowing so much smoke out of his ass he hopes we won't notice this:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly[/ame]
You mean like these "shenanigans?????"

YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly

I can give you RAW FEED of voter intimidation THAT THE OBAMA ADMIN DOJ REFUSES TO PROSECUTE!

All you can bring up are liberal butt kissers for George Soros et al, who will claim GOP "voter intimidation" without a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, beside their own baseless assertions.


These skulls full of mush liberals would deny the existence of blue skies if it would further their agenda.

It comes as no surprise jake and other lefties on here tab Arbitron as some kind of right wing funded company out to destroy liberal talk radio....
Liberal talk radio destroys itself because no one wants to listen. No listeners. No ratings. No ratings. No Ads. No ads= cancelled programs.
The liberal message is one of misery. Liberals are guilt ridden self hating people who believe in equality of outcome. Liberals must hold themselves out to be victims. Liberal do not believe in freedom. They do not believe in the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances and becoem the best they can be without of course the assistance of government. Liberals believe in statism and collectivism.
They believe that people are unable to survive on their own and therefore MUST look to government for all solutions and answers to their problems.

Even though the libs sent out the Black Panthers to intimidate voters, there was security and cameras. I would love to see these punks try to stop someone from voting.

I think the fact that the DOJ won't prosecute is a suggestion, they might try. ;)
Ed Schultz kicks Rush's ass today in content and approach, and his ratings are growing exponentially.

Your sidekick was arguing Rush is awesome. Not he is not, not in context, not when he pulls one million from more than 300 million, while the Father pulled twenty to thirty million from 140 million.

Rush is a big frog in a very small pond.
Ed Schultz....Who the ef is Ed Schultz..
I did a little research.....Keep in mind that Rush Limbaugh is on over 600 stations in every major market in all 50 states as well as Canada. Rush is also on the Armed Services Radio Network...
Ed Schultz appears on.......58 stations. Most of which are small low powered stations some powerd by as little as 1000 watt transmitters. Basically a 1kW transmitter can boradcast a daytime signal about 2-3 miles from the tower.

NIce try Jakey.
Ed Schultz better start selling some ads or start buying time himself...Cuz, nobodoy listens and advertisers aren't buying.
Oh Schultz is on in NYC.....He's on a station that does not cover the NY Metro area. According to radio-lacator.com, WWRL 1600 AM has a signal pattern that hits Brooklyn,Queens and nearby communities on Long Island.
Here check this out.. It affrims your claim that Ed Schultz's ratings are increasing exponentially....http://www.ihatethemedia.com/radio-ratings-liberal-talk-radio-dying

Let's a take a look at the stations in NYC that handle each respective host and compare, shall we?
Ok....WWRL AM 1600 carries Ed Schultz....That station's all show ratings for all audinces is 0.3..or about 100,000 listeners per day.. A day in radio cosnsists of 6am to 12 midnight.
A radio audience is considered to be inclusive of all persons 12 and older.
Now Rush Limbaugh's show which is heard on WABC-AM pulled a 3.8 rating or about 1.3 million listeners..
Now Shcultz has been on the air long enough to the extent that if major stations in major markets thought his show worthy to pick up, these station managements clamoring for revenue would pick up a show as popular as you believe, would they not?
So how do you explain the fact that Schultz is on in Three major markets( LA, NYC and Chi) all on low power stations and the remainder of his affilates are low to medium power stations with little audience penetration?....Just asking because of your boastful claim that Ed Schultz mania seems to be sweeping the nation.

It's no wonder liberals don't want to discuss arbitron ratings. They don't want to hear anything that doesn't fit with their fantasy world in which liberals have a chance to catch up with Rush, Hannity or Beck!


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