Tea Party plot in Wisconsin?


I listened to the whole audio (well correction the parts the libnazi didn't edit out) and this man is a patriot. His aim is to stop voter fraud and glup people from voting multiple times in one election for various districts they aren't residents in! OMG he's a MONSTER!!! :cuckoo:

(1) There wasn't one thing mentioned about minorities or even DEMOCRATS. They spoke of voters in general and preventing voter fraud in general. YOU MONSTER! But the libtard always try to inject race into the argue, because that gets the simpletons angry!
(2) What was he talking about? People registered in many different counties and counties they are not residents in yet can vote in. Quote,"This person is registered in this county, this county and this county." Meaning this person could theoritically vote several times and for reps out of their district. And they want to stop this. OMG he wants to prevent voter fraud, WHAT A MONSTER. He wants to insure a person can only vote ONCE, WHAT A MONSTER. He wants to insure that people don't vote in districts or for reps they are not residents in, OMG HE IS HANIBAL LECTOR!
(3) The email and mailings were to tell registered voters to reregister or register in the right district and to get volunteers! OMG he's evil!
(4) Then he is asking for volunteers to go to polls to, glup, stop VOTER FRAUD!!! IS THIS GUY THE DEVIL OR WHAT. You do know challenging a person's voter eligibility is cost you $100K or 3 years in prison if unsuccessful! So the challenger must be right. If WS rationally required Identification checks to vote, then this wouldn't be necessary.
(5) I thought the libtard making this propaganda piece was great in editing out a good chunk of the audio. Can you saying taking someone out of context a little? Such a dishonest move!
(6) He also stated, "If you see fraudulent activity call a lawyer and they will determine if the police needs to get involved." So he wants to fight fraudulent voting, YOU MONSTER, YOU CRIMINAL!!!
(7) He talked about 12 different people registering under his home and he talked about getting those people off it and suggesting others do the same. THAT IS IT, DEPORT THIS AMIGO!

It amazes me that Libtards twist fighting voter fraud into the a crime, yet make committing voter fraud a legitimate undertaking!

What's "Typical" is your repeated demonstration of ignorance on the subject as well as repeating dated and disproved material. What you source here was NEVER proven by the Justice Dept. or FBI.....your article just reports what some joker told the FBI. That's called a preliminary report.

Get your act together kid.
As I said, this case in Wisconsin has YET to be proven....but the circumstancial evidence is compelling because of the recent GOP history of shennanigans regarding our voting process. Here's a prime example:

Web-Extended Interview: David Iglesias

Interview: David Iglesias . NOW | PBS

You mean like these "shenanigans?????"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly[/ame]

I can give you RAW FEED of voter intimidation THAT THE OBAMA ADMIN DOJ REFUSES TO PROSECUTE!

All you can bring up are liberal butt kissers for George Soros et al, who will claim GOP "voter intimidation" without a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, beside their own baseless assertions.


These skulls full of mush liberals would deny the existence of blue skies if it would further their agenda.

It comes as no surprise jake and other lefties on here tab Arbitron as some kind of right wing funded company out to destroy liberal talk radio....
Liberal talk radio destroys itself because no one wants to listen. No listeners. No ratings. No ratings. No Ads. No ads= cancelled programs.
The liberal message is one of misery. Liberals are guilt ridden self hating people who believe in equality of outcome. Liberals must hold themselves out to be victims. Liberal do not believe in freedom. They do not believe in the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances and becoem the best they can be without of course the assistance of government. Liberals believe in statism and collectivism.
They believe that people are unable to survive on their own and therefore MUST look to government for all solutions and answers to their problems.

You're boring everyone with your ignorance ...... on this thread I provided proof that these clowns were taken to court....one guy actually got charged with intimidation (he had the bat) the others were dimissed (shooting your mouth off is not a crime, ya know). There's no link between these yahoos and any Dem party, the NAACP...no one.


Unfortunately, there is AMPLE history of GOP voter caging

Vote caging - SourceWatch

And as I stated a few times, the Wisconsin situation has growing circumstantial evidence. If it pans out to be true, will the MSM cover it adequately?
Last edited:
You mean like these "shenanigans?????"

YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly

I can give you RAW FEED of voter intimidation THAT THE OBAMA ADMIN DOJ REFUSES TO PROSECUTE!

All you can bring up are liberal butt kissers for George Soros et al, who will claim GOP "voter intimidation" without a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, beside their own baseless assertions.


These skulls full of mush liberals would deny the existence of blue skies if it would further their agenda.

It comes as no surprise jake and other lefties on here tab Arbitron as some kind of right wing funded company out to destroy liberal talk radio....
Liberal talk radio destroys itself because no one wants to listen. No listeners. No ratings. No ratings. No Ads. No ads= cancelled programs.
The liberal message is one of misery. Liberals are guilt ridden self hating people who believe in equality of outcome. Liberals must hold themselves out to be victims. Liberal do not believe in freedom. They do not believe in the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances and becoem the best they can be without of course the assistance of government. Liberals believe in statism and collectivism.
They believe that people are unable to survive on their own and therefore MUST look to government for all solutions and answers to their problems.

Even though the libs sent out the Black Panthers to intimidate voters, there was security and cameras. I would love to see these punks try to stop someone from voting.

You seem hell bent on being willfully ignorant. This was addressed:

I listened to the whole audio (well correction the parts the libnazi didn't edit out) and this man is a patriot. His aim is to stop voter fraud and glup people from voting multiple times in one election for various districts they aren't residents in! OMG he's a MONSTER!!! :cuckoo:

(1) There wasn't one thing mentioned about minorities or even DEMOCRATS. They spoke of voters in general and preventing voter fraud in general. YOU MONSTER! But the libtard always try to inject race into the argue, because that gets the simpletons angry!
(2) What was he talking about? People registered in many different counties and counties they are not residents in yet can vote in. Quote,"This person is registered in this county, this county and this county." Meaning this person could theoritically vote several times and for reps out of their district. And they want to stop this. OMG he wants to prevent voter fraud, WHAT A MONSTER. He wants to insure a person can only vote ONCE, WHAT A MONSTER. He wants to insure that people don't vote in districts or for reps they are not residents in, OMG HE IS HANIBAL LECTOR!
(3) The email and mailings were to tell registered voters to reregister or register in the right district and to get volunteers! OMG he's evil!
(4) Then he is asking for volunteers to go to polls to, glup, stop VOTER FRAUD!!! IS THIS GUY THE DEVIL OR WHAT. You do know challenging a person's voter eligibility is cost you $100K or 3 years in prison if unsuccessful! So the challenger must be right. If WS rationally required Identification checks to vote, then this wouldn't be necessary.
(5) I thought the libtard making this propaganda piece was great in editing out a good chunk of the audio. Can you saying taking someone out of context a little? Such a dishonest move!
(6) He also stated, "If you see fraudulent activity call a lawyer and they will determine if the police needs to get involved." So he wants to fight fraudulent voting, YOU MONSTER, YOU CRIMINAL!!!
(7) He talked about 12 different people registering under his home and he talked about getting those people off it and suggesting others do the same. THAT IS IT, DEPORT THIS AMIGO!

It amazes me that Libtards twist fighting voter fraud into the a crime, yet make committing voter fraud a legitimate undertaking!

What's amazing is what a fanatastic liar you are. The audios YOU highlight are a bunch of quoted teabaggers bullhorning the usual amazing tales of voter fraud....NOTHING DOCUMENTED OUTSIDE THEIR SAYING SO. NOTHING taken out of context....it's THEIR OWN WORDS. And that's hardly a justification for the little GOP shills are planning massive voter caging,

Like it or not, the GOP has a documented history of this:

Vote caging - SourceWatch

Only a complete idiot or someone being willfully ignorant would buy into the bogus claim that all this is to prevent voter fraud by the Dems...since NO EDEM or Acorn voter fraud was found by the FBI or the Bush Dept. of Justice in 2000 or 2004.

What YOU need to do is stop trying to pass off your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact....and STOP distorting and misrepresenting the FACTS being presented.
TeaPartyShittenPuppy is not a conservative any more than I am a liberal.

She is a fauxAmerican reactionary wack who outed her own integrity and personal character. She has not gone back to that thread because everyone was laughing so hard at her. The kitty of donations to the Salvation Army because of her loss should be over $200.

That is her worth here: a good laugh and some donations to charity because she couldn't keep a promise.

What's "Typical" is your repeated demonstration of ignorance on the subject as well as repeating dated and disproved material. What you source here was NEVER proven by the Justice Dept. or FBI.....your article just reports what some joker told the FBI. That's called a preliminary report.

Get your act together kid.

What's actually funny is you coming to the defense of something you know nothing about.
Sumar, please check your BSometer. You are one of the least informed about ACORN on this board.
I listened to the whole audio (well correction the parts the libnazi didn't edit out) and this man is a patriot. His aim is to stop voter fraud and glup people from voting multiple times in one election for various districts they aren't residents in! OMG he's a MONSTER!!! :cuckoo:

(1) There wasn't one thing mentioned about minorities or even DEMOCRATS. They spoke of voters in general and preventing voter fraud in general. YOU MONSTER! But the libtard always try to inject race into the argue, because that gets the simpletons angry!
(2) What was he talking about? People registered in many different counties and counties they are not residents in yet can vote in. Quote,"This person is registered in this county, this county and this county." Meaning this person could theoritically vote several times and for reps out of their district. And they want to stop this. OMG he wants to prevent voter fraud, WHAT A MONSTER. He wants to insure a person can only vote ONCE, WHAT A MONSTER. He wants to insure that people don't vote in districts or for reps they are not residents in, OMG HE IS HANIBAL LECTOR!
(3) The email and mailings were to tell registered voters to reregister or register in the right district and to get volunteers! OMG he's evil!
(4) Then he is asking for volunteers to go to polls to, glup, stop VOTER FRAUD!!! IS THIS GUY THE DEVIL OR WHAT. You do know challenging a person's voter eligibility is cost you $100K or 3 years in prison if unsuccessful! So the challenger must be right. If WS rationally required Identification checks to vote, then this wouldn't be necessary.
(5) I thought the libtard making this propaganda piece was great in editing out a good chunk of the audio. Can you saying taking someone out of context a little? Such a dishonest move!
(6) He also stated, "If you see fraudulent activity call a lawyer and they will determine if the police needs to get involved." So he wants to fight fraudulent voting, YOU MONSTER, YOU CRIMINAL!!!
(7) He talked about 12 different people registering under his home and he talked about getting those people off it and suggesting others do the same. THAT IS IT, DEPORT THIS AMIGO!

It amazes me that Libtards twist fighting voter fraud into the a crime, yet make committing voter fraud a legitimate undertaking!

I know. The entire transcript (I read the transcript, not the audio) is about fighting voter FRAUD.

Like I've always said, the translation of a "racist" is a liberal losing an argument.

They know they are losing in the arena of voter fraud. They used to have Acorn and other groups at their beck and call. Now they are getting busted.

So what do they do? Claim it's really to try and stop "minorities" from voting.

Sure! Mary Poppins is a minority, but that doesn't give her a right to vote!


What's "Typical" is your repeated demonstration of ignorance on the subject as well as repeating dated and disproved material. What you source here was NEVER proven by the Justice Dept. or FBI.....your article just reports what some joker told the FBI. That's called a preliminary report.

Get your act together kid.

Is it your contention that minorites can only vote fraudulently?

That minorities can't vote with a proper ID?

That's rather racist of you, isn't it? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yeah tachi give it up. Acorn didn't have to fold up shop in Ohio and several other states because they are innocent as the wind driven snow.

You can keep screaming but the evidence IS OBVIOUS.

Besides that, the trancript and video you provide, MAKE IT CLEAR, their concern is about VOTE FRAUD.

The fact that YOU think that will keep minorities from voting reveals RACISM IN YOU and Think Progress and that is OBVIOUS!

You mean like these "shenanigans?????"

YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly

I can give you RAW FEED of voter intimidation THAT THE OBAMA ADMIN DOJ REFUSES TO PROSECUTE!

All you can bring up are liberal butt kissers for George Soros et al, who will claim GOP "voter intimidation" without a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, beside their own baseless assertions.


These skulls full of mush liberals would deny the existence of blue skies if it would further their agenda.

It comes as no surprise jake and other lefties on here tab Arbitron as some kind of right wing funded company out to destroy liberal talk radio....
Liberal talk radio destroys itself because no one wants to listen. No listeners. No ratings. No ratings. No Ads. No ads= cancelled programs.
The liberal message is one of misery. Liberals are guilt ridden self hating people who believe in equality of outcome. Liberals must hold themselves out to be victims. Liberal do not believe in freedom. They do not believe in the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances and becoem the best they can be without of course the assistance of government. Liberals believe in statism and collectivism.
They believe that people are unable to survive on their own and therefore MUST look to government for all solutions and answers to their problems.

You're boring everyone with your ignorance ...... on this thread I provided proof that these clowns were taken to court....one guy actually got charged with intimidation (he had the bat) the others were dimissed (shooting your mouth off is not a crime, ya know). There's no link between these yahoos and any Dem party, the NAACP...no one.


Unfortunately, there is AMPLE history of GOP voter caging

Vote caging - SourceWatch

And as I stated a few times, the Wisconsin situation has growing circumstantial evidence. If it pans out to be true, will the MSM cover it adequately?

The DOJ REFUSED TO PURSUE THE CASE. You can spin that all you want.

And I ask again, is it you contention that minorities can't vote without fraud?

Becaus that is what your transcript is against VOTE FRAUD.


You can't, because YOU'RE LYING YOUR ASS OFF!

These skulls full of mush liberals would deny the existence of blue skies if it would further their agenda.

It comes as no surprise jake and other lefties on here tab Arbitron as some kind of right wing funded company out to destroy liberal talk radio....
Liberal talk radio destroys itself because no one wants to listen. No listeners. No ratings. No ratings. No Ads. No ads= cancelled programs.
The liberal message is one of misery. Liberals are guilt ridden self hating people who believe in equality of outcome. Liberals must hold themselves out to be victims. Liberal do not believe in freedom. They do not believe in the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances and becoem the best they can be without of course the assistance of government. Liberals believe in statism and collectivism.
They believe that people are unable to survive on their own and therefore MUST look to government for all solutions and answers to their problems.

Even though the libs sent out the Black Panthers to intimidate voters, there was security and cameras. I would love to see these punks try to stop someone from voting.

You seem hell bent on being willfully ignorant. This was addressed:


You haven't addressed anything but insist that your "evidence" proves something when all it talks about is trying to stop vote fraud.

You are laughable!

I listened to the whole audio (well correction the parts the libnazi didn't edit out) and this man is a patriot. His aim is to stop voter fraud and glup people from voting multiple times in one election for various districts they aren't residents in! OMG he's a MONSTER!!! :cuckoo:

(1) There wasn't one thing mentioned about minorities or even DEMOCRATS. They spoke of voters in general and preventing voter fraud in general. YOU MONSTER! But the libtard always try to inject race into the argue, because that gets the simpletons angry!
(2) What was he talking about? People registered in many different counties and counties they are not residents in yet can vote in. Quote,"This person is registered in this county, this county and this county." Meaning this person could theoritically vote several times and for reps out of their district. And they want to stop this. OMG he wants to prevent voter fraud, WHAT A MONSTER. He wants to insure a person can only vote ONCE, WHAT A MONSTER. He wants to insure that people don't vote in districts or for reps they are not residents in, OMG HE IS HANIBAL LECTOR!
(3) The email and mailings were to tell registered voters to reregister or register in the right district and to get volunteers! OMG he's evil!
(4) Then he is asking for volunteers to go to polls to, glup, stop VOTER FRAUD!!! IS THIS GUY THE DEVIL OR WHAT. You do know challenging a person's voter eligibility is cost you $100K or 3 years in prison if unsuccessful! So the challenger must be right. If WS rationally required Identification checks to vote, then this wouldn't be necessary.
(5) I thought the libtard making this propaganda piece was great in editing out a good chunk of the audio. Can you saying taking someone out of context a little? Such a dishonest move!
(6) He also stated, "If you see fraudulent activity call a lawyer and they will determine if the police needs to get involved." So he wants to fight fraudulent voting, YOU MONSTER, YOU CRIMINAL!!!
(7) He talked about 12 different people registering under his home and he talked about getting those people off it and suggesting others do the same. THAT IS IT, DEPORT THIS AMIGO!

It amazes me that Libtards twist fighting voter fraud into the a crime, yet make committing voter fraud a legitimate undertaking!

What's amazing is what a fanatastic liar you are. The audios YOU highlight are a bunch of quoted teabaggers bullhorning the usual amazing tales of voter fraud....NOTHING DOCUMENTED OUTSIDE THEIR SAYING SO. NOTHING taken out of context....it's THEIR OWN WORDS. And that's hardly a justification for the little GOP shills are planning massive voter caging,

Like it or not, the GOP has a documented history of this:

Vote caging - SourceWatch

Only a complete idiot or someone being willfully ignorant would buy into the bogus claim that all this is to prevent voter fraud by the Dems...since NO EDEM or Acorn voter fraud was found by the FBI or the Bush Dept. of Justice in 2000 or 2004.

What YOU need to do is stop trying to pass off your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact....and STOP distorting and misrepresenting the FACTS being presented.

Well he finally ADMITS IT. It's about voter faud.

And if Acorn was so innocent why did they have to close up shop in so many states?

It's laughable to bring up the Bush admin. THE STATES THEMSELVES BROUGHT CHARGES AGAINST ACORN.

That's why they had to close up shop!


What's "Typical" is your repeated demonstration of ignorance on the subject as well as repeating dated and disproved material. What you source here was NEVER proven by the Justice Dept. or FBI.....your article just reports what some joker told the FBI. That's called a preliminary report.

Get your act together kid.

What's actually funny is you coming to the defense of something you know nothing about.

Wise up, sweety....just because you say so doesn't make it real. As the chronology of the posts shows, your blatantly willful ignorance on subjects is apalling.....worst, you continually site outdated and disproved neocon talking points as "proof" of your assertions.

So one joker tells an FBI agent that ACORN was working for the Dem Party directly. Fine....WHERE'S THE PROOF?!!?

B'klyn ACORN cleared over giving illegal advice on how to hide money from prostitution

B'klyn ACORN cleared over giving illegal advice on how to hide money from prostitution

Daily Caller blames Obama for investigation Bush's FBI decided not to conduct

Daily Caller  blames Obama for investigation Bush's FBI decided not to conduct | Media Matters for America
TeaPartyShittenPuppy at work making herself look even more stupid. :dig:

Once you logically and factually prove folk with TPS mindset wrong, any further response to them is just giving them a platform to repeat their dreck 6 ways to Sunday. Just ignore them like I do....saves time and space.

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