Tea Party plot in Wisconsin?

Yup, you are a moron tps. Conservative caging does occur. No question about that. Liberal yelling about conservative intentions to cage? No question about that. TPS wil lie at the drop of her panties? No question about that.

Yes, you are a troll. No, you are not a conservative, merely a radical agenda-driven reactionary. No queston about that.

Liberals always did condemn in others what they refuse to see in themselves.


Honey, even if that is true, you are still convicted of being a lying troll.:eusa_shhh:
That's crap...No one can keep a registered voter from voting.

You can't be THAT naive, can you? Heck, you can be prevented from voting. You're job gets threatened, the police threaten you and/or your family. Roadblocks can be set up arouond your voting precint to slow down access to the polling place. There are all sort of things one can to to prevent a registered from voting. Most of the above, I learned from the GOP.

Oh you mean like this??????????????




When you have evidence of the GOP doing the same, do let me know.

All you will have is more lies from Think Progress, et al, claiming it happens with less evidence that you produced.

This is why pathetic liberal losers have to start flame threads about me in the flame forum. Because they know they have no hope of taking me on in this forum. All they have are DNC talking points (aka lies) and they would be destroyed before they got beyond the first post.

Is it because I am soooooooooooo damn brilliant? Far from it. You don't need to be WHEN YOU HAVE THE TRUTH ON YOUR SIDE. Try it some time liberal liars.

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Yup, you are a moron tps. Conservative caging does occur. No question about that. Liberal yelling about conservative intentions to cage? No question about that. TPS wil lie at the drop of her panties? No question about that.

Yes, you are a troll. No, you are not a conservative, merely a radical agenda-driven reactionary. No queston about that.

Liberals always did condemn in others what they refuse to see in themselves.


Honey, even if that is true, you are still convicted of being a lying troll.:eusa_shhh:

Yeah, in the same way Rush Limbaugh is "convicted" of being a racist. By a pack of yapping losers who couldn't take him on, on their best day and his worst.

Rush, just like tps, gets his ass kicked righteously and rightfully every day. I listen to him several days a week, and every time I do I catch him in out right lies, the same way we do you, tps.

You p'wn yourself everytime you post, tps.

Now hush, liar.:eusa_shhh:
Rush, just like tps, gets his ass kicked righteously and rightfully every day. I listen to him several days a week, and every time I do I catch him in out right lies, the same way we do you, tps.

You p'wn yourself everytime you post, tps.

Now hush, liar.:eusa_shhh:

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure he does! That's why he has an audience CNN, NBC, ABC, and the rest of them only DREAM about.

Now go take your meds and sit down. That's a nice delusional, boy!

Rush, just like tps, gets his ass kicked righteously and rightfully every day. I listen to him several days a week, and every time I do I catch him in out right lies, the same way we do you, tps.

You p'wn yourself everytime you post, tps.

Now hush, liar.:eusa_shhh:
wow, you really are totally out of touch with reality
Rush, just like tps, gets his ass kicked righteously and rightfully every day. I listen to him several days a week, and every time I do I catch him in out right lies, the same way we do you, tps.

You p'wn yourself everytime you post, tps.

Now hush, liar.:eusa_shhh:
wow, you really are totally out of touch with reality

I don't think he ever WAS in touch with reality to begin with.

A troll you remain, teapartysamuria. Rush has a small audience, about 1% of the population daily, larger than others, but still small. Father Coughlin would have 20mm on a single radio night during the 1930s. Your boy is small time, as you are. And he regularly lies, just like you do.

Now hush, liar. :eusa_shhh:
Gee, that was clever.
I've seen one post form you and I already have your number.
You feel overhwlemed by the reality of a huge democrat loss in November(or not) or a major inferiority complex. You sense some kind of superior intellect here but are frsutrated because there are people who actually have the unmitigated gall to disagree with you. Based on that you must as a card carrying member of the American Left, hurl insults. This with the notion that inulting others makes you feel a sense of superiority to others.

Well be reasonable. What can the little moron do but attack and call names? ;)

He certainly can't produce any evidence to counter what I've said.

ANYONE who read the transcript as I did would see Think Progress and he are lying their ass off.

There isn't a WORD in that transcript about what they suggest. It has nothing to do with trying to suppress minority vote. It's concern about vote fraud.

OF COURSE liberals are going to LIE LIKE HELL about that. They know they don't have a chance this November unless they steal the vote. They have to intimidate ANYONE that would try to fight that with the truth.

The truth! That's what liberals fear. You can always tell, because, when faced with it, they go into hysterical rants filled with foam flecked vitriol. ;)

I am sorry. I either misread your post or replied to the incorrect post.
I am new here and the overlain boxes with posts inside is a bit different from other forums on which I have participated.
A troll you remain, teapartysamuria. Rush has a small audience, about 1% of the population daily, larger than others, but still small. Father Coughlin would have 20mm on a single radio night during the 1930s. Your boy is small time, as you are. And he regularly lies, just like you do.

Now hush, liar. :eusa_shhh:

nice spin.... Jeez can you possbly be a bit more sour grapes.
Limbaugh is THE number one most listened to radio program in the history of talk radio.
The show's ad rates confirm that.
Father Coughlin? Really?:rolleyes:
Rhetorical question coming.. Who the fark is Father Coughlin. Secondly, who cares.
In the 30's, there were three types of media. Radio, movies and the printed word. notice the one that is not on the list
Radio was THE ONLY electronic media. It makes complete sense to have so many listening in to a religious talk show. There wasn't anything else to listen to....
thereisnospin is an idiot: there can be no other conclusion based on the above.

Go compare objectively the Father Coughlan era and the Rush Limbaugh era, and one quickly realizes the Father had far greater impact than Rush. And spin's elegantly put "Who the fark is Father Couglin" ends this discussion with him p'wning himself. He will leave now as TPS as already skeedaled.

Tea Party melt head loons!
Well be reasonable. What can the little moron do but attack and call names? ;)

He certainly can't produce any evidence to counter what I've said.

ANYONE who read the transcript as I did would see Think Progress and he are lying their ass off.

There isn't a WORD in that transcript about what they suggest. It has nothing to do with trying to suppress minority vote. It's concern about vote fraud.

OF COURSE liberals are going to LIE LIKE HELL about that. They know they don't have a chance this November unless they steal the vote. They have to intimidate ANYONE that would try to fight that with the truth.

The truth! That's what liberals fear. You can always tell, because, when faced with it, they go into hysterical rants filled with foam flecked vitriol. ;)

I am sorry. I either misread your post or replied to the incorrect post.
I am new here and the overlain boxes with posts inside is a bit different from other forums on which I have participated.

No you replied correctly to tachiliberal or whatever his name is. ;)

I just responded to you, with a hint of sarcasm.

I meant "be reasonable" as in how a little newb like tachiliberal would see it. ;)
A troll you remain, teapartysamuria. Rush has a small audience, about 1% of the population daily, larger than others, but still small. Father Coughlin would have 20mm on a single radio night during the 1930s. Your boy is small time, as you are. And he regularly lies, just like you do.

Now hush, liar. :eusa_shhh:

Rush Limbaugh's audience IS 20 million you hack! :lol::lol::lol:

And you have to hark back to the "good old 30s" to find an alternative to Rush?

How lame can you get!

teapartysamurai, you are as "mature" a board poster here as someone with zero points. Don't put on airs when you have none. You are troll. You are a hater. You want to go back to bad old days and bad old ways. You won't.
thereisnospin is an idiot: there can be no other conclusion based on the above.

Go compare objectively the Father Coughlan era and the Rush Limbaugh era, and one quickly realizes the Father had far greater impact than Rush. And spin's elegantly put "Who the fark is Father Couglin" ends this discussion with him p'wning himself. He will leave now as TPS as already skeedaled.

Tea Party melt head loons!

I think we see the idiot!

When you have to go back 80 FREAKING YEARS to try and find an alternative to Rush?

All you are saying is there is no liberal who can compete with Rush TODAY!

Combined the pathetic little hacks don't have Rush Limbaugh's audience so flail away.

Ed Schultz kicks Rush's ass today in content and approach, and his ratings are growing exponentially.

Your sidekick was arguing Rush is awesome. Not he is not, not in context, not when he pulls one million from more than 300 million, while the Father pulled twenty to thirty million from 140 million.

Rush is a big frog in a very small pond.
Ed Schultz kicks Rush's ass today in content and approach, and his ratings are growing exponentially.

Your sidekick was arguing Rush is awesome. Not he is not, not in context, not when he pulls one million from more than 300 million, while the Father pulled twenty to thirty million from 140 million.

Rush is a big frog in a very small pond.


Ed Shultz?

Well you just bring us his market share, against Rush's and let's see you prove any of that.

Until then, you notice I have so thoroughly debunked the premise of the op, liberals have ceased to even try and discuss it?

Rush has about 1% and Ed about .3% and is growing quickly, none of which you will be able to disprove any more than you disproved the OP.

You, TeaPartySamurai, are a newbie shittenpuppy, so that is the respect you get here. :lol:
Rush has about 1% and Ed about .3% and is growing quickly, none of which you will be able to disprove any more than you disproved the OP.

You, TeaPartySamurai, are a newbie shittenpuppy, so that is the respect you get here. :lol:

And as usual you don't have a SHRED OF EVIDENCE to back that up.

So, you are reduced to just calling names, which is typically for intellectually challenged liberals. And all liberals are intellectually challenged.

Funny no liberal will even TRY to defend the op since I debunked that lie.

Darling girl, you said that Rush was a god of ratings yet can't prove it.

Darling girl, you are the name caller yet get defensive when you are served your own service.

Darling girl, you have supported the OP from the get go.

Wipe off your cosmetics, TeaPartySamurai, for you will be stood in the window next to the lighted door as the Halloween ornament.

Don't think you can be the shittenpuppy without getting your nose rubbed in it, dear.
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