Tea Party Queen Bee (Gov. Palin) apologizes

anyone follow her on twitter?


She's so evil, isn't she?


The little girl is explaining economics to Palin
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"not to use them to score political points"? :rofl:

She had the new born up on the stage in the campaign.
"not to use them to score political points"? :rofl:

She had the new born up on the stage in the campaign.

Oh, and Barry never did that?


You should be ashamed of yourself.

FYI, the candidates traditionally have their family on stage.

I guess we now have to have new rules because of you, dipshit.
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The little girl is explaining economics to Palin

Typical snarky response from a lib.

Sarah knows how to talk to children, knows how to treat them, not use them to score political points.

I figure if you can talk to kids and kids like you, you're a good person. If kids don't like you, you're an asshole.

Kids are smart.

Helluva lot smarter than Palin

i can think of few things that statement does not apply to
She needs to run her ideas past an adult before making her zany statements.

Sarah Palin Apologizes For Remarks On Pope Francis
"It was not my intention to be critical of Pope Francis," Palin wrote Thursday on her Facebook page. "I was reminding viewers that we need to do our own homework on news subjects, and I hadn't done mine yet on the Pope's recent comments as reported by the media."

our dear leader just apologized for lying and for screwing millions of people out their insurance polices

but for the hufferpuffer what Palin says and apologies for is just way more important

but the dramatic childish title was catching

Who in the heck is that? Rush Limbaugh?
Bible Spice? :lol:

That's :up: $arah Barracuda :D

"Accidental Racist"

She looks through the window and stares at the protestors that weren't there yesterday
And thinks of the black men that she carried on with
What would they think if they saw her this way?

She picks up her rifle in little girl-fashion as something comes into her mind
And slowly starts shooting, rememb'ring her girlhood
And all of the boys she had waiting in line

Oh, such are the dreams of the accidental racist
You see ev'rywhere on the Republican marquee
An accidental racist who gave up the wild life to run for VP

The crack pipe she takes from the closet and slowly tokes the flame
And carefully picks up the atlas with her finger on Zurich
That she must memorize before she meets Katie Couric

She closes her eyes and touches the plain dress she wore to the Jaycees
And just for the moment she's wearing the gown
That broke the bank at the RNC

Oh, such are the dreams of the accidental racist
You see ev'rywhere any time of the day
An accidental racist who gave up the wild life to run for VP

Oh, such are the dreams of the accidental racist
Just a female Rambo whose tongue has an occasional glitch
You'd never heard of, until Sambo beat the bitch

She changes the station and there's Dr. Laura on TV
Screaming N•••••, N•••••, N••••• until she's gasping for air
Sarah tells her, don't retreat, but reload, it's only fair

Such are the dreams of the accidental racist
Who can't refudiate the claims of the NAACP
An accidental racist who gave up the wild life to run for VP
amazing...republicans wonder why they are hated.....and continue to defend the queen of mean and stupid

Name the "mean" shit she's done.

It's amazing how no matter how much Democrats change, the more their tactics remain the same.

Obama called about 10 million Americans "Tea-Baggers", which means hairy ball-sack suckers.
He's forced insurance companies to drop over 5 million people off of their health insurance coverage and lied about it for over 3 years.
Obama is like the guy that burns your house down, shows up with an empty water bucket and begins lecturing you about how lousy your house was constructed.

Talk about mean and stupid.
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Let's see...

The new Pope is generally acknowledged to be a proponent of "Liberation Theology," which is a Catholic philosophy that conceptually obligates the Church to work for "social justice," whatever that might mean. Generally, it is seen as redistribution of wealth from "rich" to "poor."

The new Pope has made many public comments and pronouncements that confirm this assessment.

In the American political millieu, concepts like "social justice" are entirely and totally associated with the "Liberal" camp.

Thus, what Palin said originally was very mild and entirely correct and appropriate. She apologized (if that's what it was) because her comment, while accurate and appropriate, may have offended people who are hyper-sensitive to any criticism of Catholicism or any Catholic leader.

The brouhaha is entirely contrived...which is completely normal for "stories" about the former Governor from Alaska.
thanks for the thread bump :) This info needs to be seen!!! :mad:
Let's see...

The new Pope is generally acknowledged to be a proponent of "Liberation Theology," which is a Catholic philosophy that conceptually obligates the Church to work for "social justice," whatever that might mean. Generally, it is seen as redistribution of wealth from "rich" to "poor."

The new Pope has made many public comments and pronouncements that confirm this assessment.

In the American political millieu, concepts like "social justice" are entirely and totally associated with the "Liberal" camp.

Thus, what Palin said originally was very mild and entirely correct and appropriate. She apologized (if that's what it was) because her comment, while accurate and appropriate, may have offended people who are hyper-sensitive to any criticism of Catholicism or any Catholic leader.

The brouhaha is entirely contrived...which is completely normal for "stories" about the former Governor from Alaska.

like when Romney said he was concerned about the security at the London Olympics.....

Definition of a "gaffe": Something which is true, but better left unsaid.
She'll do anything that gets her air time so that Repub voters can watch her on Fox TeeVee.
Fuck the pope

God damn liberal....feeding the poor and shit

As if you gave a flying f about the Catholic church.

Spare me the sob story about how some conservative woman says the Pope surprised her with his sortof liberal statements.

I'm with you and Palin on this one. Feed the poor and they only come back for more. Buy them a gun and teach them to hunt and they can eat for a lifetime. Now, if we could only get the poor some helicopters to hunt from

Gotta tell ya - this one is right up there with your best.

I'm tempted to turn my rep back on just long enough to + rep ya.

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