Gov. O'Malley Trolls Sarah Palin Perfectly: Invite Her To Run For President

You see what party has the WAR going on Women

How anyone can belong to such a NASTY party filled with such lowlife nasty people is beyond me.

Palin is not really a woman. She is a puppet produced to try to improve McCain's ratings with women. Unfortunately, as she was being built, they forgot to include a brain.
Martin O Malley Trolls Sarah Palin Perfectly By Inviting Her To Run For President


Fresh into his presidential campaign, Martin O'Malley showed that his troll game is on point.

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."

"Yet another anti-freedom politician jumps in the race today for POTUS. As cool as he is with his rock 'n roll persona, this typical liberal's erroneous grasp of our Bill of Rights merely continues the strange and disastrous agenda of Barack Obama," Palin wrote in a post on Facebook. "Good to know he doesn't have much chance of winning. The democrats have greased the skids for their chosen one, despite the media games that play the public with various 'competing' campaigns used for gamey distractions."

To which O'Malley responded:

View attachment 41883


I think Sarah Palin is discovering that it's harder and harder to troll these days without it all coming back to her...

FYI. Enjoy.

Discuss: what do you think of former Gov. O'Malley's tweet?

O'Malley is running for Hillary's VP slot. Everyone knows this.



That makes some sense I guess.

Either that, or it is plan B if Obama's new AG indicts Hillary for something. I am going with the VP slot theory.

O'Malley's "10 point" plan to beat hiLIARy:

1) Compare her to Sarah Palin
2) Remind voters that hiLIARy is a female and therefore she is inherently lazy, since "female" is the default sex. :thup:
3) Attack her pro-war votes
4) Cankles. - fat and lazy
5) Bubba - lip biter!
6) Benghazi- what does it matter?
7) E-mail scandal- 2 devices!!
8) fake accents- I aint in no ways tired!
9) Untrustworthy- derp...derp..derp...
10) lost to inexperienced black man


No. You are confused. That is the right wing's 10 point plan, and it's not working.
You see what party has the WAR going on Women

How anyone can belong to such a NASTY party filled with such lowlife nasty people is beyond me.

Their President used his female intern as a humidor and now he's off visiting his friends Lolita Island to minister to the 16 year old sex slaves
Martin O Malley Trolls Sarah Palin Perfectly By Inviting Her To Run For President


Fresh into his presidential campaign, Martin O'Malley showed that his troll game is on point.

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."

"Yet another anti-freedom politician jumps in the race today for POTUS. As cool as he is with his rock 'n roll persona, this typical liberal's erroneous grasp of our Bill of Rights merely continues the strange and disastrous agenda of Barack Obama," Palin wrote in a post on Facebook. "Good to know he doesn't have much chance of winning. The democrats have greased the skids for their chosen one, despite the media games that play the public with various 'competing' campaigns used for gamey distractions."

To which O'Malley responded:

View attachment 41883


I think Sarah Palin is discovering that it's harder and harder to troll these days without it all coming back to her...

FYI. Enjoy.

Discuss: what do you think of former Gov. O'Malley's tweet?


Yeah this is the first time Progressives are attacking Palin.

Do you believe half the shit you post?
Martin O Malley Trolls Sarah Palin Perfectly By Inviting Her To Run For President


Fresh into his presidential campaign, Martin O'Malley showed that his troll game is on point.

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."

"Yet another anti-freedom politician jumps in the race today for POTUS. As cool as he is with his rock 'n roll persona, this typical liberal's erroneous grasp of our Bill of Rights merely continues the strange and disastrous agenda of Barack Obama," Palin wrote in a post on Facebook. "Good to know he doesn't have much chance of winning. The democrats have greased the skids for their chosen one, despite the media games that play the public with various 'competing' campaigns used for gamey distractions."

To which O'Malley responded:

View attachment 41883


I think Sarah Palin is discovering that it's harder and harder to troll these days without it all coming back to her...

FYI. Enjoy.

Discuss: what do you think of former Gov. O'Malley's tweet?

O'Malley is running for Hillary's VP slot. Everyone knows this.

Like, it would be Biden?


Nah, She needs to do what Obama did. Pick someone for VP that absolutely NO ONE would want to see as president, to prevent possible assassination attempts.
O'Malley's 10 point platform for America:

1) Promise to raise taxes - A sinking boat raises the water level for all!
2) Promise to turn the rest of America into the Baltimore success story!
3) Free shit!! From the benevolent government that cares...awww!! :thup:
4) Be soft on crime and Free the prisoners, It's not their fault. It's the 1% ers fault
5) Raise taxes- especially for working people and folks with money- they have jobs and can afford it.
6) Tax the RAIN!!! It worked in Maryland!!
7) punish the successful- they didn't build that!
8) Take away all guns, except the illegal ones.
9) Legalize post birth abortion.
10) more Free Shit for all, subject to income limits!
Martin O Malley Trolls Sarah Palin Perfectly By Inviting Her To Run For President


Fresh into his presidential campaign, Martin O'Malley showed that his troll game is on point.

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."

"Yet another anti-freedom politician jumps in the race today for POTUS. As cool as he is with his rock 'n roll persona, this typical liberal's erroneous grasp of our Bill of Rights merely continues the strange and disastrous agenda of Barack Obama," Palin wrote in a post on Facebook. "Good to know he doesn't have much chance of winning. The democrats have greased the skids for their chosen one, despite the media games that play the public with various 'competing' campaigns used for gamey distractions."

To which O'Malley responded:

View attachment 41883


I think Sarah Palin is discovering that it's harder and harder to troll these days without it all coming back to her...

FYI. Enjoy.

Discuss: what do you think of former Gov. O'Malley's tweet?

O'Malley is running for Hillary's VP slot. Everyone knows this.

Like, it would be Biden?


Nah, She needs to do what Obama did. Pick someone for VP that absolutely NO ONE would want to see as president, to prevent possible assassination attempts.

Hillary is that sophisticated? Bill had Al Gore.

Good point. Maybe she learned something.

The gay left never passes up a chance to malign a pretty woman, especially a republican. More evidence that the sissies have taken over the democrat party.

They really hate women from what I've seen. Unless of course they have a D next to their names. then they want to kiss the ground they walk on like good little SUBJECTS/sheep of THE PARTY
Wait. Wait. It was a Pailn Facebook post that he responded to. LOL

O'Malley responds to a Facebook post by a private citizen. He has Obama's laser focus
Wait. Wait. It was a Pailn Facebook post that he responded to. LOL

O'Malley responds to a Facebook post by a private citizen. He has Obama's laser focus
Private citizens don't have PAC's they use as conduits for pan handling funds.
You see what party has the WAR going on Women

How anyone can belong to such a NASTY party filled with such lowlife nasty people is beyond me.
The Democrats see Palin as a net positive for them and will bring her up at every opportunity.

That said, the non-stop nasty & catty comments on this thread are typical and predictable.

Like listening to high school girls sniping to each other at one of their "enemies".



And in what category do you put eavesdropping on high school girls?
You see what party has the WAR going on Women

How anyone can belong to such a NASTY party filled with such lowlife nasty people is beyond me.
The Democrats see Palin as a net positive for them and will bring her up at every opportunity.

That said, the non-stop nasty & catty comments on this thread are typical and predictable.

Like listening to high school girls sniping to each other at one of their "enemies".


And in what category do you put eavesdropping on high school girls?
Yet another great example, thanks.

And to answer your question, I put it under the category of "Dad".

You folks literally can't help yourselves. Nasty.

So far, O'Malley reminded us what a horrible job Obama has done and he's railing against a Facebook poster
Let's get something clear, for stupid fucks like you who don't get it.

Dennis Hastert, a REPUBLICAN, had SEX with young BOYS against their will while he was the wrestling coach at a High School in Illinois. He paid millions in $$ to cover it up.

Now, you just chew on that for a second.

Yet another Republican all for "family values".


Were he a Democrat, you would be shrieking like a banshee, word-salad-girl.

And soon-to-be Madam President Clinton is in the news for good reason: she is a TOWERING figure in US poliltics.

You, on the other hand, are not.

Let's get something clear for really stupid fucks like one is defending hasstert on our side....if he did it we want him in jail....

you know bill clinton has serious allegations of multiple rapes and known instances of sexual assault against women vulnerable to his power and that he was caught with a rich asshole with sex slaves....and you stupid fucks actually defend him.......and his wife who helped him cover it up....

now who is the real stupid fuck, moron......
There have never been any serious allegations of rape or sexual assault by Bill Clinton. He chased after women the way many men do. People like you just don't mind committing the sin of baring false witness to promote a political agenda.

Wrong....Juanita Broaddrick
She made the charge 20 years after she alleges the offense took place. It was discredited by numerous news agencies and over 2/3's of the general public rejected her claims and judged them to be false. Her allegation was judged by most to be just another attempt at fame and profit. No legal or civil action ever showed any support for her claims. Even her attempt to obtain government or legal documents was judged by a court to be frivolous and rejected.

She recanted. She said none of the accusations were true.

This, however, will not keep Righties from continuing to trumpet it as if it were true.

Why? Well, because the overwhelming majority of Righties are just plain old stupid and live in a fact-free world.

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