Tea Party stages tent collapse as publicity stunt


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt6I8BrQCVY&feature=player_embedded]Witness explains how he saw Tea Party activists take down their own tents - YouTube[/ame]

The TeaScum has stooped to a whole new low.

WTF were they doing there in the first place?
This is a whole new low? A sitting President lies about the murder of an Ambassador and this is a low? Our government provides weapons to drug lords and terrorists and this is a low? Scandal after scandal in our government and you are worried about THIS??

What on earth is wrong with you?
This is a whole new low? A sitting President lies about the murder of an Ambassador and this is a low? Our government provides weapons to drug lords and terrorists and this is a low? Scandal after scandal in our government and you are worried about THIS??

What on earth is wrong with you?

why are you commenting on the Reagan years?
This is a whole new low? A sitting President lies about the murder of an Ambassador and this is a low? Our government provides weapons to drug lords and terrorists and this is a low? Scandal after scandal in our government and you are worried about THIS??

What on earth is wrong with you?

why are you commenting on the Reagan years?

Why are you acting like your brains are up your ass?
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This is a whole new low? A sitting President lies about the murder of an Ambassador and this is a low? Our government provides weapons to drug lords and terrorists and this is a low? Scandal after scandal in our government and you are worried about THIS??

What on earth is wrong with you?

why are you commenting on the Reagan years?

You've got to be kidding me.
This is a whole new low? A sitting President lies about the murder of an Ambassador and this is a low? Our government provides weapons to drug lords and terrorists and this is a low? Scandal after scandal in our government and you are worried about THIS??

What on earth is wrong with you?

why are you commenting on the Reagan years?

You've got to be kidding me.

What do you expect Avatar? They have no real defense of their crap. Acting like morons is all they have left.
Damn, how low can teabaggers go?

Not quiet as low as you kneeling down to have them drop their big, sagging, sweaty ball sacks in your quivering queer bait mouth.

Your avatar and brain have much in common - both deactivated.

Oh gee... stop... you're just too much... pffft... :lol:

Tell us, did you think that ZINGER up before or after you got done sucking on someone's ball sack?
Great commie propaganda piece there comrade. The videos I've seen says this guy has no freaking idea what he's lying about. And considering the unbiased (LMFAO) people that produced this little nugget, how could anyone with a br........ never mind.
This is a whole new low? A sitting President lies about the murder of an Ambassador and this is a low? Our government provides weapons to drug lords and terrorists and this is a low? Scandal after scandal in our government and you are worried about THIS??

What on earth is wrong with you?

The lies in the above post is also a new low.


hazlenut drunkenly drawled:

WTF were they doing there in the first place?

Sending a message to America-hating shitstains like you that the 1st Amendment is not exlusive to only left-wing extremism.
There is video of a Teamster cutting up the tent and handing out pieces as souvenirs.

The video is all over the net. I'm too busy having fun in music, but I thought I'd pop in with this. Union thugs are busted.

Man, how disgusting can libs get? I know, don't bother asking.

Today in Lansing, Michigan union goons trampled and destroyed conservative group Americans for Prosperity’s tent during protests against right to work legislation. AFP members were caught inside the tent during the attack. Conservative Steven Crowder was brutally assaulted by the goons during the attack.

After they destroyed the tent the union members cut up pieces and divvied up the spoils.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GhyooRy9PMQ]Cutting Up AFP Tent on Michigan Capitol Lawn - YouTube[/ame]
This is a whole new low? A sitting President lies about the murder of an Ambassador and this is a low? Our government provides weapons to drug lords and terrorists and this is a low? Scandal after scandal in our government and you are worried about THIS??

What on earth is wrong with you?

why are you commenting on the Reagan years?

Why are you acting like your brains are up your ass?

Don't be to hard on her, she might have a shack in Colorado or Washington...:D
The moron union thug that punched out Crowder was wearing his union jacket.


His name was embroidered on it. I have a thread on theidentification. Tony.

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