Tea Party Whacko Sharon Angle Caught On Tape!!! LOL

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Tea Party Whacko Sharon Angle Caught On Tape!!! LOL

Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Ashjian told POLITICO that he secretly recorded his meeting with Angle to "give people the truth" in case she tried to lie about what happened during their encounter.

Read more: Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com


what a f-ugly bitch

http://www.fox5vegas.com/news/25276469/detail.html - "She promises to open doors for Ashjian in Washington is she's elected."
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Tea Party Whacko Sharon Angle Caught On Tape!!! LOL

Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Ashjian told POLITICO that he secretly recorded his meeting with Angle to "give people the truth" in case she tried to lie about what happened during their encounter.

Read more: Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Angle says she has juice -- offers a bribe?


what a f-ugly bitch

http://www.fox5vegas.com/news/25276469/detail.html - "She promises to open doors for Ashjian in Washington is she's elected."
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I heard that earlier. It is Teeeee-larius. I especially like where she takes a shot at Rubio. Apparently he doesn't pass the purity test for the tea partiest of the tea partiers like Angle.

It is truly a thing of beauty that Sharron Angle emerged as the poster child of the Tea Party movement.

The whole looney kaboodle, personified in one daft broad.

You couldn't have come up with a funnier lead character if you'd been paid to write a sitcom parody of the Tea Party.
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I hope this thread is different where ppl address the actual thread and dont just find a way to punch the other side. As far as Angle goes, shes not even elected and is saying she can open doors when she goes to washington. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

I could use all types of adjectives used against Obama like arrogance, corrupt, etc. But I dont read minds so I cant say that with certainty
I heard that earlier. It is Teeeee-larius. I especially like where she takes a shot at Rubio. Apparently he doesn't pass the purity test for the tea partiest of the tea partiers like Angle.

It is truly a thing of beauty that Sharron Angle emerged as the poster child of the Tea Party movement.

The whole looney kaboodle, personified in one daft broad.

You couldn't have come up with a funnier lead character if you'd been paid to write a sitcom parody of the Tea Party.
Is she offering bribes?


Sharron Angle Caught On Tape Trashing GOP - Las Vegas News Story - KVVU Las Vegas - "She promises to open doors for Ashjian in Washington is she's elected."
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So the conservatives and Tea Party whackos keep telling us they believe in principles.


I wonder if they see similarities? Offering bribes for somebody to pull out of a race? Is that interfering with an election?


Is she offering bribes?


Sharron Angle Caught On Tape Trashing GOP - Las Vegas News Story - KVVU Las Vegas - "She promises to open doors for Ashjian in Washington is she's elected."

This certainly is a Federal Crime and Impeachable Offense for offering bribes for political gain. This is the type of pure corruption and violation of ethics that Sarah Palin took on within her own party as Governor in Alaska and the end results were jail time and multiple indictments for the individuals.
The Obama Administration is stomping with dirty feet all over the United States Constitution and the Ethic Laws of the Federal Government they swore to uphold in order to achieve their marxist agenda for personal gain at the expense of the American Taxpayer. When is enough enough? It's time for the American people to stand up along with the MSM and demand answers and a full scale investigation into this alleged criminal act and hold those in violation accountable so they can be prosecuted and that includes the President of the United States.

"Whoever solicits or receives … any….thing of value, in consideration of the promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any appointive office or place under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both." -- 18 USC Sec. 211 -- Bribery, Graft and Conflicts of Interest: Acceptance or solicitation to obtain appointive public office

The American Spectator : White House Accused of Federal Crime in Specter, Bennet Races

A bombshell has just exploded in the 2010 elections.

For the second time in five months, the Obama White House is being accused -- by Democrats -- of offering high ranking government jobs in return for political favors. What no one is reporting is that this is a violation of federal law that can lead to prison time, a fine or both, according to Title 18, Chapter 11, Section 211 of the United States Code.

The jobs in question? Secretary of the Navy and a position within the U.S. Agency for International Development.

The favor requested in return? Withdrawal from Senate challenges to two sitting United States Senators, both Democrats supported by President Obama. The Senators are Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania and Michael Bennet in Colorado.
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I heard that earlier. It is Teeeee-larius. I especially like where she takes a shot at Rubio. Apparently he doesn't pass the purity test for the tea partiest of the tea partiers like Angle.

It is truly a thing of beauty that Sharron Angle emerged as the poster child of the Tea Party movement.

The whole looney kaboodle, personified in one daft broad.

You couldn't have come up with a funnier lead character if you'd been paid to write a sitcom parody of the Tea Party.

Did you see the foxnews debate between rand paul and jack conway? When asked for specifics on what they would cut to solve the deficit conway listed several things where as rand could only come up with one specific and that was social security. His grand scheme consisted of increasing the retirement age and increasing the amount that those under 55 pay into the system.

Hmm, and I thought tea partiers were against tax increases??
I heard that earlier. It is Teeeee-larius. I especially like where she takes a shot at Rubio. Apparently he doesn't pass the purity test for the tea partiest of the tea partiers like Angle.

It is truly a thing of beauty that Sharron Angle emerged as the poster child of the Tea Party movement.

The whole looney kaboodle, personified in one daft broad.

You couldn't have come up with a funnier lead character if you'd been paid to write a sitcom parody of the Tea Party.

Did you see the foxnews debate between rand paul and jack conway? When asked for specifics on what they would cut to solve the deficit conway listed several things where as rand could only come up with one specific and that was social security. His grand scheme consisted of increasing the retirement age and increasing the amount that those under 55 pay into the system.

Hmm, and I thought tea partiers were against tax increases??

I actually saw that one. Wallace asked them both to be specific, and that nitwit Rand Paul looked like a fool. I think Rand Paul said those things would be part of a discussion if younger people would be honest. I do not remember him saying he'd personally propose either
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There is nothing unusual about this. It happens all the time. In 2006, the Democrats asked the Vermont Progressive Party not to run anyone for their at large House seat so the Republicans wouldn't win it. In 2008, Texas Republicans tried to talk several Libertarian candidates out of running for state legislature because they were afraid it would hurt their chances at keeping a majority.

This is not going to hurt Angle. In fact, she got the endorsement of the largest newspaper in Nevada over the weekend, which in the past has always endorsed Harry Reid.
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There is nothing unusual about this. It happens all the time. In 2006, the Democrats asked the Vermont Progressive Party not to run anyone for their at large House seat so the Republicans wouldn't win it. In 2008, the Republicans tried to talk several Libertarian candidates out of running for state legislature because they were afraid it would hurt their chances at keeping a majority.

This is not going to hurt Angle. In fact, she got the endorsement of the largest newspaper in Nevada over the weekend, which in the past has always endorsed Harry Reid.

What is new -- if you bothered to read the posts, is that the Tea Party nutjobs, The Right Wing Lunatic Brigade @ USMB attacked the offerings as bribes when it was business as usual for people they disagree with. This as they lecture everyone else on their so called principles.

but you missed the point of the OP maybe you should read it. Sharon Angle was caught on tape dissing everyone behind their backs and offering a power broker role, before she's even won anything. Corruption always seems to grow faster when conservatives are involved. Look at how corrupt the GOP Congress got in a few short years after the GOP took over control from Democrats who took decades to be as corrupt
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I heard that earlier. It is Teeeee-larius. I especially like where she takes a shot at Rubio. Apparently he doesn't pass the purity test for the tea partiest of the tea partiers like Angle.

It is truly a thing of beauty that Sharron Angle emerged as the poster child of the Tea Party movement.

The whole looney kaboodle, personified in one daft broad.

You couldn't have come up with a funnier lead character if you'd been paid to write a sitcom parody of the Tea Party.

Did you see the foxnews debate between rand paul and jack conway? When asked for specifics on what they would cut to solve the deficit conway listed several things where as rand could only come up with one specific and that was social security. His grand scheme consisted of increasing the retirement age and increasing the amount that those under 55 pay into the system.

Hmm, and I thought tea partiers were against tax increases??

I actually saw that one. Wallace asked them both to be specific, and that nitwit Rand Paul looked like a fool. I think Rand Paul said those things would be part of a discussion if younger people would be honest. I do not remember him saying he'd personally propose either

WHAT?? He was asked to give specifics about what he would do to cut the deficit and that was what he offered as WHAT HE WOULD DO to cut the deficit so how can you claim that he didn't say that he'd personally propose either??

I do agree that he is a fool and I pretty much feel the same for anyone who would vote for him especially based on what he has said in the past and how foolish he looks now.

Furthermore he didn't really say it the way that you phrased it. I don't remember him saying that it would be part of a discussion with younger people but instead he said "there will have to be changes for the younger generations" and the two changes that he mentioned were an increase in the retirement age and "higher premiums" for the younger people.

It's kind of hard to run an honest campaign based on being against tax increases even as one of your specific proposals to "cut spending" is a tax increase don't you think??

What was it paul said in the same debate?? "It’s not a revenue problem. It’s a spending problem in Washington." Well it seems like he kind of disagrees with his own statement. LOL
Did you see the foxnews debate between rand paul and jack conway? When asked for specifics on what they would cut to solve the deficit conway listed several things where as rand could only come up with one specific and that was social security. His grand scheme consisted of increasing the retirement age and increasing the amount that those under 55 pay into the system.

Hmm, and I thought tea partiers were against tax increases??

I actually saw that one. Wallace asked them both to be specific, and that nitwit Rand Paul looked like a fool. I think Rand Paul said those things would be part of a discussion if younger people would be honest. I do not remember him saying he'd personally propose either

WHAT?? He was asked to give specifics about what he would do to cut the deficit and that was what he offered as WHAT HE WOULD DO to cut the deficit so how can you claim that he didn't say that he'd personally propose either??

I do agree that he is a fool and I pretty much feel the same for anyone who would vote for him especially based on what he has said in the past and how foolish he looks now.

Furthermore he didn't really say it the way that you phrased it. I don't remember him saying that it would be part of a discussion with younger people but instead he said "there will have to be changes for the younger generations" and the two changes that he mentioned were an increase in the retirement age and "higher premiums" for the younger people.

It's kind of hard to run an honest campaign based on being against tax increases even as one of your specific proposals to "cut spending" is a tax increase don't you think??

What was it paul said in the same debate?? "It’s not a revenue problem. It’s a spending problem in Washington." Well it seems like he kind of disagrees with his own statement. LOL

Wallace: So you would raise the retirement age?

R Paul: There may have to be for younger people, yes --- (pause) for younger people longevity is out there...

Wallace: You've also talked about higher deductibles or higher premiums...

(after some clarification as Paul went away from specifics again..."about 55 or younger")

R Paul: Yes, you're going to have to have eligibility changes for the younger people --- and I think if all younger people if they are honest and will have an adult discussion...

Fox News Sunday w/ Chris Wallace | FOXNews.com


My point is that he kept clarifying and broadening his answers with wiggle room. It approached being disingenuous. If later things didn't work out...:eusa_whistle:


"It's kind of hard to run an honest campaign based on being against tax increases even as one of your specific proposals to "cut spending" is a tax increase don't you think??

What was it paul said in the same debate?? "It’s not a revenue problem. It’s a spending problem in Washington." Well it seems like he kind of disagrees with his own statement. " :lol:

yes, he is full of contradictions when pressed

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