Tea Party Whacko Sharon Angle Caught On Tape!!! LOL

I heard that earlier. It is Teeeee-larius. I especially like where she takes a shot at Rubio. Apparently he doesn't pass the purity test for the tea partiest of the tea partiers like Angle.

It is truly a thing of beauty that Sharron Angle emerged as the poster child of the Tea Party movement.

The whole looney kaboodle, personified in one daft broad.

You couldn't have come up with a funnier lead character if you'd been paid to write a sitcom parody of the Tea Party.

Did you see the foxnews debate between rand paul and jack conway? When asked for specifics on what they would cut to solve the deficit conway listed several things where as rand could only come up with one specific and that was social security. His grand scheme consisted of increasing the retirement age and increasing the amount that those under 55 pay into the system.

Hmm, and I thought tea partiers were against tax increases??

Yes the same person who will smoke that worthless old punk Reid!!
Funny! The more you libs scream about this supposed "scandal" the more Angle seems to pull ahead. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Nevada Senate - Angle vs. Reid

Did it ever occur to you idiots that this "scandal" doesn't help you, it helps Angle? :eek:

No, of course that never occured to you. You think the country thinks like you. It never occurs to you that people might AGREE with what Angle has to say on the audio and you are doing her a favor, not hurting her.

No, of course that hasn't occured to you. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Keep it up liberals. Maybe she'll be ahead by 5 or even 10 by November 2. :D

Is that some type of defaming shield? Like I care.

It will be interesting to see your comments if Angle wins, seeing as you endorse her now. That really isn't going to help Reid or the Senate for the Democrats. How is that a sane response?
Should I take the word murder written backwords as a threat Dante? You know that isn't allowed on USMB. You have repeated several times now. That would be a repeated offense.

Either that or its a threat against my family. Either way you should be banned.
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I could care less if they send Ried packing, but NV is going to be looking for a quicky divorce with Angle.

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