Tea Party Whacko Sharon Angle Caught On Tape!!! LOL

What's the big fucking deal ???

The arsehole Ashjian is the minor of the two Republican candidates to defeat the arsehole Reid.

If both run against Reid, then Reid "will divide and conquer" the Republicans.

So, Angle is doing the ONLY reasonable thing she could do under the circumstances....trying to convince the egomaniac Ashjian who doesn't have a chance in hell to step aside.

The transparently disingenuous arseholes, the Dems, are fanning the supposed flames of the most natural of political situations making a supposed Mt Everest out of a mole hill......all I can say about these corrupt LIEberrhoidal crunts is that they are LIEberrhoidal CRUNTS.

End of story.
Breaking: In Wake of Taping, Ashjian’s ‘Tea Party of Nevada’ Chairman to Resign, Endorse Angle
Posted by Ron Futrell Oct 4th 2010 at 7:27 pm in Featured Story, Politics, Tea Parties | Comments (36) While Harry Reid and Sharron Angle have been going toe to toe (they are tied in the polls) there is a “Tea Party of Nevada” candidate, Scott Ashjian, who wants his 15 minutes of fame. The problem for Angle is that Ashjian’s 15 minutes of fame could cost her the race.

Scott Ashjian

There was no “Tea Party of Nevada” until Ashjian created it and the media relished the novelty. He has never been to a Tea Party event and has not been endorsed by any Tea Party out there so the left loves that he could help give Reid six more years in the U.S. Senate by people mistakenly voting for the “Tea Party” candidate. Speculation has it that Reid is behind Ashjian’s candidacy, but that has not been proven. All Ashjian can do in this race is save Harry Reid. Certainly nobody with any real Tea Party affiliation would ever want that to happen.

Now there are the audio tapes.

The Chairman of the “Tea Party of Nevada,” Syd James (it is basically a party of two), arranged a meeting with the Angle camp under the premise that Ashjian would drop out and endorse Angle (Ashjian’s name would still be on the ballot). Ashjian has claimed that it was Angle who arranged the meeting, but James assures me that it he arranged it and he’s sorry he did.

Ashjian wore a wire into the meeting and covertly taped the conversation with Angle. James said he had no idea that the meeting was taped and would’ve never done it had he known Ashjian was going to tape it. If you listen to the tapes, understand their surreptitious nature and understand the context was that Angle thought Ashjian had come bearing gifts of an endorsement. If Angle made a mistake it was trusting Ashjian, but since James arranged the meeting, the Angle camp was trusting James, who is a highly respected doctor in Las Vegas.

As a result, James feels used by Ashjian and has told me he will resign from his position with the “Tea Party of Nevada” and endorse Angle. When’s the last time you heard of the head of one political party (if you want to call the “Tea Party of Nevada” a party) resigning to endorse another party’s candidate less than a month before the election? (more…)
- Big Journalism

A blog named big journalism :rofl:....Plus, Angle still said what was on the tape no matter what you think of this other guy. :lol:
Tea Party Whacko Sharon Angle Caught On Tape!!! LOL

Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Ashjian told POLITICO that he secretly recorded his meeting with Angle to "give people the truth" in case she tried to lie about what happened during their encounter.

Read more: Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com


what a f-ugly bitch

Sharron Angle Caught On Tape Trashing GOP - Las Vegas News Story - KVVU Las Vegas - "She promises to open doors for Ashjian in Washington is she's elected."

What's even funnier is how this no name Angle is running neck and neck with the Senate Majority Leader... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Just think how far behind Harry would be if anyone actually knew this lady....
Hello Dante! The guy wore a wire!

anyone remember where the right wing loons were on this one:

Linda Tripp recorded 20 hours of phone conversation with Monica Lewinsky. Many commentators have argued that Tripp violated an implicit rule of friendship. But did she violate a rule of law? And if the tapes were illegal, why can the special prosecutor use them?

The law is generally easier on taping of conversations when the taper is a participant in the conversation. The logic is that the other parties know you're listening.

Were Tripp's Tapes Illegal? - Bruce Gottlieb - Slate Magazine


Is taping a conversation the same as wearing a wire?


Wow...I forgot all about this :lol:

Either selling "juice" is wrong or not. You cant be against it for one party and for it for another unless you're just a bullshit artist partisan.
Tea Party Whacko Sharon Angle Caught On Tape!!! LOL

Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Ashjian told POLITICO that he secretly recorded his meeting with Angle to "give people the truth" in case she tried to lie about what happened during their encounter.

Read more: Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com


what a f-ugly bitch

Sharron Angle Caught On Tape Trashing GOP - Las Vegas News Story - KVVU Las Vegas - "She promises to open doors for Ashjian in Washington is she's elected."

What's even funnier is how this no name Angle is running neck and neck with the Senate Majority Leader... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Just think how far behind Harry would be if anyone actually knew this lady....

What's even funnier than that is the GOP has been spending millions to tear Reid down, and had him to the point where any bozo should have been able to beat him. But thanks to the tea baggers, they came up with a batshit loon who can't. It's good to see all that GOP money go back into the economy, and them having nothing to show for it. Life is good.
Hello Dante! The guy wore a wire!

anyone remember where the right wing loons were on this one:

Linda Tripp recorded 20 hours of phone conversation with Monica Lewinsky. Many commentators have argued that Tripp violated an implicit rule of friendship. But did she violate a rule of law? And if the tapes were illegal, why can the special prosecutor use them?

The law is generally easier on taping of conversations when the taper is a participant in the conversation. The logic is that the other parties know you're listening.

Were Tripp's Tapes Illegal? - Bruce Gottlieb - Slate Magazine


Is taping a conversation the same as wearing a wire?


Wow...I forgot all about this :lol:

Either selling "juice" is wrong or not. You cant be against it for one party and for it for another unless you're just a bullshit artist partisan.

As long as there's nothing going into the personal pocket of the official, it's just a pragmatic reality of politics. The political consequences, however are something else. Angle comes off like a complete idiot in that tape, in a way that alienates her from the tea bagging right and the moderates.
What's even funnier than that is the GOP has been spending millions to tear Reid down, and had him to the point where any bozo should have been able to beat him. But thanks to the tea baggers, they came up with a batshit loon who can't.

Angle can absolutely win this race. In fact, barring something incredibly damaging to her surfacing between now and November 2nd, I think she will. Reid is in a very bad position in the polls for someone with his tenure and his level of power in D.C. Yeah, if someone other than Angle had been nominated, it might have been easier, but we don't know that for sure. Candidates can surge and plummet at the drop of a hat at any moment. Who knows what dirt may have been dug up on the other Republicans running that could have ruined them before November.

People forget that Scott Brown was 30 points behind Martha Coakley a month before he defeated her in a state where Republicans hadn't won a U.S. Senate seat in over 30 years.
Can you imagine the UPROAR from the lefties if a Republican candidate wore a WIRE to a meeting of one of their candidates and then RELEASED IT TO THE MEDIA??

yet they find not one damn thing wrong with this..

Dirty dirty dirty. but what is NEW.

So...your position is what? That it was an outrage that this guy taped Angle?
Angle offered to pay back the other candidate if he dropped out of the race.

That is pay for dropping out. Last time I checked, the Tea Party Whacko Lunatics called that interfering with an election when only rumors of the WH doing the same thing.

Here we have the tapes, and the Right Wing Lunacy @ USMB attacks the evidence.

Folks, we now have the Right Wing Lunatic Brigade @ USMB using the OJ Simpson Defense team strategy to defend the Tea Party Back Room Deals --- Business as usual with a different face on it. :lol:

Sharon Angles Chicago style Politics with White Face

All I heard is the guy wanted an apology in the press. That's hardly a monetary bribe, like the "job" offered at the White house if a certain candidate from Illinois would drop out. Remember that one??????????

Oh, I guess you were hoping we forgot!

We didn't forget that you weren't outraged when O'Keefe secretly taped ACORN. Hypocrite.
It still amazes me that this race is as close as it is
Angle offered to pay back the other candidate if he dropped out of the race.

That is pay for dropping out. Last time I checked, the Tea Party Whacko Lunatics called that interfering with an election when only rumors of the WH doing the same thing.

Here we have the tapes, and the Right Wing Lunacy @ USMB attacks the evidence.

Folks, we now have the Right Wing Lunatic Brigade @ USMB using the OJ Simpson Defense team strategy to defend the Tea Party Back Room Deals --- Business as usual with a different face on it. :lol:

Sharon Angles Chicago style Politics with White Face

All I heard is the guy wanted an apology in the press. That's hardly a monetary bribe, like the "job" offered at the White house if a certain candidate from Illinois would drop out. Remember that one??????????

Oh, I guess you were hoping we forgot!

We didn't forget that you weren't outraged when O'Keefe secretly taped ACORN. Hypocrite.

OMFG! :lol: Don't you know Tea Party Whackos are immune to reality? :lol:
Tea Party Whacko Sharon Angle Caught On Tape!!! LOL

Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Ashjian told POLITICO that he secretly recorded his meeting with Angle to "give people the truth" in case she tried to lie about what happened during their encounter.

Read more: Sharron Angle caught on tape with third-party candidate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Angle says she has juice -- offers a bribe?


what a f-ugly bitch

Sharron Angle Caught On Tape Trashing GOP - Las Vegas News Story - KVVU Las Vegas - "She promises to open doors for Ashjian in Washington is she's elected."

Commenting on your quoted quote, without an intervening post. Might I suggest a new rule mods?
All I heard is the guy wanted an apology in the press. That's hardly a monetary bribe, like the "job" offered at the White house if a certain candidate from Illinois would drop out. Remember that one??????????

Oh, I guess you were hoping we forgot!

We didn't forget that you weren't outraged when O'Keefe secretly taped ACORN. Hypocrite.

OMFG! :lol: Don't you know Tea Party Whackos are immune to reality? :lol:

One of the top ten rules of wingnutville,

it's always different when it's your guys.
All I heard is the guy wanted an apology in the press. That's hardly a monetary bribe, like the "job" offered at the White house if a certain candidate from Illinois would drop out. Remember that one??????????

Oh, I guess you were hoping we forgot!

We didn't forget that you weren't outraged when O'Keefe secretly taped ACORN. Hypocrite.

OMFG! :lol: Don't you know Tea Party Whackos are immune to reality? :lol:

You notice I shut them both up. lol

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