Teabaggers exposed. No REAL opposition to overreaching government


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
Arizona's draconian new immigration law is an abomination -- racist, arbitrary, oppressive, mean-spirited, unjust. About the only hopeful thing that can be said is that the legislation, which Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Friday, goes so outrageously far that it may well be unconstitutional.

Brewer, who caved to xenophobic pressures that previous governors had the backbone to resist, should be ashamed of herself. The law requires police to question anyone they "reasonably suspect" of being an undocumented immigrant -- a mandate for racial profiling on a massive scale. Legal immigrants will be required to carry papers proving that they have a right to be in the United States. Those without documentation can be charged with the crime of trespassing and jailed for up to six months.

Activists for Latino and immigrant rights -- and supporters of sane governance -- held weekend rallies denouncing the new law and vowing to do everything they can to overturn it.

But where was the Tea Party crowd?

Isn't the whole premise of the Tea Party movement that overreaching government poses a grave threat to individual freedom? It seems to me that a law allowing individuals to be detained and interrogated on a whim -- and requiring legal residents to carry identification documents, as in a police state -- would send the Tea Partyers into apoplexy. Or is there some kind of exception if the people whose freedoms are being taken away happen to have brown skin and might speak Spanish?
I try to listen only to those who don't use rhetoric that a fifth grader would use.
This is like saying, Pulling people in swerving cars over for a DWI check is racist, arbitrary, oppressive, mean-spirited, unjust because people without cars can be DWI too.

Fucking retards.
Arizona's draconian new immigration law is an abomination -- racist, arbitrary, oppressive, mean-spirited, unjust. About the only hopeful thing that can be said is that the legislation, which Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Friday, goes so outrageously far that it may well be unconstitutional.

Brewer, who caved to xenophobic pressures that previous governors had the backbone to resist, should be ashamed of herself. The law requires police to question anyone they "reasonably suspect" of being an undocumented immigrant -- a mandate for racial profiling on a massive scale. Legal immigrants will be required to carry papers proving that they have a right to be in the United States. Those without documentation can be charged with the crime of trespassing and jailed for up to six months.

Activists for Latino and immigrant rights -- and supporters of sane governance -- held weekend rallies denouncing the new law and vowing to do everything they can to overturn it.

But where was the Tea Party crowd?

Isn't the whole premise of the Tea Party movement that overreaching government poses a grave threat to individual freedom? It seems to me that a law allowing individuals to be detained and interrogated on a whim -- and requiring legal residents to carry identification documents, as in a police state -- would send the Tea Partyers into apoplexy. Or is there some kind of exception if the people whose freedoms are being taken away happen to have brown skin and might speak Spanish?

there is an exception--don't go to Arizona if you don't like it
Arizona's draconian new immigration law is an abomination -- racist, arbitrary, oppressive, mean-spirited, unjust. About the only hopeful thing that can be said is that the legislation, which Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Friday, goes so outrageously far that it may well be unconstitutional.

Brewer, who caved to xenophobic pressures that previous governors had the backbone to resist, should be ashamed of herself. The law requires police to question anyone they "reasonably suspect" of being an undocumented immigrant -- a mandate for racial profiling on a massive scale. Legal immigrants will be required to carry papers proving that they have a right to be in the United States. Those without documentation can be charged with the crime of trespassing and jailed for up to six months.

Activists for Latino and immigrant rights -- and supporters of sane governance -- held weekend rallies denouncing the new law and vowing to do everything they can to overturn it.

But where was the Tea Party crowd?

Isn't the whole premise of the Tea Party movement that overreaching government poses a grave threat to individual freedom? It seems to me that a law allowing individuals to be detained and interrogated on a whim -- and requiring legal residents to carry identification documents, as in a police state -- would send the Tea Partyers into apoplexy. Or is there some kind of exception if the people whose freedoms are being taken away happen to have brown skin and might speak Spanish?

The TP claims to be patriots. They scream bloody murder that having to buy health insurance (which all of them already do) is an attack on their freedom

Here we have a direct violation of the fourth amendment. US citizens being stopped and detained to check for proper documentation based on nothing other than their appearance. Where is the TP?
Arizona's draconian new immigration law is an abomination -- racist, arbitrary, oppressive, mean-spirited, unjust. About the only hopeful thing that can be said is that the legislation, which Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Friday, goes so outrageously far that it may well be unconstitutional.

Brewer, who caved to xenophobic pressures that previous governors had the backbone to resist, should be ashamed of herself. The law requires police to question anyone they "reasonably suspect" of being an undocumented immigrant -- a mandate for racial profiling on a massive scale. Legal immigrants will be required to carry papers proving that they have a right to be in the United States. Those without documentation can be charged with the crime of trespassing and jailed for up to six months.

Activists for Latino and immigrant rights -- and supporters of sane governance -- held weekend rallies denouncing the new law and vowing to do everything they can to overturn it.

But where was the Tea Party crowd?

Isn't the whole premise of the Tea Party movement that overreaching government poses a grave threat to individual freedom? It seems to me that a law allowing individuals to be detained and interrogated on a whim -- and requiring legal residents to carry identification documents, as in a police state -- would send the Tea Partyers into apoplexy. Or is there some kind of exception if the people whose freedoms are being taken away happen to have brown skin and might speak Spanish?

The TP claims to be patriots. They scream bloody murder that having to buy health insurance (which all of them already do) is an attack on their freedom

Here we have a direct violation of the fourth amendment. US citizens being stopped and detained to check for proper documentation based on nothing other than their appearance. Where is the TP?

But the Federal government forcing someone to buy health insurance does not violate the 4th Amendment? Really?
Democrats look at Illegal Aliens and think, "I can give them your stuff and they'll vote for me!"
The TP claims to be patriots. They scream bloody murder that having to buy health insurance (which all of them already do) is an attack on their freedom

Here we have a direct violation of the fourth amendment. US citizens being stopped and detained to check for proper documentation based on nothing other than their appearance. Where is the TP?
Problem being that nobody is being stopped merely to show ID.

Tell ya what...Next time you get pulled over for having a tail light out and get asked for license, registration and insurance, you scream bloody murder about your civil rights and call the cop a fascist, m'kay?
The tea party is a bunch of republicans and conservatives who cannot get over their loss in the last election. Nothing is consistent about them except a disregard for the process of democracy. They lost, now they cry foul - where were they when Bush did all the same things they fault Obama with? Can you say hypocrites.
Arizona's draconian new immigration law is an abomination -- racist, arbitrary, oppressive, mean-spirited, unjust. About the only hopeful thing that can be said is that the legislation, which Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Friday, goes so outrageously far that it may well be unconstitutional.

Brewer, who caved to xenophobic pressures that previous governors had the backbone to resist, should be ashamed of herself. The law requires police to question anyone they "reasonably suspect" of being an undocumented immigrant -- a mandate for racial profiling on a massive scale. Legal immigrants will be required to carry papers proving that they have a right to be in the United States. Those without documentation can be charged with the crime of trespassing and jailed for up to six months.

Activists for Latino and immigrant rights -- and supporters of sane governance -- held weekend rallies denouncing the new law and vowing to do everything they can to overturn it.

But where was the Tea Party crowd?

Isn't the whole premise of the Tea Party movement that overreaching government poses a grave threat to individual freedom? It seems to me that a law allowing individuals to be detained and interrogated on a whim -- and requiring legal residents to carry identification documents, as in a police state -- would send the Tea Partyers into apoplexy. Or is there some kind of exception if the people whose freedoms are being taken away happen to have brown skin and might speak Spanish?

s0n............pull that from the Olberman show talking points???:lol:

Nobody watches that show.........besides, you miss the point. Unlike anybody on the left, Tea Bag people like laws to be enforced. This administration STOPPED the buliding of the fence, thus, they are violating the most basic role of government: protect its citizens.

The tea party is a bunch of republicans and conservatives who cannot get over their loss in the last election. Nothing is consistent about them except a disregard for the process of democracy. They lost, now they cry foul - where were they when Bush did all the same things they fault Obama with? Can you say hypocrites.

What does that have to do with Illegal Immigration especially after we pushed back against Dubya and Juan MCCain's Illegal Alien Plan in 2007?
The tea party is a bunch of republicans and conservatives who cannot get over their loss in the last election. Nothing is consistent about them except a disregard for the process of democracy. They lost, now they cry foul - where were they when Bush did all the same things they fault Obama with? Can you say hypocrites.
A great many of us were running Chimpola into the ground for his profligate spending, expansion of bureaucracy and stupid foreign wars, midfail.

BTW, when's your matinee idol Boyking bringing the troops home, like he promised, hmmmmm?
Arizona's draconian new immigration law is an abomination -- racist, arbitrary, oppressive, mean-spirited, unjust. About the only hopeful thing that can be said is that the legislation, which Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Friday, goes so outrageously far that it may well be unconstitutional.

Brewer, who caved to xenophobic pressures that previous governors had the backbone to resist, should be ashamed of herself. The law requires police to question anyone they "reasonably suspect" of being an undocumented immigrant -- a mandate for racial profiling on a massive scale. Legal immigrants will be required to carry papers proving that they have a right to be in the United States. Those without documentation can be charged with the crime of trespassing and jailed for up to six months.

Activists for Latino and immigrant rights -- and supporters of sane governance -- held weekend rallies denouncing the new law and vowing to do everything they can to overturn it.

But where was the Tea Party crowd?

Isn't the whole premise of the Tea Party movement that overreaching government poses a grave threat to individual freedom? It seems to me that a law allowing individuals to be detained and interrogated on a whim -- and requiring legal residents to carry identification documents, as in a police state -- would send the Tea Partyers into apoplexy. Or is there some kind of exception if the people whose freedoms are being taken away happen to have brown skin and might speak Spanish?

The TP claims to be patriots. They scream bloody murder that having to buy health insurance (which all of them already do) is an attack on their freedom

Here we have a direct violation of the fourth amendment. US citizens being stopped and detained to check for proper documentation based on nothing other than their appearance. Where is the TP?


1. They scream about being FORCED to buy a product or service. The issue is not about whether they have or do not have health insurance.... the issue, to the TEA Partiers, is that government cannot FORCE individuals to BUY something. Moron.

2. That is not true. The law is not about detaining anyone on suspicion of being an illegal, it gives teeth to the existing law.... that anyone stopped by the police may be asked to provide proof of citizenship. What is wrong with that? Not one fucking thing.
"Small government" means out of everything except one's bedroom, uterus, marital preference, internet, telephone records, library records (at least that was stopped, no thanks to small govt. folks), comings and goings, and FACE.

Meanwhile, business is sacrosanct, and the hands off attitude towards the malfeasance of the lending and financial industries are just one example.
"Small government" means out of everything except one's bedroom, uterus, marital preference, internet, telephone records, library records (at least that was stopped, no thanks to small govt. folks), comings and goings, and FACE.

Meanwhile, business is sacrosanct, and the hands off attitude towards the malfeasance of the lending and financial industries are just one example.

"Small government" means out of everything except one's bedroom, uterus, marital preference, internet, telephone records, library records (at least that was stopped, no thanks to small govt. folks), comings and goings, and FACE.

Meanwhile, business is sacrosanct, and the hands off attitude towards the malfeasance of the lending and financial industries are just one example.


Not at all. Everything I posted is a tenet of the majority of the right, including support for intrusive "security measures," and there has not been a single tea bag protest against the AZ law or republican obstructionism concerning regulation of the financial industry, particularly the latest Goldman Sachs scandal. Not. A. Single. One.

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