Teacher Abuses Student's Religion, Loses in Court

Not if I was wrong, no.

Unions are arbiters of "right and wrong" now??.

There we go. You wanted to demonstrate outrage over what this stupid teacher did, but you are trapped by your desperate need to remain a partisan hack. Nice corner you've painted yourself into.

Uh... what?

Real slow now.. There ... is ... no .... union ... issue. There's no job issue. The teacher and her employer are on the same wacko side here. They don't have a dispute with each other. Therefore there is nothing for the union to "defend".

I realize this is over your tiny little head. Perhaps confine yourself to the basketweaving threads.

And a reminder -- this site has prohibited you from sending me PMs. It's being reported. Now fuck off.
Does it matter?

So long as ALL children are treated equally, and with respect, no. What this teacher did is inexcusable and she should have lost. That being said whenever an atheist teacher denigrates a Christian school child they should expect the same treatment don't you think?

Absolutely. But that's a hypothetical. This is really happening. In America. In a state where the Governor is Asian (Indian).

I find delicious irony in the fact that Piyush/Bobby Brady, a Hindu converted to Christianism, wants to shunt public funds to religious schools, even though he signed a bill that forbids '"the promotion of any religious doctrine and will not discriminate against religion or non-religion." And here one of his schools is not only doing exactly that, but advocating that a student piss off because he's Asian.

As I said, can't make this shit up.

So is the denigration of Christian children...in the USA of all places, where religious belief is supposed to be at the least tolerated.
So long as ALL children are treated equally, and with respect, no. What this teacher did is inexcusable and she should have lost. That being said whenever an atheist teacher denigrates a Christian school child they should expect the same treatment don't you think?

Absolutely. But that's a hypothetical. This is really happening. In America. In a state where the Governor is Asian (Indian).

I find delicious irony in the fact that Piyush/Bobby Brady, a Hindu converted to Christianism, wants to shunt public funds to religious schools, even though he signed a bill that forbids '"the promotion of any religious doctrine and will not discriminate against religion or non-religion." And here one of his schools is not only doing exactly that, but advocating that a student piss off because he's Asian.

As I said, can't make this shit up.

So is the denigration of Christian children...in the USA of all places, where religious belief is supposed to be at the least tolerated.

Again... hypothetical versus reality. This is the latter.
what's the beef

it is Sabine Parish after all :lol: peckerheads

Point well taken -- if you saw the story and had no placenames and were given a map to guess ... :lol:

This comment in the OP article notes:
The first week I moved here I saw some mentally reduced individual pulling what was left of his dog down the hwy tied to the bumper of his truck... these are the people I HAVE to live with every day to survive... this is not fake, do not categorize these people into a broad steriotype [sic] that will dehumanize them or their actions due to geographic location, commonly practiced culture, or heritage. These people are as real as your mom, dad, brother, sister or your best best friend. They are REALLY influencing not only their peers but the highly impressionable children of this community.​

It was also not far from here that three white supremacists tied James Byrd Jr. to the back of a truck, dragged him three miles, dumped his body and went to a barbecue. I think of that every time this area comes up.

But lest we forget, downtown Chicago is where it's dangerous in America. And oh yeah, War on Christmas.
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You can't make this kind of lunacy up. You just can't.


>> The parents of a Buddhist student in Louisiana ridiculed by a creationist teacher won their lawsuit against the school district, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed Friday.

The student, known as C.C., was asked by sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark to answer the following question on a test:
“ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When C.C. failed to respond “Lord,” Roark responded “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.” She also frequently denigrated his Buddhist faith, as well as the Hindu faith, referring to both as “stupid.”

When his parents complained to Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb, they were told that “this is the Bible belt,” so they should expect to find the Christian God in the classroom. Ebarb advised them that if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

Run that back again...

if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

- in America.
- in a state where the Governor is Indian.


I hope that ignorant twat no longer has a teaching position.
You can't make this kind of lunacy up. You just can't.


>> The parents of a Buddhist student in Louisiana ridiculed by a creationist teacher won their lawsuit against the school district, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed Friday.

The student, known as C.C., was asked by sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark to answer the following question on a test:
“ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When C.C. failed to respond “Lord,” Roark responded “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.” She also frequently denigrated his Buddhist faith, as well as the Hindu faith, referring to both as “stupid.”

When his parents complained to Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb, they were told that “this is the Bible belt,” so they should expect to find the Christian God in the classroom. Ebarb advised them that if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

Run that back again...

if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

- in America.
- in a state where the Governor is Indian.


That ain't all...

The teacher Rita Roark, is the SCIENCE TEACHER in this PUBLIC school.

Here's more from the ACLU complaint:

His science teacher, Rita Roark, has repeatedly taught students that the Earth was created by God 6,000 years ago, that evolution is “impossible,” and that the Bible is “100 percent true.”


Beyond Roark's classroom, the school also regularly incorporates official Christian prayer into class and school events. School officials display religious iconography throughout hallways and classrooms, including a large portrait of Jesus Christ, and an electronic marquee in front of the school scrolls Bible verses as students enter the building.
As soon as I read the title, I knew the kid wasn't Christian.

The teacher never should have made the comment...

But you are right. If the kid had been a Christian, the Teacher would have been applauded.

The teacher deliberately verbally abused the boy.
The rest doesn't matter.


OP's link said:
Judge Elizabeth Foote of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Louisiana sided with C.C. and his parents, citing that Roark&#8217;s behavior &#8212; and the school&#8217;s decision to defend it &#8212; clearly violated &#8220;the Free Exercise and Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.&#8221;

Constitution time.
I'll bet the right wing hate that bloody document when it doesn't work their way.
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I am growing desensitized to this stuff. Its like the world has exploded with retards that want to force their specific version of religion down your throat. Why cant they respect people have different beliefs and as long as those beliefs don't transgress on anyone elses rights then they should stuff a sock in it? I am baffled a science teacher actually believes the world was created 6K years ago. Are you kidding me?
That being said whenever an atheist teacher denigrates a Christian school child they should expect the same treatment don't you think?

In a public school, no teacher should be known as atheist or Christian or anything, and no student either.
You can't make this kind of lunacy up. You just can't.


>> The parents of a Buddhist student in Louisiana ridiculed by a creationist teacher won their lawsuit against the school district, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed Friday.

The student, known as C.C., was asked by sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark to answer the following question on a test:
“ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When C.C. failed to respond “Lord,” Roark responded “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.” She also frequently denigrated his Buddhist faith, as well as the Hindu faith, referring to both as “stupid.”

When his parents complained to Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb, they were told that “this is the Bible belt,” so they should expect to find the Christian God in the classroom. Ebarb advised them that if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

Run that back again...

if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

- in America.
- in a state where the Governor is Indian.


That ain't all...

The teacher Rita Roark, is the SCIENCE TEACHER in this PUBLIC school.

Here's more from the ACLU complaint:

His science teacher, Rita Roark, has repeatedly taught students that the Earth was created by God 6,000 years ago, that evolution is “impossible,” and that the Bible is “100 percent true.”


Beyond Roark's classroom, the school also regularly incorporates official Christian prayer into class and school events. School officials display religious iconography throughout hallways and classrooms, including a large portrait of Jesus Christ, and an electronic marquee in front of the school scrolls Bible verses as students enter the building.

Yanno, I didn't even catch the science teacher bit. As if it wasn't incredible enough already, even in Sleaziana.

The whole thing reads like an early April Fool joke. SMH...
That being said whenever an atheist teacher denigrates a Christian school child they should expect the same treatment don't you think?

In a public school, no teacher should be known as atheist or Christian or anything, and no student either.

I'm in a private school.
Here, everyone knows the religion of the teachers but teachers respect everyone else's religion.
My only religious conflict at school was with a Christian teacher who claims meditation empties your mind and makes room for the devil.
She's wrong anyway but the Buddhist and Hindu students commonly learn a little of meditation as part of their religious studies.
Her beliefs should not be expressed as it may well go directly against another's religion and out school does not allow that ... and she's taking crap anyway.

Anyone familiar with meditation knows, it's an ordering of the mind, not an emptying of it.
Sort of like tidying a room so you have space to move around without tripping over things.

I once punished a kid for kicking a bible. He was a Christian but I believe a student should never abuse a religious book, regardless of who's book it is and regardless of the student's religion.
In general, we have no problems to speak of but the odd minor thing pops up from time to time.
That being said whenever an atheist teacher denigrates a Christian school child they should expect the same treatment don't you think?

In a public school, no teacher should be known as atheist or Christian or anything, and no student either.

The problem is not really what religion you may or may not be. The problem is teachers abusing their position of power and making fun of other faiths.
You can't make this kind of lunacy up. You just can't.


>> The parents of a Buddhist student in Louisiana ridiculed by a creationist teacher won their lawsuit against the school district, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed Friday.

The student, known as C.C., was asked by sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark to answer the following question on a test:
“ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When C.C. failed to respond “Lord,” Roark responded “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.” She also frequently denigrated his Buddhist faith, as well as the Hindu faith, referring to both as “stupid.”

When his parents complained to Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb, they were told that “this is the Bible belt,” so they should expect to find the Christian God in the classroom. Ebarb advised them that if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

Run that back again...

if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

- in America.
- in a state where the Governor is Indian.


That ain't all...

The teacher Rita Roark, is the SCIENCE TEACHER in this PUBLIC school.

Here's more from the ACLU complaint:

His science teacher, Rita Roark, has repeatedly taught students that the Earth was created by God 6,000 years ago, that evolution is “impossible,” and that the Bible is “100 percent true.”


Beyond Roark's classroom, the school also regularly incorporates official Christian prayer into class and school events. School officials display religious iconography throughout hallways and classrooms, including a large portrait of Jesus Christ, and an electronic marquee in front of the school scrolls Bible verses as students enter the building.

In all fairness, this teacher (as well as her employers) are presumably the products of the same wackadoo educational philosophy that they now perpetuate on innocent youth. A vicious circle of self-perpetuation, like physical abuse or incest.
You can't make this kind of lunacy up. You just can't.


>> The parents of a Buddhist student in Louisiana ridiculed by a creationist teacher won their lawsuit against the school district, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed Friday.

The student, known as C.C., was asked by sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark to answer the following question on a test:
“ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When C.C. failed to respond “Lord,” Roark responded “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.” She also frequently denigrated his Buddhist faith, as well as the Hindu faith, referring to both as “stupid.”

When his parents complained to Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb, they were told that “this is the Bible belt,” so they should expect to find the Christian God in the classroom. Ebarb advised them that if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

Run that back again...

if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

- in America.
- in a state where the Governor is Indian.


good thing many buddist are go along get along types

cuz someone else dad woulda been in jail

:2up: < that's a hint
You can't make this kind of lunacy up. You just can't.


>> The parents of a Buddhist student in Louisiana ridiculed by a creationist teacher won their lawsuit against the school district, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed Friday.

The student, known as C.C., was asked by sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark to answer the following question on a test:
“ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When C.C. failed to respond “Lord,” Roark responded “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.” She also frequently denigrated his Buddhist faith, as well as the Hindu faith, referring to both as “stupid.”

When his parents complained to Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb, they were told that “this is the Bible belt,” so they should expect to find the Christian God in the classroom. Ebarb advised them that if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

Run that back again...

if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.”

- in America.
- in a state where the Governor is Indian.


good thing many buddist are go along get along types

cuz someone else dad woulda been in jail

:2up: < that's a hint


Got another hint?

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