Teacher Has License Revoked After Forcing Special Needs Child to Eat Their Own Vomit

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
With all the indoctrinating going on this isn't doing much to change the reputation of current teachers. I feel sorry for the good ones still out there. Right now (with a few exceptions) I'm afraid for the most part that children these days are better off being taught by other primates or even wolves.

Make teaching a legal minefield of pandering to feral animals, which drives off competent people in droves, same as police work, and you're left with the desperate and least competent as applicants. Congratulations to all the deviants, AA hires, feral violence, and crappy parenting advocates for your success in creating a dystopian banana republic. These are self-inflicted problems.
With all the indoctrinating going on this isn't doing much to change the reputation of current teachers. I feel sorry for the good ones still out there. Right now (with a few exceptions) I'm afraid for the most part that children these days are better off being taught by other primates or even wolves.

The teacher voluntarily revoking her teacher's license in that state doesn't get it. It should have been taken for cause by the state. The trial (probably for child abuse) is the important thing. Those women do not need to be anywhere near children.
The teacher voluntarily revoking her teacher's license in that state doesn't get it. It should have been taken for cause by the state. The trial (probably for child abuse) is the important thing. Those women do not need to be anywhere near children.

Exactly and they don't even deserve to have a dog or even a goldfish.
With all the indoctrinating going on this isn't doing much to change the reputation of current teachers. I feel sorry for the good ones still out there. Right now (with a few exceptions) I'm afraid for the most part that children these days are better off being taught by other primates or even wolves.

1. This is obviously abhorrent

2. There is no excuse for what these "teachers" did. But it seems like a pattern for this boy. It seems like they knew he was going to vomit and this was an upshot of his disability, either involuntarily or voluntarily.

Realize that these teachers, who also change diapers of big elementary kids (imagine that) are also now cleaning up this kids' puke. Maybe daily.

These are not nurses. They're not medical personnel. They're educators, but now they're in the business of daily poop, pee, and puke. Did you know special needs teachers do this?

Forcing the kid to eat his own puke? Nope. Never. Again--appalling and abhorrent. They deserve to be charged.

But one day saying "that's enough" and just walking out, no matter what YOU think of them? Absolutely justified.

If you don't think so, then you get in there and change the diapers of kids who easily weigh much more than I do, RR, instead of flapping your lips about how bad we are all the time. Get off your butt and do it.

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