Teacher has sex 50 times with 15 year old

Ever heard of Mary Kay Letourneau? She was a school teacher who first had sex with student Vili Fualaau when he was 12 and she was 34. She got pregnant. She was arrested but then let out of jail. She was caught with him again and sent back to jail for 7 1/2 years. She was pregnant again.

But guess what? He waited for her. When she got out of jail they got married. I guess that showed everybody, nothing they could do about it then.
Ever heard of Mary Kay Letourneau? She was a school teacher who first had sex with student Vili Fualaau when he was 12 and she was 34. She got pregnant. She was arrested but then let out of jail. She was caught with him again and sent back to jail for 7 1/2 years. She was pregnant again.

But guess what? He waited for her. When she got out of jail they got married. I guess that showed everybody, nothing they could do about it then.

And I would say there's a good chance that it fucked him up mentally. Anyone that would marry someone that is old enough to be his mother has got some issues.

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