Teacher has sex 50 times with 15 year old

What if a man in his mid 20's was doing your 15 year old daughter ?

Bet everyone here cheering this situation on would have a whole different opinion.

It really is different. Men are twice as strong as women. And a male authority figure can have way too much power over children, male or female.

A 25 year old woman can't overpower a 15 year old boy. The same physicality simply doesn't exist. And the boy she picks out, I suspect, isn't a wimp.

While men and women should be paid equally for equal work, while they should follow the law equally, the reality isn't always perfectly equal.
What if a man in his mid 20's was doing your 15 year old daughter ?

Bet everyone here cheering this situation on would have a whole different opinion.

Exactly. And school girls have fantasies about their teachers too. But it is completely unethical and unprofessional for a teacher to have sexual contact with a student, no matter how much a teenage girl or boy fantasizes about his or her teacher. Any teacher should be fired for having any kind of sexual contact with a student.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR-EU_l_pKA]South Park- Nice. - YouTube[/ame]
I used to fantasize about my teacher at 15. But I was never lucky enough to be seduced by her.

Oh, I missed the ending part as I generally skim past your post. Except this time I was inclined to ask, 'What's his name'?

15 year old boys think about sex all the time however they aren't emotionally ready for it at that age. These teachers need to get help once they start having these thoughts about their students.

They need to leave them alone and do their jobs. Girls aren't ready at that age and neither are boys even though their interest levels are different.
15 year old boys think about sex all the time however they aren't emotionally ready for it at that age. These teachers need to get help once they start having these thoughts about their students.

They need to leave them alone and do their jobs. Girls aren't ready at that age and neither are boys even though their interest levels are different.

I was surprised to see she entertained... the drum roll please.... boy's

I picture her trying to get upskirts from the girls on the first couple rows. :badgrin:

15 year old boys think about sex all the time however they aren't emotionally ready for it at that age. These teachers need to get help once they start having these thoughts about their students.

They need to leave them alone and do their jobs. Girls aren't ready at that age and neither are boys even though their interest levels are different.

"15 year old boys think about sex all the time however they aren't emotionally ready for it at that age."

This is factually incorrect, or rather factually meaningless. With a 60% divorce rate you can argue MOST adult men aren't 'emotionally mature.' But you can't quantify emotional maturity. And the fact that most countries in the world have lower ages for sexual consent refutes the claim a 15yo isn't ready for sex. Even here in the US, had this happened in New Hampshire, the only crime would have been it involving a teacher and student (assuming they made that illegal as most states have.)

Biologically, animals are 'sexually mature' when ever they can become pregnant and begin reproducing their species. As one of many kinds of animals, human beings are no different.
In our history of law and order, making the age to consent to sexual behaviours has only recently been blown into orbit being much higher than it was historically. Doesn't take a great deal of intellect or maturity to consent to something nice like sex. Our bodies during puberty are screaming they want, perhaps even need sexual release. And if we don't propose making two 'close-in-age' teens unable to legally enjoy sex together, why a teen and older person is more bad than two teens is worth exploring. Afterall, whos's more likely to provide a positive sexual experience?

The reasons for age of sexual consent has nothing to do with protecting teens from the horrors of sex as there are none (excluding rape and coercion which isn't about pleasure but control and anger.) It's about reducing unwed teenaged pregnanices which are an economic burden on society. As well as reducing the spread of STI and HIV.

The USA stands apart from the rest oft he industrialized world for how we legislate away the joy of sex restricting it to 'adults.' Every study ever conducted on the effects of sexual intimacy including some going out decades to check for long-term effects reveals it's positive and beneficial. Yet we still cling to our Puritan origns discouraging intimacy while encouraging violence and aggression. If our kids are being told 'sex is bad' during puberty is it any wonder they're going nuts and shooting their fellows?

Previous generations didnt' have school shootings to the extent we do now. Previous generations also didn't perpetuate the myth that sexual intimacy was a sin or otherwise horrible. Watch "Happy Days" sometime. Teens making out just about every episode, and learning how to remove a girl's bra.) Try that today and they'd burn you at the stake.

We've changed, and not for the better.

There are millions of teachers in the US. We hear of a few cases every year. Put things in perspective. There is likely no more of this than in the general public. By far, most teachers take their jobs and their responsibility of in loco parentis very, very seriously. What kind of idiot would risk a career to scew a 16 year old when he/she can go out anywhere and find an 18 year old?

Isn't necessarily a matter of age. Here in Missouri any teacher (or other mentioned professions) may NOT have sex with students. Even if they meet the AoC. Laws of this sort are akin to 'hate crimes' so I'm not sure it's just. If ya meet the age requirement, that should be it. But there are more than a few 18yo students.

Sexual contact with a student.

566.086. 1. A person commits the crime of sexual contact with a student if he or she has sexual contact with a student of the public school and is:

(1) A teacher, as that term is defined in subdivisions (4), (5), and (7) of section 168.104;
(2) A student teacher;
(3) An employee of the school;
(4) A volunteer of the school or of an organization working with the school on a project or program who is not a student at the public school;
(5) An elected or appointed official of the public school district; or
(6) A person employed by an entity that contracts with the public school district to provide services.

2. Sexual contact with a student is a class D felony.

The overall hypocrisy of AoC laws is shown with qualifier=laws like this:

Marriage to victim, at time of offense, affirmative defense, for certain crimes.

566.023. It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecutions pursuant to sections 566.032, 566.034, 566.062, 566.064, 566.068, and 566.090 that the defendant was married to the victim at the time of the offense.

If you're married then, there's no concern about the effects of sexual activity. And since you can marry at 15 with parental consent (here in Missouri anyway,) and 15's the issue here, the arbitrary nature of such laws is clear. Apparently something magical happens if you get a marriage license rendering concern over maturity and such moot.
If, during my high school sophomore year, my hawt li'l geometry teacher had pulled me aside after class 'n fucked my brains out, you'da never heard me complaining about it... :)

Shit, any of us would have been the king of the campus. Unless I missed a cataclysmic change over the decades, at 15 guys aren't much more than ambulatory erections.
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All the guys on here, cheering the kid on, would you be saying the same thing if the kid was your son? Think about it before you answer.

I would not deny my son of something I would have loved to do myself.
My first experience was when I was little older and that was with a woman of about 30.
I see no problem at all and, except for the thing about the sheep, it had no negative effects on me.
Good for you but suppose your 15 year old boy had gotten an STD from the teacher or she became pregnant? Suppose he fell in love with her and couldn't handle it so well? What if she was married to a not so nice man who found out and came after the kid? This isn't about what you would have liked as a kid, it's about predators who take advantage of our kids. You don't seem to be able to think past your dick. Congratulations, DAD.
What if a man in his mid 20's was doing your 15 year old daughter ?

Bet everyone here cheering this situation on would have a whole different opinion.

Exactly. And school girls have fantasies about their teachers too. But it is completely unethical and unprofessional for a teacher to have sexual contact with a student, no matter how much a teenage girl or boy fantasizes about his or her teacher. Any teacher should be fired for having any kind of sexual contact with a student.

Agreed, but that doesn't mean boys don't wish they were that lucky.
What if a man in his mid 20's was doing your 15 year old daughter ?

Bet everyone here cheering this situation on would have a whole different opinion.

It really is different. Men are twice as strong as women. And a male authority figure can have way too much power over children, male or female.

A 25 year old woman can't overpower a 15 year old boy. The same physicality simply doesn't exist. And the boy she picks out, I suspect, isn't a wimp.

While men and women should be paid equally for equal work, while they should follow the law equally, the reality isn't always perfectly equal.

You can't choose your equality pal.

If we're going to be outraged and ready to prosecute a 25 year old man with power whose between the legs of 15 year old girls, we have to treat the 25 year old woman the same exact way.

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