Teacher has sex 50 times with 15 year old

Yet again, a person's life is ruined for a criminal non-crime. 15's legal in New Hampshire. If we're ok with that, why it isn't legal everywhere at 15 boggles the mind. Only reason this is a thing is because it's a teacher (a married one at that) and a student. Socrates, Plato, and the other Greeks are rolling in their graves.

AoC in Nebraska's 17 (raised from 16.) And as is the case in most jurisdictions, teachers or other positions of authority is always illegal regardless.

We need to seriously revamp our AoC laws. That said, it'd still have been illegal for it being a teacher and student. But continuing to pretend a 15yo can't consent to sex simply isn't born out by science, and is legal in much of the world as a result. As a matter of law however, she broke it and should be punished. Should loose her teaching credentials and do some time.

When ever states give their reasoning for AoC laws, it's about a girl getting pregnant and being a economic burden on society. It's never something horrible will happen when teens have sex. And no one bats an eye at two teens hooking up. We don't even make that illegal. Yet strangely we consider a teen and someone older is inherently harmful. Only harm comes when much of society condemns it and over time, hearing how they've been molested or raped, the teen gradually adopts that mentality. It isn't the sex that's damaging, but the sexual-immaturity of society that is.

Wow, seriously dude ? 15 ?
She's a pretty cute looking female. I doubt the boy made a complaint - in fact, I bet he enjoyed it, and won't suffer any ill effects.
She's a pretty cute looking female. I doubt the boy made a complaint - in fact, I bet he enjoyed it, and won't suffer any ill effects.

Would you be saying that had the teacher been male and the kid female?

Boys are affected differently from girls. Male teachers will sleep with female students for different reasons than a female teacher sleeping with a male student.
She's a pretty cute looking female. I doubt the boy made a complaint - in fact, I bet he enjoyed it, and won't suffer any ill effects.

Would you be saying that had the teacher been male and the kid female?

Boys are affected differently from girls. Male teachers will sleep with female students for different reasons than a female teacher sleeping with a male student.

This is true.
Older guys shagging little girls is entirely different from older women shagging younger boys.
The comments made by male members on this thread confirm that.
Would you be saying that had the teacher been male and the kid female?

Boys are affected differently from girls. Male teachers will sleep with female students for different reasons than a female teacher sleeping with a male student.

This is true.
Older guys shagging little girls is entirely different from older women shagging younger boys.
The comments made by male members on this thread confirm that.

How do you mean?

None of us old farts have indicated we would sleep with an under-age girl. I don't understand what you are getting at here.
Boys are affected differently from girls. Male teachers will sleep with female students for different reasons than a female teacher sleeping with a male student.

This is true.
Older guys shagging little girls is entirely different from older women shagging younger boys.
The comments made by male members on this thread confirm that.

How do you mean?

None of us old farts have indicated we would sleep with an under-age girl. I don't understand what you are getting at here.

The many "wish it was me" comments.
Boys are affected differently from girls. Male teachers will sleep with female students for different reasons than a female teacher sleeping with a male student.

This is true.
Older guys shagging little girls is entirely different from older women shagging younger boys.
The comments made by male members on this thread confirm that.

How do you mean?

None of us old farts have indicated we would sleep with an under-age girl. I don't understand what you are getting at here.

No, but many teenage boys would give their right arm to sleep with an attractive, older woman who happened to be their teacher.

Because they can be near children.....

One reason I am so involved with my son's school and a scout leader is that I can watch who is involved with my son and the other children.

Hang on.... scout leaders get very near children and commonly take little boys into the woods.

This is true.
Older guys shagging little girls is entirely different from older women shagging younger boys.
The comments made by male members on this thread confirm that.

How do you mean?

None of us old farts have indicated we would sleep with an under-age girl. I don't understand what you are getting at here.

No, but many teenage boys would give their right arm to sleep with an attractive, older woman who happened to be their teacher.

I was 'doing' my 24 year-old history teacher when I was in high school, SHE WAS GREAT. I was smart enough to hide it.

Ironically, my sugar babies are 22 & 24. Now it's called the new Viagra.
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