Teacher has sex 50 times with 15 year old

This is true.
Older guys shagging little girls is entirely different from older women shagging younger boys.
The comments made by male members on this thread confirm that.

How do you mean?

None of us old farts have indicated we would sleep with an under-age girl. I don't understand what you are getting at here.

No, but many teenage boys would give their right arm to sleep with an attractive, older woman who happened to be their teacher.

But that is different than being a predator.

At 15, I would have given "my right arm to sleep with an attractive, older woman who happened to be [my] teacher" without a second thought, of course, I am left-handed, but as an adult I would never consider taking advantage of a young girl in that manner.
I think the long and short of this thread is, she did the lad a favour and should be left alone.
I see no reason to punish someone for doing something the other persons likes and has no ill effect.
I think the long and short of this thread is, she did the lad a favour and should be left alone.
I see no reason to punish someone for doing something the other persons likes and has no ill effect.

While I can see your point when it comes to female teacher/male student, I have to stop when you turn that around because there are consequences that the female student simply might not be ready for. She might relish the attention an older male gives her at the time, but would such feelings extend to when she is having to feed a baby at 3am and he has dumped her for another pretty young thing with no "baggage".
All the guys on here, cheering the kid on, would you be saying the same thing if the kid was your son? Think about it before you answer.
Indeed- Teacher looks like she could work a golf ball through a 6' garden hose

I like happy endings

All the guys on here, cheering the kid on, would you be saying the same thing if the kid was your son? Think about it before you answer.

I would not deny my son of something I would have loved to do myself.
My first experience was when I was little older and that was with a woman of about 30.
I see no problem at all and, except for the thing about the sheep, it had no negative effects on me.

I would prefer he went for a lady that didn't look like a cow's arse but, when you're that age, you care less about looks and more about getting your thingy stuck inside a woman.

Nebraska teacher busted for sex with student* - NY Daily News

Yet again, a person's life is ruined for a criminal non-crime. 15's legal in New Hampshire. If we're ok with that, why it isn't legal everywhere at 15 boggles the mind. Only reason this is a thing is because it's a teacher (a married one at that) and a student. Socrates, Plato, and the other Greeks are rolling in their graves.

Teachers are considered 'In Loco Parentis .' The term in loco parentis, Latin for "in the place of a parent"" refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organization to take on some of the functions and ...

Latin, in the place of a parent. The legal doctrine under which an individual assumes parental rights, duties, and obligations without going through the formalities of legal Adoption.

In loco parentis is a legal doctrine describing a relationship similar to that of a parent to a child. It refers to an individual who assumes parental status and responsibilities for another individual, usually a young person, without formally adopting that person. For example, legal guardians are said to stand in loco parentis with respect to their wards, creating a relationship that has special implications for insurance and Workers' Compensation law.

By far the most common usage of in loco parentis relates to teachers and students. For hundreds of years, the English common-law concept shaped the rights and responsibilities of public school teachers: until the late nineteenth century, their legal authority over students was as broad as that of parents.

In loco parentis legal definition of In loco parentis. In loco parentis synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Teachers who are true professionals take the concept of in loco parentis very seriously. Anyone who has sexual contact with a student needs to be fired.
All the guys on here, cheering the kid on, would you be saying the same thing if the kid was your son? Think about it before you answer.

Not in the slightest. Of course, Im not cheering anyone on.
What if a man in his mid 20's was doing your 15 year old daughter ?

Bet everyone here cheering this situation on would have a whole different opinion.

There are millions of teachers in the US. We hear of a few cases every year. Put things in perspective. There is likely no more of this than in the general public. By far, most teachers take their jobs and their responsibility of in loco parentis very, very seriously. What kind of idiot would risk a career to scew a 16 year old when he/she can go out anywhere and find an 18 year old?
If, during my high school sophomore year, my hawt li'l geometry teacher had pulled me aside after class 'n fucked my brains out, you'da never heard me complaining about it... :)
I used to fantasize about my teacher at 15. But I was never lucky enough to be seduced by her.

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