Teacher Sues After Being Fired For Refusing To Use Transgender Student’s ‘Preferred Pronoun

It's called reality. Trans people can only become impersonations of the sex they want to be, they cannot become the sex they want to be.

So? What does this have to do with anybody's "conscience"? What else are these types going to think up and try to pass off as a "religious belief"? Don't lose sight of the fact that there is another person involved here: the student. The teacher is supposed to be the adult in the room.

This has to do with people like you thinking using the State to force people how to act over a matter of fucking pronouns.

The student is a victim here. Sorry, but treating supposed gender dysphoria at such an early age it tantamount to child abuse.

If the kid thinks they are a puppy should we let them shit in the playground?
Your boss tells you how you are to address a student
You intentionally do otherwise
You get fired for it

That is the way things work

The boss tells you to eat pork in the cafeteria and you are jewish.

You refuse.

You are fired.

Yes, and exaggeration, but its an example of your line of logic.

In the case of a government job, employees have more rights than in the private sector.
What you eat for lunch has no bearing on how you perform your job

How you treat your student does

This is an absolute momentary madness we are caught up in. It really is.

See my comparison regarding gender dysphoria vs. body dysmorphia in eating disorders. One is coddled and celebrated. The other is properly seen as a manifestation of a mental illness. Why?
Your boss tells you how you are to address a student
You intentionally do otherwise
You get fired for it

That is the way things work

The boss tells you to eat pork in the cafeteria and you are jewish.

You refuse.

You are fired.

Yes, and exaggeration, but its an example of your line of logic.

In the case of a government job, employees have more rights than in the private sector.
What you eat for lunch has no bearing on how you perform your job

How you treat your student does

He used a neutral term, didn't use the actual pronoun of the student in question.

Not good enough for the SJW Gestapo.

He violated a direct order on how that student should be addressed.....

What an obedient little nazi you are.

Lenin called them "useful idiots"
So? What does this have to do with anybody's "conscience"? What else are these types going to think up and try to pass off as a "religious belief"? Don't lose sight of the fact that there is another person involved here: the student. The teacher is supposed to be the adult in the room.

This has to do with people like you thinking using the State to force people how to act over a matter of fucking pronouns.

The student is a victim here. Sorry, but treating supposed gender dysphoria at such an early age it tantamount to child abuse.

If the kid thinks they are a puppy should we let them shit in the playground?
Your boss tells you how you are to address a student
You intentionally do otherwise
You get fired for it

That is the way things work

The boss tells you to eat pork in the cafeteria and you are jewish.

You refuse.

You are fired.

Yes, and exaggeration, but its an example of your line of logic.

In the case of a government job, employees have more rights than in the private sector.
What you eat for lunch has no bearing on how you perform your job

How you treat your student does

This is an absolute momentary madness we are caught up in. It really is.

See my comparison regarding gender dysphoria vs. body dysmorphia in eating disorders. One is coddled and celebrated. The other is properly seen as a manifestation of a mental illness. Why?

There have been transgendered for thousands of years
It is nothing new.
This has to do with people like you thinking using the State to force people how to act over a matter of fucking pronouns.

The student is a victim here. Sorry, but treating supposed gender dysphoria at such an early age it tantamount to child abuse.

If the kid thinks they are a puppy should we let them shit in the playground?
Your boss tells you how you are to address a student
You intentionally do otherwise
You get fired for it

That is the way things work

The boss tells you to eat pork in the cafeteria and you are jewish.

You refuse.

You are fired.

Yes, and exaggeration, but its an example of your line of logic.

In the case of a government job, employees have more rights than in the private sector.
What you eat for lunch has no bearing on how you perform your job

How you treat your student does

This is an absolute momentary madness we are caught up in. It really is.

See my comparison regarding gender dysphoria vs. body dysmorphia in eating disorders. One is coddled and celebrated. The other is properly seen as a manifestation of a mental illness. Why?

There have been transgendered for thousands of years
It is nothing new.

That does not even remotely address my post.

Why is transgenderism supposed to be coddled and even celebrated?

While body dysmorphia in eating disorders a mental disorder to be corrected?
Your boss tells you how you are to address a student
You intentionally do otherwise
You get fired for it

That is the way things work

The boss tells you to eat pork in the cafeteria and you are jewish.

You refuse.

You are fired.

Yes, and exaggeration, but its an example of your line of logic.

In the case of a government job, employees have more rights than in the private sector.
What you eat for lunch has no bearing on how you perform your job

How you treat your student does

This is an absolute momentary madness we are caught up in. It really is.

See my comparison regarding gender dysphoria vs. body dysmorphia in eating disorders. One is coddled and celebrated. The other is properly seen as a manifestation of a mental illness. Why?

There have been transgendered for thousands of years
It is nothing new.

That does not even remotely address my post.

Why is transgenderism supposed to be coddled and even celebrated?

While body dysmorphia in eating disorders a mental disorder to be corrected?

I don’t think they are coddled. Previously, transgendered would be forced into hiding. If they were found, they would be cruelly mocked and driven from society

Today, they are allowed to be who they are. It is not an easy decision, the student in this case will have a difficult time socially. The school district is just trying to make it easier for him
Correct common pronouns are not hate speech.
Who put you in charge of what is correct?

Centuries of common use and convention.

In English, the pronouns “he”, “his”, “him”, etc., refer to someone who is male, while “she”, “her”, etc., refer to someone who is female.

And no matter what mental delusions someone may be suffering from, as a matter of undeniable and immutable scientific fact, a “female-to-male transgender” is female, not male, therefore, it is inappropriate to refer to her using male pronouns. It is biologically impossible for someone of one sex to become the other, and only those who are suffering from severe mental defects fail to understand this.
Correct common pronouns are not hate speech.
Who put you in charge of what is correct?

Centuries of common use and convention.

In English, the pronouns “he”, “his”, “him”, etc., refer to someone who is male, while “she”, “her”, etc., refer to someone who is female.

And no matter what mental delusions someone may be suffering from, as a matter of undeniable and immutable scientific fact, a “female-to-male transgender” is female, not male, therefore, it is inappropriate to refer to her using male pronouns. It is biologically impossible for someone of one sex to become the other, and only those who are suffering from severe mental defects fail to understand this.
Why do you care about their biology over their psychological leanings
Transgender is nothing new. There have been transgendered throughout history. It is a real thing

Why can’t you just let them be?
They are not harming you
I'm personally torn on this topic. I can understand where the student and the school administration are coming from, however, I also believe that there is a responsibility of the student to share an understanding that there are differences of beliefs as well and that those differences might be directed at them, and so ultimately there is a need to have mutual respect for that fact. A respectful compromise seemed like the most reasonable route for both sides but obviously that didn't seem to be the case. Minds and hearts rarely change due to force in my opinion.

The problem is that this situation is not a case of "belief" versus "belief." The student has a diagnosed psychological condition and presumably receives the support of parents and medical professionals. The student's beliefs, if any, are unknown. The teacher has a "belief." The student has no responsibility to the teacher and should not be involved in any way with how this teacher resolves any conflict between his personal beliefs and his teaching duties.

There is a growing and alarming trend today of people who choose to embrace a certain belief to involve second and third persons in it, who basically are innocent bystanders who didn't ask to be bothered and shouldn't be bothered. Many religions have a list of do's and don't's, but it is up to the practitioner to deal with any conflict between his or her religion and duties.

I have a background in discrimination law, and I've read many cases concerning people who, for instance, wanted to automatically have Saturdays off because they were Seventh Day Adventists, even though weekends off were awarded by seniority in a 24/7 manufacturing environment governed by a labor contract, a flight attendant who no longer wanted to serve alcohol on her flights because she had converted to Islam, county clerks who didn't want to issue marriage licenses. In all of these cases, the responsible individual was demanding that others take up the slack for them.
He violated a direct order on how that student should be addressed

The student is having a hard enough time adjusting to his new gender
Teachers are supposed to make it easier

The student does not have a “new gender”.

Born female, the student remains female, and will remain so until she dies. As a matter of undeniable scientific fact, a girl is not a boy, and cannot become a boy.

It is not the responsibility of any sane person to play along with the delusions of someone who is so f•••ed up in the head as to be confused about the difference between boys and girls.
Why do you care about their biology over their psychological leanings
Transgender is nothing new. There have been transgendered throughout history. It is a real thing

So have all other forms of mental illness. What makes transgenderism so special, that those who suffer from it are entitled to have others play along with their insane delusions?

Why can’t you just let them be?
They are not harming you

When sane people are compelled against their will to play along with insane lies; under threat of losing their jobs, or suffering other adverse social consequences, then sane people are being harmed.

Why can't these mentally-defective freaks keep their delusions to themselves, and just let us sane people be?
Correct common pronouns are not hate speech.
Who put you in charge of what is correct?

Centuries of common use and convention.

In English, the pronouns “he”, “his”, “him”, etc., refer to someone who is male, while “she”, “her”, etc., refer to someone who is female.

And no matter what mental delusions someone may be suffering from, as a matter of undeniable and immutable scientific fact, a “female-to-male transgender” is female, not male, therefore, it is inappropriate to refer to her using male pronouns. It is biologically impossible for someone of one sex to become the other, and only those who are suffering from severe mental defects fail to understand this.
Why do you care about their biology over their psychological leanings
Transgender is nothing new. There have been transgendered throughout history. It is a real thing

Why can’t you just let them be?
They are not harming you

They and the current corrupted society are attempting to force me by law to play along with a mental delusion.

Thus am I harmed.

Believing you are Napoleon and dressing the part does not make you Napoleon, though you cut off your feet to make yourself short.
Your boss tells you how you are to address a student
You intentionally do otherwise
You get fired for it

That is the way things work

Your boss tells you to lie.

You tell the truth, instead.

Who's wrong, here, and who's right? How you answer speaks directly of your integrity, or lack thereof.

In the eyes of the School District, his parents and the child himself, he is a boy.
Legally, he is a boy

It is not up to a teacher to claim otherwise
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up [sic] with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

You meant to say “left wingers.”
He violated a direct order on how that student should be addressed

The student is having a hard enough time adjusting to his new gender
Teachers are supposed to make it easier

The student does not have a “new gender”.

Born female, the student remains female, and will remain so until she dies. As a matter of undeniable scientific fact, a girl is not a boy, and cannot become a boy.

It is not the responsibility of any sane person to play along with the delusions of someone who is so f•••ed up in the head as to be confused about the difference between boys and girls.
You refuse to acknowledge the psychological aspects of sexuality
You have the same logic against homosexuality. You don’t understand it, you don’t like it, so you won’t acknowledge it exists

Some people are wired differently. Pretending it is not so does not change it
Correct common pronouns are not hate speech.
Who put you in charge of what is correct?

Centuries of common use and convention.

In English, the pronouns “he”, “his”, “him”, etc., refer to someone who is male, while “she”, “her”, etc., refer to someone who is female.

And no matter what mental delusions someone may be suffering from, as a matter of undeniable and immutable scientific fact, a “female-to-male transgender” is female, not male, therefore, it is inappropriate to refer to her using male pronouns. It is biologically impossible for someone of one sex to become the other, and only those who are suffering from severe mental defects fail to understand this.
What is the proper pronoun for intersex people?

Intersex is a group of conditions where there is a discrepancy between the external genitals and the internal genitals (the testes and ovaries). The older term for this condition is hermaphroditism. Although the older terms are still included in this article for reference, they have been replaced by most experts, patients and families. Increasingly, this group of conditions is being called disorders of sex development (DSDs).
If someone can be physically intersex, why not mentally intersex?
Forced to adhere to another's ideology is a violation of his civil liberties.

No one has any obligation to adhere to anyone's demand to be addressed in a specific way.
The boss tells you to eat pork in the cafeteria and you are jewish.

You refuse.

You are fired.

Yes, and exaggeration, but its an example of your line of logic.

In the case of a government job, employees have more rights than in the private sector.
What you eat for lunch has no bearing on how you perform your job

How you treat your student does

This is an absolute momentary madness we are caught up in. It really is.

See my comparison regarding gender dysphoria vs. body dysmorphia in eating disorders. One is coddled and celebrated. The other is properly seen as a manifestation of a mental illness. Why?

There have been transgendered for thousands of years
It is nothing new.

That does not even remotely address my post.

Why is transgenderism supposed to be coddled and even celebrated?

While body dysmorphia in eating disorders a mental disorder to be corrected?

I don’t think they are coddled. Previously, transgendered would be forced into hiding. If they were found, they would be cruelly mocked and driven from society

Today, they are allowed to be who they are. It is not an easy decision, the student in this case will have a difficult time socially. The school district is just trying to make it easier for him

They are absolutely coddled. They have a delusion in the most correct sense of the term: they feel or believe they are what they are not. In the very same way an eating disordered person feels she is fat when she is not. The latter we diagnose, treat and correct, the former we cannot even speak to.

The difference is sexuality. That's it. If it's sexuality that is delusional the Left loves it.

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