Teacher Sues After Being Fired For Refusing To Use Transgender Student’s ‘Preferred Pronoun

If someone can be physically intersex, why not mentally intersex?

Sex is not a mental trait; it's a physical trait.

I have green eyes. If I claim to “identify” as someone with brown eyes, then what color are my eyes? They're still green. The color of my eyes is a physical trait, that I cannot change simply by claiming them to be a different color. No matter what color I may claim my eyes to be, anyone can look at them and see that they are green.

I'm male. I have an XY chromosome configuration, and a male morphology. If I claim to “identify” as female, then what sex/gender am I? I'm still male.
Child cruelty sending your kid to public schools.
Fired for not using Orwellian speech, welcome to the 21st Century.

A Virginia high school teacher who was fired for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns has filed a lawsuit against the school district.

Officials at West Point High School, about 40 miles east of Richmond, cited nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policies in December when it terminated French teacher Peter Vlaming over his refusal to call a female-to-male transgender student by his preferred pronoun.

But Vlaming fired back in a lawsuit filed on Monday, accusing the West Point School Board of violating his right to free speech. He said he was fired because he avoided using pronouns all together when referring to the student, who was transitioning to male at the time.

Using male pronouns, such as “him” and “he” when addressing the student would have violated his “conscience,” Vlaming said in the suit, citing religious beliefs.

He said school administrators eventually gave him an ultimatum: either use male pronouns or risk losing his job.

“Defendants made up an uncompromising interpretation of their policies to compel Mr. Vlaming to take sides in an ongoing public debate regarding gender dysphoria and use pronouns that express an objectively untrue ideological message,” the lawsuit says. “Mr. Vlaming’s conscience and religious practice prohibits him from intentionally lying, and he sincerely believes that referring to a female student as a male by using an objectively male pronoun is telling a lie.”

Teacher sues after being fired for refusing to use student's preferred pronouns

“He said school administrators eventually gave him an ultimatum: either use male pronouns or risk losing his job.”

All we need to know

I demand that you call me Nemo and damnit I want you to take me serious when I tell you that I’m a salmon.
If someone can be physically intersex, why not mentally intersex?

Sex is not a mental trait; it's a physical trait.

I have green eyes. If I claim to “identify” as someone with brown eyes, then what color are my eyes? They're still green. The color of my eyes is a physical trait, that I cannot change simply by claiming them to be a different color. No matter what color I may claim my eyes to be, anyone can look at them and see that they are green.

I'm male. I have an XY chromosome configuration, and a male morphology. If I claim to “identify” as female, then what sex/gender am I? I'm still male.
Your brain is a physical thing. I'm guessing that it may be when we know more about our brains we'll be able to see the physical differences between male and female brains. If that is the case we'll likely find most physical brains match their physical body exterior but some small number will not. That may create severe gender confusion for those individuals. Speculation maybe, but what pronoun would be appropriate for someone whos physical interiors and exteriors don't match?
Correct common pronouns are not hate speech.
Who put you in charge of what is correct?

I thought you whacks were science whores...no?
You just hate biology?
Maybe we science whores know there are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamed of by you non-whores. Or maybe I've learned the world is not black and white but an infinite number of shades of grey, even for seemingly binary things like gender.
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

Yours is the side that is determined to force immorality and madness on those of us who want no part of it.

You are nuts. I'm not forcing "immorality and madness" on anyone. You are free to live in whatever way you like as long as you are not hurting anyone else or grooming children. What else do you think that Americans should do to mollycoddle you "deserving" folks?

Now explain why you people are constantly sniffing other people's crotches. This is totally disgusting. You can wear what you want, chant, sing, handle snakes, pleasure yourselves, pursue your sex rituals, whatever else it is that you people do, but leave everyone else alone. including people who have gender dysphoria.
Correct common pronouns are not hate speech.
Who put you in charge of what is correct?

I thought you whacks were science whores...no?
You just hate biology?
Maybe we science whores know there are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamed of by you non-whores. Or maybe I've learned the world is not black and white but an infinite number of shades of grey, even for seemingly binary things like gender.

Cool...open up that infinite can of worms. You should probably live life questioning the validity of all things. Nothing may be as it seems...right?
No shit. Witness San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Portland, Baltimore, Chicago etc.

Pig styes.

Actually, they are beautiful cities.
You obviously have not seen them

West coast? Not since the 70s. I can do business by phone or email. I have friends who still travel there. Pig styes, by their reckoning.

Chicago? Went once. Except for the photo op portion, pig sty.

Baltimore? Not since 1995. Pig sty. More so now by report.

I have biz in NYC now and then. It's been deteriorating under De Blasio.

I have been to all of those cities. Would not hesitate to visit any one of them again. Beautiful buildings, active nightlife, cultural activities, plenty to see, plenty to do. I can honestly say I enjoyed meeting the people in those cities.

I prefer them to the right wing cities where the best attraction is the local Walmart

I've been to LA and SF, and had a great time in both except for traffic in LA and parking on a hill in SF. Wonderful cities. I used to live a half-hour from B'More. It was a great place to go. I took my Dad (WWII vet) on a sub that is anchored at Harborplace, which is always enjoyable. Little Italy, Greek Town, Lexington Market, the waterfront with one of my favorite bars, The Horse You Came In On at Fell's Point, and a great shop called Ten Thousand Villages that sells crafts made by villagers in poor countries, with the proceeds going to development in those nations.
B'More a pig sty? No way. Visit Fell's Point and Eat Bertha's Mussels!

This idea of attacking certain locations in the U.S. is ridiculous. It is some weird political ploy. I wonder where the people who indulge in this garbage actually live.
I live about 45 min from Baltimore
Great city to visit. Not just the inner harbor tourist area, but Fells Point, some of the ethnic neighborhoods, local crab joints, Natty Bohs

It's a shame that more people don't explore the country that they live in. You are where I am, where we can get to places like B'More, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, the Virginia wineries, DC, Annapolis, Oxford, Smith and Tangier. I even took my dad to the open house at Andrews. He was old, and boy, did they treat him well. Always something to do. We live in a great place.
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

Yours is the side that is determined to force immorality and madness on those of us who want no part of it.

You are nuts. I'm not forcing "immorality and madness" on anyone. You are free to live in whatever way you like as long as you are not hurting anyone else or grooming children. What else do you think that Americans should do to mollycoddle you "deserving" folks?

Now explain why you people are constantly sniffing other people's crotches. This is totally disgusting. You can wear what you want, chant, sing, handle snakes, pleasure yourselves, pursue your sex rituals, whatever else it is that you people do, but leave everyone else alone. including people who have gender dysphoria.

It’s awfully bizarre that you weirdos refuse to acknowledge that people have grown wise to your twisted bullshit...You can’t even sell the most noble bible thumpers on your filth anymore. Sucks huh?
I’ll let you in on a little secret...we Americans had it pretty good before you whack-jobs surfaced, we had this nation on the right pathway and trajectory...we gave you an inch with your faggot bullshit and now you filthy fucks won’t stop pushing. We’re done with you pukes, that’s all. Every single one of your leftists ideals is a direct attack on roots and foundation that made this nation the most desirable place on the planet once upon a time. Stop pitching your shit.
That does not even remotely address my post.

Why is transgenderism supposed to be coddled and even celebrated?

While body dysmorphia in eating disorders a mental disorder to be corrected?

I don’t think they are coddled. Previously, transgendered would be forced into hiding. If they were found, they would be cruelly mocked and driven from society

Today, they are allowed to be who they are. It is not an easy decision, the student in this case will have a difficult time socially. The school district is just trying to make it easier for him

They are absolutely coddled. They have a delusion in the most correct sense of the term: they feel or believe they are what they are not. In the very same way an eating disordered person feels she is fat when she is not. The latter we diagnose, treat and correct, the former we cannot even speak to.

The difference is sexuality. That's it. If it's sexuality that is delusional the Left loves it.
Whether you acknowledge it or not, that sexuality exists

Homosexuals are among us, they are attracted to people of the same sex. You might think it is yucky and want them to hide out of sight, but that is your opinion.

Same applies to transgender

I'm going to give you one more chance and if you can't respond to what I'm actually saying than I'm going to assume my argument wins they day or you are cognitively unable.

This is not about if transgenderism exists or even whether I LIKE it or not. It's about the DOUBLE STANDARDS applied to transgenderism, which we must accept, and body dysmorphia, which we are not obligated to accept.

Can you wrap your head around that
You got your answer, you just don’t like it

It is not a delusion, their body is sending different signals. Nothing they can do about it. You think they should hide in the shadows so you are not offended. They want to just be what they are

I have not addressed your analogy of a fat person thinking they are thin because it is just plain stupid.

Okay so you don't have the cognitive skills to address my post. Got it
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up [sic] with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

You meant to say “left wingers.”

The "left wingers" pretty much are live-and-let-live.

No shit. Witness San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Portland, Baltimore, Chicago etc.

Pig styes.

How do you know? I don't know where you live, but is it a "pigsty" too?

But your response about what you have heard about some cities does not address any sexual issues and you did not respond to my post about the right-wingers and their sick obsession with sex and gender. It's been known for decades that the vast majority of Americans have not followed the no-sex-until-marriage/sex-only-with-one's-spouse/no-sex-unless-the-couple-wants-a-baby-because-contraception-is-bad thing. Is this the lifestyle that right-wingers actually practice and wish to impose on all of us heterosexuals? Why are they doing it? I think that they would be laughed off of every military base and college campus in the country.

You're too darn old to be this obsessed with everyone else's sex life, honey
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

Yours is the side that is determined to force immorality and madness on those of us who want no part of it.

You are nuts. I'm not forcing "immorality and madness" on anyone. You are free to live in whatever way you like as long as you are not hurting anyone else or grooming children. What else do you think that Americans should do to mollycoddle you "deserving" folks?

Now explain why you people are constantly sniffing other people's crotches. This is totally disgusting. You can wear what you want, chant, sing, handle snakes, pleasure yourselves, pursue your sex rituals, whatever else it is that you people do, but leave everyone else alone. including people who have gender dysphoria.

It’s awfully bizarre that you weirdos refuse to acknowledge that people have grown wise to your twisted bullshit...You can’t even sell the most noble bible thumpers on your filth anymore. Sucks huh?
I’ll let you in on a little secret...we Americans had it pretty good before you whack-jobs surfaced, we had this nation on the right pathway and trajectory...we gave you an inch with your faggot bullshit and now you filthy fucks won’t stop pushing. We’re done with you pukes, that’s all. Every single one of your leftists ideals is a direct attack on roots and foundation that made this nation the most desirable place on the planet once upon a time. Stop pitching your shit.

Who is your "we" and when did this "we" have the nation on "the right pathway and trajectory"? Are you upset that all of us "we" types live in a free country? You are no more American than I am, so get off of your high horse. Study the history of this country. It might help. Your ideas aren't any more important than anyone else's are.
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

Yours is the side that is determined to force immorality and madness on those of us who want no part of it.

You are nuts. I'm not forcing "immorality and madness" on anyone. You are free to live in whatever way you like as long as you are not hurting anyone else or grooming children. What else do you think that Americans should do to mollycoddle you "deserving" folks?

Now explain why you people are constantly sniffing other people's crotches. This is totally disgusting. You can wear what you want, chant, sing, handle snakes, pleasure yourselves, pursue your sex rituals, whatever else it is that you people do, but leave everyone else alone. including people who have gender dysphoria.

It’s awfully bizarre that you weirdos refuse to acknowledge that people have grown wise to your twisted bullshit...You can’t even sell the most noble bible thumpers on your filth anymore. Sucks huh?
I’ll let you in on a little secret...we Americans had it pretty good before you whack-jobs surfaced, we had this nation on the right pathway and trajectory...we gave you an inch with your faggot bullshit and now you filthy fucks won’t stop pushing. We’re done with you pukes, that’s all. Every single one of your leftists ideals is a direct attack on roots and foundation that made this nation the most desirable place on the planet once upon a time. Stop pitching your shit.

Who is your "we" and when did this "we" have the nation on "the right pathway and trajectory"? Are you upset that all of us "we" types live in a free country? You are no more American than I am, so get off of your high horse. Study the history of this country. It might help. Your ideas aren't any more important than anyone else's are.

Holy shit, I really have to break this shit down for you?
“We” are those of us whom still practice traditional American values, American culture, American tradition, patriotism, nationalism, accountability, discipline, self control...etc etc.
We appreciate an established normalcy, we have standards, we believe in societal boundaries to maintain a level of likemindedness. Sounds horrible huh?
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up [sic] with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

You meant to say “left wingers.”

... The "left wingers" aren't constantly talking about birth control, abortion,... gay sex, transgenders, gay marriage, etc. ......

Of course they are. They (you) talk about little else.
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up [sic] with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

You meant to say “left wingers.”

... The "left wingers" aren't constantly talking about birth control, abortion,... gay sex, transgenders, gay marriage, etc. ......

Of course they are. They (you) talk about little else.

False. The right-wing drama queens always raise these issues and the rest of us have to tell them to fuck off in response. We heterosexuals don't generally go around saying stupid stuff like this.
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up [sic] with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

You meant to say “left wingers.”

... The "left wingers" aren't constantly talking about birth control, abortion,... gay sex, transgenders, gay marriage, etc. ......

Of course they are. They (you) talk about little else.

False. .......

Despite the evidence of your personal obsession on this thread, for example?
I self identify as a panda. I want others to feed, protect, and shelter me for life, because I'm an endangered species now.
I'm still wondering why right-wingers are so fraught up [sic] with any and all issues relating to sex and gender. Issues that involve people whom they don't even know. This appears to be a constant obsession with no explanation.

You meant to say “left wingers.”

... The "left wingers" aren't constantly talking about birth control, abortion,... gay sex, transgenders, gay marriage, etc. ......

Of course they are. They (you) talk about little else.

False. .......

Despite the evidence of your personal obsession on this thread, for example?

All I'm looking for is an explanation for the right-wingers' obsession with sex, which they continue to avoid giving. The rest of us are normal. You people refuse to explain yourselves and your fascination with others. Perhaps if you would post a link that would explain it. We need to get to the bottom of things like using the threat of unwanted pregnancy to interfere with heterosexuals. What do you gain by this?

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